Need Some Dating Advice = Put God First!
Otherwise, you will find yourself sailing in rough waters!

Need Some Personal Dating Advice? Click Here! “Both men and women today see marriage not as a way of creating character and community but as a way to reach personal life goals. They are looking for a marriage partner who will ‘fulfill their emotional, sexual, and spiritual desires.’ And that creates an extreme idealism that in turn leads to a deep pessimism that you will ever find the right person to marry.” – Tim Keller
Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
Regarding dating advice, there are a few essential things to remember. Firstly, dating is an agreed-upon commitment to date your partner exclusively. You must share values and interests with your partner, such as, most importantly, faith in God, plus similar interests and hobbies.
Good Dating Advice Involves Taking Things Slowly ~ And Asking Meaningful Questions About What Makes Your Partner Tick. Take The Time To Get To Know Them Deeper And Assess Whether You’re Compatible For Marriage In The Future. However, Don’t Rush Into Anything Too Quickly – Patience Is Key!
Ensure they share your beliefs about religion and understand who the Lord is before progressing further into a relationship. Lastly, remember that sex should be reserved solely for marriage – holding this value close can lead to stronger relationships built on trust and respect. So take heart: with wisdom and prayerfulness, navigating the dating world can be both enjoyable and fulfilling!~ Bill Greguska
2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
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When You Date The Right Person ~ You Will Know It!
“FALLING in love” is a DANGEROUS mix of words, like falling off a high cliff onto the rocks below; the end can’t be good! Please do NOT ever “FALL” into LOVE. True love takes careful observation, communication, seeking the Lord, getting His clear go-ahead, faithfully & continually holding the relationship before the Lord, willingness to give it up at any time the Lord says, “STOP!” True healthy LOVE is a beautiful growing Gift with roots deep into the water of the Word.
Wisdom From My Good Friend Sue Sauer!
Someone Can Be Compatible But Not Suitable!
50 Principles For Healthy Dating!
- Learn what their relationship with God means to them. Hear their testimony.
- Find out about their past, especially if they are divorced, have children, etc.
- Don’t give up your personal life and friendships.
- Only talk about marriage initially (only to see if they are open to it someday and if that is something you want).
- Can you see them as a possible teammate?
- How important is God to them in their life?
- Don’t be misled by good or not-so-good looks.
- Is physical attraction the main attraction, or is spiritual, emotional, and intellectual attraction important too?
- Take enough time to get to know each other and their likes and dislikes.
- Look for Godly character and let them know you like that.
- Take a long time before you kiss; at least four months of dating or more would be wise.
- Sex before marriage is not an option.
- Don’t tell them you love them until you know it is true love.
- Are they friendly, like-minded, respectful, kind, honest, transparent, loyal, and have integrity?
- Do they generally seem to be more naturally positive or negative?
- Are they emotionally stable, generally speaking?
- Do they have any past or present addiction or issue that needs to be discussed?
- Do they have a good sense of humor?
- Do they communicate well, both listening and talking?
- Try to limit three dates per week max. Start slow; you can always increase later.
- Pay attention if they tend to argue or debate quickly.
- Enjoy your time together, hang out with one another, and try to have a purpose.
- Keep both eyes open while dating, then one eye shut if you were to get married.
- Always be the best person you can be and help improve them.
- Knowing each other brings them closer to God no matter how the relationship develops.
- Listen to them well and show love for them with your actions and kind words.
- How do they talk about others, and do they seem worthy of your trust?
- Encourage open communication and transparency.
- Keep the relationship a little private until it is more established.
- Ask a mentor, a close friend, or even a counselor or pastor for advice about your situation.
- Remember that just because you are dating someone does not mean it will turn into a marriage.
- Enjoy getting to know them as a brother or sister in Christ whether or not you stay together.
- Do they act, talk, and dress appropriately?
- Be honest about why you are attracted to them and if that is substantial enough for a healthy relationship.
- Remember that you want God’s will to be done, not your will!
- Can they freely ask for forgiveness and also forgive you?
- Remember that it is okay to be single. Yet marriage can be excellent with the right person.
- What are their standards, values, and morals? Is it compatible with yours?
- Go slow emotionally; do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
- Be sure that the way you treat them is pleasing to the Lord and that your conscience is clear.
- Please pay attention to them while determining their character. Tell them what you admire about them.
- There is no such thing as a perfect girlfriend or boyfriend.
- Don’t email, text, or call too often or not enough. Ask what is comfortable for them.
- Give and take healthy space for one another. I hope you have healthy boundaries.
- Pay attention to red flags. Talk to them calmly and nonjudgmentally, as you would want to be talked to.
- Determine if any negative trait can not be acceptable to you. Can you negotiate or make other arrangements?
- Remember that you are not perfect, and they will not be perfect, either.
- Think of what you consider a deal breaker before you start dating someone.
- Pray about the relationship. Do not make any decisions based only on emotions.
- Ideally, wait all four seasons before getting married to know them well enough.
The Best Dating Advice Is To Get Anchored In Jesus First!
Specific Relationship Resource Links:
15 Red Flags That Will Keep You In A Bad Relationship!
Dating Advice Is A Crucial Part Of Any Dating Relationship!
It’s important to remember that dating is an agreed-upon commitment to date your partner exclusively, and with this comes some essential considerations. For a successful partnership, having common interests and values, such as faith in God, is crucial. Take the time to get to know your partner fully before deciding whether you’re compatible for marriage. Being patient can make all the difference between success and failure in relationships.
Rushing into things may lead to divorce, so it’s always wise to be prayerful and take things slowly. Good dating advice involves asking deep questions about what makes them tick, understanding their beliefs regarding following the Lord, and taking sex off the table until after marriage. Enjoy spending time with each other as friends while learning more about one another; this will create a strong foundation that will last through life’s challenges. Remember always that good communication is key!
Good Dating Advice ~ Get To Know The Person Very Well!
One of the best ways to get to know someone when dating is to ask questions and observe their behaviors!
- Do you swim?
- Could you mention some favorite memories?
- What is Their favorite Bible verse & why? (Note if they wish to know yours too)
- Have they ever looked at Proverbs in friendships? Would they like to be with you?
- What life goal(s) do you have?
- Do they like learning new things?
- Do any particular subjects interest them the most?
- What’s on your “Bucket List”? I.e., what do you want to do in life? Do you have goals? Do you have prayers and plans to reach them?
- Future Hope? Proverbs 24:20 states that only evildoers have no future hope!
- How do they respond to your encouragement?
- You want to know how they evaluate friendships. (their level of discretion/reasons for intimacy with others.
- Are they a-worry-wart? If not, why not?
- Do you ever discuss the sermons from church?
- What are their gifts/areas of expertise/interest?
- Things they like to share with you would enrich your life.
Dating Advice: The Leading Of God ~ Not Of Your Hormones!
- “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” That’s how the old saying goes. But as you get to know the other person, ask questions, and learn about your date before you consider letting yourself fall in love.
- Ensure your values and goals do not clash; if you would love to have children and your partner is not interested, this would be an excellent example of a conflict. It is also suggested that your spending habits be consistent with your dates because money is an issue that creates arguments.
- Are there standards for movies and television like yours?
- Are they the type of person who keeps their word?
- Share on an as-needed basis, which means not disclosing personal shortcomings initially; however, at some point, more will need to come out.
- Do not get involved in a romantic relationship with a non-Christian. You can be friends, but do not date someone who does not hold similar spiritual beliefs. This can be a point of division in the long run.
Essential Benefits Of Dating Advice!
Unexpected Dating Grace From God!
Before Letting Someone In Your Life ~ Read This First:
1. Self-Worth
Knowing your worth means you won’t settle for less than you deserve. You won’t be looking for someone to complete you because you understand you are already complete. You know you’re worthy of the time, energy, and dedication a relationship takes. A good sense of self-worth also means you’ll be less likely to “settle” in a relationship.
2. Your Group Of Friends
Having a stable group of comrades will provide you with an equilibrium. New relationships tend to take up a long time initially, and a good group of friends will remind you to stay balanced. Another benefit of fostering friendships before entering a romantic relationship is having people who know the real you. Good friends will tell you if you aren’t acting like yourself.
3. A Realistic View Of Relationships
The honeymoon phase isn’t going to last forever. When the infatuation subsides, and you settle back into a routine (except now another person has been added), this doesn’t mean the relationship is fizzling out. Long-term relationships aren’t meant to function on an emotional high continuously. Unfortunately, our society has portrayed an unrealistic view of romance through movies and literature. It is important to remember that genuine relationships involve real people, each with flaws and quirks. Being realistic about your expectations is essential. To stay fresh, relationships take consistent effort from both parties.
4. Financial Independence
You’ll want to ensure you’re not only financially independent but also that you have a well-rounded understanding of money management. A level head regarding money will keep you in control of your financial well-being. Being financially independent before you start a relationship will give you a sense of security. You won’t have to depend on anyone else to keep you afloat.
5. Let Go Of That Ex
All feelings toward your ex must be dealt with to cultivate a healthy relationship with a new person. You’ll want to have moved on entirely from your past. Entering a new relationship without resolving a previous one can create unnecessary animosity. You might start comparing your new partner to your ex or harboring resentments and projecting them onto your new relationship.
6. A Handle On Your Behavior When Tipsy (Do Not Get Drunk)
Hopefully, you’re done with the drunk make-out sessions and hook-ups. If these relationships are something you want to continue with, you aren’t quite ready for one-on-one commitment. If you can’t trust yourself, then your girlfriend or boyfriend won’t be able to trust you either. Without trust, the relationship has no foundation.
7. Understand That A Relationship Is A Want, Not A Need
You don’t need to be in a relationship. You are perfectly okay by yourself. A relationship is one of those bonuses of life. If you enter into a relationship thinking you need it, you risk becoming dependent on someone. This perpetuates a codependent dichotomy, which can cause harm to those involved. Your relationship is a beautiful addition to your already complete life.
8. The Ability To Be Alone
You’ll want to be comfortable in your skin before you invite someone else into your life. This means you need to possess the ability to be alone – and be satisfied with it. Can you sit at home with a cup of tea and a book without getting antsy? One of the hardest things a person can do is be alone, but it’s essential. Because even in a relationship, you’ll find yourself alone from time to time.
9. Balance
As stated earlier, your friends (if they are good friends) will help, but you must ensure your sense of balance is intact before entering a relationship. Naturally, a new relationship will skew your balance, but you should be able to easily bring everything back into harmony.
10. An Understanding Of What You Are Looking For
Do you have any ideas about what you want in a partner? While remembering to stay flexible, have some ideas about what you want in a match. Do you want to have kids down the road? Do you want to travel? Maybe you don’t think this is necessary to consider, but these questions will affect the long-term relationship.
11. The Ability To Compromise
Compromise in a relationship is unavoidable. No matter how alike you and your partner are, there will come a time with your opinions differ on a particular subject. When a difference of opinion occurs, you must come to a compromise.
12. An Open Mind
It’s good to have expectations in mind when looking for a partner, but also remember to stay open-minded. What you want might manifest itself in a person you didn’t expect. Be open enough to step outside your comfort zone. This doesn’t imply that you need to settle; try something different.
13. Your Own Set Of Hobbies
Know what you like to do. Are you into yoga or paddle boarding? Your partner will come with their own set of hobbies. It’s essential to have your own as well. When your partner wants to attend the latest Comic-Con event, you and your friends can plan a paddle-boarding date.
14. Goals
It’s not enough to know what your goals are. You’ll want to have an actionable plan for achieving them. The right partner will help you achieve those goals, but sometimes your aspirations can get lost in the mix of a new relationship.
15. Time
Relationships take time. Getting to know someone takes time. If you are in the middle of a college degree and working part-time or in a strenuous career, you might need more hours to get to know someone. This may be one of the most critical factors in letting someone into your life.
Dating Is A Process ~ Not A Race!
- Observe your partner’s personality. Be sure that they are loyal. Learn how to handle their temper, be open to what the Bible teaches, not be addicted to drugs or alcohol, and tend to be unselfish and honest in all areas of their life, like decision-making, values, respect, forgiveness, etc. Most importantly, learn how their faith in God influences their life.
- Practice manners from the start and prioritize them throughout the relationship. If you hold this respectful attitude when the foundations of marriage are laid, it will be possible to start them later.
- Don’t expect your partner to be perfect, which means things the media conjure up in our minds (muscular men/shapely women). Looks are fleeting, but good character is worth more than silver or gold.
- Date with a purpose in mind. Guard your heart, and don’t allow yourself to be disrespected. Have high standards. Don’t settle for something mediocre when God has something exceptional for you.
- God intended sex for marriage, and as a disciple of Christ, it’s our responsibility to protect ourselves when we get married. The world has turned sexual activity into a recreational sport when, in fact, God’s purpose for sex is for it to be a spiritual bonding between two married people. Don’t let the world influence your view on sex.
Important Information About Dating And Courtship!
Dating and courtship are two methods of beginning relationships with the opposite sex. While some non-Christians date to have a series of intimate physical relationships, for Christians, this is unacceptable and should never be the reason for dating. Many Christians see dating as little more than friendship and maintain the friendship aspect until both people are ready to commit to each other as potential marriage partners. First and foremost, dating is when a Christian finds out if his or her potential marriage partner also believes in Christ. The Bible warns us that believers and unbelievers should not marry each other because those living in the light (of Christ) and those living in the darkness cannot live in harmony (2 Corinthians 6:14-15). As stated before, there should be little or no physical contact, which should wait until marriage (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).
Courtship Is Strict For A Reason ~ Marriage Is Forever!
Courtship assumes that the two people have no physical contact (no inappropriate touching, no kissing) until marriage. Many in a courtship relationship will only spend time together if family members, preferably parents, are always present. In addition, courting couples state that they intend to see if the other person is a suitable potential marriage partner. Courtship advocates claim that courtship allows the two people to get to know each other in a more platonic setting without the pressures of physical intimacy or emotions clouding their view.
There are problems inherent with both styles. For daters, spending time alone with a member of the opposite sex whom we find attractive can present temptations that can be very hard to resist. The Christian dating couple must have boundaries and be committed to not crossing them. If they find this hard, they must ensure that Christ will always be honored during their time together and that sin is never allowed to take hold of their relationship. Just as with the courting couple, the parents of the dating couple should be involved in the relationship, getting to know their child’s companion and providing wise and discerning advice and guidance for both of them.
Get To Know Your Partner Before Marriage!
Of course, the courtship style presents its own set of difficulties. While many courtship advocates see it as the only choice for finding a mate, others find it oppressive and overly controlling. In addition, it can be hard to find the “real” person behind the public face presented in front of the entire family. No one is the same in a group setting as he or she is one-on-one. If a couple is never alone, they never have that one-on-one opportunity to relate and get to know one another in emotional and spiritual intimacy. In addition, some courtship situations have led to borderline “arranged marriages” by the parents and resulted in resentment in one or both young people.
It is important to remember that neither dating nor courtship is mandated in Scripture. Ultimately, the Christian character and spiritual maturity of the couple are far more important than the exact nature of how and when they spend time together. Scripturally speaking, the result of the process—godly Christian men and women marrying and raising families to the glory of God—is far more important than the method they use to achieve that result. “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31, NKJV).
Finally, care must be taken to avoid the pitfall of believing one’s personal preference—dating or courting—is the “only way” and looking down upon those who make the opposite choice. As in all things, the unity of the body of Christ should be of the utmost importance to us, regardless of personal choices others make about issues on which the Bible is silent.
Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:
2 Timothy 2:22 ESV
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
Genesis 2:24 ESV
Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Proverbs 31:30 ESV
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Matthew 19:5 ESV
And said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?
Amos 3:3 ESV
“Do two walk together unless they have agreed to meet?
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