Why God Puts Certain People In Our Lives!

God uses others to help point us to Himself!

Why God Puts Certain People In Our Lives! NeedEncouragement.com

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Pastor Ron and Sue Sauer have displayed what it truly means to be Christian influences, as they wholeheartedly dedicate their giftedness to the betterment of individuals at church, Moody, and anyone the Lord brings into their lives, including myself. Their unwavering commitment to spreading God’s love has profoundly impacted me, particularly through our frequent exchanges of emails, texts, and heartfelt conversations. I am incredibly fortunate and blessed to have received his excellent counsel and cherished fellowship over the years. Likewise, Sue’s influence has been instrumental in shaping my faith journey. Her compassionate nature shines through in every interaction we have had. In times of doubt or struggle, she has consistently pointed me toward Jesus Christ with words of encouragement that resonate deeply within my soul. Have you figured out what God puts certain people in our lives? Think about it for a minute!

I Found That It Sometimes Takes A Team Of People To Help Point A Person To Jesus! Though There Have Been Numerous Christian Influences Throughout My Life ~ Each Person Playing A Significant Role In Leading Me To Faith In Jesus Christ! Ron And Sue Sauer Were The Biggest Influences On Me I Would Say! After You Have Discovered Christian Influences To Get You On Track, Then Try To Encourage Others!  Below Are A Few More People Who Have Influenced Me A Lot In My Faith!

Sue Sauer (especially), My Mom, Mark Mallwitz, Brian Larson, John Wegner, Stuart Briscoe, Tom Greguska, Ken Krause, Peg Gongolias, and Cousin Joe Bova stand out among them all due to their profound impact on my spiritual growth. However, Ron and Sue have gone above and beyond what could be expected from any mentor or guide when it comes to pointing me toward Christ.

I Vividly Recall Ron And Sue Sharing:

2 Corinthians 1:3-4  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. We were not created to be Lone Ranges in our Christian faith, so when I was very depressed from being divorced, they strongly encouraged me to encourage others. That is how this ministry of NeedEncouragment.com began in 2007 from them encouraging me. And we need one another to help and be helped. We all need good, Godly Christian influences. I distinctly remember Ron and Sue saying that I should comfort others with the comfort I have received from Christ which was a tremendous influence in my life. ~ Bill Greguska

Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My Former Pastor Ron Sauer ~ Proverbs On Friends!

Do You Have Christian Influences In Your Life? Why God Puts Certain People In Our Lives?

Christian influence from pastor Ron and Sue Sauer has been a blessing to me! NeedEncouragement.com

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it. ~ Click here.


Your Life Can Be A Christian Influence!

Why God Puts Certain People In Our Lives? Diana Greguska: A Godly Woman And Mom!

My mom Diana Greguska and me Bill Greguska! NeedEncouragement.com

My mom loved God, and she loved me, too, even when I was not lovable! Her love for me helped me strengthen my faith. She was one of the first Christian influences in my life!
Of all the people in my life, my mom was the one who was always there for me.  She helped to build a stronger faith in me. She was the first real Christian influence in my life. Her love for me gave me a good measuring stick about what love was. My mom was a very wise woman. She knew a bit about the Bible. Although she was raised Catholic, she was pretty sheltered from reading the Bible. Mom displayed love and an extraordinary ability to comfort, encourage, and motivate me most when I needed it. 
Mom used basketball as leverage to ensure I behaved in school (which I did my best) and got passing grades. She helped give me stronger faith during my drug and alcohol years, high school problems, and all the treatment centers I went to for help. Mom was always there for me. She set an excellent example for me of how to live my life. Then, I got stronger faith by attending church regularly, reading my Bible, and getting right with God. I thank God for all the Christian influences He put into my life. My mom had my back covered, to say in a way, so when she lost her 2nd husband, I took care of her for the last eight years of her life. I am happy I could help care for her in her golden years until she died. We made a good team because we worked together, communicated well, and had mutual respect and love for each other. What a great mom I was blessed to have!

Mark Mallwitz Dedication To God! Why God Puts Certain People In Our Lives?

Mark Mallwitz NeedEncouragement.com

Mark Mallwitz has helped me get stronger faith in God through the things he taught me and how he taught me how to love and serve others by his example!
I was blessed to have Mark Mallwitz as one of the critical people to lead me to the Lord, help keep me on track, and strengthen my faith since 1990. Besides Sue Sauer, Mark always points me to Jesus Christ, so I like him as much as I do! He has been a friend through thick and thin. Mark and Lisa have had their Bible study at their home for about 30 years every Wednesday night. Even though they live in Menomonee Falls, I still drove across town. I did this almost immediately because it was such an excellent Bible study.
Mark has been an excellent friend and a mentor to me since we met back through Elmbrook church Bible study at Jack Leonard’s house. It was great that Mark became a pastor some years ago after following a prompting to end his business career. He went into full-time ministry with BASICS in Milwaukee. Mark said, “People do not want to know how much you know. They want to know how much you care.” Mark has been a source of biblical knowledge for me, which has helped me increase my faith and walk with the Lord. Mark has shown me with his actions how much he cared for me. When my mom died and when I was going through my divorce, he was there for me, helped me get a couple of jobs, and encouraged me when I was depressed and confused about life. I have been blessed to have Mark and others as such good Christian influences in my life.


Mike Hayden Helps Orphans And Many Others! Why God Puts Certain People In Our Lives?

Mike Hayden and his wife Sue! NeedEncouragement.com

Because Mike Hayden taught me about the Holy Spirit, I got stronger faith in God, and my walk with God improved significantly! In 1992, I broke up with a girlfriend who attended Elmbrook church; I was uncomfortable attending church while still going there because the breakup was so new. So I decided to try going to Eastbrook church temporarily, which turned into six weeks because I stumbled across a Bible study that Mike Hayden was leading, which happened to be about the Holy Spirit. I was recently born again in 1986, so I was a newer Christian. While attending his class, I learned something I never knew before, which had to do with the Holy Spirit. 

The teaching strengthened my faith by instructing me about something I knew little about. I would call it a missing link of wisdom that, up until that point, I did not have too much of a clue about. Many people in my life helped me with my faith, and Mike was one of them. Christian influences happen when we take the chance to build friendships with one another.
I also recall a gasoline attendant named Shawn O’Gorman. When I was around 20 years old, playing basketball at Hart Park. While walking by to get on a bus, Shawn was right there on Haley Road and Wisconsin Avenue. Shawn held his small Bible and asked me some religious questions, namely about my salvation and where I was going when I died. His openness and friendliness were inviting to me mainly because I was interested in God. I thank all those who have been Christian influences in building a stronger faith in me via the Holy Spirit.

My Pastor Stuart Briscoe Discusses Calvinism!

Bill Marris Teaches Through Jewish Eyes!

God Has Blessed Bill Marris To Be A Knowledgeable Teacher Of God’s Word! Bill Marris has gained stronger faith by knowing and loving Jesus Christ more. Bill is a personable, intelligent, gifted teacher of the word of God and a friend of mine. I have been going to his Campfire Campfire Convocations for years now. The campfire Convocations are located in a beautiful setting on the edge of the woods, and the teaching is very Biblical because it sees things through the eyes of the Jewish people. Bill connects the Old Testament from our Jewish friends’ viewpoint to make a total picture of my Christian faith. Bill Marris is an excellent teacher! His teaching is in Hartland, Wisconsin. View his links above.

Apostle Paul Lists Five Benefits God Gives All Believers:

  1. Made us qualified to share his inheritance (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  2. Rescued us from Satan’s dominion of darkness and made us his children (Colossians 1:13)
  3. Brought us into his eternal kingdom (Ephesians 1:5, 6)
  4. Redeemed us-bought our freedom from sin and judgment (Hebrews 9:12)
  5. Forgive all our sins (past, present, and future). (Ephesians 1:7)

How Can I Build My Faith In Jesus? Why God Puts Certain People In Our Lives?

7 Ways To Become A Better Christian This Year!

Like the army motto, “Be all you can be,” I believe that applies to our lives as Christians. We are all a work in progress and can most certainly become better. God’s work in us is never finished until He takes us home. Set the goals to help you get closer to God and make them a habit. But before I get into how you can turn your dreams into godly habits, I want to offer some examples of goals you could have. Just in case you have no idea where to begin. Why God puts certain people in our lives affects our lives.
The best way to become the best Christian you can be is to follow the following reminders:
  • Reading your Bible
  • Fellowship
  • Prayer
  • Living out your faith
Using the list above can help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. I admit that I had not led an extraordinary life before I became a Christian, and even now, after being a Christian for 32 years, I still fall into temptation and sin. This usually happens when I fail to prioritize Jesus in my life and allow other people and things to get in my way. Creating good habits is very important if you want to be the best Christian you can be.

Suggestions To Help You Walk With God!

  • Pray for at least 5-10 minutes a day.
  • Read your Bible for 10 minutes a day.
  • Use fasting as a spiritual exercise to strengthen your faith.
  • Build a strong fellowship with other believers from the church
  • Don’t just attend church. Enjoy and participate in church.


More Ways To Become A Better Christian!

  1. Make Time To Pray, Think, And Prioritize Your life
  2. Keep things simple; be sure to invite God into your plans.
  3. Write Down Some Goals
  4. Without goals, you have very little to shoot for.
  5. Take Baby Steps
  6. Be realistic with your plans; don’t make them too hard to attain, which you will probably tend to want to quit trying.
  7. Have A Friend Help You Stay On Track
  8. The Bible says that “Iron sharpens Iron, ” so keep that in mind when you plan to do things independently. Accountability is a great tool for helping you accomplish what you need to do.
  9. Do Your Best
  10. God knows that you and I have our imperfections and weaknesses. So do not be too hard on yourself. If you fail, our God is a loving God full of grace and second and third chances. But don’t abuse His grace.
  11. Avoid Or Limit Temptations That May Trip You Up. Is your computer or other electronic devices keeping you from spending time with God or accomplishing your responsibilities? If something makes it hard for you to live the life God wants you to, then these things should be removed from your life somehow.



Faith Is A Gift From God!

If you pray to God repeatedly and your prayers are not answered the way you want them to be, then a person could reason that their faith is useless. In my experience, I remember praying and praying about things and not getting my prayers answered. Later, I discovered that it would not have been best if my prayer had been answered the way I asked.
I was praying that I would make it into the NBA when I was in grade school and high school. Yes, I was somewhat disappointed. It dawned on me that I dislike traveling, and being in the NBA would mean a lot of traveling! I am sure you can think of a time when you felt disappointed. Only later to realize that everything would work out for the best. God is in control and knows what is best for you and me. He has proven that to me time after time again! Can you think of your analogy about faith?

Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions or want to get on our email list, just let us know.


For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat.