How Can You Enjoy Your Life More?

Does your joy in life focus primarily on yourself ~ Or that of others?

Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.

How Do You Personally Define Enjoyment?

Do You Need Some Help To Find Out How To Enjoy Your Life?

If you struggle to enjoy your life, maybe you are looking in the wrong places. Is what you are searching for in terms of enjoyment something outside of God’s will? Is it luring you from God rather than drawing near to God? I want you to know that there is hope. Sometimes, it feels like the world has lost its luster, and everything around us seems dull and uninspiring. But don’t lose heart. One way to experience true joy is by showing love for God and others. It may sound cliché, but believe me, this path holds immense power to transform your entire existence.

I Understand It Might Seem Impossible At First ~ How Can You Enjoy Your Life When Your Heart Is Heavy With Burdens? But Here’s What I’ve Learned: God’s Light Still Shines Upon Us Even On Our Darkest Days. He Is Always There, Ready To Extend His Hand And Guide Us Through The Storms Of Life. So Don’t Hesitate To Ask God For Help ~ Pour Out Your Heart Honestly And Sincerely To Him!

Trust me, He listens and will answer in ways you never thought possible. Take comfort in knowing that every season has an end; this, too, shall pass. While sports like basketball or hobbies may bring fleeting pleasure into our lives, they cannot fulfill us like loving relationships can – especially those with our Creator and loved ones who walk alongside us. So, as you pursue things that bring happiness into your days, remember not to overlook the source of all goodness: God. Putting God first in all areas of your life – whether big or small – will naturally restore balance within you. ~ Bill Greguska

Philippians 2:2-4  then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.




Take Time To Enjoy Your Life!


Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.



What Does God Mean Concerning Enjoyment?


A Total Of 125 Ways To Enjoy Your Life!

Here Are 125 Ways To Enjoy Life!

Live one day at a time, trusting that God is in control.

  1. Watch a sunrise and sunset and pray while doing so.
  2. Enjoy and appreciate the outdoors.
  3. Take ballroom dancing lessons.
  4. Take a bicycle ride with a friend or alone.
  5. Feed the ducks at the park.
  6. Cut wildflowers for your table.
  7. Pray to God, listen to Him, speak to you.
  8. Bake homemade cookies and share them.
  9. Enjoy life by playing a game of chess or checkers.
  10. Have a cup of your favorite type of coffee.
  11. Eat an ice cream cone or sundae.
  12. Play with dogs and cats at the local pet store or humane society.
  13. Don’t be a complainer. Find the good in everything.
  14. Enjoy life by printing pictures of friends and hanging them in your house.
  15. Become a mentor to a student who wishes to enter your line of work.
  16. Head downtown with a friend and two digital cameras. Shoot as many exciting pictures as you can find.
  17. First, memorize two clean jokes and share them with friends and strangers.
  18. Re-watch a great movie you haven’t seen in years.
  19. Enjoy life by shopping to find a gift for someone kind to you.
  20. Fishing with a friend.
  21. Hiking with a friend and catching up with what is new.
  22. Jogging with a friend and stopping for ice cream after you are done.
  23. Walk your dog / or a friend’s dog for a walk.
  24. Get friends together to watch an NBA, NFL, or MLB game on TV or in person.
  25. Volunteer for a non-profit organization.


Extra Thoughts!

  1. Browse thrift stores and buy a treasure for yourself or someone you care about.
  2. Go camping at a place you’ve never been to before.
  3. Visit a farm with a friend.
  4. Go off-road mountain biking.
  5. Enjoy life by taking horseback riding lessons or going horseback riding.
  6. Find a quiet place with excellent scenery to read a favorite book.
  7. Go kayaking or canoeing.
  8. Start a garden with your favorite vegetables.
  9. Run through a water sprinkler.
  10. Enjoy life by organizing a barbecue with the neighbors.
  11. Consider running a 5K race or a fun walk.
  12. Take up a musical instrument.
  13. Write a funny poem.
  14. Go to watch the nearest symphony orchestra perform.
  15. Enjoy life by reading to grade school children.
  16. Join the local community center’s recreational basketball, baseball, or volleyball team from the local community center.
  17. Go to a nearby coffee shop and engage in exciting conversations.
  18. Organize a scavenger hunt for friends and family.
  19. Visit small shops downtown in your city.
  20. Send a letter or postcard to a child.
  21. Ask a veteran to tell you some of their favorite stories from years in the
  22. Send flowers or a card to a friend just because you care.
  23. Go to a music store and try out the instruments they allow you to use.
  24. Visit your alma mater to see what has changed since you graduated.
  25. Enjoy life by watching a high school play.


Do You Enjoy Life, Or Not Really?


Bonus Ways To Enjoy Life!

  1. Bake some cookies for your neighbors.
  2. Buy a beautiful houseplant for a particular day you want to remember.
  3. Try out a new kind of tea or coffee.
  4. Start a canned food drive for needy families.
  5. Cut an elderly neighbor’s lawn and talk with them afterward.
  6. Find a corner in the yard and turn it into a small garden.
  7. Try an out-of-the-ordinary new recipe for supper.
  8. Organize a group of friends and neighborhoods to play a few games of sardines.
  9. Take time to look at old family photos, pick out your favorite pictures, and frame them.
  10. Enjoy life by inviting friends and relatives over for supper.
  11. Start a scrapbook of keepsakes.
  12. Get the family together and watch old home videos.
  13. Let a child help you bathe your dog.
  14. Make a root beer or homemade ice cream.
  15. Be creative and make various smoothies with your favorite fruit.
  16. Record yourself singing a friend’s favorite songs and give the CD to them.
  17. Save a snowball in the freezer and throw it at someone on a hot summer day.
  18. Make your fountain with Diet Coke and Mentos.
  19. Have a campout in the living room with your kids.
  20. Enjoy life by making homemade ice cream.
  21. Listen to your old cassette tapes or records.
  22. Call your parents to say “hi.”
  23. Help your kids make homemade cards for relatives.
  24. Check out a book of jokes, read it, and share what you remember.
  25. Enjoy life by building a house out of cards.
  26. Repaint a room with cheerful colors.
  27. Rearrange your furniture.
  28. Put your TV in the closet for a month. See if you can do it.
  29. Bring to life an old piece of furniture.
  30. Enjoy life by helping your kids make cards for nursing home residents.



God Wants Us To Enjoy Life!



Additional Ideas To Enjoy Your Life!

  1. Explore iTunes for new music to appreciate.
  2. Try out Pandora Radio.
  3. Check out a book from the library and read the afternoon away.
  4. Picnic in secluded areas.
  5. Enjoy life by starting a blog or website about something you are passionate about.
  6. Find old stuff in your attic, put it on eBay, and watch the bids roll in.
  7. Play old-school board games like Monopoly and Risk.
  8. Read interesting articles online, Stumble Upon, Digg, etc.
  9. Brew a fresh coffee pot (or tea) and share it with someone over a meaningful conversation.
  10. Enjoy life by taking a candlelight bubble bath.
  11. Learn to play the guitar (or any musical instrument) online.
  12. Go swimming in a lake.
  13. Fly a kite with a child.
  14. Research and discover new bands and musicians similar to your favorite music.
  15. Stargaze with a friend or even alone.
  16. Work out at a gym or find another way to get exercise.
  17. Learn to play card games, especially Spades!
  18. Test-drive an expensive car.
  19. Have a backyard BBQ.
  20. Enjoy life by taking a moonlight stroll and holding hands with someone you love.
  21. Make a pizza from scratch.
  22. Create some artwork and give it as a present for someone special.
  23. Write some poetry and give it to someone special.
  24. Eat fresh strawberries sprinkled with sugar.
  25. Enjoy life by eating a garden tomato sprinkled with salt.


More Great Ideas To Enjoy Your Life!

  1. Take a nice bike ride.
  2. Go people-watching in high-traffic areas.
  3. Build a backyard bonfire and roast marshmallows.
  4. Feed small wild animals like geese, squirrels, etc.
  5. Enjoy life by renting three or more funny movies and hosting a movie marathon.
  6. Hit up local carnivals, zoos, museums, and weekend festivals.
  7. Prepare a giant ice cream sundae or a banana split and share it with someone special.
  8. Massage your spouse’s feet.
  9. Share an exciting, real story with someone.
  10. Enjoy life by sitting lakeside, skipping rocks across the water, and seeing how many you can do.
  11. Organize a sports game with your friends. Touch football, anyone?
  12. Tailgate and attend a local college sporting event.
  13. Learn cool magic tricks online.
  14. Master a new skill you’ve meant to learn.
  15. Enjoy life by going bowling on discount bowling night.
  16. Create a digital video highlight reel of all your favorite digital photos and video clips. 
  17. Visit model homes to get simple DIY decorating ideas.
  18. Play Charades.
  19. Pick fresh fruits and veggies at a local pick-your-own fruit/vegetable farm.
  20. Try geocaching.



Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. Learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.



Here Are Some Helpful Links:



Are You Living Life To The Fullest?


Ways To Enjoy Your Life!

  1. Watch YouTube videos with a friend or friends.
  2. Enjoyment from taking on a small do-it-yourself woodworking project and building something.
  3. Play Twister.
  4. Call an old friend and catch up on things.
  5. Climb a large oak tree, hang out, and think.
  6. Host an outdoor egg toss competition.
  7. Learn to juggle.
  8. Explore a local college campus.
  9. Plan your next vacation, even if it is local.
  10. Get involved with some karaoke.
  11. Attend a comedy show.
  12. Enjoy life by putting together a framed photo collage.
  13. Give people wonderful, sincere compliments, and watch them smile.
  14. Make a rope and tire swing.
  15. Go sledding or play in the snow.
  16. Clean the bedsheets, make the bed, and snuggle into the freshness.
  17. Relax outdoors on a sunny day.
  18. Remember about old times with your closest friends.
  19. Take a short jog and a long relaxing shower.
  20. Stretch your muscles and keep active.
  21. Watch children play and laugh.
  22. Enjoyment from eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  23. Give someone you love a long hug.
  24. Cuddle with your wife just because you love her.
  25. Have a friendly pillow fight.


Ways To Enjoy Your Life!

  1. Carve out some time to relax, or it might not happen.
  2. Enjoy life by avoiding watching the news.
  3. Nurture your positive relationships.
  4. Meet new people because relationships are one of our most critical needs.
  5. Explore new places that sound interesting.
  6. Offer help to a senior citizen or someone with a disability.
  7. Enjoyment from making a prayer list and adding to it daily.
  8. Make a gratitude list and add to it each day.
  9. Try new things.
  10. Spend money on experiences rather than possessions.
  11. Cut down your junk, and give it to Goodwill or someone you know who could use it.
  12. Enjoy life by tracking how you spend money and your three-day time.
  13. Be deliberate in your choices; don’t just go through the motions of living.
  14. Invest specifically in other people’s lives and also your life.
  15. Remember that all feelings pass, accepting that we won’t feel 100% Happy 100% of the time.
  16. No matter how small, celebrate wins and focus on enjoying the journey rather than the destination.
  17. Enjoyment from allowing yourself to feel happy.
  18. Get outside and feel the wind on your face and the sun on your skin.
  19. Speak your mind, but do it with respect for others.
  20. Take photos, journal, or whatever you need to do to record happy moments and memories.
  21. Get active. Exercising releases endorphins, natural pain-relieving and stress-busting chemicals.
  22. Keep learning by exploring explore subjects that interest you and enjoy you.
  23. Practice compassion by spending time on activities that benefit others.
  24. Renew a relationship with someone you have not seen in a long time.
  25. Create a collage of your loved ones’ pictures, frame it, and hang it up in a visible spot in your home.


Interesting Ideas!

  1. Chew gum and blow bubbles.
  2. Host a paper airplane distance competition.
  3. Go rollerblading alone or with a friend.
  4. Enjoyment from getting delicious, gooey brownies and savoring every bite.
  5. Give someone you love a gift “just because you care.”
  6. Get your picture taken by a professional photographer.
  7. Create a butterfly garden in your yard by choosing butterfly-friendly plants.
  8. Hunt for bird nests. When you find one, don’t touch it; instead, take a picture of it.
  9. Enjoy life by donating your time to a food shelter.
  10. Sing in the shower.
  11. If you love reading, join a book club.
  12. Get a yo-yo. Learn the “Walk-the-Dog” trick.
  13. Wear audacious underwear. Nobody has to know.
  14. Enjoyment from buying a bird feeder and watching the birds often.
  15. Go outside at night and look at the stars.
  16. Stop and listen to a street musician.
  17. Enjoyment from playing a game you loved as a child.
  18. Whenever you take on a task, ask yourself: “Is there any way to make this more fun?”
  19. Enjoy life by reading some poetry with a cup of tea.
  20. Find a shampoo and conditioner that smells like watermelon.
  21. Walk barefoot on the grass.
  22. Eat some chocolate with a friend.
  23. Go out for a walk in the rain. Deliberately step in puddles that you see.
  24. Enjoy life by going out for a walk and taking photographs of exotic places and faces.
  25. Listen to Louis Armstrong singing “What a Wonderful World.“


Extra Ways To Enjoy Your Life!

  1. Eat your favorite cereal from childhood: Fruit Loops, Captain Crunch, etc.
  2. Listen to your favorite “Beatles” or any songs you love.
  3. Go out and play Frisbee with a friend.
  4. Enjoyment from enjoying your meal. Don’t just eat.
  5. Learn to be a good cook.
  6. Feel the music, and not just listen to it.
  7. Sing or whistle anytime you want.
  8. Gather with old friends to reminisce.
  9. Dream an afternoon away in your cozy bed.
  10. Enjoyment from taking a walk in the park.
  11. Give yourself a lazy day once in a while.
  12. Play board games with your friends.
  13. Have a candlelight dinner with your spouse.
  14. Read inspiring quotes and share them with others.
  15. Enjoy life by learning to paint, draw, or do arts and crafts.
  16. Exercise with friends by playing a sport together.
  17. Play with kids in your neighborhood.
  18. Get a massage at least a couple of times a year.
  19. Go to a museum and be amazed.
  20. Enjoyment from going to a theater and enjoying yourself.
  21. Create a bucket list and start checking things off.
  22. Set goals and write them down.
  23. Make a birthday list and send out cards.
  24. Live for others, and your life will be better.
  25. Enjoy life by not being jealous of anyone.


Extra Brainstorming!

  1. Work on your self-discipline, but give yourself a break occasionally.
  2. Don’t gossip; try to stop it when others do.
  3. Accept the things you can’t or won’t be able to change.
  4. Take care of your body.
  5. Enjoy eating healthily when you can.
  6. Get a good night’s sleep
  7. Take care of your mind.
  8. Plan for the future, but live in the present.
  9. Live consciously. Don’t put life on auto-pilot – live deliberately.
  10. Enjoy life by trying hard to overcome your fears by trusting God.
  11. Improve your social skills.
  12. Do work you love. Life is too short to fear Sunday evenings.
  13. Be prepared to be successful in what you attempt to do.
  14. Love your parents and cherish them.
  15. Enjoy life by always buying Kool-Aid from kids and selling it out of their houses.
  16. Remember that if you smile, you will naturally feel happier.
  17. Work on improving your posture.
  18. Overcome laziness. Are getting things done difficult because you’d rather watch TV or be on the computer?
  19. Analyze your weaknesses and try to strengthen them.
  20. Enjoy life by continually working on improving yourself and helping others.
  21. Master the art of persuasion so you can speak up and defend yourself.
  22. Remember that the less you need to be happy, the happier you’ll be.
  23. Design your ideal life without being restricted to reality.
  24. Do not take it personally when someone criticizes you.
  25. Enjoy life by accepting constructive criticism because it might give you needed insights.



How To Find Happiness In God!


Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:

Ecclesiastes 3:13 ESV 

Also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.

Ecclesiastes 2:24 ESV

There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God,

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Romans 15:13 ESV

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope.

1 Timothy 6:17 ESV 

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Psalm 20:4 ESV 

May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!



Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. Learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.


For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat.