Dog Is Man’s Best Friend!

If you ever owned a dog, you will certainly understand why it is said that ~ Dog is man’s best friend!

Until one has laved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened!

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I have lived 64 years and I have had owned 3 different dogs in my life. There is something about having a dog that can not compare to any friend or family member in the exact same way. A dog is a gift from God!

Each of my dogs I owned were very special in their own way. 

  1. When I was a freshman in high school, my mom let me have a black Labrador I named “Blackie.” She was special to me since “Blackie” became the younger sibling that I never had. When I was a junior I was depressed since I wasted all the summer drinking and using drugs, and I knew quite well that I was way out of shape and my coordination was terrible. I put all my eggs into basketball, but they all broke. My mom told me to take Blackie for a run down the parkway, I did and while I was running her, I was thinking of the Rocky Balboa song, and I was feeling very inspired, I was happily surprised. I got back home, and told my mom I was going out for the basketball team. I made the team, but only on account of my reputation. If it was not for Blackie, who knows what I would have done.
  2. When I was in my 30’s I found a stray dog on Hy ZZ and Hy N. I talked to the nearest cattle farmer and she warned me that the dog was going to get ran over by a semi truck. When I saw “Ceppi” for the first time, she was all bones and ribs. I thought it over, such as vet bills, dog food, etc. But I decided to keep “Ceppi” and I am so glad I did, she was the best dog in the world to me! We used to take long walks in Kettle Moraine and other parks like Whitnal, etc. She was very obedient, loving, athletic, loyal, she was the best dog ever!
  3. In my early 60’s I was very sad after braking up with a woman I cared a lot about, things were not working out, so I decided to break up with her. I cried often and a good friend suggested I get a dog again. My friend knew me for about 30 and knew how much I loved “Ceppi” so I took her advice and went to the humane society and pick up a 10 year old dog that I named after the “Original Ceppi” Being single and living alone, “Ceppi” has been a good friend, companion, and has given me emotional support.

Bottom line, a dog is man’s best friend! They love you unconditionally, they are always happy to you, they do not argue with you, they lick your face, they are always ready to play, they are loyal, they are never too busy, they are a great companion, and they are a great friend who are always around when you need them.



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See For Yourself That ~ Dog Is Man’s Best Friend!

Below Are A Few Images Of Some Special Dogs!

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself!

That started when he was a puppy!







Look mom, no hands!




















This Is Why Dogs Are Our Best Friend?


Count your blessings, not your problems. NeedEncouragement.comLaughter is the best medicine!









When life gives you lemons make lemonade!





Dog Is Man's Best Friend!








Lord, please make me the person who my dog thinks I am. I would appreciate that greatly! Thank you, and Amen!







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