Setting Priorities Reflect Our Faith, Goals, Values!

Does setting priorities need to be re-examined in your life?

Do My Priorities Reflect My Goals And Values?

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When we are setting priorities it will determine what I strive after. They are the guiding lights that lead me towards my goals and aspirations. Each value on my list holds a special place in my heart, reminding me of what truly matters in life. When I take the time to reflect and take inventory of where I currently stand, it enables me to plan my journey more efficiently.

Setting Priorities Is Like Mapping Out A Route Before Embarking On A Road Trip ~ Knowing Exactly Where I Want To Go Helps Me Choose The Best Path Forward. It Is Wonderful When My Priorities Are Aligned! 

There is an undeniable truth in the expression that if we don’t stand for something, we risk falling for anything. That’s why I believe all of us must be disciplined enough to examine our lives regularly. I vividly remember the wise words of my former pastor Ron Sauer, who had his own profound definition of discipline: “Discipline is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done, no matter how I feel about it.” This quote has become ingrained in my mind and has greatly influenced me. It serves as a constant reminder that staying true to our priorities requires dedication and perseverance even when faced with challenges or temptations. So today, let us embrace our values wholeheartedly while maintaining an encouraging tone within ourselves. Let us never forget that by prioritizing what truly matters, my life is so much better because of taking the time to do so! ~ Bill Greguska


Matthew 6:33  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.




I Focus Setting Priorities On God’s Word!

My priorities found on a gratitude list. What are you thankful for?

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.



Setting Priorities Is Very Wise!


How To List Your Priorities?

On my walk down to Lake Michigan today, I listed my priorities and things I value. I encourage you to take the time to do the same thing.  You will discover that you spend your time compared to how you would like to spend it you would want to spend your time. You will become aware of your values and how you waste your valuable time with things that do not matter and keep you from your real goals in life. It will also reinforce the good things you are doing and encourage you to keep them going!

My List Of My Top 100 Priorities:

(Your List Will Be Different, Obviously)

  1. Do my morning quiet time, read, journal, and pray.
  2. Read one chapter from the Bible each day.
  3. Help someone who is down.
  4. Make doing acts of kindness a habit.
  5. Forgive others quickly.
  6. Find good in all people and things.
  7. Thank God, and be grateful.
  8. Count my blessings.
  9. Accept people for the way they are.
  10. Be ready and aware to tell people about Jesus; who wants to know.
  11. Hand out my encouragement cards.
  12. Be always willing to help someone.
  13. Invite someone to my house, and be hospitable.
  14. Go to the gym and work out every other day.
  15. Admit, confess, and repent of faults and sins.
  16. Offer to take someone to lunch.
  17. Let go of resentments.
  18. Memorize Bible verses.
  19. Go to church.
  20. Go to Bible study.
  21. I am drinking plenty of water.
  22. Exercise at the gym every other day.
  23. Do stretches every day.
  24. Help the elderly and disabled buy their groceries.
  25. Talk to God throughout the entire day.
  26. Be more positive and less harmful.
  27. Rely on God more than people.
  28. Share a joke and make people smile.
  29. Pray for someone special.
  30. Try being extra nice to people and not expect so much of them.
  31. Be nicer to myself.
  32. Don’t be afraid to take risks.
  33. Write someone a letter and send a picture.
  34. Enjoy the music.
  35. Make new friends, fortify the old.
  36. Find a short, interesting book and read it.
  37. Find the cause to volunteer for.
  38. Make plans to go for breakfast with someone.
  39. Use my elliptical machine.
  40. Take walks and hikes.
  41. Go out for ice cream.
  42. Work on my website.
  43. See a movie alone or with a friend.
  44. Go out to eat alone or with a friend.
  45. Hike down to Lake Michigan.
  46. Visit Lucky Bob’s car racing and also play chess.
  47. Go to a play. Go to a concert.
  48. Plan ahead better.
  49. Don’t rush to get to places.
  50. I eat healthy and good, not too much.

Continued below…



Setting Prioritize About What Is Most Important To You!


More Of My List Of My Top 100 Priorities:

  1. Put God first in my life.
  2. Make plans in the morning and cross them out at night.
  3. Don’t spend too much time on the computer.
  4. Don’t waste time.
  5. Be open to laughter and wisdom.
  6. Don’t plan too many things in one day.
  7. Always be a gentleman.
  8. Tell people jokes.
  9. Push me, but at the same time, be gentle.
  10. Go to sleep by 10:30 each night.
  11. Wake up at 6:30.
  12. Take my vitamins and medication.
  13. Call my brother.
  14. Call my friends each week.
  15. Go to the mall.
  16. Go to the park.
  17. Memorize more scriptures.
  18. Shoot baskets in the backyard.
  19. Be aware of what’s going on in the community.
  20. Mail someone a custom-made button.
  21. Make buttons and give them out more.
  22. Eat popcorn from my machine.
  23. Take care of my guinea pigs.
  24. Volunteer at church.
  25. Ask people more questions.
  26. Talk less about myself.
  27. Keep my house clean and orderly.
  28. Be aware of other people’s needs.
  29. Treat someone to a cup of coffee.
  30. Be happy for other people’s Good Fortune.
  31. Be sad when other people are sad.
  32. To finish writing my book.
  33. The encouragement helpline twice a week.
  34. Put encouragement cards on people’s cars.
  35. Take good care of my hygiene.
  36. Encourage those who seem to need it.
  37. Love those who are hard to love.
  38. Let go of bad memories.
  39. Remember that the earth is not my home.
  40. Always say please and thank you.
  41. Look at the glass as half-full.
  42. Do people a favor without expecting a return.
  43. Be a good example of a Christian.
  44. Always be honest and truthful.
  45. Be hard-working and energetic.
  46. Be the first to forgive, and don’t repay evil for evil.
  47. Put other’s needs in front of mine.
  48. Be generous and kind, not be selfish or self-seeking.
  49. Be humble and compassionate.
  50. Don’t judge others but be wise in dealing with them.


How To Put God First In Your Life?


Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with angerstress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplineswebsite links, and YouTube videos.
  4. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions or want to get on our email list, just let us know.


For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat.