What Are Encouragement Ideas?

Wish To Get More Ideas And Advice? Click Here! A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships. ~ Helen Keller
200 encouragement ideas to help you!
Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
Encouragement ideas are like rays of sunshine on a cloudy day. They brighten our hearts, uplift our spirits, and motivate us to keep going. We all have different gifts from God, but encouragement is one gift we can give freely. Sometimes, it may feel daunting to encourage others because of fear or insecurity, but the more we practice it, the easier it becomes. Everyone can inspire others, but sometimes, because of fear, insecurity, and feelings of possible ridicule or rejection, we may tend to fade into the background, missing the opportunity to speak a word of encouragement to another hurting soul.
Some Encouragement Ideas Come Naturally For Some, But A Little Harder For Others ~ It Takes A Little Extra Effort On Their Part. Encouragement Is Like The Fuel For A Car; Without Encouragement, Your Vehicle Does Not Go Far, And That Goes For You And Me. I Encourage You To Think Of More Ideas Of How You Can Be Encouraged And Encourage Others. If You Need Encouragement, The First Place To Go Is To God In Prayer!
Synergy Creates Encouragement Ideas!
Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement Ideas For Yourself:
- Encouragement for Relationships
- Encouragement to End an Addiction
- Encouragement for Your Faith
- Encouragement from Many Topics
- Encouragement to Pray Daily
- Encouragement from our Ideas List
- Encouragement via Chatting
- Encouragement from our Sitemap
- Encouragement from a Free Bible
- Encouragement from My Book
Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.
How To Find Encouragement Ideas From God Himself?
What Encouragement Ideas Are Best For You?
- Acknowledge that God can use you just as you are to help someone. Be yourself.
- Affirm and be encouraging with everybody you meet.
- Aim at being an excellent listener. Please don’t cut others off when they are speaking.
- Always encourage others to make wise decisions based on God’s Word.
- Always speak the truth in love.
- Always focus on God and His love for you and others.
- Ask God to help use you to encourage others.
- Ask someone a question or two to heart, seeing more hope in their situation.
- Ask someone how you can be of help to them.
- Ask someone how God has worked out things for them in the past, and share what God has done for you.
- Assure the other person that your conversation is confidential.
- When on social media to share thoughtful words or scriptures with someone.
- Attempt to offer specific help when someone is discouraged or hurting if they are open to it. Otherwise, could you listen?
- Are you available to help a friend move? If not, offer to bring some food to share.
- Avoid all nonconstructive criticism.
- Babysit for a young couple.
- Bake something and share it with friends for no particular reason.
- Be aware that people notice and appreciate when putting others’ needs into your own.
- Be generous with others since all things come from God.
- But never be disrespectful to others when sharing with them.
- Be mindful that exercise is so very critical to good health.
- Be willing to help when it comes to something you are good at, such as cleaning, cooking, etc. (or even not so good at)
- Brainstorm with someone to try to make things better.
- Buy flowers for someone who is known to be struggling in life.
- Buy something small for someone who needs a pick-me-pick-me-up.
- Call someone to let them know you are thinking of them.
- Celebrate accomplishments with a note, a dinner, and a phone call.
- Chase your most important dreams, and encourage others to do the same.
- Choose to live a life of integrity.
- Choose your words with kindness, love, and respect.
- Clean someone’s house for an elderly or disabled person.
- Comfort others so that you would appreciate being comforted yourself.
- Compliment others more often and freely.
- Connect an event in your life regularly to remind you to do something positive for someone else.
- Cook a meal for a friend who is struggling.
- Cook for someone who just got out of the hospital.
- Display patience with the cashier at the gas station and offer a word of encouragement.
- Do not complain; it has a negative ripple effect on others and drags people down. Instead, point out the good things.
- Don’t be a negative Nancy or Ned. Instead, choose to be cheerful like Peg or like Pete.
- Don’t compare yourself with others; do your best with God’s gifts.
- Don’t hesitate when you feel led to pray for someone.
- During your quiet time, lift friends in prayer.
- Dwell on your blessings instead of your problems.
- Encourage others with simple challenges to boost their confidence.
- Encourage someone when you notice that they are making some progress.
- Encourage someone’s slightest effort or success.
- Express how you feel about someone in writing.
- Express your gratitude without reservation.
- Extend neighborly kindness and care.
- Fast from something you enjoy and use the money you save to donate to a worthy cause or towards a friend in need.
How To Pray?
Video On How To Pray More Effectively?
How To Find A Good Church?
Free Christian Counseling
Can You Make A Difference?
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What Are Some Profound Encouragement Ideas To Consider?
- Fill empty jars with flowers from your garden and take them to a nursing home to bless the residents.
- Find absolute satisfaction in the person God made you.
- Focus and share your positive stories from your past with others.
- Focus on humorous things that happen in our lives.
- Focus on the possible good in a situation rather than the negative that could happen.
- Forgive others even when you do not feel like doing so.
- Freely offer words of praise.
- Freely say thanks for every kindness extended your way.
- Get active in church or Bible study.
- Get to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
- Give a genuine compliment to someone.
- Give information that you have that might help someone.
- Remind others of Christ’s second coming.
- Give positive affirmations to a friend or family member who needs your help.
- Give someone a CD or a book that has been a special blessing.
- Give someone a handmade gift made by you or a unique, personal, uplifting gift.
- Go out of your way to help a co-worker or friend.
- Gossip is very destructive, plus it is also a sin.
- Handle failures and failures maturely.
- Have a couple of small gifts or blank greeting cards to give someone on the spur of the moment.
- Help others who are in need find their way out.
- Help someone break down their issues into bite-size pieces.
- Help someone in a crisis temporarily to lessen their burden or responsibility.
- Help someone with yard work who needs help.
- If someone drinks alcohol or smokes cigarettes, compassionately encourage them to cut back or quit soon.
- If someone needs financial help and can afford to help, decide if you are willing to help.
- If your friend is grieving the loss of a loved one, encourage them to talk about the person and listen intently.
- Inform someone about what has worked and has not worked for you.
- Introduce someone and share a few positive words about talent or gifts they may have.
- Invite someone out for lunch or a movie.
- Invite someone to your church.
- Just a pat on the back can lift someone’s spirits.
- Listen to people more.
- Keep humble and be Christ-like with others.
- Keep in touch with others by phone, email, text, or written letter.
- Keep things in perspective.
- Know that you will let someone talk without being judgmental of what they say.
- Know when to be more assertive.
- Learn about someone in a conversation today, and show genuine concern.
- Learn people’s “love languages” and how they communicate and like to receive love.
- Leave a waitress a 40% tip. It will make their day.
- Lend a helping hand anywhere and at any time.
- Let someone know that God knows their needs.
- Let someone know that they are not alone, that you care, and God will never leave them.
- Let someone know why you think they are special and unique.
- Let your love be evident in your conversations.
- Look for what is right before looking for what is wrong.
- Love God and love others.
- Love someone with your words and the respect you show them.
- Make an effort to smile and nod more when listening to someone.
Sons Of Korah From Psalm 121
- Please turn off your cell phone when someone talks to you to make it clear to them that they are essential to you.
- Make positive, sincere comments about someone slightly down in spirit.
- Make smiling your brand-new habit.
- Ensure that you are wise as a serpent and peaceful as a dove. Be careful; some people might try to abuse your kindness.
- Sleep properly, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and ensure adequate sleep.
- Regular exercise, plenty of water, and eating healthy to be strong for others.
- Make sure you show interest in others with eye contact, questions, and comments.
- Memorize an excellent, clean joke and share it with others.
- Mow a yard, rake some leaves, and shovel snow for an elderly or disabled person.
- Never forget that every good and perfect gift comes from God.
- Never speak as if you are superior to anyone.
- Offer a compliment or word of praise can make someone’s day.
- Offer someone who is discouraged a hug.
- Offer to drive them somewhere if they can not drive.
- Offer to help do something for someone.
- Offer to share a book that changed your life to some degree. It could be the Bible or any other text.
- If they want to talk with you more in the coming weeks, offer to be available.
- One positive comment can make someone’s day.
- Pay more attention to God’s blessings instead of your problems.
- Perform a random act of kindness.
- Please pick up the phone and call someone to let them know you care.
- Placing a hand on the shoulder of someone or similar polite touch can be very encouraging.
- Plan mini celebrations as a more regular part of your relationships with others.
- Play upbeat music and offer to share it with others.
- Please focus on the good that others are doing rather than their blunders or mishaps.
- Please write a letter and send it to someone via US mail.
- Point out that you notice someone’s positive parenting. Parents need encouragement.
- Practicing acknowledging someone’s pain and letting them work through it without trying to rescue them can be helpful.
- Practice being a good listener. Sometimes, when people talk, they answer their problems.
- Practice smiling more often; increase your face value and encourage someone.
- Practice thinking positively about things.
- Pray with someone immediately when they ask, not later when we forget to.
- Pray for uplifting words to share with someone to provide comfort and encouragement.
- Pray that God shows you how to encourage the person.
- Pray that God will make you love being an encourager.
- Provide rides to doctors’ appointments.
- Purposely, ask someone for information on subjects they know a lot about.
- Put together a care package for someone in need.
- Put your helpful words into action.
- Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
- Quick to listen and slow to speak; often, the best encouragement is a listening ear.
- Random acts of kindness have a powerful ripple effect.
- Realize that a hug could be nearly life-changing for some people.
- Realize the power of just being present with someone.
- Refuse to fall into the trap of feeling negative about yourself.
- Refuse to gossip or backbite others.
- Relate to someone’s story in your life that is similar to theirs and how you worked it out with God.
- Do you have ears to hear? Also, a smile can change the mood of someone’s day.
- Remember to be kind to yourself, too.
- Remember, we are to love one another.
Do You Have Ears To Hear?
- Remind others to rest.
- Remind someone that God never gives up on us, even when we fail.
- Respectfully ask someone if you could share specific scriptures to help them if they are open to it.
- Restore hope with someone by sharing new perspectives from the Bible.
- Say something good about someone that others are gossiping about
- Secretly send someone a card when they are going through a tough time. Optional includes a gift card for Starbucks or any place.
- Send a kind note to someone.
- Send a short note to someone in a text message with a few encouraging words.
- Send flowers to encourage someone.
- Share a scripture that would lift someone’s spirits.
- Share at least a part of your story with others.
- Share encouraging thoughts that come to mind with others.
- Share the Gospel with someone interested in hearing it.
- Share with someone how they’ve encouraged you in the past.
- Share your testimony; keep it short unless they want a more detailed version.
- Sharing your time with someone is priceless.
- Show genuine interest in someone’s situation and that you care.
- Simply listening to someone can lift their spirits!
- Consider inviting a friend to dinner and letting them do most of the talking.
- If someone is out of work, invite them to dinner and send a gift card to the grocery store.
- Sometimes, it is best to encourage others in private.
- Speak positively and joyfully; it is contagious and becomes a habit.
- Speak words of encouragement instead of criticism.
- Speaking highly about someone in an authentic way can be very positive.
- Spend time just being with someone for their sake if they need company.
- Stay positive with everyone in all your communications on the Internet, social media, phone, etc.
- Strategically use encouragement as a form of outreach to someone.
- Take care of your health; fatigue makes us not think clearly and make poor decisions.
- Take the joy in yourself and give it to someone else.
- You can take the smaller piece of the pie (or anything) to let someone else have the more significant piece.
- Take time to update your address book.
- Tell all your friends or family members that you love them.
- Tell others who are interested in knowing more about your relationship with God.
- Tell someone how you feel about them face to face.
- Tell someone one or two of the specific promises of God.
- Tell someone that they are worthwhile and God loves them.
- Be sure to tell someone you love to thank God that He put them in your life.
- Tell someone you know you are praying for them, and remember to do so.
- Tell your boss, your pastor, or someone that you appreciate him.
- Thank and recognize others when you see them doing an act of kindness.
- The glass may be half full, so focus on what is right rather than wrong.
- Think of a creative to do a strategic act of kindness.
- Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
- Treat yourself as your best friend and reflect that example to others.
- Try to be pleasant even if you don’t agree with someone.
- Try to figure out someone’s love language and use that information to share the love with them.
- Try to pay it forward to others as often as possible.
- When appropriate, try to use scripture to encourage others but refrain from coming off as holier than thou.
- Uplifting and respectful when speaking with someone sharing their heart because they may lack self-esteem.
- Uplifting conversations are more likely when you keep your words positive.
Here Are Some Encouragement Ideas
- Use the mouth God gave you to build others up instead of tearing them down.
- Visit a nursing home since they have very few visitors.
- Volunteer to watch kids. Let parents have a date night.
- Volunteer with Special Olympics, the local food bank, the homeless shelter, or any worthwhile cause.
- When someone has problems, be there by pointing them to Jesus.
- Work to understand someone’s feelings the best you can.
- Work hard at remembering a person’s name; it can often be a key to their heart.
- Write down a scripture that meets the needs of someone’s heart and send it to them.
- Write encouraging things down on paper so that you remember to share them with someone.
- Write letters and share your love for others in nursing homes, prisons, homeless shelters, etc.
If You Have Suggestions For More Ideas, Click Here To Share!
How Does Positive Reinforcement Work?
Some Scriptures To Encourage You:
John 16:33 ESV
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Joshua 1:9 ESV
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Romans 8:28 ESV
And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Jeremiah 29:11 ESV
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!
- We have a page specifically for you if you just started believing in God.
- If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information that can help you.
- We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
- Learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
- If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
- If you need to talk to someone immediately, call 800-633-3446 or click here.
For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat.
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