What Is A Two Minute Testimony?
Share a two minute testimony with others about God’s love in your life!

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When I share my two-minute testimony with a friend or stranger, I keep it short, ensuring I don’t bore them with unnecessary details. The key is to focus on the transformative power of Jesus in my life. Before encountering Christ, I was lost and searching for meaning. Life seemed like an endless maze without any purpose or direction. But then, Jesus came into my life like a beacon of hope, shining His light into the darkest corners of my existence. Through His love and grace, everything changed for me.
It Only Takes Two Minutes To Share A Testimony With Someone. Here Are 3 Points To Keep In Mind. 1. Tell Them How Your Life Was Before Jesus. 2. How Jesus Come Into Your Life? 3. How Was Your Life Changed Because Of Jesus? Focus Mainly On The Difference Jesus Made In Your Life!
Jesus brought healing where there was brokenness; He mended the shattered pieces of my heart and restored joy where there once were tears. In moments when despair consumed me, He lifted me and gave me strength to face any challenge that came my way. The emptiness inside me was filled with His presence, filling every void and giving meaning to each breath I took. The difference Jesus made in my life cannot be expressed in words alone; it is something felt deep within the core of who I am. Just think for a second about all those times when God has delivered you from troubles in your life – big or small miracles that have shaped your journey thus far.~ Bill Greguska
Psalm 119:1-3 Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart; they do no wrong but follow his ways.
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What Is Your Two Minute Testimony
A Good Two Minute Testimony Is To The Point!
Testimonies Can Boost Your Faith!
Testimonies Can Not Be Argued. It Is Your Story!
1. Use your friendship to get your foot in the door.
Could you make it known that you care about the person? Let your friendship be the inspiration of your witnessing to them.
2. Be for real
Let the person know that you believe in Jesus Christ. You do not want to appear deceptive or coercive. Be yourself. Remember that your story (testimony) can not be argued with because it happened to you.
3. Ask them some questions about how much they know about Jesus.
This way, you do not have to tell them something they already know. This can be an excellent way to steer the conversation to a dialog rather than a speech.
A Saved Life From A Messed Up Life!
4. Share your testimony in less than 5 minutes. (Ideally, a two-minute testimony)
The reality of God in your life is a powerful witness. Hearing how you became a follower of Jesus or how God answers your prayers can increase their curiosity. Keep it under 5 minutes to keep their interest (preferably two minutes).
5. Make sure to use a few scriptures to support your claim.
Don’t be afraid to answer questions with a verse from the Bible. Explain things in an everyday type of conversation, don’t use words that are hard to understand or speak in Christianese (talk only Christians know and use)
6. Be prayerful and persistent
Don’t be put off if you receive an adverse reaction at first. You should expect it. Keep looking for opportunities. Keep praying. Seek to introduce your friend to other believers, ask them if they need a Bible or also lend books or other evangelistic literature to them, and invite them to do things with you that they would enjoy to strengthen your friendship and to be able to walk with them in their faith. (known as friendship evangelism). Treat the other person with respect as you would want to be treated.
7. Ask them to decide on what you have shared, and no matter what, follow up within a week.
Don’t think your friend will automatically understand that they need to pray to receive Christ. If they are eager listeners, you should ask if they are willing to accept what you have said for themselves. Be diligent in following up on any decision. Help them get grounded in a local Bible-believing church.
A Two Minutes Testimony Before And After!
A Two Minute Testimony Will Encourage Others!
Testimonies are an excellent way to build faith in God by hearing testimony or sharing yours with others! If you want to learn how to share your testimony, you will discover it is relatively easy. Each of us has our testimony or story that we can share with others if we choose to do so.
We encourage you to share your story with others to assist them in their faith. Learn more about the good news! Sharing your testimonies with those you know, with those you do not know, basically anyone you come in contact with, is a beautiful way to share the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. ~ Bill Greguska
Here Are Some Helpful Links:
- Does it mean something special that our lives should be a testimony to Jesus?
- How can a Christian overcome the fear of witnessing?
- Is friendship evangelism a good thing?
- Ways I can share my Christian testimony?
- What is a Christian Testimony?
More Encouraging Testimonies
Pastor Billy Graham
Pastor Francis Chan
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Pastor Mark Mallwitz
Pastor Ron And Sue Sauer
Pastor Ron West
Ben Hersh
Bill Greguska
Brian Larson
John Wegner
Lora Kesselhon
Mike Hayden
Ray Jablonski
Terri Mitchell
Moms Legacy
A Two Minute Testimony By A Changed Man Named Bill!
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Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:
Luke 8:39 ESV
“Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.
2 Timothy 1:8 ESV
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God.
Revelation 12:11 ESV
And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
Psalm 66:16 ESV
Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.
Matthew 10:32 ESV
So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,
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- If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
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- If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
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