For Encouragement Call 800-633-3446 Remember To Love God And Love Others ~ Luke 10:27
How To Fix Marriage Problems?
You and your spouse need God, communication, love, and forgiveness is how to fix marriage problems!
Would You Like Some Help For Your Marriage Problem? Click Here! “Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.” – Zig Ziglar
Pleasecontact usif you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
Both partners must be good listeners and talkers to have a better marriage. This may sound simple, but it’s not always easy to put into practice. God has given us two ears to hear and one mouth to speak for a reason—He wants us to listen twice as much as we talk! However, many of us struggle with this balance in our daily conversations. People want to know what is the best way how to fix marriage problems. The answer is to treat your partner with honor and respect, treating them like you would want them to treat you.
The biggest thing many people forget is to include God in each of their personal daily lives. Without God, they will not be strong enough to weather the storms of life!
One Key Factor In Healthy Communication Is Maintaining A Positive Attitude! Also, Avoid Negative Body Language Or Tone Of Voice That Can Detract From The Message. Remembering To Treat Others How You Would Like To Be Treated Is Essential To Building Strong Relationships Through Effective Communication!
If we all try to improve our listening skills and approach conversations with kindness and respect, we can create happier marriages and stronger connections with those around us. ~ Bill Greguska
Philippians 2:5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.
What 10 Bible Verses Are There To Save And Heal Your Marriage?
Continued: What Are Common Problems Couples Face With Each Other?
Not empathetic.
They need to be helping with chores.
Do not pay attention when your spouse asks you to do something.
Not willing to be on the same page in general.
Not willing to invest in fixing marriage problems.
On different pages, sexually.
One of you has entertained the idea of cheating.
You are only thinking about yourself.
Passive-aggressive toward one another.
I prefer to spend time alone than time with my spouse.
Problems communicating.
Problems are listening or paying attention.
They are putting children above the marriage.
They are putting other friendships above your marriage.
They refuse to ask for help.
Refuses to compromise.
Refuses to express emotions.
They refuse to talk about issues.
The relationship is full of secrets.
Rely on body language to convey your feelings.
Rely too much on your spouse for validation.
Repetitively being unthoughtful or mean.
You are resorting to silent treatment.
They are rude to each other.
Saying, “I told you so.”
Saying, “I’m fine,” when you’re not.
Serious disagreements about money.
More Common Problems!
You are sharing your spouse’s flaws with others.
Significant life events rocked the relationship.
Someone cheated.
Spend too much time together.
Spouse isn’t the first person you call when something wrong happens.
I was staying too friendly with an ex.
Stopped going on dates.
We stopped having sex.
We stopped listening to each other.
Take your anger out on each other.
Taking your partner for granted
Therapy isn’t working.
There are too many awkward silences.
Thinking about getting married was a big mistake.
I thought that you got married too soon.
You are trying to change your spouse to fit your needs.
Turn to your vices as a source of comfort.
Using the excuse, “That’s Not My Job.”
Using the excuse, “I Was Just Joking!” when saying something hurtful.
Utterly unreliable.
View your partner as inferior.
I am walking away during a discussion.
When you picture the future, it’s hard to see them in it.
I Will not apologize.
Will not participate in activities your partner is passionate about.
Withdraw during arguments.
We won’t compromise in terms of finances.
They won’t forgive or forget.
I won’t go to counseling.
You and your spouse have stopped talking and are acting like roommates.
Your relationship needs more respect.
Your spouse has substance abuse issues and won’t get help.
There are many more problems married couples face. If your particular situation was not listed, that is not a surprise. We know that each person has issues. Multiply that by two, and you will discover many possibilities. Be patient with yourself; remind yourself why you married your spouse in the first place. Keep going to God in prayer. Prayer does work. Follow the promptings that He gives you and wait on the Lord.
How Can My Marriage Be Restored Through Faith?
A Better Marriage Is Not Built Overnight!
Let’s be honest: having a better marriage starts with healthy communication. To achieve healthy communication, one must be both a good listener and a talker. It is essential to remember the wisdom of God, who gave us two ears to hear and only one mouth to speak. We must listen twice as much as we talk if we want our marriages to thrive. However, this isn’t always easy; many people struggle in this area, myself included! Nevertheless, good communication involves various factors that everyone needs to realize.
If You Desire A Better Marriage…
Always have a positive attitude when communicating with your partner. Ensure you make eye contact and use an upbeat tone of voice while speaking because these things can significantly impact how well you communicate with each other. Also, remember always to treat your spouse like you would want them to treat you – with kindness, respect, and love! So, let’s commit to building healthier communication habits in our relationships for our marriage’s longevity!
Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:
James 5:16 ESV
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
Ephesians 5:25 ESV
Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,
1 Peter 3:7 ESV
Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel since they are heirs with you of the grace of life so that your prayers may not be hindered.
Ephesians 4:31-32 ESV
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 5:33 ESV
However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
What Is The Best Bible’s Advice For Your Marriage?
In 2007, my pastor Ron Sauer and his wife Sue saw how depressed I was due to my wife giving up on our marriage. Ron and Sue encouraged me to encourage others. They were wise to know that if I reached out to help others, my problems would be put into perspective. I took their advice and it really helped! I trust you will find the encouragement you need here on our website. You can also call Need Him Phone Ministry 800-633-3446 or the Billy Graham prayer line 877-772-4559 or you can text JESUS (53787) God bless you! Bill Greguska
Great line up. We will be linking to this great article on our site. Keep up the good writing.