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Welcome to our collection of Website Links! We list over 100 encouraging websites on this page below. We are thrilled to share with you some of the best of the best websites we have found on the internet since 2007. Our team has carefully curated a list of helpful resources from various ministries and organizations that we believe will be worthwhile for you. Do you want to view more websites? Also consider to start your own ministry!
There Are Thousands And Thousands Of Websites On The Internet. Below You Will Find Over 100 Pages Of Encouraging Websites That Will Be Of Encourage To You! Take The Time To Look To See What Can Benefit You In Your Life!
Let’s equip ourselves and others by sharing this invaluable treasure trove of website links far and wide. In this age where the world is bombarding us with falsehoods, it’s crucial that we seek truth, and what better way to do so than through the word of God? We must stand firm in our beliefs and not fall prey to deceitful ideologies. Therefore, these website links below aim to equip you with knowledge grounded in biblical truth. We would love your help expanding this list further; if there are other great websites out there, please don’t hesitate to contact us so we can inform others, too! ~ Bill Greguska
Proverbs 3:13 Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.
Great Websites For Your Encouragement!
- AlbertMohler.com Commentary on the news from a Christian worldview.
- AllAboutLifeChallenges.org Are you unsure which way to turn?
- AllAboutJesusChrist.org Learn all about Jesus Christ.
- AmericanPastorsNetwork.net Standing in the gap.
- AnswersInGenesis.org Biblical and scientific answers.
- A2AAlliance.orgFrom adversity to advocacy.
- BeSomeone.org Helping kids one chess move at a time.
- Bible.com Receive a free bible for your phone, and tablet.
- BibleGateWay.com Find passages from the Bible.
- BibleHub.com Search, read, and study the Bible – website tool.
- Bible-Knowledge.com Help with your walk with God.
- BibleStudyTools.com Word search and Bible study information.
- BiblesForAmerica.org Free Bibles for yourself or others.
- BibleReasons.com Answers many topics.
- BillyGraham.org Pastor Billy Graham’s ministry.
- BlueLetterBible.org Get access to the Bible with quick searches.
- BrainyQuote.com Find quotes of motivation and inspiration.
- BRBCmke.org Grow in Christ ~ serve Him & others.
- CaringBridge.org Encouragement for those who are hospitalized.
- CBN.com/question-list Get answers to your questions.
- ChatAboutFaith.com It doesn’t matter what you have done.
- ChatAboutJesus.com Helping You Know, Trust, and Follow Jesus.
- ChristianBook.com All types of books and Christian supplies.
- Christianity.com Relative Christian news and information.
- ChristianityToday.org Very Popular Christian Website.
- ChristianLaw.org Find good Christian legal counsel.
- ChristianQuotes.info Be inspired my hundreds of Christian quotes.
- ChristianMingle.com Find your Christian soul mate.
- ChristianWorkingWoman.org Encouraging, equipping, empowering woman.
- ChurchFinder.com Find a Bible-believing church to attend.
- CrossRoadsCareer.org Finding Employment.
- Crown.org Help to get your finances in line.
- Cru.org Evangelistically exploring life’s purpose.
- CompellingTruth.org Truth about God, the Bible.
- CovenantEyes.com Accountability and filtering for sexual purity.
- CrossCards.com Encouraging e-cards to be sent free.
- Discoveryseries.org Is a compilation of over 150 topical studies.
- DivorceCare.org If you have been divorced.
- Elmbrook.org Non-denominational Christian church.
- Encouragex.com/how-it-works Learn how you can encourage others.
- EnthusiasmInternational.com Motivational basketball website.
- EyeWitnessForLife.org Resources and to encourage women pro-life.
- FamilyRadio.org A variety of Christian resources to help.
- FathersLoveLetter.com The Fathers, Love for His Children.
- FeedingAmerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank Need free food temporarily.
- FighterVerses.com Memorize scriptures to help yourself & others.
- FishSticksComedy.com Is a Good, clean Christian comedy.
- FocusOnTheFamily.com Christian advice is for the family.
- Forgive.me Billy Graham’s ministry. Start a new life.
- FreeCinics.com Free Medical help.
- Genesisapologetics.com/debunking-evolution-series About creation and Christianity.
- GetDeBunked.org Christian evangelical video ministry.
- GiveMeAnAnswer.org Pastor Cliffe Knechtle Engaging Skeptics in Thought-Provoking Dialogue
- GodTube.com Encouraging Christian videos.
- GospelInLife.com Pastor Tim Keller and his inspiring teachings.
- GotQuestions.org Get answers to your questions about God.
- GraceCoach.org Real answers for real life.
- GriefShare.org Helps with grieving the loss of a loved one.
- GroundWire.net Free Internet Christian counseling.
- GTY.org Pastor John MacArthur ministry, since 1969.
- Harvest.org Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries
- Health.gov/myhealthfinder Insight about your health.
- HeGetsUs.com/en Videos and topics that make an impact.
- HomelessShelterDirectory.org Find homeless shelters in the US.
- HomeForTheBrokenHearted.com Encouragement on many subjects.
- Ibelieve.com Find popular and also trending Christian information.
- InterVarsity.org Christian college ministry.
- Intouch.org Pastor Charles Stanley teaching ministry.
- IssuesIface.com Find help for hundreds of different issues.
- ItIsWritten.tv/every-word One-minute bits of encouragement.
- IVoterGuide.com Get the unbiased facts before voting
- JesusCares.com Chat online and view short Christian videos.
- JesusFilm.org Video of the story Jesus Christ.
- JewsForJesus.org You can be Jewish and be for Jesus.
- JoniandFriends.org Ministries for those with disabilities.
- Josh.org Pastor Josh McDowell’s ministry.
- K9ForChrist.org Canines for Christ dog therapy ministry.
- LC.org/Churches Resources for churches and defending churches.
- LifeHopeAndTruth.com How to be a better Christian.
- Ligonier.org Renew your mind with Christ.
- LivingOnTheEdge.org Bible studies, DVDs, CDs, and MP3’s.
- LivingWaters.com Pastor Ray Comfort’s “Living Water” project.
- LivingWaters.com/are-you-a-good-person? You can take the test.
- Loveology.org Is here for couples.
- LoveWorthFinding.org Pastor Adrian Roger’s ministry.
- MealTrain.com Organizes meals for a friend after a birth, etc.
- MoodyAudio.com A variety of Christian audio to choose from.
- MoodyMinistries.org Resources from Moody Bible Institute.
- NationalDayOfPrayer.org Pray God’s glory across the USA.
- NeedEncouragement.com Well over 500 pages of encouragement.
- NeedHim.org Meeting the hurting and broken with the Gospel of Jesus.
- NewBeliever.net Welcome new believers.
- NewCityCatechism.com Bible Questions and Answers.
- Nick Vujicic.com Obstacles=Opportunities.
- OnePlace.com/ministries Listen to powerful Christian speakers.
- Openbible.info/topics What the scriptures say about everything.
- OpenTheBible.org/topics Colin S. Smith evangelical pastor and author from Scotland.
- OurAmericanStories.com Encouraging podcast of wisdom.
- OurDailyBread.org Helping you connect with God. Every day.
- PeaceWithGod.net Four Steps to Finding Peace.
- PeaceWithGod.net/chat Live chat through Billy Graham ministry.
- PilgrimTraveler.com Inspirational Christian photos and scriptures.
- Pluggedin.com Review of movies that are suitable or not to watch.
- Prageru.com Learn things that really will impact your life.
- PrisonFellowship.org Resources for Ex-Prisoners.
- ProjectHopeExchange.com Give hope and also get hope project.
- Proverbs31.org A ministry to encourage women.
- PTL.org Uses the Bible to bring people to faith in Christ.
- PTToolKit.com/links Information for specific physical therapy needs.
- RamseySolutions.com Remove debt. Build wealth. Start here.
- RFORH.com Learn about reasons for hope.
- RedCross.org Be a volunteer and encourage others in their time of need.
- RenewingYourMind.org Pastor R.C. Sproul (1939–2017) founder of Ligonier Ministries.
- ReviveOurHearts.com/blog Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Bible teacher.
- RW360.org Spiritual relational wisdom beyond intelligence.
- ReThinkNow.org Looking at your faith in a different light.
- SaturateUSA.org Spark a genuine revival in our country.
- SFOI.org/about Sports fans outreach evangelism.
- ShareLife.Today Learn about how to share the gospel.
- Shepherdsfoldministries.com Find the encouragement available.
- Skitguys.com Short humorous video skits that teach biblical truth.
- SmartAndRelentless.com Relative Christian topics of encouragement.
- SmartStepFamilies.com Information for blended step-families.
- STR.org Knowledge to know what you believe.
- TeenChallengeusa.com Helping teens and adults with addictions.
- Tenboom.org Corrie ten Boom helped many Jews by hiding them.
- TherapistAid.com Find help from a therapeutic point of view.
- TheBrookNetWork.org Finds God’s wisdom for your world.
- TheChristianHeart.com Ordinary Christians living out their faith.
- TheLondongap.com is Filling the gap between God and us.
- TheStraightWay.org equipping Christians and reaching Muslims.
- TonyEvans.org Teaching from Pastor Tony Evans.
- TractPlanet.com Find many different Bible Tracts for evangelizing.
- TranslatableInsights.com Professor Ron and Sue Sauer Biblical wisdom.
- TrinityGraceChurch.net/a-to-z-of-Christianity A to Z of Christian terminology.
- TruthForLife.org Teaching from Pastor Alistair Begg.
- TTB.org/home Encouragement from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
- Utmost.org Devotionals from Christian author Oswald Chambers.
- Values.com Inspirational materials about values.
- VCY.com Great Christian book and items.
- VCY.TV Watch popular Christian preaching videos.
- VerseOfTheDay.com Get scriptures in your email each day.
- VeryWellHealth.com Information about your health.
- Volunteermatch.org Find opportunities to volunteer.
- VomRadio.net Short testimonies from Christians around the world.
- WalkWithTheKing.org Resource library – Practical and encouraging topics.
- WellnessCentral.info Resources for physical and mental health.
- WhatChristiansWantToKnow.com What God wants you to know.
- WisconsinRightToLife.org A Wisconsin pro-life organization.
- WorldViewWeekend.com The news that local TV refuses to share.
- WriteThemOnMyHeart.com Write calligraphy using God’s word.
- XXXChurch.com Conquer pornography with the power of community.
- 2.CBN.com Ask for Prayer plus 700 club information.
- 365Promises.com 365 promises from the Bible.
- 5LoveLanguages.com Relationships don’t have to be complicated.
- 52-Lives.org You nominate someone in need, we help them.
New Website To Help College Students! Everystudentsent.org
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Website Links Are A Valuable Tool In This Day And Age!
The information that can help us grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. That’s why we take pride in curating some of the best websites on the internet since 2007. Our collection includes resources from various ministries and organizations that have proven reliable sources of wisdom and knowledge.
The world we live in is filled with distractions designed by Satan to derail our spiritual growth. However, learning the truth found in God’s word through these websites can equip us to overcome any obstacle. We encourage you to explore and share our website links with others who might benefit from their content! Remember that if you know of other great sites, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can spread even more valuable resources among our community!
More Sources Of Encouragement!
Anxiety & Worry
Sexuality & Gender
Assurance of Salvation
Hearing God
Purpose & Identity
Unanswered Prayer
Unforgivable Sin
The Bible Project
Bible Flock Box
Got Questions Ministries
Truth Unedited
Living Waters
ApplyGodsWord.com/Mark Ballenger
15 Free Christian Resources ~ Apps ~ Websites ~ Books ~ Etc.
Some Scriptures To Encourage You:
2 Timothy 3:16 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
Romans 13:9 ESV
For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
John 3:16 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Romans 10:13 ESV
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
John 17:17 ESV
Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
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