How To Encourage A Stranger?

How to encourage a stranger? It is to point them to the love of Jesus with no obligation on their part in return!

Encourage Someone Today!

 Do You Know Someone Who Needs Some Encouragement Today? Click Here! 

Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.

Encouraging a stranger is one of the most selfless acts you can do for another human being. It not only benefits them, but it also helps you in more ways than you could ever imagine. These “so-called strangers” are people you meet at the grocery store, mall, or anywhere else where people congregate. (It is good to be aware that everyone you meet will not be open to your friendliness and kindness; that is when you need discretion about what strangers you will talk with). Offering to help someone in need is another way to encourage a stranger. The reason why we should encourage others is simple – it’s because God tells us to love one another. Love and kindness are at the core of our existence, and when we spread positivity into the world, we make a difference in people’s lives.

But Encouragement Is Even More Special Because It Comes With A Bonus – Helping Ourselves By Inspiring Others. When We Inspire Someone Else To Reach Their Full Potential, We Also Open Doors For Ourselves, Which Leads To Happiness, Fulfillment, Understanding, And Knowing Who Jesus Is!

I know this from personal experience because I went through a tough time in my life when I got divorced back in 2007. It left me feeling depressed and alone until my pastor, Ron Sauer, and his wife, Sue, encouraged me to help others who were going through similar situations as mine. That’s how this website came into existence, which has been such an incredible blessing. The little effort I put into encouraging others multiplied back into my own life 100-fold! Through Ron and Sue’s wise counsel, I learned that God has a plan for each of our lives – even through tough times like divorce or other challenges that sometimes come unexpectedly. There are many reasons to encourage someone. The biggest reason is that God tells us to love one another. God also provides a bonus: we become helped by our acts of kindness and love when we inspire someone. God has a plan for each of our lives, and our job is to figure out what that plan is with His help. So always remember that when you encourage someone, it is like putting perfume on them, and you can not help but get a little on yourself at the same time. ~ Bill Greguska

Hebrews 3:13  But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.



Why Do We Need To Encourage A Stranger?


Encourage Someone ~ You Will Need Encouragement Yourself One Day!

Encourage someone today by reminding them that every day is a new day and they are loved by God!

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.



Do You Think It Is Mean Or Inappropriate To Encourage A Stranger?

7 Simple Ideas To Encourage Others!

Encourage someone today!

When you encourage someone, you will experience some encouragement yourself.

1. Use birthdays to encourage people with a card or phone call or take them out for coffee or lunch.

2. Write a handwritten card to close friends or family members. A handwritten card means more than a text or email anytime.

3. Notice strangers, say hi, and even talk to them.

4. Celebrate people at work with their accomplishments.

5. Choose someone at church to be a blessing to them, do them a favor, or compliment them in front of someone else.

6. Use social media to build people up and give sincere, honest praise to them.

7. Ask God to use you to encourage someone each day. You will like this one and all the other suggestions. 


Encourage A Stranger With An Idea Like This!

Positive Ways To Encourage A Stranger Or Friend:

  1. Be specific when you offer words of praise to others; it makes your encouragement more credible and concrete:
  2. Celebrate each person’s large and small victories with a note, coffee together, a special meal, and a friendly phone call.
  3. Do not minimize or correct them by saying, “Oh, it’s not that bad.” Doing that is not encouraging. They need to talk things out before answers and solutions start to flow.
  4. Encourage other believers with a reminder of Christ’s coming. This will redirect our thinking toward heaven and our ultimate deliverance from sin and death.
  5. Encourage others in need to be more. The more people around, the more likely they will not be transparent and honest.
  6. If needed, please encourage them to rest and unwind for a day or two. Remind them that fatigue can make us not think clearly and make poor decisions.
  7. Encouragement goes straight to the heart. Think about how you can make encouragement a part of your daily life. 
  8. Get on their level. Avoid speaking as superior.
  9. Have them list ways God has worked out things for them.
  10. Help them break down their issues into bite-size pieces.
  11. If an encouraging thought comes to mind, share it!
  12. If you want to encourage someone who gives you excellent service, write a commendation letter to the person’s boss.




Encourage One Another ~ One At A Time Challenge!

More Positive Ways To Encourage Someone

Love and encourage one another!

You may not save the entire world, but you can make a difference to someone!

  1. Learn people’s “love languages” and how they communicate and understand love.
  2. Make sure that you let them talk. Remember that they have their own feelings going on.
  3. Offer to talk with them during the week if they would like that.
  4. Realize the power of presence. Just being there can be encouraging!
  5. Relate to them a story in your life similar to theirs and how you worked through it.
  6. Remind fellow Christians of the specific promises of God.
  7. Remind them that God loves them and will not leave them.
  8. Remove weight or responsibility temporarily. Just to let you know, some discouraged people need a new challenge.
  9. Send a note. There’s still nothing like receiving a handwritten note in the mail.
  10. Show your interest with eye contact, questions, and comments.
  11. Tell people how they’ve encouraged you! Choose one or two action points on this list to encourage someone in your life today!
  12. Tell them their value. If you know them well enough, tell them that they are the best (fill in the blank) that you know.




What Are You Willing To Do To Help Others? 

Can You Encourage Someone Today?

Encouraging someone like you would want to be encouraged is an excellent place to start. Offer to do something to help them!


  • Pray for them.


  • Be willing to go grocery shopping for someone who cannot make it to the grocery store or can’t afford it.


  • Be willing to clean someone’s house. To take the load off someone who is struggling with daily life.


  • Be willing to provide rides to doctors’ appointments. If your friend is ill, take her to her doctor’s appointments. Wait with her, comfort her. Please don’t turn away from her discomfort.


  • Be willing to do some cooking. Make regular meals for someone ill or otherwise unable to cook for herself.


  • Be willing to be available for babysitting. If you know a couple whose marriage is awkward, offer to watch their children so they can have some time together, just the two of them, or maybe you know someone who needs an hour or two on their own to regain their sanity.



Five Ways To Encourage A Stranger, Friend, Or Family Member!


Here Are Some Helpful Links:



How To Encourage A Stranger Or Friend?

Point out to someone a quality you appreciate in them. 

Be sensitive to others’ encouragement needs and offer supportive words or actions. 

Who comes to mind that you could encourage? 

You can phone, email, text, send a card, or arrange to meet with that person. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you. 



Encouraged To Encourage Others!

(This section is from The Book I wrote)

Lord, I have learned you have allowed everything that happens, both good and bad. When something terrible happens, you can turn it into something useful in due time. As a result of my divorce, I tried to thank my pastor and his wife for all of their support, which was immense and continues 12 years later. When I asked them what I could do to repay them, their advice echoed 2 Corinthians 1:3-4: to encourage others with the encouragement I received from you, Lord.

 That advice was perfectly timed! I took their suggestion, started a phone helpline, and later built my website. Not only could I focus time and energy on encouraging others, but it helped me concentrate on others instead of myself. Rather than having a constant pity party, I became productive for your kingdom.,

 Lord, I have gained insight from all my troubles, which is ironic. I realized that encouraging others is, by far, one of the best ways to encourage myself. I am thankful to have acquired this wisdom, even though it took a divorce to learn this lesson.

 1 Thessalonians 5:11  Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

 When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you’re making a commitment and a difference in that person’s life. Encouragement really does make a difference. ~ Zig Ziglar, American author and motivational speaker.



Encourage A Stranger Or Anyone By Leading Them To Christ!


Seven Tips for Becoming A Better Encourager:

In the New Testament, the apostle Paul was a model encourager who intentionally worked to strengthen followers of Christ. He did not mince Biblical truth with worldly “rah-rah” affirmations intended for the tickling of ears. Following Paul’s lead, let’s consider seven tips for becoming better encouragers.

1. Recognize The Signs Of Discouragement!

2. Encourage To Build Up And Strengthen Others!

3. Be Patient While You Encourage Others!

4. Encourage While Using Gentleness!

5. Encourage To Help Comfort Others!

6. Encourage Others For Their Benefit And Yours Too!

7. Encourage One Another With These Words!


Concluding Encouragement!

As followers of Jesus who earnestly desire to “encourage one another,” let’s begin by acknowledging how difficult it can be to provide others with good words of encouragement. Then, ask the Spirit to humble us and allow us to see and meet the needs of others who are discouraged; patiently, gently building up to strengthen and comfort the body of Christ with the good news of God’s trustworthy promises. And let us faithfully seek the Spirit’s help as we strive to become better encouragers.

Lindsey Carlson is the author of A Better Encouragement: Trading Self-Help for True Hope.


Encourage Someone Today ~ And You Will Be Thankful You Did!

Find The Solution!

“If you focus on the problem, you can’t see the solution. Never focus on the problem.” ~ Patch Adams

  1. Take a moment to think of something you have done to help someone.
  2. Also, take a moment to think of something you are grateful for that someone has done to help you.

Now feel free to share either of your Good News items at Tell-us-something-good!

(This exercise will help you realize the good you and others do for you).


Encouragement Resource Links:

Biblical Encouragement Encouraging Scriptures
Do Not Quit Encouraging Words
Encourage A Friend General Encouragement
Encouragement Importance Of Encouragement
Encourage Yourself Need Encouragement
Encouragement For Men Need Understanding
Encouragement For Singles Personal Encouragement
Encouragement For Teens Self Encouragement
Encouragement For Women Simple Encouragement
Encourage Someone Words Of Encouragement



What Are Four Simple Ways How To Encourage A Stranger Or Anyone?


1. Make Smiling Your New Habit!

Your smile can mean a lot to others you come in contact with. It will brighten anyone’s day and cost nothing but effort and mindfulness.


2. Speak Encouragement Rather Than Critique!

Every person is fighting a battle of their own. We do not always know what it is, but when we encourage everyone as often as possible, we are bound to encourage the person who needs support. Everyone needs to be appreciated and encouraged. Are you willing to speak out?


3. Write Encouraging Things Down!

There is something special about receiving a card or letter and seeing something written down.  This can always be saved and looked at again in the future for additional encouragement.


4. Compliment Others More Often!

It is easy to get into a habit of complimenting others for what they have said or done, what they are wearing, or even what they mean to you personally having them in your life. I want to remind you as often as possible so that people will realize you are sincere and care about them more than superficially.


What Sometimes Happens When You Need Encouragement!

Remember that when we help and encourage others, we often find it the best way to help ourselves. Think about how good you felt the last time you focused on helping someone else. Do not think you can do it all in your strength. You must trust God and his word when He tells us to love one another. So when you encourage others, you will be doing God’s will, and you, in turn, will be blessed for honoring God only the way God can. In the meantime, keep praying and seeking godly wisdom through His Word and the variety of helpful information on this website’s many pages.


A Total Of Fifty-Three Ways How To Encourage A Stranger?

  1. Ask someone for information on something they love or excel at and listen closely.
  1. Be a positive, joyful person.  We can only encourage, love, and bless others with what we already have.
  2. Be encouraging to all you meet. You never know who is having a hard day.
  3. Be patient with the store clerk, especially when there is a long line and challenging customers. Offer an additional word of thanks.
  4. Be quick to listen and slow to talk.  Sometimes, the best encouragement is a listening ear.
  5. You can cheer up someone discouraged by hugging them, spending time with them, sharing the truth, giving hope, and telling a joke.
  6. Choose to live a life of character and integrity. This will encourage others to stay the course and model your behavior.
  7. Do a task usually done by your partner. Just because.
  8. Do you know someone who is going through rough waters?  Secretly send them a card or note every day for a week.
  9. Encourage a friend to put their hope in God, who provides everything for our enjoyment.
  10. Encourage someone to begin a new job with the latest motivational or business book in hardcover or Kindle.
  11. Extend neighborly kindness and encouragement.
  1. Bake and share…especially warm from the oven. Have phone numbers of several neighbors so you can go down a list to find one at home to bless with your fresh-baked goodness.
  2. Fill jelly jars with flowers picked from your garden. Then, take the jars to a nursing home and bless the residents.
  3. Find a way to remember to pray for a friend.  One gal who doesn’t get to see her friend often has a pact with that friend to listen at night for the train whistles. It’s their signal to pray for each other.
  4. For the one out of work, invite them to dinner, send a gift card to the grocery store or gas station (anonymously?), and send a unique food gift like Omaha Steaks.
  5. Freely say thanks for every kindness extended your way.
  6. Give a gift handmade by you.
  7. Give a sincere compliment.
  8. Give words of blessing.  When we bless others, we release the blessing of God on them.
  9. Have a few small gifts on hand to give someone just because.
  10. If your friend is grieving a loved one, encourage them to talk about the person and listen well.
  11. Is there a young couple you know who does not have the luxury of family nearby?  Offer to watch their children so they can accomplish a project or go shopping.  Take it further, give them a gift card to a restaurant and care for their children while they are out.
  12. Let a parent know that you notice their positive parenting.
  1. Let your friend know you pray for her regularly.
  2. Listen to young people and value their ideas and opinions.
  3. Look out for a co-worker.  Everyone needs someone to be in their corner and have their back.
  4. Love your spiritual leaders regularly by sending them a card or note in the mail, asking them to breakfast or lunch, or helpfully offering your time.
  5. Make it a point to do what is suitable for all.  People notice and appreciate it when you put others’ needs before yours.
  6. Many are starved for human touch.  A hand on the shoulder or similar touch, used with caution, is encouraging.  For some, a hug could be life-changing.
  7. People rarely get personal mail delivered anymore.  Write or type a long or short letter or note of encouragement and put it in the mail.
  8. Pick up the phone, listen, and encourage someone who lives far away.  Don’t do all the talking.
  9. Pray for someone when they share a hurt or burden—right then. People are more blessed when you pray with them immediately rather than saying, “I’ll be praying for you.”
  10. Promote a friend or acquaintance for the things they do. (Including their business).  Everyone needs a cheerleader.
  11. Put together a care package.  Who wouldn’t want to receive a tangible box of love and encouragement?
  12. Random acts of kindness have a powerful ripple effect!
  1. Remind someone struggling in a relationship that God loves each of us with everlasting love. He never quits on us, and he never gives up on us.
  2. Remind those who feel alone in their battle of Jesus’ promise, “I will never leave you….”
  3. Secretly send a gift card for a coffee at Starbucks to the coffee lover with a sweet note.
  4. Send a short note on Facebook or text a friend with encouraging words.
  5. Slip a little card in a co-worker’s mailbox thanking or recognizing them for something in the workplace.
  6. Smile.  Often.  A smile can change the trajectory of someone’s day.
  7. Some people are most encouraged by acts of service: raking leaves for an elderly neighbor, planting a porch pot and keeping it watered, taking the garbage to the street each week, returning the empty can to the garage after pick-up, or walking the dog.
  8. Speak life-affirming words.  What are the good qualities you recognize in your friend? Tell them what they are and how they live out those qualities well.
  9. Spouses need encouragement.  Leave “Post-it” notes with words of gratitude and love thoughts in special places.
  10. Tell your boss, pastor, or another leader you appreciate him.
  11. Treat your co-worker with something small now and then: a candy bar, their favorite coffee, a fun pen, etc.
  12. Validate the one you’re speaking with; those sharing their heart may lack self-worth. It’s wonderful to be validated by someone you genuinely like and admire!
  13. When talking with someone, ask them about themselves and their situation; don’t talk about yourself.
  14. Who do you love?  Tell your friend or family member you do.  We all need to hear that we are loved.
  15. Write down a Bible verse that meets your friend’s needs and send it in the mail, text it, or post it on their Facebook wall for encouragement.
  16. Turn off your cell phone when someone starts sharing with you to let them know they are important to you.
  17. Write love letters



More Helpful Ideas To Consider:

How To Encourage A Stranger? At The Same Time, Encourage Yourself!

Encourage Someone... And at The Same Time Encourage Yourself!

The hardest part of encouraging someone is to decide to do it! So get out and help and assist someone today!

  • Be willing to spend time in a personal Bible study. If you have a friend who struggles with her faith or wants to build a deeper relationship with the Lord, meet with them weekly.
  • Be willing to make regular phone calls to let the person know they are being thought of and cared about by someone.
  • Be willing to go for walks with someone and spend time together. Sometimes, we all need to be there and be ready to listen.
  • Be willing to share about yourself and to open up. Let go of the “perfect Christian” façade and share your struggles and faults. Let your friends know that they are not alone.

Be willing to ask your friend what their needs are. Ask them, “How can I help?” Be ready and willing to follow through. God will multiply whatever small offerings of willingness you have for someone in need. He will use you to bless many; you must only be willing.


Encourage Someone Today!

Encourage someone! NeedEncouragement.comWhen you encourage someone, it does not matter who. Help whoever God puts on your heart! It does not need to be spectacular, just a small kindness to a friend or stranger! Encourage someone with a random act of kindness! It sounds like a beautiful idea.

God’s word commands us to encourage one another. When you promote someone, you will also help yourself because of your obedience to God. 

Any word of encouragement or kindness shared by any of us can improve someone’s life. Even if it is only in a small way, it is still worth it. Encourage someone today; believe me, you will help lift them and uplift yourself simultaneously!

Be bold; reach out to someone today who can use your help. ~ Bill Greguska

Make Me A Blessing To Others! How To Encourage A Stranger?


Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:

Proverbs 18:24 ESV 

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

John 15:13 ESV 

Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends.

Proverbs 17:17 ESV

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Proverbs 27:9 ESV 

Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.

Proverbs 27:17 ESV 

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.



Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. We have a page for you if you just started believing in God.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. Learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone immediately, call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions or would like to be added to our email list, please let us know.


For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat.