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PROTESTANT OR CATHOLIC2024-07-26T09:36:54-05:00

Protestant Or Catholic ~ What Do They Believe?

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Protestant Or Catholic ~ What Do They Believe?

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The Protestant Reformation came about in a similar way that I realized that the well-meaning Catholic church was adding to do to the word of God, which overlooked what Jesus did on the cross by directly stating what Jesus did was not enough. It was during a time when I felt lost and burdened, caught in the grips of addiction. The weight of guilt and shame became unbearable, and I yearned for something more bigger than rituals and traditions. In my twenties, as I sought truth that could liberate me from this cycle, I found peace within the walls of Elmbrook Church – a non-denominational Protestant church in 1989.

After Gathering The Facts, I Prayed, And Made My Decision! Be Sure To Gather The Facts Which Will Make It Easier For You! Reflecting On My Life, It Is With Gratitude That I Acknowledge That The Catholic Church Has Taught Me Some Wonderful Things About God, Jesus, And Christianity In My Younger Days. However, After Becoming More Aware Of What The Bible Teaches, I Embraced My Newfound Protestant Faith, Which Brought Forth An Understanding That Resonated Deeper Within Me.

It acknowledged our inherent sinfulness while emphasizing the unconditional love and grace offered by God through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. This realization allowed me to make a decisive choice towards transformational healing. In the middle of this personal exploration between denominations, my mother remained steadfastly devoted to her Italian Catholic faith for over 90 years yet fully supported my decision. ~ Bill Greguska

Romans 3:4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being is a liar. As it is written: “So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge.”





We Need To All Love One Another ~ Despite Our Personal Upbringing!

Protestant Or Catholic?

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Protestants Or Catholics: The Choice Is Yours?

There Are Many Catholics Who Know And Love Jesus, And Are Saved!

Some Catholics, like my mom, cousin Joe Bova, and others, have come to understand God’s grace and forgiveness. Even though some of these Catholics remain in their faith, their relationship with God ultimately matters. When I shared with my Italian mom that I was no longer a Catholic because I chose to be Protestant, my mom’s unwavering advice was to continue loving God to be a good man and live a righteous life, which inspires me today. I am concerned that not all Catholics are truly saved. I thank God my mom, dad, and cousin Joe are. Do you have any doubt about your salvation?  Settle it now by getting right with God. Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.



Religion Versus Christianity

The chart below compares what religion stands for versus what Christianity stands for.

Man’s Way God’s Way
Work For Man Work For God
Reward Gift
Works Grace
Christ Plus Christ Alone
Do Done
Achieve Accomplished
Try Trust
Hope So Know So
You Need Us You Need Christ
Sin Son
Fear Faith
Law Love
External Internal
Actions Attitude
Performance Personal Relationship




This Catholic Wanted To Debate With Ray Comfort!




The Catholic Faith Tends To Focus On Works Etc.

The Protestant Reformation was a religious reform movement sweeping Europe in the 1500s. It resulted in the creation of a branch of Christianity called Protestantism, a name used collectively to refer to the many religious groups that separated from the Roman Catholic Church due to differences in doctrine.

I was raised in the Catholic church when I was born and baptized. and had Godparents, went to Catechism, went to Catholic grade school, and Catholic high school was an altar boy. I was thankful to have been raised Catholic faith at the time until I learned more about God, Jesus, and the Bible.

We All Must Decide For Ourselves

Read the Bible for yourself, and you will understand why I am saying what I am saying. I do not have anything against Catholics or anyone. Still, when I took a closer look at my Catholic faith, I discovered the Catholic church was adding to the Bible, and not accepting what Jesus Christ did on the cross was enough to save us from our sins!

The teachers and nuns cared more than the public school I attended from kindergarten until 3rd grade. (Discipline in the public school was not sufficient.) Yet in the Catholic school, the standards were higher, and there was a general atmosphere of godliness around, even though later on in life, I realized their doctrine was not quite right. Watch the videos and read more below to learn more about Catholicism.





Catholic Is A Works Based Man-Made Religion

I learned that Catholicism was a works-based man-made religion, compared to the Protestant faith, which is faith-based on a relationship with God and his love and grace. The Catholic church attempted to point me to God, yet there were many other things I had to do that were not mentioned in the Bible. (added to God’s word, which is all we need)

An analogy would be if someone who likes to be healthy and drink a protein drink would be something healthy, but if someone added something “bad or not good” to the protein health drink, it would no longer be useful for you. (just like with the Catholic church, some of the things they practice are not according to the Bible, which pollutes the Bible from being pure and good for you.



Protestant Or Catholic Or Any Other Processed Faith?



Many Good People Are Protestant Or Catholic!

Many wonderful Catholic people in the world do loving things for others, but they do not realize that Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid for our sins; debt was sufficient. We only need to do what the Bible says in Romans 10:9. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Protestantism is more a definition of the group of churches that broke off from the Roman Catholic Church during the sixteenth century rather than a religion in and of itself. All protestant churches can trace their roots back to the protestant reformation initiated by Martin Luther when he wrote his 95  Theses and nailed it to the Wittenburg Church’s door. Following his questioning of the Holy Roman Empire, others started questioning their authority and beliefs. The more notable figures were John Calvin, Zwingli, Thomas Cranmer, and John Knox.


The Bible Makes It Simple!

The term “protestant” was initially meant to denote someone who was “a witness” rather than someone “against” something. Most early protestant figures saw themselves as trying to correct problems within the Roman Catholic Church rather than trying to rebel against it.

Today, the term protestant describes any sect or religion that had its basis in the Catholic Church but broke away to form its organization. These protestant families include religious denominations such as Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, Episcopal, Baptist, and Calvinists. There would be many splinter groups from these early protestant religions, such as Methodists and Evangelicals. In later centuries, there would be many splinter groups from these early protestant religions, such as Methodists, Evangelical Churches, and Pentecostals movement. Keep in mind that there are also false religions to be concerned about.



All Christian Denominations Explained In 12 Minutes!


Five Solas

The fundamental beliefs that emerged during the protestant reformation. They eventually were summarized in the Five Solas or five Latin phrases. These five phrases in English translate to grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone, Christ alone, and Glory to God alone. They were meant to show how the Catholic Scripture had distorted the message of justification and salvation in Jesus Christ.

Today, there are about 590 million Protestants throughout the world. They cover all continents and nations. Nearly 27% of all Christians today are Protestants.




Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:

Mark 16:16 ESV 

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV 

For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Hebrews 11:6 ESV 

And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

1 Corinthians 13:13 ESV 

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love.



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