TeenChallengeUSA.org ~ Helping Adults And Teens Get Back On Their Feet!


Encouragement For Teens! NeedEncouragement.com   Encourage Someone! NeedEncouragement.com   Alcohol And Drugs! NeedEncouragment.com   Problems Addiction Caused Me! NeedEncouragement.com


TeenChallengeUSA.org! Alcohol and drugs and teens Christian recovery. NeedEncouragement.com!

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Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.

The teenage years can be highly challenging for many teens in our country! My teenage years after my basketball years were over were very difficult because I got messed up on alcohol and drugs, and it took me for a ride farther than I wanted to go and kept me there longer than I was willing to stay. However, many fortunate people found TeenChallengeUSA.org – an incredible resource that could provide just the help you need! When I found myself struggling with addiction, similar to what you might be going through now, Teen Challenge was exactly what can be of help to you.

The God Of Second Chances Has Been Found At TeenChallengeUSA.org ~ There Are Many Encouraging Testimonies Of Those Who Have Gone Through TeenChallenge.USA.org!

I was offered a different long-term treatment and support program that truly transformed my life. Thank God for that program, which mirrors that of Teen Challenge, I am forever grateful for the second chance they gave me at 26 years old. Treatment became the best thing that could have happened to me! So trust me when I say this: every teen deserves an opportunity like the one provided by TeenChallengeUSA.org. They saved my life by showing mercy and grace when no one else did. My mission is to encourage others who may feel lost or hopeless with the same uplifting spirit that once helped guide me back onto the right path during those challenging teenage years. ~ Bill Greguska

1 Corinthians 10:13  No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.



Visit TeenChallengeUSA.org Today!

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.



President George Bush Talks About TeenChallengeUSA.org



Addiction Resource Links:


There Is Hope Available ~ TeenChallengeUSA.org


My Testimony:

TeenChallengeUSA.org has been very successful, but I did not attend this tremendous Christian-based program. I participated in a different long-term treatment program that did just what Teen Challenge does for teens and men and women who need help just like I needed! 

Not everyone gets a second chance, as I did. Some attics take their own lives, some are murdered, and others are in mental institutions or prisons. I thank God that I was given many chances to get out of the life of addiction; I believe because it says in the Bible in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Bill Greguska





Testimonies From TeenChallengeUSA.com Are Similar!


Adult & Teen Challenge USA Locations!

There are over 200 Adult & Teen Challenge USA residential programs in the United States. These Christian recovery centers offer programs that include drug addiction help, alcohol recovery, and services for youth, adults, and families. Admission requirements, fees, and tuition costs vary from program to program. TeenChallengeUSA.org (a 501(3)(c)) is diligent in providing cost-effective programs. However, the significant resources required to provide training, lodging, meals, supervision, and other expenses necessitate the generous support of our friends, faith communities, and society.


Faith, Community, and Health

Addiction destroys more than just the body, so it should be no surprise that Adult & Teen Challenge USA’s addiction recovery centers consider all aspects of their students. Because addiction starts to fill a void that only God can fill, a strong relationship with the Lord is foundational to our program. We construct this foundation in our students by teaching them the Word of God and placing them in an environment where they can bond with other growing disciples.


Second Chance with Adults & Teens At TeenChallengeUSA.com!

God forgives you and gives you a second chance. But will you choose to give yourself a second chance? We hope that you do. If addiction rehabilitation centers have not worked for you, don’t be discouraged. Our addiction recovery centers work through the power of Christ, and in Him, all things are possible.






Before And After TeenChallengeUSA.org Testimonies!



Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:

Proverbs 22:6 ESV 

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Ephesians 6:4 ESV 

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Matthew 18:10 ESV 

See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

Proverbs 17:6 ESV 

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.

Proverbs 20:11 ESV

Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.

Colossians 3:20 ESV 

Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.


Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. We have a page specifically for you if you just started believing in God.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions, or get on our email list, let us know.


For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat.