Ben Hersh!
Ben lived a wonderful life despite having Cerebral Palsy!

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Ben Hersh had a severe disability, but more importantly, Ben was a remarkable individual with a relentless yet gentle spirit who just happened to have cerebral palsy. Ben loved to utilize his Dynovox talking machine, and I helped him program it to express his thoughts and emotions. This enabled him to connect with others deeply through this extraordinary communication device, sharing his innermost feelings and thoughts. He lived a fulfilling life surrounded by love from his family, who adored him just as much as he loved them in return. Ben Hersh had a disability that did not stop him from almost anything he wanted to do!
I Had The Privilege Of Being Ben’s Caregiver For 7 1/2 years! I Told Others That Ben Hersh Was Not Disabled; Ben Was Differently Abled! Ben Might Not Have Been Able To Walk, Talk, Or Care For Himself, But He Made Up For It With The Big Heart And Creative Mind That God Gave Him, As Well As The Loving Family And Friends He Had!
An unbreakable bond developed between us, blossoming into a true friendship. Despite facing the challenges presented by Cerebral Palsy throughout his 35 years of life, Ben possessed an awe-inspiring attitude that radiated positivity. His extraordinary sense of humor was infectious and evidenced his innate wisdom and perceptiveness. In one touching photograph capturing a moment from their brother Murray’s bar mitzvah when Ben was around ten years old, we witness him joyfully dancing alongside his sister Sylvia while effortlessly maneuvering in his power chair – capturing the essence of pure bliss within every motion. ~ Bill Greguska.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God, he created him, male and female, he created him.
Adam Is In A Similar Situation To Ben Hersh!
Photos Video Of Ben Hersh And Bill
How To Overcome A Disability?
How To Fix A Broken Heart?
Are You Struggling With A Chronic Illness?
Be A Good Friend?
Encouragement For Children?
Ben Hersh Was A Kind-Hearted Guy Who I Cared Much About!
Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:
- Encouragement for Relationships
- Encouragement to End an Addiction
- Encouragement for Your Faith
- Encouragement from Many Topics
- Encouragement to Pray Daily
- Encouragement from our Ideas List
- Encouragement via Chatting
- Encouragement from our Sitemap
- Encouragement from a Free Bible
- Encouragement from My Book
Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.
- How should Christian parents respond if a child has a learning disability?
- The only disability is a bad attitude!
- What does the Bible say about caregiving?
- What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh?
- Why does God allow people to be disabled?
Here Are Some Helpful Links:
Shannon’s Story Is Positive ~ Just Like Ben Hersh’s Story!
Being Jewish Was Very Important To Ben!

Ben Hersh desires to live a good Jewish life. We refer to God and the Old Testament when he and I talk.
Ben was proud of his Jewish faith. Although he has Cerebral Palsy, that did not stop him from living a good, productive life, as he learned to live with conditions he did not ask for.
Ben and his family strongly believe in God, which has helped them through difficult times. Ben’s dad, Herman, has a strong faith and is very knowledgeable about the Bible. He and his family live out their faith.
Ben Makes Greeting Cards
Ben has been creating greeting cards on his computer since 2009. He sold his cards at St. Joseph’s Hospital and the Jewish home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ben’s parents, Jolie and Herman, have encouraged him in his life and with his card business.
As long as I have known and worked with Ben, I have realized that Ben is impaired, yet he is hopeful! I would consider Ben disabled no more because Ben can do very much despite his disability.
Ben Hersh Is A Wonderful Person And A Good Friend!
Ben also beautifully donated some of the cards he made to Milwaukee County jail inmates.
Ben has been making greeting cards and delivering mail at St. Joseph’s Hospital and the Jewish home for over seven years.
He’s been providing the Milwaukee Journal, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal at St. Luke’s Hospital since May 8, 2014.
Ben’s parents encouraged Ben to be productive and stay active; otherwise, he would have seen and done less than he has in his life that Ben already has done!
In Hersh Learned To Deal With A Disability!
Even though Ben has had Cerebral Palsy since birth, he makes his mark in his community. In 2009, his mother had the idea of simultaneously keeping Ben productive and creative, which has been an excellent thing for him and the others he serves faithfully!
Ben is now 33 years old and was born with Cerebral Palsy. He can not walk or talk, but he has a personal Dynovox computer that enables him to communicate with a hand-held probe. Ben was blessed to have his Dynovox Computer and his connection to the world!
Ben has learned to make the most of what he has, which has given him the ability to have a good life with the help of his devoted parents and dedicated caregivers, as well as Independence First and IRIS programs to help meet some of his basic needs.
This photo shows Ben Hersh and Bill Greguska at the airport with the pilot and flight attendant! We taxied to the runway and around in the jet together! Ben loved the airport and pilots and flight attendants.
Ben Was My Little Buddy. Rest In Peace! 12-20-18
Ben always enjoyed laughing, and I enjoyed his contagious smile and laughter. Ben did not complain much, except at times, about his feeding tube, but Ben was a very cheerful young man. He was like a son to me, besides being a good friend.
He enjoyed it when I called him a thinking man, which stuck with him as a nickname. Ben delivered newspapers at St. Luke’s Hospital for 4 1/2 years and worked at the Jewish Home for even more. He made greeting cards at home on his computer and loved watching YouTube and talking on his Dynovox talking machine.
Here Are Some Different Types Of Cerebral Palsy!
Ben Loved His Parents, Herman And Jolie, Very Much!
Ben enjoyed attending synagogue as often as possible, along with his two sisters, Claire and Sylvia, his brother Murray, and his niece and nephew.
I went camping with Ben the year before, staying near the Dells. I got to understand Ben. He loved to go to the airport with me. For some special reason, Ben also liked pilots and airline flight attendants, not to mention police, firefighters, and paramedics. He was a super big Batman fan, plus other superheroes in general.
Ben was interested in helping young children In foster care.
Ben had a huge heart and loved life even though he was so limited physically. At the same time, he was brilliant and knew what he liked and did not like. I always tried to coach him to speak up for himself because I wanted him to be empowered to make decisions that would positively affect his life.
Before Ben had a tube feeder put in a couple of years ago, I used to love to make food for him and blend it with the blending machine. I used to put terrific foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, peanut butter, juice, ice cream, avocados, etc. Ben loved it! We always enjoyed our time together, doing whatever we were doing!
In the 7 1/2 Years, I Was Ben’s Caregiver!
We got to know each other very well. He loved to come to my house, which has a wheelchair ramp (which was my mom’s), get inside, watch YouTube on my computer screen, and hang out with the guinea pigs and me.
I believe God blesses us with people who become close to us. There is no set number of how many people, but I know that Ben was one of them in my life! I will miss Ben, plus his family, caregivers, neighbors, and friends.
The bottom line is that Ben was a very likable, friendly, intelligent, and lovable man who loved others and made it through his life without much complaining, something we all can learn from Ben! May he rest in peace! ~ Bill Greguska
Ben Hersh Graduated From Riverside High School
Ben, Being In A Wheelchair, Became Dependent On Using Ramps! He began delivering mail and newspapers as a volunteer at St. Joseph’s and St. Luke’s Hospital and the Jewish home care center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Ben has used his abilities to create greeting cards, which he sells and gives away. He has accomplished much with encouragement from his mother, father, and others.
Ben said, “I like to help people get their US mail, making them happy.”
I was happy to build wheelchair ramps for ten years in the Faith Indeed ministry. I built a small ramp inside Ben’s house to allow him to get in and out easily, plus other things. ~ Bill Greguska
I Was Ben Hersh’s Caregiver From 4-2011 until 11-2018
Ben is my friend, and I am his caregiver; it is incredible how he overcame his disability.
Ben has an excellent sense of humor and a great outlook on life. He is a thinking man with a lot of ambition to attempt more than most people I know would.
Ben loves his family a great deal, and I would consider the family one of his highest priorities in life!
This is a photo of Mom, Sylvia, Ben, and Herman in the living room having family time before bed. The Hersh family is very close and shares much love with Ben! Being Ben’s caregiver was a blessing to me in many ways; I was grafted into the family, and Ben and I were very close!
There Are Some Things Ben Could Not Do For Himself!
But that is where God comes into the picture by providing wonderful, loving parents, Herman and Jolie Hersh, a brother, Murray, two sisters—Clara and Sylvia—and dedicated caregivers, relatives, and friends.
Ben (like many of us) loves watching comedy videos, spending time with family, shopping for comedy videos at Goodwill, surfing the Internet, helping others, and enjoying a good meal with family or friends.
One of Ben’s favorite things to say is, “Are you a thinking man?” The answer is yes. He is a thinking man, a knowledgeable and caring man!
Looking at Ben and his life, you can see why I titled this story, “Being disabled has NOT stopped Ben Hersh from living a good, productive life.”
With support, encouragement, and God, Ben Hersh has victory over Cerebral Palsy and has learned to deal with a disability that Ben never asked for, yet God has been faithful to this man I call my friend!
More Encouraging Testimonies
Pastor Billy Graham
Pastor Francis Chan
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Pastor Ron And Sue Sauer
Pastor Ron West
Bill Greguska
Brian Larson
John Wegner
Lisa Stackpole
Lora Kesselhon
Mike Hayden
Mom’s Legacy
Ray Jablonski
Terri Mitchell
Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:
Genesis 12:3 ESV
I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Isaiah 49:7 ESV
Thus says the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One, to one deeply despised, abhorred by the nation, the servant of rulers: “Kings shall see and arise; princes and they shall prostrate themselves; because of the Lord, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.”
Genesis 15:13 ESV
Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years.
Genesis 18:18 ESV
Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?
Psalm 25:22 ESV
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.
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- We have a page specifically for you if you just started believing in God.
- If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
- We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
- You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
- If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
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- Finally, if you have any questions or want to be added to our email list, just let us know.
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