My Basketball Testimony… Bill Greguska

In high school, I had a bright future in basketball, until drugs and alcohol, cut things short!

Basketball Testimony! Michael Jordan...

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Reflecting on my life and my basketball testimony, I am reminded of the incredible power of God’s love and grace. Despite struggling with addiction and sin, I was given a second chance to put my life back together. Basketball had always been my passion – it consumed me from a young age. But as I spiraled down into substance abuse, my dreams of playing college ball became nothing more than a distant memory. It wasn’t until I realized that God needed to be first in my life that things began to change for the better, and at age 62, I wrote a book called, “Only God Can Move Mountains.”

Basketball Was My Dream, But I Fell Into A Nightmare Of Drugs And Alcohol. I Was At The Top Of My Basketball Career Sophomore Year At Pius XI, I Was Striving To Do My Best, But Things Turned Out Tragically Wrong! Then After Ten Years Of That Turmoil, God Released Me From My Addictions. I Thank God For His Love And Grace For Me!

With God’s help, I found strength in overcoming my addictions and re-discovered the joy of playing basketball again. Through this journey, God taught me an important lesson about priorities – God must come first above all else if we are going to find true fulfillment in life. My basketball testimony encourages those who may feel like they’ve “fouled out” in their own lives; there is always hope for redemption through faith! I summarize what basketball has taught me: “Basketball has taught me many good lessons in my life, such as trusting God, doing my best, having a good attitude, etc. But one of the most important things I learned is that sometimes, we win, and sometimes, we lose. When we win, we must give God the credit and honor. But when we lose, we must humility ask God to help us get back on our feet, and He will be faithful.” ~ Former basketball player Bill Greguska

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.


Stephen Curry Shares Some Of His Faith!



My Basketball Testimony Had It’s Ups And Down!

Basketball testimony of Bill Greguska!

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
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  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
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  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

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My Basketball Testimony Has To Do With Grace And Faith!My Basketball Testimony Has To Do With Grace!

I fouled out in life for over 10 years because of drugs, alcohol, and sin, which ended my dreams of playing college basketball.  But just like getting back on the court after being benched for too many fouls, I found my way back into the game of life thanks to God’s mercy.

Basketball Was My god!

Basketball was more than just a passion for me; it was an all-consuming obsession that took up nearly 22,000 hours of my life. (Out of curiosity, I guesstimated the hours I played basketball, mostly from age 9 through 16, including age 26 to 45, which = approximately 21,900 total hours.) It wasn’t until later that I realized how much I had put this game before anything else – even God himself. Yet despite my mistakes, God still blessed me with talent and gave me a second chance to set things right in my priorities.

Today, I no longer let basketball compete with what matters most in my life – faith, family, and friends who have supported me through everything- but instead use it to inspire others towards positivity and hope! ~ Bill Greguska






Basketball Testimony! My Pius XI freshman basketball coaches Tom Diciaula Freshman coach and Joe Bunetta Varsity coach.

My Basketball Coaches

I was blessed to always have good coaches all the way back from 4th grade through High school. My Pius XI freshman basketball coach was Tom Diciaula, My Freshman coach. And Joe Bunetta, My Varsity coach. I was also blessed with good sophomore-junior varsity coaches, Jim Rehm and Gary Pieske






Basketball testimony

Me and Joe Chrnelich – Joe was an all-conference center from the state championship Pius XI Basketball Team! Joe was a good role model for me.




Pius XI Basketball coaches and players (Left to Right ~ Varsity coach Joe Buneta, Player Joe Chrnelich, JV coach Jim Rehm, Player Jeff Tarkowski)

Left to Right ~ Varsity coach Joe Buneta, Player Joe Chrnelich, JV coach Jim Rehm, Player Jeff Tarkowski













Basketball Was My Only Real Motivation In My Life!

Bill Greguska - Basketball was my game!

All I remember was wanting to play basketball and play it right! Basketball was my game!

I was born in 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and I have played basketball since 5th grade. I loved (and still do love basketball), but when I turned 16, thank God, my focus shifted from basketball to drugs and alcohol, which I allowed to get me off track and onto the bench of life for about ten years.

But by the grace of God, He did not cast me out. Things progressed only after about a decade of self-induced problems, resulting in terrible times. I thank God that I finally and very seriously reached out to Him, and on June 25, 1986, when I decided I had enough, I hit bottom and was finally genuinely open to the idea of the Holy Spirit doing work in my life. Not half-heatedly the previous ten years, that got me nowhere fast. If I can share one thing I would do if I could live life over again, it would be not to get my values off balance.  I am thankful that God is a God of second and third chances because God loves us!~ Bill Greguska.









How Addiction Can End A Basketball Career! There Are Many Testimonies About This!

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