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These NBA Christian players shine a light on the court and off it. Do you know any NBA Christian players? They use their popularity and superstar platform to share the Gospel’s good news. Growing up and even to this day, I have always loved watching NBA players play basketball. Their skill, dedication, and passion for the game are truly awe-inspiring. However, their talent on the court and their unwavering faith in God set some players apart.
It’s Very Encouraging To See NBA Christian Players / Role Models That I Have Included On This Page Share Their Faith In Jesus Christ Without Being Ashamed At All About It. (There Are Even More Players That I Was Not Able To List). I Always Has A Secret Desire To Be An NBA Player, But All It Was… Was A Dream!
Pete Maravich, Stephen Curry, David Robinson, Kevin Durant, A.C. Green, Jeremy Lin, Dwight Howard, Jabari Parker, and Chris Paul all unashamedly proclaiming their love for Jesus Christ. Despite facing challenges on and off the court, they never hesitate to thank God for guiding them through tough times. These remarkable individuals serve as role models for aspiring basketball players and anyone striving to live a life rooted in faith and purpose. Their commitment to spreading positivity through action is a testament that one’s influence can extend far beyond sports arenas or championship titles – it can touch lives by inspiring hope and embracing spiritual growth. ~ Bill Greguska
2 Timothy 2:5 Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules.
A Strong Warning From Jaden Ivey From The Detroit Pistons!
I have loved NBA basketball ever since 1969, when I was nine years old. Being a Christian for many years, I look at basketball differently than I once did. I still really LOVE basketball,but now I look at the players not only for the fantastic athletic dunks, flashy moves, 3-point long-range shots, and all the rest of the skills and abilities of the NBA players but now, as I have gotten older I also look at their personal life such as being Christian, how they live their lives, how they talk and handle themselves with the media and what they do for the good of the community.
NBA players can quickly get wrapped up in the spotlight and fame and forget their humble roots. More and more Christian players choose to honor God on and off the basketball court and through their talents. They share their faith with people who may have never known Jesus otherwise. These NBA Christian players of faith are not shy in their convictions. They live for God by giving back to charity, speaking God’s Word on social media platforms,and sharing their faith with teammates, coaches, and fans. Below, you will find a list of NBA Christian players scoring big on the hardwood courts and in the lives of countless NBA fans worldwide.
Pete Maravich And His Testimony 1987!
Pete Maravich
I Amazed With Pistol Pete Maravich!
Pete Maravich how he was like a magician on the basketball court in the 1970s. That was after dominating the college scene at LSU. Pistol Pete was a master of shooting, passing, and razzle-dazzle. Maravich was awarded an NBA All-Star five times while playing with the Atlanta Hawks and New Orleans Jazz. After his fantastic basketball career, he found peace in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.One of his new Christian friends was Dr. James Dobson from Focus on the Family.
What Do You Need To Do?
Pistol Pete said, “You don’t have to be at a Billy Graham crusade. You don’t have to be in church. It can be just like I was. It can be anywhere you want—if that is what you want. But He will open that door and come in if you invite him. I want to give everybody in here who does not know Christ. If you’re not ashamed that you know Christ 100 percent here today, you can cement that relationship—right now, right where you are. I know without a doubt, 100 percent I am assured of my salvation. There is no doubt, not one within my mind. I know. There were times before when I did not. There’s nothing wrong with that. But you can diminish it.”
Do You Want To Know Jesus?
I’m asking that you repeat a prayer that I’m lifting up to the Lord. You can say it in your heart or silently right where you are. But don’t say it or repeat it unless you want to know God, because the most incredible privilege of this life is to know Him.
Consider This Prayer… The Words Are Not Magical, But They Point You To Salvation!
“Father. Thank you for sending your Son to pay the penalty for my sin. Right now, Lord, I am naked before you. For you only look at my heart. I ask you right now, Lord, to forgive my son. And I know that as you forgive my sin—that sin that you forgave and went to the cross for—is from past, present, and future. I believe that he rose from the dead. And right now, I ask you, Jesus, to come into my life. I thank you for coming into my life. Make me, Lord, that person that you want me to become. Amen.”
Once Saved, You Are Always Saved!
I want you to know that if you said that prayer. If you said it seriously, that would be great. I want you to know that if you confess it, you believe that you are saved this day forever in your heart. No one can ever take that away from you. And I only ask that you go to a Bible-believing church and read your Bible. You see, physically, we must eat or weaken ourselves and dry up. Spiritually, if you’re not in the word of God, your soul will dry up, and temptation will become even greater to you.
Are You A Secret Admirer Of Christ?
The Bible says in Matthew 10:32-33, “Everyone who confesses me before men, I will confess him before the Father who is in heaven. And whoever shall deny me before men, I will deny him before the Father who is in heaven.” You can’t be a secret admirer of Christ and shouldn’t want to be. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. To have eternal life isn’t going to go against the grain, but that’s your public commitment.
God bless all of you. Thank-you. – Pistol Pete Maravich
I believe Curry is probably one of the most amazing shooters ever. You can put an outspoken believer on the list. Not only does Steph point people to Christ in many interviews, but he almost literally makes almost every three-pointer he makes. Curry says he hits his chest to represent that his heart is God’s, and he points to heaven to remind himself that he’s playing for God.
Sharing Stephen’s Faith!
Stephen Curry said, “Each game is an opportunity to be on a great stage and be a witness for Christ. When I step on the floor, people should know who I represent and believe in.” Curry says that he gave his life to Christ and now must share the Word with others, such as his teammates. Curry once said, “There’s more to me than just the jersey I wear, and that’s Christ living inside of me.”
I Can Do All Things!
Stephen Curry, a superstar and two-time MVP point guard, is an outspoken Christian who wears Scripture on his playing shoes that says, “I can do all things,” referring to Philippians 4:13 (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”)
Pointing People To Jesus!
Curry wrote that he loves to point people toward “the Man who died for our sins on the cross. I know I have a place in Heaven waiting for me because of Him, and that’s something no earthly prize or a trophy could ever top.”
David was a gentle giant with great finesse and mobility. He was a fantastic athlete who got his professional start in the NBA in the 1980s. David played center for the San Antonio Spurs and is known for many accomplishments as a player. Being included in the 1992 Olympics on the “Dream Team” was outstanding. Robinson was part of two championship teams in San Antonio for over a decade and even won the league MVP award in 1995.
Reaching Out To Others!
His many community and world contributions have extended far beyond his athletic accomplishments. Robinson has engaged in several humanitarian ventures over the years, so many in fact that the NBA Community Assist Award includes a plaque bearing his name. You can have it all! David Robinson is a Christian man and is always ready to show it. In an interview, he stated that he had it all in his first year in the NBA: the house, the money…everything.
Something Was Missing!
But he knew he was missing something, and that is when he found God. David said, “I just fell on my knees and started crying, saying, ‘God, I am so sorry! You’ve blessed me incredibly, given me so much, everything I have, and I’ve never honored You. I never thanked You, never anything. I’ve been like a spoiled kid in the house. You’ve been blessing me, and I’m just running around doing what I want to do.’ I said, ‘From here on, Lord, everything I have is Yours. Wherever You want me to go, I’ll go. Whatever You want me to say, I’ll say. “Lord, just let me walk with You.’”
Many Parts To The Body!
In the same interview, David discusses the body of Christ and how we all have a place in it, and it may not be in the pulpit. It may be in ushering. He talks about how your place in the body of Christ is essential because God put you there. David is an excellent example of what a Christian man should look like, and we can learn a lot from him through his faithfulness to Jesus.
“The Bible pumps me up and balances me to play my best,” Durant said Beyond the Ultimate. “But it also tells me more about the Lord, how I can live for Him, and what all He has done for me.” Durant grew up in a Christian home led by a single mom but fell out of church attendance in middle and high school. Later, when he played the Thunder, he teamed up with teammate Kevin Ollie, who encouraged him to attend chapel services and be unafraid to voice his faith. Durant now shares his faith regularly on and off the court.
On Fire For Christ!
Kevin Durant plays for the Oklahoma City Thunder, and not only is he their star player, but he is also so on fire for Christ! In an interview, Kevin stated his faith transparently. He said, “I’m not perfect at all by any means. I’ve got a long way to go to become closer to the Lord, but hopefully, I can stay on the path. I might take a few steps forward and take a couple of steps back and take some steps forward, but I want to get better.”
Humility Comes Before Honor!
The 2014 MPV and four-time scoring champion plays alongside Stephen Curry on the Golden State Warriors. When they won the NBA championship, they said God got the glory. Durant said the Bible pumps and balances him to play his best. “The Bible says the Lord exalts humility, and that’s one thing I always try to be. Humility comes before honor.”
The Iron Man! We all know consistency and loyalty are great qualities for basketball players and believers. That makes A. C. a good choice for this list of Christian basketball players. He was nicknamed “Iron Man” because of his impressive run, having played 1,192 straight games. And He is long retired but still active as a Christian who speaks about Christ as a community leader. He works with youth through his A.C. Green Youth Foundation.
Championship Living
In his book Victory: The Principles of Championship Living, Green said, “God expects us to reproduce what we have learned in others.” A.C. Green was also known to remain a virgin during his playing career because of his faith in God. Green won three NBA championships in his 16 years of professional basketball.
While Jeremy Lin’s “Linsanity” hit the NBA and now has passed by, his faith in God has remained more robust than ever. Formerly a part of the NY Knicks, he now plays as a Houston Rockets guard. He is a very vocal player in the NBA, which you will find when it comes to his faith in God.
Jeremy faced some difficult times while getting into the NBA but didn’t give up on his faith. He proved to others that if you stick with God, He will bless you in many ways in His time and His will. Lin once said, “But the one thing I can promise is that God’s bigger and better than anything that can happen.” Linsanity has come and gone, but Jeremy’s faith has remained firm and steadfast, and you will find his faith in God something inspirational.
My Faith!
“I’ve learned how to be open and bold about my faith, but in terms of my influence, I try to lead in a godly way. What that means for me is to serve them, whether doing the dirty work, like cleaning up a sweat on the floor, or carrying equipment bags.”
“I Need To Be In The Word Daily.
I read and pray in the morning and at night. It helps me get off to a good start in the morning, and at night I look back at what happened during the day.”
At The End Of The Day!
I have to remember my calling. My purpose on this earth is to glorify God in what I do, and right now, that calling is to play basketball.” “For me to remember to play for an audience of One, for God, that was liberating for me to burden off of me for me to remember why I am playing. ”I’m just thankful to God for everything,” Lin said. “As the Bible says, God works in all things for the good of those who love Him,” referring to Romans 8:28. “I believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing God who does miracles.”
Dwight Howard is a Center-Forward For The Houston Rockets.
He is one of the most vocal athletes in the NBA about his faith! When asked about using his platform to affect lives, he said, “I’m down to earth. I’m laid back. I like to make sure people smile. Everybody needs to realize that it doesn’t matter how old or young. You can still be a Christian and live for God. It’s not easy, but that’s why we have God’s word, and He forgives us when we do something we shouldn’t be doing. You know, God sent His son Jesus to die for us, and He paid that sacrifice so you can go to Heaven.”
Jesus Paid The Price!
You know, God sent His son to die for us, and He paid that sacrifice so you can go to Heaven.” These are compelling words coming from an athlete. Living as a Christian, he said, “It’s not easy, but that’s why we have God’s word, and He forgives us when we do something we shouldn’t be doing. You know, God sent His son to die for us, and He paid that sacrifice so you can go to heaven.”
But I dreamed about it while growing up in Milwaukee, bouncing a basketball down the alley and playing at Hart and Enderis parks, among other gathering spots. Around nine years old when it seemed like I had a basketball attached to my hand. I was born into a good family. I had one brother and two sisters and was the youngest. We went to church. I accepted the attention that I got from basketball. Unfortunately, I made basketball, my god. And in time, I learned that was a big mistake because there is only one true God.
Then I Got Addicted To Both Drugs And Alcohol!
This ended any future hope I had to play basketball in college and the only reason I made varsity my junior year was because of my reputation. I was so out of shape from abusing alcohol and drugs my sophomore summer. It was unfortunate to see what my addictions did to me. Or should I say that I allowed them to do it to me? Because of my addictions, I got in trouble with the law and even ended up in jail.
When I Reflect On My Life!
The most important thing I did in my life was not playing basketball, quitting drugs and alcohol, stopping getting into trouble with the law, or that I got married and raising a son and daughter. All those things are good. I will tell you how I see it: the most important thing I did in my life was that I was introduced to Jesus Christ in a more meaningful way in 1986, and decided with my own free will and the Holy Spirit’s prompting to start to follow Jesus in a much more serious way. And that is what I did, and I am still doing all of it these years. I am not sinless, but I can say for sure. I sin less.
Accepting And Following Jesus!
This was the most logical thing for me to do. His teaching made sense to me. I did not accept Jesus the first time someone talked with me about Him, but finally, after having my final bout of trouble with the Law in 1986, and was placed in long-term treatment for alcohol and drugs. Remembering the very last day I did any drugs, right then, It came to me like turning on a light switch, realizing the way I had been living was insane. I cried out to God to help me stop, and sure enough, that was the last time I used drugs or alcohol was June 25th, 1986. Praise God!What happened was that I turned my back on alcohol and drugs, opened my arms to God, and submitted my life to Him.
My Life Changed!
From then on, God worked on my heart little by little, helping me changehow I lived through the regeneration process. God mentally, emotionally, and spiritually freed me. I then realized that days added to weeks, weeks added to months, and months added to years.
I Can Not, Or Will Not Promise
If you accept Jesus right now, I can not promise that your life will be free of worries, problems, or pain, like a magic wand. But I can promise you that you will have an advocate to help you through all your difficulties through prayer and the opportunity to read His word to supply the strength and wisdom we all need in this crazy world.
I Ask You To Think About What I Have Shared!
Then grab on to the opportunity to be forgiven for your past, present, and future sins and live the way God intended for you and me to live while here on earth and eventually with Him when He calls us home to be with Him in heaven. If you are ready to decide Christ, then today may be the day for you to do so!
An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.
Proverbs 16:3 ESV
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Isaiah 40:31 ESV
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
1 Corinthians 12:26 ESV
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.
Philippians 4:13 ESV
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
In 2007, my pastor Ron Sauer and his wife Sue saw how depressed I was due to my wife giving up on our marriage. Ron and Sue encouraged me to encourage others. They were wise to know that if I reached out to help others, my problems would be put into perspective. I took their advice and it really helped! I trust you will find the encouragement you need here on our website. You can also call Need Him Phone Ministry 800-633-3446 or the Billy Graham prayer line 877-772-4559 or you can text JESUS (53787) God bless you! Bill Greguska
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