Is Pornography Harmless?
Learn how to stop hurting yourself and your loved ones!

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I want to remind you that pornography is like candy. It may seem sweet and pleasurable momentarily, enticing your senses with its allure. But just as indulging in candy can make you sick, so too can pornography have very detrimental effects on your well-being. Are you trapped in pornography? You see, it has the potential to spoil the natural appetite that God has given us for healthy relationships – those genuine connections filled with love, respect, and intimacy, not to mention it is a sin.
As It Says In Proverbs 6:25 Do Not Lust In Your Heart After Her Beauty Or Let Her Captivate You With Her Eyes. God Understands The Intricate Workings Of Your Heart And Soul. He Created Us With Pure Intentions And Desires – Desires Meant To Be Fulfilled Only Within The Sacred Bonds Of Marriage!
Yet when we get led astray by pornography’s seductive grasp, it sabotages those very intentions and perverts our innate longings. is a good accountability tool to help you with temptation on your computer ~ Bill Greguska
Proverbs 6:25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.
Do You Think You Are Addicted To Pornography?
How To Overcome Sexual Sin?
What Does The Bible Say About Sex Addiction?
How To Discover A Tool That Can Help You?
- keys to living porn-free
Get Pornography Out Of Your Heart And Mind Today!
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Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.
What Pornography Is And How To Overcome It?
Battling With An Addiction?
Sex Has Become Our God?
Is Sex Outside Of Marriage A Sin?
What Is Sex?
How To Break A Habit?
Free Christian Counseling?
God’s Way Or Satan’s Way?
God intended sex to be beautiful between one man and one woman to keep the world populated. Our sinful world has attempted to change what God meant for good. Here are some definitions of how sex is distorted and evil.
The definition of debauchery = is extreme indulgence in bodily pleasures and especially sexual pleasures: behavior involving sex, drugs, alcohol, etc., that is often considered immoral.
The definition of lewd = is crude and offensive in a sexual way. “she began to gyrate to the music and sing a lewd song.”
The definition of lascivious = is filled with or showing sexual desire: lewd, lustful, lascivious acts/thoughts.
Is Pornography Harmless? How To Overcome Sexual Sin?
More About Pornography ~ Is Pornography Harmless?
If you find yourself struggling with staying away from pornography, I urge you not to be discouraged! Remember that sexual temptation is one of the few temptations we are commanded to flee from because our flesh is weak in this area. But take heart! In times like these, resources are available to help navigate this challenging journey towards purity.
This page serves as a guiding light amidst the darkness; it offers helpful insights designed to keep your mind focused on what’s pure and true. It acknowledges the strength of our fleshly desires and recognizes how fragile our spirit can sometimes be when confronted by such powerful cravings outside the boundaries set by God Himself. So please remember: Do not feel alone or defeated by this battle against pornography; instead, let God guide your steps towards purity and help restore any brokenness within your soul caused by its influence.
The Porn Epidemic Portfolio is documented research compiled by Josh D. McDowell on the impact internet pornography has on society. It will help you be more prepared to support those around you in healing.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: The Extent of the Problem
- Chapter 3: Consequences
- Chapter 4: Pornography and the Brain
- Chapter 5: Solutions
- Chapter 6: Illustrations
- Chapter 7: Jill Manning Testimony (US Senate)
- Chapter 8: Stories
- Chapter 9: The Porn Phenomenon Study (Barna)
- Chapter 10: Why Do I Continue to Struggle?
- Chapter 11: Talk To Your Child About Pornography
- Chapter 12: Quotes Chapter
- Chapter 13: Sexual Harassment
- Chapter 14: Virtual Reality
- Chapter 15: Voices Against Pornography
- Chapter 16: Resources for Overcoming Pornography
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