Helping One Another Is A Blessing!

Helping one another! Pay what you can produce store. Gina Nygro -

Gina Nygro followed a prompting of the Lord and opened up this “Pay What You Can Produce Store.”

Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.

Helping one another is a beautiful and selfless act that brings joy to both the giver and receiver. When we decide in our hearts and minds to help others, we are planting seeds of kindness and compassion that will grow into a bountiful harvest. It’s important to remember that we all need help at times, whether it be with physical needs or emotional support. By treating others how we would like to be treated, we create a world where everyone feels loved and valued. God tells us to love one another, encourage one another, and help one another because He knows the power of unity and community.

We all have unique talents, skills, and abilities that can benefit someone else if shared freely. So let’s not hesitate or hold back from helping those around us who may need it most. We can help one another with our cheerful words, deeds, prayers, and the love and respect we share with others. Let’s pray for guidance on how best to use our gifts for His glory by helping one another in every way possible! When you decide in your heart and mind to help others the same way you would like others to help you, then you are on the right track! I encourage you to think about what talents, skills, or abilities you have that you could share with others, and then I encourage you to pray to God and ask Him what He wants you to do to help benefit someone else. Then I encourage you to get busy and do the will of God, and you will be both a blessing to others and you will be blessed at the same time. ~ Bill Greguska

Proverbs 11:25  A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be restored.


Gina Nygro Opened Up A Small Shop! 

Milwaukee, Wisconsin







Helping One Another In An Anonyms Way!



36 Principles How to Comfort Others!Helping one another is the way it is meant to be!

Practicing these simple principles can be a blessing to anyone who needs support and encouragement. You can apply these suggestions to anyone you know or meet if they are willing to be encouraged by you!

  1. Seek after and be confident of God’s plans for the person you wish to help.
  2. Ask questions but be slow to give advice.
  3. Treat the other person the way you would want to be treated.
  4. Gently probe with open-ended questions.
  5. Rely mainly on God’s word to get to the truth of the matter.
  6. Find things to agree with and try not to focus on irrelevant disagreements.
  7. Do not purposely agitate the person, yet offer suggested goals based on what they share.
  8. Listen very intently to the person’s every word.
  9. Inject a little bit of humor.
  10. Relate to the other person’s problem and how you solved your problem.
  11. Try to feel their pain.
  12. Tell a concise story related to what they are talking about.
  13. Share a quote of scripture appropriate to their situation.
  14. Be happy for their victories, no matter how small they may be.
  15. Be their friend and use your words seasoned with respect and love.
  16. Try to, in most cases, talk less than the other person.
  17. While listening to the person talk, silently say a short prayer for them.
  18. Avoid any impression of putting yourself above the other person.
  19. Remind the person that the devil is the accuser, but God is the forgiver.
  20. Regard tears and anger as natural as breathing.
  21. Match the person’s mood and feel their pain the best you can.
  22. When appropriate, use the encouragement of touch.
  23. Offer to pray for them if they are interested.
  24. You can make yourself trustworthy by not being judgmental.
  25. Ask the person if they would like to read a scripture.
  26. Don’t cut someone short, but also talk only a short time.
  27. Pay attention to the person’s body language.
  28. Be aware that the person might need to be more transparent.
  29. Remember that some people’s past can be a very sensitive issue.
  30. Give yourself time to recharge after talking.
  31. Keep approximately 75 % eye contact.
  32. Be ready to change a subject that is going nowhere temporarily.
  33. Please keep your eyes open for any needed adjustments in your approach.
  34. Keep a humble dependence on the Holy Spirit.
  35. Do not give up on the person, yet keep healthy boundaries.
  36. If appropriate, consider practical help like housework, shopping, etc.




How To Serve Others Like Jesus?



Here Are Some Helpful Links:





Showing The Kindness Found Through God!


Helping One Another!

Helping one another!

When you start helping one another regularly, you will inevitably realize how vital it is in your life!

You can get involved in our ministry. If you’d like to get involved, contact us for details. Helping others is very valuable. God’s Word says we ought to love others as we want them to love us. Take time today to reach out and, in doing so, make your life more worthwhile. Helping one another is something that we, as people, need to understand the actual value of when we do it. When we support one another, we are doing God’s will in our lives through our service to one another.

God’s two greatest commands are to love God with all of our heart, mind, and soul and to love others as we would love ourselves. So we may think that helping one another might be optional for us, but in actuality, it is a command from God! There are many ways of helping one another that can become a regular part of our lives. Take the time to think of some ideas in this area, and then with prayer, ask God to help you become an encouragement to others! Below is a list of pages that can help you. Please look around this website; I am sure you will discover precisely what you need in your life. ~ Bill Greguska






Acts of Kindness Are Great In Helping One Another!

Helping One Another Is Awesome!

When you are helping one another, you can not help but love one another at the same time if your heart is right!

  1. Acts of kindness, such as being a generous tipper wherever you go.
  2. Give a smile to someone who does not have a smile.
  3. Be kind to everyone on the phone and in person.
  4. Help others with small tasks without expecting anything in return.
  5. Before going to bed, think of 3 things to be grateful for.
  6. Offer to return a shopping cart to someone at the store.
  7. While going for a walk, pick up trash.
  8. Say something nice about the person others are gossiping about.
  9. Cook a meal for a friend who is struggling.
  10. Acts of kindness include putting a quarter in an expired parking meter.







Scriptures About “One Another”





What Does Humility Look Like?




Help One Another!

 (This is a section from The Book I wrote)

Lord, it is great to be involved in other people’s lives, to understand what matters to them and what their priorities are. Being a parent is a great way for me to be a mentor to my children Sherry and Chris. I was honored to take care of my elderly mother for the last eight years of her life, so she wouldn’t have to go into a nursing home, which was something she dreaded. I was both a mentor and friend to Ben (who had Cerebral Palsy) and cared for other people in my life.  Lord, do you know of others I can help? Please show me so I can start working on it. 

Lord, we can each help other people in many ways – pray for them, do acts of kindness, spend time with them, or remember them on special days like their birthdays or Christmas.  We can contact them for no reason, which can be a real blessing.

Lord, I pray that each of us will be more considerate and not hesitate so much about helping others, but will love and reach out to each other more freely.  Help us consider it an honor and privilege to be able to help someone, no matter what their circumstances may be.  Teach us to love more like you love, Lord.

It is one of the beautiful compensations in this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, popular American lecturer, philosopher, and poet.



Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions or want to get on our email list, just let us know.


For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat