Pastor Stuart Briscoe!

Pastor Stuart Briscoe faithfully led Elmbrook church since its beginning!

Pastor Stuart Briscoe!

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When Pastor Stuart Briscoe took the helm as head senior pastor at Elmbrook Church, a world of knowledge and spiritual growth opened up before me. I was privileged to sit under his teaching of God’s word for many years, and it was truly a transformative experience. When I first encountered Pastor Stuart Briscoe’s teachings in 1989, I knew I had found someone worth looking up to. As a newer Christian, there were so many things that I needed to know and understand about my faith, and Pastor Stuart Briscoe guided me with wisdom and grace.

Pastor Stuart Briscoe’s Gifted Ability To Convey Complex Biblical Concepts In A Way That Was Understandable.  Stuart Was Very Wise, And Could Convey The Lessons Of The Bible In A Very Special Way. Pastor Stuart Was Married To His Equally Talented Wife Jill – Who Is Also A Pastor – But They Have Raised Two Sons, And A Daughter. Dave And Pete Briscoe, Who Have Followed In Their Parents’ Footsteps By Becoming Pastors Themselves. I Am Thankful To Stuart, Since He Was My First Pastor After Being Born Again!

It speaks volumes about their dedication to serving God’s people when multiple generations are called into ministry. The impact of Pastor Stuart Briscoe’s teachings extends far beyond just myself; he has blessed countless individuals throughout his long tenure at Elmbrook Church. And let us not forget the invaluable contributions made by each member of the Briscoe family – all excellent teachers and preachers of God’s word in their own right. I gained much-needed wisdom for 23 years under their guidance at Elmbrook Church.  ~ Bill Greguska

Psalm 61:3  For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.




Pastor Stuart Briscoe Was Proud To Be English!

Pastor Stuart Briscoe

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.



Knowing Your Enemy – Pastor Stuart Briscoe




Pastor Stuart Briscoe And His Wife ~Jill!

Stuart and Jill Briscoe NeedEncouragement

Pastor Stuart Briscoe with his wonderfully gifted wife, Jill Briscoe.

Since I attended Elmbrook Church years earlier, Pastor Stuart Briscoe’s teaching has positively affected me. Only God knows how many lives Pastor Stuart Briscoe has impacted. He has a firm understanding of the Bible and teaches it very well. I am grateful for his teaching. Pastor Stuart and his wife, Jill Briscoe, have taught me much since I first met them in 1989. My favorite memories of spending time with Pastor Stuart Briscoe, besides attending his sermons at Elmbrook church, were when I worked there. Stuart’s teaching was much different than I was used to growing up Catholic. 

Pastor Stuart Briscoe Taught Me A Lot!

For many years, hearing Stuart preach weekly, I could not help but learn more about the Christian faith. Stuart helped fill the many biblical gaps my Catholic upbringing never addressed, which I am so grateful for. I am incredibly thankful that God placed Pastor Stuart in my life. As I had with Stuart Briscoe, having a wise pastor can make a big difference in a new Christian’s life, namely me in 1989.

Stuart and Jill are still affiliated with Elmbrook Church as Minister at large, which means they travel around the world sharing the Gospel despite their age, which seems to be irrelevant to his success in teaching others about Jesus Christ even though Stuart was born on November 30, 1930, has not slowed him down. I am thankful for all his years as senior pastor at Elmbrook Church. God has used Stuart and Jill both in a significant way. Stuart is now in heaven after reaching so many for the Lord. Stuart passed away on August 03, 2022 ~ Bill Greguska




How To Deal With Adversity?

Two Wonderful Quotes From Pastor Stuart Briscoe:


“I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be: but by the grace of God, I am not what I was.” ~ Pastor Stuart Briscoe


“Many people feel that their happiness is directly related to their happenings. If their happenings happen to happen, the way they happen, to want their happenings to happen, they are happy. But if their happens don’t happen to happen the way they happen to want their happenings to happen, they are unhappy!” ~ Pastor Stuart Briscoe



Pastor Stuart Briscoe’s Influence On My Life!

Young Stuart and Jill Briscoe about 1970 NeedEncouragement

Young Stuart Briscoe and his wife Jill Briscoe, about 1970

Elmbrook was fortunate to have pastor Stuart Briscoe. My name is Bill Greguska, and I am writing about Stuart Briscoe, my first real Bible-teaching pastor.  I was privileged to hear Stuart preach weekly for about four years. Stuart and his preaching had an enormous influence on my newfound faith. I was born again in 1986, shortly after finishing two years in a drug and alcohol inpatient rehabilitation program. God knew where to put me under Stuart Briscoe’s teaching so I could learn more about what it meant to be a Christian and apply it to my life.

Elmbrook, My First Bible-Believing Church!

I was very fortunate to have Stuart Briscoe as my Pastor! Then, when I came to Elmbrook Church in 1989, it was one of the best things the Lord led me to do. Pastor Stuart has always been a gentleman and Biblical scholar with excellent quick wit and a great sense of humor, not to mention his British accent and, of course, his knowledge and love for the Lord! I remember when I was on staff in 1990-1994, and in the staff lunchroom, Stuart used to share his wisdom and a little humor while we ate lunch together.

Stuart was fascinating, and I always seemed to put extra effort into listening to what he had to say. He mentioned that he preached his first sermon when he was 17 years old. More than 65 years later, he continued preaching and teaching the Bible. Stuart and his wife, Jill’s ministry, took them to all seven continents. The great commission was critical for him and his wife, Jill. Stuart was born in Millom, Cumbria, England, in 1930. He got involved in a banking career; he also served in the Royal Marines, and in 1958, he married Jill, a school teacher born in Bootle, Liverpool, home of the Beatles!

At the beginning of their married life, Stuart and Jill invested most of their free time in outreach ministry to the pre-Christian youth of Britain until they were asked to leave their secular employment to join the ministry of Torchbearers, a ministry reaching out to young people all around the world. Later 1970, Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, invited Stuart and Jill to pastor the church. They agreed, and it was a ministry that did an outstanding job for thirty years. They helped inspire many people in the church membership and those outside.


Jill And Stuart Briscoe Discuss Their Teaching Styles


Here Are Some Helpful Links:




Elmbrook Church Performance Majesty 1988 Stuart Briscoe!

Stuart Briscoe Is The First Real Pastor To Teach Me!

As the years went on in his ministry life, at the age of 70 in 2000, Stuart decided to step down voluntarily after 30 years as Elmbrook Church’s Senior Pastor to engage in a ministry-at-large around the world, including some training of church leaders in the developing countries. Jill and Stuart continue to serve Elmbrook Church as ministers-at-large.

The church has grown to a weekly attendance of more than 7,000 and has planted eight sister churches in the Milwaukee area. Elmbrook’s TV and radio ministries, Telling the Truth, featuring Stuart and Jill, are broadcast widely during his extensive video and audiotapes, and more than 40 books immensely supplemented his ministry. After 30 years as senior pastor at Elmbrook Church.

One Of My Fondest Memories Of Pastor Jill Briscoe

Jill Briscoe

Pastor Jill Briscoe, the other half of Stuart Briscoe!

It was very painful when my wife and stepson moved out of the house in 2005. I can distinctly remember Jill taking me by the arm. She walked and talked with me to the other side of the church on a busy Sunday morning. Jill made the time to give me a CD of hers on encouragement personally. Jill also gave me a CD series from Stuart on motivation.

I will never forget her care and compassion during that difficult time. Having Jill Briscoe take the time to encourage and point me to Jesus was something I will probably never forget and be thankful for!








Psalm 23 Jill Briscoe!

Elmbrook = Megachurch

Elmbrook church is a huge megachurch (the auditorium used to seat 1,600 people but now seats 3,200 each service). Still, when Jill Briscoe took the time to talk with me and walk me to the Telling The Truth ministry area and gave me some encouraging CDs to comfort me during my separation/divorce, it made the church so much smaller to me.

Many caring Christians helped guide me through the 23 years I was involved with the Elmbrook church. Right when I needed them the most, just getting out of long-term alcohol and drug rehabilitation myself. Also, her son Dave Briscoe spent time with me to point me to the Lord Jesus Christ. Dave’s wife, Rhea Briscoe, is also a teacher, preacher, and assistant to Stuart, and Jill has been helpful to me.


More Encouraging Testimonies

  1. Pastor Billy Graham

  2. Pastor Fransic Chan

  3. Pastor Jeff Schreve

  4. Pastor Mark Mallwitz

  5. Pastor Ron And Sue Sauer

  6. Pastor Ron West

  7. Ben Hersh

  8. Bill Greguska

  9. Brian Larson

  10. John Wegner

  11. Lisa Stackpole

  12. Lora Kesselhon

  13. Mike Hayden

  14. Ray Jablonski

  15. Terri Mitchell

  16. My Mom’s Legacy

Do You Know How To Share Your Faith?

Please contact us if you would like to share your faith in a testimony.



Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:

Romans 1:16 ESV 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

John 3:16 ESV

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Romans 1:16-17 ESV 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV 

For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.



Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information that can help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions or want to get on our email list, just let us know.


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