Quit Smoking And Save Money? (LOTS OF MONEY!)
You know cigarettes are killing you, so quit today!

Do You Want To Talk With Someone Who Can Help You? Click Here! You can always quit, so why quit now. ~ Robert Kiyosaki
Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
Quitting Smoking Will Not Only Help Improve Your Financial Situation When You Quit Smoking And Save Money, But It Will Also Greatly Enhance Your Health. Smoking Is A Costly Habit That Affects Not Only Our Health But Also Our Bank Accounts. The Good News Is That Anyone Can Quit Smoking For Good With God’s Help And A Little Determination. It Will Take Some Determination, But The Reward Of Being Smoke-free Is Well Worth Every Effort!
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.
Quit Smoking And Save Money~ And Save Your Health!
Quit Smoking/Save Money Today!
Quit Smoking Cigarettes
Quit Smoking Now
Bad Habits
Another Term For Addiction = Spiritual Warfare
Quit Smoking And Save Money Sounds Like A Great Plan!
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Addiction Resource Links:
How To Quit Smoking And Save Money!
Learn In One Minute ~ How To Quit Smoking And Save Money?
Step By Step! How To Quit Smoking And Save Money
How Much Money You Will Save When You Quit Smoking!
- Your focus will be on how much money you will be saving, which applies to all other things you use that you want to eliminate from your life.
- Save money by quitting smoking! (this also applies to any other addiction).
- Saving money will be beautiful, but your health improvement will be the real reward!
You Not Believe How Much You Will SAVE When You Quit Smoking!
Get An Accountability Partner To Help You Quit Smoking!
I Did Not Know How I Could Quit Smoking?
Tips On How To Quit Smoking And Save Money!
- In the days leading up to your target stop smoking day, begin cutting back on the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. Try to burn only half of a cigarette when you do smoke before you quit.
- Discuss your decision to quit date with your doctor, and ask if nicotine replacement therapy or other medications might help you stop.
- As you plan to stop smoking, pick a date on the calendar for when you want to quit smoking. (if the method does not work the first time, keep trying until you learn how to stop smoking. It took me more than just one try).
- Get other friends or family members to help keep you accountable and offer support.
- Add up how much money you’re spending now to see how much you’ll save.
- Chew plenty of gum and keep your hands busy while you are working on stopping smoking.
- Try to exercise more regularly and eat healthier foods. Stay close to God by praying. Thank Him for helping you to quit even before you stop smoking cigarettes.
- Get rid of all of your smoking paraphernalia. Throw away all your cigarettes, matches, lighters, and ashtrays. Plan to stay busy all day. Go for a walk or exercise. Go somewhere where smoking isn’t all, in the library or the movies. Eat foods you usually do not eat and take routes you don’t typically consider. The idea is to avoid any association with your usual patterns of behavior.
- Start using a nicotine replacement if you’ve decided that would help you.
More Tips On How To Quit Smoking And Save Money!
- Also, eat healthily and drink lots of water and juice. This will give you something to do and help flush the nicotine out of your body.
- Avoid the situations that trigger your smoking habit, which is critical while learning how to quit smoking.
- Calculate all the money you’re saving on cigarettes. Consider how much better everything tastes and smells, and think about how all your secondhand smoke is no longer affecting your family and friends. Learning to quit smoking will give you better health and add money to your pockets!
- Avoid alcohol. Drinking makes it more likely you’ll slide back into smoking.
- Eat right and exercise. A healthy diet and an exercise regimen can keep your mind off cravings and draw attention to how much better you feel now that you’ve quit smoking cigarettes.
- Reward yourself. Buy something special with the money you’ve saved on cigarettes.
- Having sugar-free gum or hard candy in your mouth and something in your hand will help with the void of the cigarette you were addicted to for such a long time. Have on-hand cigarette substitutes like carrot sticks or toothpicks.
- Remember that you can do all things with God’s help!
Want To Quit Smoking And Save Money?
Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:
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- If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
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- If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
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- Finally, if you have any questions or want to get on our email list, just let us know.