How Well Do You Know God?
God wants a relationship with us! Remember it is by faith we are saved, not by works!

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The idea of knowing God is an exhilarating and awe-inspiring concept. It fills our hearts with hope and excitement, for to know God means we are connected to the ultimate source of love, wisdom, and power. As we dive deeper into this idea, a striking realization dawns upon us: even Satan knows God. However, what sets us apart is not merely knowledge but the choice to honor and follow Him wholeheartedly. Satan’s rebellion against God stemmed from his desire to be exalted above Him—an act that led to his banishment from heaven. Similarly, many individuals within our churches today possess knowledge about God but fail to honor or follow His teachings genuinely. So, how well do you know God?
There Are About 18 Inches From Our Head To Our Heart! So, It Is Not So Much About What You Know About God, It Is Whether God Is In Your Heart And He Is The Lord And Savior Of Your Life! I Pray That Knowing God Will Be Your Daily Goal For You!
It becomes evident that mere intellectual awareness does not equate to true discipleship. Instead, what matters most is whether we embrace a profound understanding of who He is—a loving Creator who longs for an intimate relationship with each one of us. As the Bible reveals, He desires to share God’s Holiness with those ready and willing to receive God’s truth in His infinite grace and mercy. Let it stir within your heart that God deeply cherishes you. Think about this question…Do you understand what it meant that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and me? That should stir up some thoughts and feelings about what that makes you want to do, such as getting right with God. That can be the best place to start your journey of knowing God more deeply. ~ Bill Greguska
Psalm 14:2 The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.
Get Right With God
Is Jesus Your Lord?
Hear God Speak
How To Know God
How Does Jesus Save?
Peace With God
How Well Do You Know God?
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Knowing You, Lord
From The Book I Wrote
Lord, I know that I’m in a spiritual war. For me to be victorious, it is important that I get to know you as well as I can, using the essential equipment you have given me, such as my Bible (so I can read your word each day) and frequent prayer. I need to get my marching orders from you. It’s not hard to understand what you want me to know and do; I know you came into the world to live and to die for my sins. My job is to accept your sacrificial gift by faith and to follow you one day at a time until you take me home to heaven with you. That is the key to success in the fight.
I’m so thankful that I have learned so much about you and your ways, Lord, and have grown closer to you, though I know I still have much growing and learning to do. I am glad that You saved me and have sown into me the desire to obey You, and I know that because I gave my life to You as my Lord and Savior, I will meet You in heaven when my time on earth is over. Although I sometimes get confused, I have learned that the answers are in your word. Help me keep it simple by remembering that you love me and died for me.
Spiritual Warfare?
Another important weapon you have given me to fight this spiritual war is fellowship with other believers. Having an accountability partner to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings with, helps me continue growing. Lord, help my understanding of you grow more each day, week, and year with the help of other Christians.
Faith is the first step to understanding. Either it’s the Word of an infallible God, the fallible words of men, or faith in what you believe. You’ve got to have faith in something. Believe me. ~ Ray Comfort, Christian minister and evangelist, founder of Living Waters Publications.
How Well Do You Know God? All Roads Do Not Lead To God!
Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:
John 10:30 ESV
I and the Father are one.
John 1:12 ESV
But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
How To Experience The Presence Of God? How Well Do You Know God?
More Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:
John 1:1 ESV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Hebrews 9:27 ESV
And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,
2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
The Purpose Of Life Is To Know God!
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- If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
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