What Choice Will You Make?
Before you make any choices, pray about it!

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What choice will you make? It is a question that holds immense power, for it can shape the course of your life. If you think you can overcome obstacles and achieve greatness, then indeed, you are right. OR if you believe that success remains elusive and beyond your reach, well my friend, sadly, you are also correct. But let me offer a glimmer of hope amidst this realization – turn to God for your encouragement before seeking the opinions of others.
The God Who Created The Universe And Knows Every Fiber Of Your Being Is More Than Capable Of Providing Guidance And Strength. Reflect With Me On The Most Significant Decision I Made In My Life ~ Accepting Jesus Christ As My Lord And Savior. No Other Choice Has Had Such An Impact On Mt Life!
Remember though; we possess free will to determine our path but must bear responsibility for its consequences. My brother once wisely told me, “Bill, you make your bed; you sleep in it.” So I ask you now with utmost sincerity – choose wisely when faced with critical junctures along life’s winding road. What choice will YOU make? ~ Bill Greguska
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Bill Greguska
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What Choice Will You Make? ~ I Am Glad I Made Mine!
Ten Ways To Discover Additional Encouragement For Yourself:
- Encouragement for Relationships
- Encouragement to End an Addiction
- Encouragement for Your Faith
- Encouragement from Many Topics
- Encouragement to Pray Daily
- Encouragement from our Ideas List
- Encouragement via Chatting
- Encouragement from our Sitemap
- Encouragement from a Free Bible
- Encouragement from My Book
Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.
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Topics Of Encouragement
- Are there parts in the Bible that talk about trusting others?
- Can I take control of my thoughts?
- Find answers to crucial questions!
- Frequently asked Bible questions!
- Did Jesus speak strongly against lukewarm faith?
- Does God answer all prayers?
I Want To Accept Jesus Christ!
More Topics Of Encouragement
- Does the Bible say anything about doing drugs?
- Do I have to forgive those who sin against me?
- How can I be sure to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
- How can I give my life to God?
- How do I receive forgiveness from God?
- I have just put my faith in Jesus, now what should I do?
- In what way would you describe forgiveness?
What Choice Will You Make About God?
Learn About Specific Scriptures Of Encouragement!
What does the Open Bible say about choices to make?
What does Biblegateway say about making a choice?
Nobody Can Make The Choice For You!
Fork In The Road?
(This is a sample from The Book I wrote)
Lord, when I say that I know you, that does not mean I have always lived a godly, wholesome life. I was far from you for many years doing my own thing, carousing, and living a wild life. But I also know you created me in my mother’s womb and have guided me through life, and you are not done with me yet.
Lord, you are my refuge and strength, my salvation and living water, my creator and provider, my rock and my protector, my comforter and counselor. You have saved me from my sin, and you deliver me from evil. I thank you for your sacrifice on the cross for me. Lord, I am sorry, and I have repented from the choice I made to follow the world, my flesh, and the devil, for a season in my life. I thank you for never leaving me, and for giving me second, third, and fourth chances.
I thank you for revealing yourself to me. You have always had a very special place in my heart since I was a young boy, even though I was living my life to please me most of the time. Lord, you have given all of us free will to think and do whatever we want. I have always known you are there, Lord, yet I have not always followed you and your teaching. My flesh has been weak, and sin and temptation have been my enemy. Each one of us is tempted, but when we come to the fork in the road, are we prepared enough with your armor to fight the temptation and have victory?
Make mistakes and make bad decisions: you learn from them. ~ Dirk Nowitzki highly regarded NBA power forward.
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- If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
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