Response Letters 9

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Response Letters 9

Read our responses to your emails below…

Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
Response letters are a powerful tool to help people who are seeking answers and guidance. 

Whether You’re Struggling With Relationships, Mental Health Issues, Or Just Feeling Lost In Life, Know That There Is Hope And Healing Available Through Faith In Jesus Christ!

Response Letters Are A Creative Way To Help People Who Are Seeking Answers And Guidance. I Am Humbled By The Trust That Many Of You Have Placed In Me, Despite Not Being A Professional Counselor. But, As A Born-again Christian Since 1986, My Responses Come From God’s Word And Biblical Principles Found In The Bible, Plus My Life Experiences, Through Prayer, And How God Has Comforted Me In My Life Situations!

I believe that God has given us everything we need to live happy and fulfilling lives, but sometimes we need someone to help us see those truths more clearly. It’s an honor for me to be able to do that through these response letters. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to serve you in this way! ~ Bill Greguska
Romans 12:12  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.


  • If you wish to ask a question of your own, please contact us.


Responses Letters 2 ~



Explanation Of The Letters:

  1. First, scroll down under each section to read the person’s question or concern.

  2. After that, scroll back up to hear our response.

  3. Please pray for these people as the Lord leads you.

  4. If you wish to ask your question, please contact us.



View Our Christian Life Coach Response Letters:

Hi Brian,

You are wise to reach out for help. All these things you mentioned are separate issues, yet they are all connected. 

I believe if you get right with God, all your situations will work themselves out in a matter of time.
I would encourage you to pray about your situation, then break things down in manageable topics. Instead of trying to do everything all at once. For example:
  • Your job ~ Are you handling things okay?
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you wish to email me back, I will get back to you ASAP.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, November 5,  at 01:23:07 AM CST, wrote:
Hello. I need to talk to someone. I am a Christian, married with a son almost 2 years old now. I have trust issues with my woman and I also drink so heavily during weekends. I suspect the mistrust of my wife contributes to this. This issues have really affected so many areas of my life – my Christianity, my job, etc. and have led me to a lot of depression. I am overwhelmed, even finding it hard to pray any more. I have no friends or family that I can talk to. I need help.

Hi Tiffany,
I am not a professional counselor, but I have been a Christian since 1986, and yes, we offer free Christian counseling. If you would like to bounce a thing or two off of me, I will try my best to point you to Jesus. I would encourage you to choose something that is directly affecting your life presently, and we can try to make some sense out of it and work towards a solution.
I would also encourage you to start praying daily and regularly about what is going on in your life. There is a point where we all need to separate our past from our present. Praying to God is a great place to start. 
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, November 4, at 06:36:47 PM CST,  wrote:

Hello, I was wondering if you offer free Christian Counseling? I have been in counseling before but I didn’t feel like that counselor was right for me. I am asking as I have gone through many different things in my life. Some of it stems from being mentally, emotionally, and verbally abused as a kid. I was also abused in my marriage and I have gotten out of that. Some of it stems from what my parents are saying to me. I have ADHD, PTSD and possibly anxiety and there is so much more.

Hi Michelle,
I am very sorry to hear about you and your husband and marriage situation. I assume that you have been praying about this and God has not clearly spoken to you except for the fact that you wanted some help for your marriage. Do not give up!
It is very hard to impossible to give you marriage counseling over the internet, yet I strongly encourage you to contact your pastor or get a Christian marriage counselor to help the two of you! This way you can meet in the same room and talk back and forth to get some things resolved. Have you taken an inventory of what part in the marriage problem you are responsible for? That can help to defuse your husband by letting him know that you are serious about your marriage and are sorry for anything you have added to the problem. You can not make him do the same, but it is at least a step in the right direction.
Here is a link that can be of help. 
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you and your husband, and I will be praying for you!
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat

Hi Adam,
Sounds like you are going through some deep water… Have you considered getting help from a treatment center. The reason I mention it, is because I had a bad drug and alcohol problem between the ages of 16 and 26, it was not until I got the right help I needed from a treatment center.
If you wish to email me back and tell me more about what you are dealing with, I would be glad to point you to Jesus who helped me get on track back in 1986. I have been clean and sober ever since then and you can do the same if you really want to.
I encourage you to pray to God, telling Him what you told me, “I keep needing a bump or a drink to escape the past, but the past keeps catching up. Somethings got to make it stop. I can’t keep doing this.”
 Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
If what I have shared has been of some help to you, feel free to email me back with more details of what you are struggling with. I will pray for you that God can give you some direction and hope!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, October 31,  at 03:10:01 AM CDT, wrote:
I keep needing a bump or a drink to escape the past, but the past keeps catching up. Somethings got to make it stop. I can’t keep doing this.

Hi Jan,
It is obvious a lot is going on in your life right now. You are doing right by wanting to pray for your loved ones. Prayer needs to be the first line of attack again evil in this world. Yes, there are thing we can do beside praying, but that is were it all starts. 
Have you tried to get Greg some alcohol treatment, or possible depending how bad things are, to have him committed to get treatment. I do not know the details obviously, 
Ask God to give you wisdom and strength.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Here is a link to share with you what alcohol and drugs did to me before the Lord took it all from in on June 25, 1986. God can do the same thing for Greg. There is hope for Greg, but he is going to need to want help, right now the evil one is controlling him, but until God controls Greg, we need to keep praying!
I pray for all those you listed that the Lord has touched their heart and they know the Lord has a plan for each of their lives.
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, August 6,  at 08:31:57 PM CDT,  wrote:
Please pray for a Greg to stop drinking … leave his worldly friends and come back to his family. Pray he has a transformation and he hears God speak to him!! Pray for his dad Fred , my Dad , Bud and Gail . Pray for me to have faith of Jesus to see this.

Hi Marina,
It sounds like your problem is that you are putting your hope in people to fulfill your needs, God wants us to rely on Him not on other.
Have you prayed about your situation?
I am so sorry to hear that your expectations were lifted, only to crash on the ground. That is why we need to always guard our hearts. (Proverbs 4:23)
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you will realize that God needs to be number one in your life.
He will put the people He want in your life at the right time.
I was hurt deeply when my wife divorced me, I had to wrestle with those feeling, since I got pretty depressed. My pastor Ron and Sue Sauer told me to try to reach out and encourage others. I did what they said by starting this website back in 2007. I encourage you to try to take the focus off of yourself and your hurt, and focus it on trying to help and encourage others.
I hope what I have shared has been of some help to you, if you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Wednesday, August 14,  at 12:40:30 PM CDT, wrote:
It’s been a really hard time in my life I left this dealership job a few months ago because the coworkers were so mean and not understanding but I also meet two nice people there one of them I looked up too because I never had a dad in my life and he was such a good example and he helped me get a job at his sisters subway and then I left because subway was just not for me and I still came to visit and I would buy him presents or coffee when ever I went to visit him at work and I finally thought I had someone that I could trust and ask for advice but then last week he just banned me from ever coming to visit or to that dealership so it’s been really hard for me to forget and I just thought he was a good person and he would understand I told him everything , and I just need some guidance to forget about it and heal.

Hi Victoria,
You say you need to overcome sin once and for all. That sounds like an honorable goal, but I would encourage you to keep praying and take one day at a time.
Do you have an accountability partner who can help you stay on the straight and narrow?
Is there a certain time or place you find yourself habitually giving in to your temptations?
Have you gotten all pornography out of your house?
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you.
Here are a couple of pages from my website that refer to your situation.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, August 15,  at 03:46:28 PM CDT, wrote:
For about 10 years, I’ve been struggling with the spirit of lust. I got addicted to pornography and masturbation from an early age.

Over the years, I got to know God’s will for my life isn’t to be tied down by sin and be overcome by my flesh. The problem is, I can’t seem to quit. I’ve tried every possible means; I’ve prayed, fasted, cried, followed tips from people who overcame this addiction, but nothing.

Early this year, I had one of the best streaks ever in being prayerful, keeping up with bible study, and not falling to my flesh. But, it happened again. And again. And again. Each time I got back up and repented, I started wondering if my repentance was genuine. It felt as though I was being less and less remorseful. Each time I fell, the excuse of “you can always go back and repent” kept ringing in my head.

Another reason that may have contributed to this was, even though I prayed a lot and studied the Bible a lot, I never really felt close to God. Sure there were a few moments, but most of the time it was just… Silence from Him. I never felt that closeness people talk about, I never heard His voice, nothing. Maybe I got frustrated. I started slacking off in my quiet time, until I eventually fell off.

Every time I repent, my mind tells me “you’re just wasting your time. You know you’re going to fall again. God is all-knowing, He has seen you fail in the future, and doesn’t expect much from you this time.” I always feel too guilty to pray after I repent, because it feels like my heart isn’t in the right place, and I’m bound to fall again.

Please, help. Pray for me. I don’t want to keep living this way. I need to overcome sin once and for all. Please, help.

Hi Juliann,
You do not have to ask permission, but if you do, you are much more likely not to get into an argument.  Have you been kind and respectful to them? If witnessing ever turns out to be an argument, I personally would back off before it got to that point. If someone is bent on believing a lie, you can tell them once or even maybe twice, but after that, you are not helping matters by arguing.
As you mentioned in your initial email,  “whenever I talk about christ people come against me and we end up in this huge argument or fight about it”
If you continue to do what you have been doing, you are most likely going to get the same results. Do you think you have the power to argue someone into being a believer, I think you should ask your pastor what he thinks, I believe that is the job of the Holy Spirt, not you or me. It sounds like you need to reevaluate your agenda and style of witnessing if I were you.
By the way, what is so bad about asking permission? Then you will know whether or not the person is open to hearing the Gospel or not. When you were told about Christ, did someone argue with you to be a believer? If you share your story with others, then they can not argue with you because it happened to you. You are going to need to learn when to back off or except the same results you have been getting. Check out this page.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Sunday, August 25, at 12:51:57 AM CDT, Juli   wrote:

Thank you, but how can we spread the gospel if we’re asking permission and they don’t want to hear it?

On Fri, Aug 23,  6:18 PM wrote:
Hi Juliann,
You are very welcome. 
You might also want to consider asking the person before you talk about the Lord, if they really are interested or not. In other words, “Get permission before hand, that will avoid uncomfortable situations”
Remember, it is not you or me who bring people to Christ, it is the Holy Spirit. Sometimes for what ever reason, someone is not ready or willing to talk about Jesus. And that is perfectly fine, you can witness to them with your actions and also pray for them!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 01:53:49 PM CDT, Juli wrote:
That really did help thank you,


On Thu, Aug 22, 6:12 AM wrote:
Hi Juliann,
I used to have the same problem in the past, but I leaned that if someone is opposed to hearing the good news of the gospel, then it is best not to get into an argument over Christ. Remember it is the Holy Spirit that convicts a persons heart, not you or me. Pray for these people you are referring to and see how God works.
Someone once told me that if you can not influence someone for Christ with the words you say, then it is time to influence them with your actions. Whether that means not arguing with them, or maybe just by showing your kindness to them.
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, August 19, at 12:34:31 AM CDT,  wrote:

Hi John,
I do understand what you are going through to some degree. My ex-wife asked for a separation, but the separation lasted 2 years because I would not divorce her. The reason she finally divorced me was that she wanted to marry her boyfriend. The reason that I mention this to you is because I encourage you to stand firm with your marriage vows, even though you can not stop her from divorcing you, you can do all you can do to keep the marriage alive.
  1. Keep praying for your marriage and your wife.
  2. Get a marriage counselor to speak to the two of you in person.
  3. Try to reach out to her via email, phone, text.
  4. If you do get a chance to talk with her, be sure you guard the way you speak to her. Be sure to be kind and respectful.
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you, if you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, September 19, at 10:17:10 AM CDT,  wrote:
My wife asked for a divorce 2.5 months ago. I am needing support during this difficult period. I am relying on my Lord, Jesus Christ. I didn’t want the divorce and have guilt over breaking a covenant with God. My emotions are everywhere and I swing from them on a moments notice. I need help rebuilding myself and I ask for prayer in my new, exciting, fearful start of my life.

Any wisdom or advise would be appreciated.


Hi John,
I first suggest that you pray about your situation. I also pray that God gives you boldness and respect to share how you feel about drinking, drugs, etc. You are right that your “Friends” my turn away from you and label you as judgmental, but think about it, does not God give us wisdom to choose good from evil?
God gives us free will to choose what we want to do, but God does not all us to choose the consequences when we go against His will.
We must make judgements each and every day, It seems that you are making the correct judgement for yourself. You do not need to judge your “Friends” but you need to judge what is best for you, and it seems you know the answer!
I think your email is wise and I pray that it will open your eyes to what they are tempting you to do that you know is not good for your health, schooling, and your walk with God. I am much older than you, but I know how it feels to want to be accepted and to have friends. But believe me, you will be better off with just a hand full of GOOD FRIENDS rather than a group of friends who are blind as in Luke 6:39.
I pray that you ask God what you should do, but I feel that what I have shared with you is pretty right on! I had a drug and alcohol problem from the time I was 16 through the time I was 26, and I choose the wide gate to party with my “Friends” instead of taking the narrow gate which caused me a lot of pain, suffering, heart ache. I foolishly let my friends lead me to drinking and drugs which ended my basketball career, got me in trouble with the law, found myself in rehab which all happened in a 10 year time of my life that I wish I could do over. 
John, I am not saying you would become an alcoholic or drugs attic like I was, but why even put yourself in harms length away for doing so. Read this page from my website and you will understand better.
The timing of your email is perfect, yesterday at church, my pastor talked on the exact topic you have shared with me. I will share with you the scriptures that my pastor shared yesterday.

Luke 6:37-42


37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
39 He also told them this parable: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit? 40 The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.
41 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 42 How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, September 30, at 08:46:10 AM CDT, wrote:
Hello. I am a Christian college student that is often surrounded by non-Christian college students, and some of these people are very close friends of mine. Oftentimes, though, when I am with them, they choose to partake in activities that I would rather not, and when offered, I usually politely decline. However, usually declining things like drinks or drugs can lead me to being labeled as judgmental or self-righteous by my friends, and I’m struggling with that idea.
Obviously I have my own struggles with my relationship with God and am the furthest thing from perfect, and I don’t want my friends to be thinking that I think I’m better than them. Do you have any suggestions for ways that I should handle this feeling or previous research on this topic that I should look in to?

Hi Rochell,
Separation for a specific agreed upon amount of time is better than what may people do by just throwing in the towel. 
Have you been praying about your wife and your marriage, or do you thing just being away from one another is the answer?
What does your pastor say about what is going on with you and your wife? 
Have you made a list of things you would benefit you to apologize to your wife about? 
I would be happy to share with you some recourses from our website, although what you need to do is to see a counselor in person in the same room and talk back and forth being able to discuss things which is very hard to impossible to do on line.
I am very concerned that you did not mention a time frame about this situation, being apart too long can be a slippery slope to a divorce or infidelity. Please talk this over with your wife, I do not see her staying out of the house for more than a week.
I hope what I have shared is of help to you. I pray for both of you to get things worked out real soon!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Friday, September 27, at 02:22:15 PM CDT, wrote:
Please help…separating and in need of Christian marriage counseling

Hi Kate,
Bottom line advice to you would be:
  1. Keep praying for your husband to get some help.
  2. Do not obsess yourself with this situation.
  3. Take the though of divorce away from your thinking. 
  4. If your husband wants to divorce you, that is his choice even though it is wrong.
  5. Call your pastor instead of email.
  6. Take care of yourself in the mean time.
  7. Keep seeking to find what God’s will for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, September 26, at 08:52:19 AM CDT, Kate  wrote:
No, you are helping me a lot thank you and I loved your analogy on abortion. 
I’m just trying to figure out all the loopholes in my husband’s thinking so if I am able to speak to him again then I can fight for our marriage when he’s recovered. I don’t see him recovering without therapy with me though…
I haven’t heard back from a pastor yet. I’ve emailed and nothing back. I have talked to other Christians though and they all say they think the divorce isn’t fair or of God. 
They say that perhaps he was convicted not to marry but since he’s married, he should do everything in his power to honor that commitment. Divorce shouldn’t be the first option anyway. 

From: / Bill <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2024 2:43:59 PM
To: Kate Hutchison <>
Subject: Re: Contact Form

Hi Kate,
I have tried to explain to you the best I can. God can do all things, yet why would he convict someone not to marry?
If someone is single, let them stay single so they can do the work of the Lord, but if someone is married, let them stay married because God hates divorce.
I hope what I have been sharing with you has helped, but I have a feeling you are still not satisfied. What does your pastor say about your situation and these questions? I do not know if I can be of any more help to you. Please contact your pastor. I pray you find the answers to your life questions, but I also pray that you trust God.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, September 26, at 01:48:25 AM CDT, Kate wrote:
Could God convict someone not to marry? 
Hi Katie,
Your question is very strange. But I will try to give you my point of view by what I believe that scriptures say. God gives us free will and the opportunity to make decisions hopefully based on His word.
If your husband has been a believer for many years, he should know that divorce is wrong unless his heart has been hardened and he is making up the story to get out of his marriage.
First of all, why would God convict a person not to get married. 
Second of all, God hates divorce.
My Analogy: So would you say that if a woman who “felt” that she should not have a baby, but gets pregnant, should she abort the baby because she “felt” convicted not to have a baby? 
So in other words, “so called” two wrongs do not make a right!
Malachi 2:15 Has not the LORD made them one, having a portion of the Spirit? And why one? Because He seeks godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. 
1 Corinthians 7:10
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband.
Matthew 19:8
Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Wednesday, September 25, at 08:30:58 AM CDT, Kate  wrote:
What would be your view if God convicted someone not to marry? They are both believers of Jesus Christ. The person married and now thinks divorce is the only way to right that wrong. Would it glorify God to divorce or stay married? 
Thank you,
Hi Kate,
To be very honest with you, you are in a difficult situation. It is a shame that you can not simply talk with your husband without family involvement.
Unfortunately you are not in the drivers seat, if I were you, I would hold on tight to God, and see how things work themselves out. Be sure to guard your heart, for it does not seem right now your husband by what you have shared is not concerned too much about your heart. I would lay low, and live your life and wait to see what comes about. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. It is sad.
Be strong and keep trusting God, and keep praying!
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
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On Sunday, September 15, at 08:09:13 AM CDT, Kate wrote:
I am not in the country anymore because my husband’s parents said to give him space to decide what he wants to do with his life. I haven’t texted him in a week as he was having a set back from too much input from others. He is going back to the life he had before marriage and hasn’t had any medical help or diagnosis which I have told them to investigate but was refused. My husband had a therapist but she forced her beliefs on him so he’s looking for another but no progress as yet. I have contacted the pastor 3 weeks ago but no reply.
I have suggested marriage counseling but his parents don’t want us to until he decides to divorce or not. I suggested it to my husband in the past but he refused saying I was the issue. He isn’t in a good state of mind and I’m worried about the help he’s getting as it isn’t looking great. He isn’t socializing outside of the family house hold. We have both wanted to move out but my husband has never been taught how to handle money and had excessive spending habits on his family for presents. It put him in debt and he has a car loan so we haven’t been in a place to move out even with my help. My money is also drained now and I couldn’t work. 
My husband believes that God told him not to marry and therefore doesn’t know if to divorce or not. He feels very conflicted. His brother in laws spoke to him briefly about moving out with me but my husband broke down and got overwhelmed. He’s in no place to make decisions and I don’t know how to help him. His parents don’t want me to talk to him about us or marriage. My husband asked about the dreams I have been having about the future and I said I couldn’t say because it’s about us. He seems to have questions but then decides not to ask as he reminds himself he’s not supposed to think about us which I think is putting more pressure on him. 
Is there anything you recommend to do?
Thank you,
Hi Katie,
Have you been praying about your situation? You need to take your complaints to the Lord in pray ~ He makes the best defense attorney there is.
I was in a similar situation, but mine was not as problematic as your is. My mom and I were very close, she loved me enough to never take my side, at least in front of my wife. In your situation, you need to spend time with your husband alone and get some boundaries set with his parents. 
If you in-laws continue to be in your business, you marriage is going to continue to struggle.
 I assume that you pay rent to the parents, could you possibly get an apartment somewhere away from them?
Have you talked to your pastor about this? You need a third person such as your pastor or a counselor to be able to talk to you both in the same room and get feedback from them.
I hope what I have suggested has been of help to you. If you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, September 10, at 05:28:29 PM CDT,  wrote:
My husband and I were married a year ago, we are both 21. We were living in his family home which put a lot of strain on our marriage. I felt like he prioritized his family over me and we couldn’t resolve any issues eventually because it would be about his family and we would both think we are right. He would share everything in our marriage with them and then they started to say negative comments behind my back. My brother died while I was in the USA and my husband had never experienced death so could help me and I felt neglected as he wouldn’t spend much time with me after about a few weeks and hangout with family instead. 3 weeks ago, he had a mental breakdown and demanded a divorce. He asked for it 2 other times previously because we fought about his mom and boundaries/him not sticking up for me.
He is in a better place now but his parents want me to have as little contact with my husband as possible. They said my husband will decide on his own if he wants a divorce. I am not allowed to talk or share anything to my husband about us or marriage because his parents say so. I am not in the country anymore either as his parents want my husband to have space and also no influences on his decision other than them. My husband says he believed God warned us not to get married and therefore staying married would be sinful. His Dad said that would be grounds for divorce.

I don’t know what to do about this situation and I do believe God wants us to be together.
I believe my husband has mother-son enmeshment which he is oblivious to. And just now he had another set back (because his brother in law was telling my husband it would be wrong to divorce and then my husband became overwhelmed and didn’t know how to make a decision) and he can’t talk to anyone but his mother. I have been told not to text him for two weeks.

Hi Olivia,
You have not mentioned of what faith you have been raised and what you believe. God’s word makes it very clear we ought not have sexual relationships with anyone, until you meet the right man who you can trust to treat you like a respectful woman. Being with your ex-boyfriend has gone against God’s will and you have taken yourself out from under God protective umbrella. It sounds like you have learned a valuable lesson with what your ex-boyfriend has done.
Do you feel that your ex-boyfriend’s threat to put a bullet in your head and your dad’s head is something you need to report to the police and possibly get a restraining order on your ex-boyfriend? You mentioned justice, you need to ask yourself if you need to take him to court, or just leave him completely and eat the loss.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
Do you have a relationship with God? If you do not, check out this link…
May God bless you and keep you safe,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, October 8, at 12:05:15 AM CDT, wrote:

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I’ve been struggling with this for quite some time, and I could really use some advice.

I recently got out of an abusive relationship with my boyfriend. The issues started when he ignored me every time I said “No” to sexual activity. The first time it happened, I cried and said I didn’t want to be with somebody who couldn’t respect that boundary. He promised he wouldn’t do that again, which turned out to be a lie. Whenever I’d try to end the relationship, he’d promise to change. When I’d tell him I didn’t want to give him another chance, he’d constantly call me and leave voicemails that made me feel guilty for hurting him. This cycle of me leaving and being pulled back in continued for 2 years.

Within those 2 years, I found pictures of other girls and sexy text messages to other girls, including hookers. I also started having doubts when I saw him get very drunk in front of his family, including young children. I voiced that I wanted to start dating other people, and he asked for my forgiveness and for me to give him another chance. I wound up cheating on him; I went on 3 dates and I kissed someone else. I’m ashamed of what I did, and I apologized to him. I communicated with him more openly about my plans so he’d trust me again, and I shared my location. However, I then found porn on his phone and more pictures of other girls. He’d frequently say malicious things to hurt me: he’d compare me to previous girls he’d hooked up with, and he’d say heinous things about my Dad, calling him a “faggot,” among more lewd insults. Twice, he called me when he was drunk and said he wanted to put bullets in my brain and my Dad’s brain. He even called my Dad on our home phone and cursed him out. He apologized to me for what he said about my Dad, only to repeat his insults when he’d get drunk or mad at me. To this day, he has not apologized to my Dad for the horrible way he spoke to him.

I eventually went on a vacation with my boyfriend. I wound up paying for the whole trip, though he’d promised we’d split the cost. During that trip, he woke me up at night when he was drunk and yelled in my face, calling me a cheater and hitting the walls of the hotel room. 3 months later, he told me with a big smile on his face that he had never paid me back for the trip because he knew that, with enough time, I would eventually let it go.

That brings me to the most recent incident. My boyfriend and I had gotten into a disagreement because I no longer wanted to be with him, and he kept prompting me to give him another chance. He wouldn’t stop calling me and texting me, and I eventually responded to him again. However, I made a dating profile for one day, after which I deleted it because I didn’t want to repeat my previous mistake. His friend saw my profile and told him about it. In a drunken state, my boyfriend smashed my phone beyond repair; he destroyed my car keys; he spit on me and told me that he wanted to kill me and hurt me; and he ripped my cross off my neck. The next day, he apologized for what he did and he promised to pay me back for the property he damaged. I found out that he spent that day at a dance festival with his friends; meanwhile, I was emotionally recovering from the most recent events and buying myself a new phone. I stayed in contact with him, and when I’d bring up his promise to pay me back, he’d refute it, saying that he wasn’t going to pay me because he never would’ve acted that way if I hadn’t cheated on him. 5 months later, he still hasn’t paid me back.

I could no longer handle disrespecting myself and my family, so I broke up with my boyfriend and blocked him. I forgive him for the way he treated me, because I know I wasn’t completely innocent in the relationship. I honestly believe that all his reactions came from a place of feeling inadequate about himself and wanting to feel loved. Though I forgive him, I also do not wish to accept mistreatment and a lack of accountability. Do I have the right to seek justice for myself by suing for the damaged property? Or am I no longer entitled to seek justice for myself because I cheated on him and kept trying to leave the relationship?

Sorry for writing such a long message. I thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Hi Angela,
First of all, I would encourage you to start by praying.
It does appear that you might have a problem with how to use your money. I would encourage you to see if you can get your debts consolidated to a new card with lower interest fees. Also, hand over your credit card to your husband and let him give you cash to spend until the debt is taken care of, and maybe from now on let him take care of the finances.
I hope what I have shared with you will be of help to you and your marriage.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, October 24,  at 03:06:42 PM CDT,  wrote:
I have spent over twenty-thousand dollars in credit card debt in the past six months with hardly anything to show for it. I have been overspending, off and on, for my whole life. My husband says he’s had it! I seriously need help.

Hi there,
I have a couple of ideas for you to consider:
  1. Praying about your situation.
  2. Getting support from your church.
  3. Having a heart to heart talk with your friend. TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS
  • Go to your pastor in person and talk about this.
  • Take a break from your friend for a little while if she can not help you with your being drained.
  • Consider changing your email address (it reinforces your sadness and loneliness).
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you, contact me if you need to talk more.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, October 24, at 07:58:12 PM CDT,  wrote:
I feel so alone and depressed. Sometimes I just wish I had someone I could talk to. I do have one very close friend but she can’t “deal with me” when I get depressed yet she expects me to be there for her and give her encouragement when she is down. I feel like she has debleated everything in me. I keep making deposits into our friendship and she’s making all the withdrawals and there is nothing left for me. When I try to talk to her when I’m Struggling , it makes HER depressed and then I end up having to rescue her. It’s just not fair bc sometimes I need the encouragement too ya know.

Hi Krista,
I would love to point you to the love and grace of Jesus. You said you are battling depression, and PTSD symptoms. If you could tell me what you have tried to do to help yourself up until now, that would be helpful.
What do you think your problem stem from? 
  1. Do you pray daily?
  2. Do you read your bible daily?
  3. Do you go to church weekly?
  4. Do you used drugs or alcohol?
  5. Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
  6. Do you eat healthy and drink plenty of water?
  7. Do you get regular exercise?
  8. Do you sleep 7-8 hours per night?
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
I will wait to hear back from you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, October 10, at 09:24:00 AM CDT, wrote:
I have recently come through a bought with depression and have realized there are some issues from my past that I need to deal with along with some lingering PTSD. I am looking for some free counseling options, since money is a little tight. I would prefer an online chat environment. Thank you for your advice. GOD Bless.

Thank you so much! I think that is what I am going to do. I’m sure he will be open to get church counseling. I appreciate your time and your prayers! Truly, thank you again!

Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 12, 2024, at 1:12 PM,  wrote:
Hi Elaine,
I am very sorry to hear about this update, but like any other problem or sin we come across, the Lord is here for you and wants your marriage to work. It is great that you talked with your husband for about an hour, but I am sure you had the lions share of things to talk about. The next talk you need to have your husband talk more, confess more, and promise you more. (If worse comes to worse, and you find out that he did have a sexual affair which you do not know for sure, that does not mean you need to divorce him, but it means you need to forgive him. 
Matthew 6:15
But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
If he cooperates and you get things resolved, that would be great. But if not right away, you need to contact your pastor or get a counselor that the two of you can talk with in the same room at the same time. This way you will be making him accountable to the pastor or counselor. (compared to if just the two of you talked) I am so sorry to hear that you have been holding on to this for almost seven months. That would have driven me crazy to carry that load for such a long time. 
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
In the mean time, you need to take this to the Lord in prayer and give it to God and not take it back. Having a counselor guide the two of you is very wise and can help save your marriage.
God bless you and your husband, I will keep you guys in my prayers! I pray he confesses, he repents, and you forgive him!
Bill Greguska

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Saturday, October 12, at 10:56:09 AM CDT, Elaine  wrote:

When I confronted him I questioned  him for about an hour, then he finally admitted to speaking with another women he met at work. We have cameras outside our home so I saw him delete the call when he was done (it was 4am)After that I began to look into his social media and found him flirting and chasing other women. When I confronted him about this, he admitted he was wrong and promised he wouldn’t do it again.

 Now what I’m struggling with is believing he wants to change, and also letting go of the past hurt. It will be almost seven months since that day and I still can’t get over it. I’m beginning to resent him for it.

On Oct 11, 2024, at 10:00 PM,  wrote:
Hi Elaine,
When you confronted your husband about his face time talk with another women, what did he say. The reason I ask, it because maybe your deep love for your husband and protection of your marriage has made you possibly a little more jealous than need be. Let him explain himself, and discuss the face time talk with him. He might have a good explanation, or maybe not. I think your marriage and lover for each other should be strong enough to hold this type of conversation without jumping to any possible wrong conclusions.
Your talk with him could be very fruitful in terms that your love for each other is maybe stronger than you realize. It has been said in the court of law, “Innocent until proven guilty”
I pray that what I have said has been of help to you and the two of you can have a loving talk with each other.
If you have any questions or feel the need to talk more, please feel free to email me back.
1 Peter 4:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares.
May God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!

Hello Bill,

Thank you so much for reaching out. Currently my biggest issue is my marriage. I caught my husband on a FaceTime call with another women, and I’m having a hard time moving past it.

On Oct 8, at 1:46 PM,  wrote:

Hi Elaine,
I would be glad to give you free counseling. I as you if you can tell me the biggest issue in your life that needs attention, and also what you have done to make things better in the recent past.
I will get back to you and point you to God’s word for the answer.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, October 7,  at 12:03:57 AM CDT,  wrote:

I am looking for free one on one counseling.

Hi Leonce,
Since you say that you are separated, how long did the two of you agree to be separated?
It is good that you are trying to take care of yourself, but you need to be talking with your pastor or a marriage counselor in person. Could you try to set that up tomorrow. The longer the two of you stay apart from each other, the slipperier the slope to divorce will be. Believe me, you do not want a divorce, besides that, “God hates divorce”
You need to pray and ask God to give you humility to make a list of things you need to ask your wife to forgive you for!
If there is any unconfessed sin in your life, you need to take it to God in prayer. 
1 John 1:9 f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
What ever has temporarily pulled you and your wife apart, God can put back together if you go to Him for help.
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you, if you need to talk more, email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! 
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, October 24, at 06:33:51 AM CDT, wrote:
My wife and I are going through a rough patch and a separation at the moment. I haven’t been the husband I needed to be over the years. We have been married for 25 years. Through all this I fell depression is creeping up. I don’t know what else to do. I am trying to better my self and working on me right now but I don’t know where to start

Hi Bill
Thank you for reaching out to us. My husband and I appreciate your kindness and counsel. It means a lot to us.
So just to paint a picture for you about us. My husband and I are married for 23 years. We love each other and our children dearly. We are committed to our marriage and family life. Jesus has always been our solid rock on which we’ve built our lives on. 
We are a family and couple that pray together and depend on the leading of the sweet Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in every aspect of our lives.
The reason that we looked for counsel was to step into the next phase of our lives without anything having the little things tripping us up. However we will work with what you’ve sent us and continue to trust God on our path. 
Thanks again 
God Bless
From Andy and Lise 
on Tue, 29 Oct, 04:21  wrote:
Hi Lise,
I would be willing to email with you in a supplementary type way, but the two of you need to find a Christian counselor who can be in the same room with the two of you at the same time and have back and forth dialogue.
About the aspects of your marriage that you need help conquering, write down what each of you are willing to do to compromise with each other. Try to find a common denominator to build upon. You both need to give in because your husband needs to love you, and you need to respect him.
1. I would encourage you to each write down things that you think you might have hurt each other or disrespected each other in the past if this might have something to do with your conflict. (you did not mention).
2. I would also encourage you to each make another list of things that you like about one another.
After you do the above two written assignments, and check the pages, if you have a  couple of questions, or would like to share your concerns that you are struggling with, I will be willing to do my best point you to Jesus Christ. But make sure you pray daily and get yourself a counselor or your pastor to talk to you in person if my help and trying to work it out yourself is not getting anywhere..
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, October 28,  at 12:15:03 PM CDT,  wrote:

I hope you are well. My husband and I would like to connect with a Christian counselor to assist us with online Christian marriage counselling. We are based in South Africa. We are both believers and love the Lord dearly. There are some aspects in our marriage that we need help conquering.

God bless
Lise Victoria




I need Biblical advice for a decision, please.


After four years of marriage and two beautiful children, my wife divorced me. We had a decent life, but She was behaving as an abnormal person, which caused discord in our couple. The divorce was finally pronounced in March 2018 after one year of intense inconvenience and a series of twists in both directions. Until recently, my ex-wife was not open to any dialogue (it was her way or the highway) and used all deceptive techniques to rally anyone to her cause. After I made an unworthy, disgusting, but justified act against her, I was happily surprised to see an unexpected reaction. For the first time in years, she is open to debate and recognizes her wrongdoing.


According to herself, God’s word and the difficulties she has encountered since she was alone with the children have helped her understand where she has fallen. She says she’s ready to come back, and this time for real and for good. To her credit, she’s been trying to come back for a long time now. This time, there is something different. I have always loved her, but her behavior repelled me and even scared me. This time, I see someone who finally looks sincere in what she says. So I let myself go. She even managed to get me again in her bed this week.


The problem is that thinking that I had done everything not to lose her, she had made it clear to anyone who wanted to hear it that she did not love me and that she would divorce at any cost. Convinced that I had lost her forever and that she wanted to harm me, I decided to rebuild my life and move on. I went into a relationship with an American girl a few months before the judge signed the final divorce decree. We recently had a son who is now two months old. Despite the significant financial problems that torment us this year, my new girl does not bother me at all. She’s just a little lazy.


Dear pastor, if I had a choice, I would never have divorced. My children are devastated by this divorce, and their mother seems to need me. My new girl and our son need me as much. This situation destabilizes me because no solution will leave all parties happy. What is the biblical approach to dealing with this kind of situation, if there is one? And what is your personal opinion on the situation?





Hi Fabien,


Sorry, it took a while to get back to you, but it is hard to give you any real wise counsel because I am sure your situation is broader than just what you wrote to me.


Have you prayed to God about this, or have you talked with your pastor about this?


It seems that you have gotten into a problematic situation, and deep down, I think you know what the right thing to do would be. This is too involved in resolving over one email. I suggest you step back and pray about this for a few days and then reach out to your pastor or a counselor.


I am sorry if you do not hear what you want to hear, but if you do what I suggested, you will be on the right road to some solutions…


May God bless you and give you wisdom and peace. If you struggle with prayer, here is a link that can be of help to you.


James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.


I pray that you keep in mind your children that you will be wise in how you handle your situation, that God prompts you to do what His will is, and that you listen.


Bill Greguska



Thank you so much for your advice.

Best regards




Hello, thank you for reading this. I will prayerfully take the advice given, and I am grateful for your kindness in helping me.

My husband and I have been married for two years. We both are Christian and want to have a God-honoring marriage.

The problem we have is how we handle our arguments and heated discussions.

This doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens enough to cause me to feel discouraged about our future.

Last night we got into an argument about finances. I started crying, and he told me several times to stop. He told me to “grow up.” I then proceeded to shove him and ask him to leave. When I shoved him, It happened so fast.

He soon said that I should never put my hands on him, and I agreed that I reacted wrong.

This anger has caused me much grief as I have been known to let it affect me in the past during heated discussions with my husband.

Today we haven’t spoken at all about it other than saying sorry to each other by text.

How can I learn to relax my anger during a conflict?  I also feel like my husband is careless with his words during a conflict.

In the meantime, I will be praying about this and seeking God’s direction.

Thank you.




Hi Kali,


God has given us all emotions and different personalities, yet as a Christian, you know that the Holy Spirit is living in you, and you need to conform to God’s will, which is not to let your emotions fly off the handle. You know that, and I am glad you feel remorse. (I was married ten years), and our tempers flew off the handle a few times, but I, too, was remorseful and got back in line when it happened. I say this, so you do not beat yourself because of your mistake, but take it to God and go to your husband and apologize and make sure you know he accepts your apology, then never do that again! (one thing to do is not discuss stressful types of things like money or other stuff like that late before bed)


The first thing to do is to pray about this situation, specifically your part in it. I may ask you if you are taking care of your health, which means your spiritual life and physical health.

  1. Do you pray and read your Bible daily? (if not, start with 10 minutes each morning and build up from there)
  2. Do you exercise?
  3. Do you eat healthy foods and avoid bad foods?
  4. Do you get enough sleep?
  5. Do you take vitamins?
  6. Do you avoid alcohol or keep it to a very minimum amount if need be?
  7. Do you laugh and enjoy your time with your husband?
  8. Do you have a romantic life with your husband?

With these eight questions, I am sure you will discover where some of your problems are rooted.




One more thing before something bad happens again:


H.A.L.T = Don’t get too:








I pray that you both remember why you got married two years ago and build on that. You guys gave your vows in front of God, and all those who were at your wedding, not this (the marriage), is what it is all about. You need to trust God and do God’s will, and everything else (anger, budget, etc.) will all fall into place. Pray for your husband, not only yourself. The devil wants to destroy you guys, but remember he is a defeated foe, even though he still can make your life miserable!


I would strongly suggest you apologize for the face-to-face (The text is just a temporary bandage). Use this incident as something to grow together from. I would love to hear how you guys resolved things. If you would like to let me know, I am sure you will recover from this speed bump you experienced!


If your husband is a good Christian husband, he will accept your apology, and you guys can make up tonight!


Here are a couple of links you may want to check out:


There are many other good pages on my site.


May God bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and give you strength!


Bill Greguska





I am a 27-year-old mother of 2 beautiful and smart daughters, but I am also a hard struggling addict. I used to be happy, and I could hear the lord when he spoke to me like anything I asked of him would almost manifest itself. He answered my prayers so quickly, and I love him and respectfully fear him, but I am afraid he’s given up on me after relapsing every other day. I tell myself I’m going to quit. I feel hopeless for telling myself right before I stick the devil’s sword in me, ” Lord, please forgive me again, I’m so sorry, I’m sick, and I need you!”

Can someone help me before I lose everything I love, or does everything I love lose me? There are not many rehabs in Louisiana, much fewer ones that let your children come, plus my husband doesn’t know my addiction goes this deep. Please help! Thank you, and bless you if you can help someone as hopeless as me who seems to love their sin more than God our Father, but I won’t let the devil take me that far. I still and will forever love my Father!!!



Dear Friend,


Thank you for reaching out to us. You have had enough of your addiction. The first suggestion that I give to everyone is to pray about your situation.


I, too, had an addiction to alcohol and drugs when I was younger, I quit using them when I was 26 years old, and it was one of the wisest and the best things I could do for myself with God’s help. You can stop with God’s help too. (No, God did not turn His back on you, you turned your back on Him, but He will take you back like the prodigal son, or in your case, prodigal daughter) He took me back!


It does not sound like you are attending a church right now, but a church with good fellowship could be just what you need at this time.


Do you have anyone who can keep you accountable?


You have two options right now.

  1. You can continue your addiction and keep sinking lower and lower, harm your daughters with your addiction, and ultimately divorce.
  2. Or you can get sincere and transparent and reach out for help so that you can find the joy that you so deeply miss.


Just the fact that you have reached out today tells me that you want help.

  1. Get on your knees and pray to God to remove your addiction.
  2. Level with your husband to let him know that you are struggling. If he is any kind of good man, he will want to help you!
  3. Stop seeing whoever is supplying your addiction.
  4. Get rid of any drugs or alcohol in your home.
  5. Get a counselor and or an accountability partner to help keep you on the straight and narrow.


I think these links might be of help to you:



I will pray that God heals you from your addiction and that the suggestions I have shared will help you. Remember that God can take this addiction from you if you hand it over to Him and not keep taking it back.

1 Corinthians 10:13  No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

If you need to talk to a trained Christian counselor, you can call 800-633-3446


May God bless you and show you the way out of your addiction.


Bill Greguska




Thank you so much, Mr. Bill, I will continue praying and having faith in the lord, and I will also read the links you sent. You can tell you replied to me, and I thank you for taking the time to lend a helping hand. Nobody knows what one kind of word can do for someone. May God continue to bless you. Thanks so much!




Good Morning,


You are very welcome. Now commit yourself to getting back on the right track. DO NOT think you can do it in your power because you can not; you need God’s help and the help of those people that God puts in your life to help you. It would help if you were very serious about this because, unfortunately, a half-hearted effort will not accomplish your desired goal.


I will pray that you make it the rest of the week without using it, and then after accomplishing that, keep on moving forward. You can do it with God’s help. Believe me, I did. With God, all things are possible!


Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


God bless you,

Bill Greguska


P.S. I see you are up late at night sending this email, so try to get back on a regular sleeping, and eating pattern that will help you. I say this because I care, and you need your strength and health if you want to get clean!




Hi Burkie,
I smiled when I got your email because I made a page on my website a while back on the topic of discovering who you are. You will find a beneficial video on the page.
Both videos are good. You can make up your mind.

2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
As for finding confidence in expressing yourself, it would be helpful to gather your thoughts so that you can share your thoughts and feelings.
So that whoever you are talking to can get a “picture” of what you are trying to say! Make sure you practice speaking up loud enough so that others can hear you and be sure you enunciate clearly.
Be prepared to be able to laugh at yourself if you say something silly by accident. Another thing you can do is find a short joke and memorize it, practice it, and then try it out on them when you get in a group of people. To get good at anything in life, you need to practice and practice and have a good attitude, trusting that God is with you. I almost forgot to mention that it will be very beneficial to pray about your situation.
This might sound a little silly but go in your bathroom, close the door, and practice.
I hope this addresses your question enough. If you have anything else on your mind, please feel free to get back to me.
Keep practicing in front of the mirror or whenever you can find to have time. You will find your confidence growing the more you do it.
Here is another scripture that you can think of whenever you do something that you lack wisdom or experience. 

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

From: Bukie

Subject: Identity
Message Body:
Please, I need help understanding who I am and finding confidence in how I express myself.




Hi Ava,

I am glad you contacted us. There are a couple of different ways to have Christian counseling.

  1. Free Christian Counseling / Life Coaching Is Available.
  2. Free Christian Groundwire Chat Is Also Available.
  3. Free Christian Chat About Jesus Is Also Available.
  4. Free One-Time Professional Christian Counseling.
  5. You can also call 800-633-3446
I have been a Christian for 35 years, and you can email me and share what is on your mind. I would be glad to point you to Jesus Christ.
Think about it and pray about it, and I am sure the Lord will direct your steps. All the counseling is free except the 4th option, which is limited to one free consultation, and then it would cost money.
I would encourage you to start praying and asking God to give you the wisdom and confidence you need.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska


From: Ava
Subject: I need help and Christian guidance therapy
Message Body:
I have been struggling with mass insecurities, feeling that I will never be good enough, and an incredibly destructive mindset that ruins my daily thoughts and actions. I need a Christian counselor to help me get back on track and turn to God when times get rough.





I have a difficult situation. My brother James died in May. Mom had a stroke that day and died in June. I had probate court, cremations, memorials, clearing and shelling mom’s house (the family home), getting a new place, and then my husband filed for divorce because I spent too much time in Ohio (we had been living in England). Now that I have cleared out of our English home, I can finally relax, and it is hitting me hard every morning.




Hi Michelle,


I am sorry to hear that you have been in a storm time in your life. It makes it hard when many things happen relatively at the same time. It is wise that you are reaching out for help. It sounds like you are going through some grieving, and you need to be patient with yourself.


If you believe in the Lord, you can take refuge in him during these hard times that you went through and thank Him for his faithfulness to see you through.


I would do the first thing to pray to God about all that I have gone through thank Him and ask Him for wisdom on what to do now.


I have been through some difficult times in my life, and I have found that prayer, fellowship with other believers, taking care of my health, exercise, eating correctly, and being with good friends and family members for support.


One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you.


I hope and pray that what I shared will help you, and I pray that you find healing and hope in Jesus Christ and that your faith will grow because of all that you have been through.


Feel free to call 800-633-3446


May God bless you and keep you safe as you walk with Him,

Bill Greguska




Hello. May I please chat with someone online?




Hi Sana,


To get right to your question about wanting to chat with someone, you can visit


It is apparent to anyone that life can be very complicated at times, but whatever you are going through, keep in mind that others like myself have gone through similar situations and have been able to make it through.


I wanted to die two times in my life, once when I was in high school with all the school pressures and problems because of drugs and alcohol. The second time was when my wife left me, and all it seemed I could think about was wishing that the pain would end in both circumstances. I am thankful that I reached out for help like you are doing. You are going to be okay.


A couple of questions for you to think about to get you started on the right path:

  1. Are you praying to God at all? Have you asked God to forgive you for everything you have done wrong? 1 John 1:8-9
  2. Are you getting enough sleep at night, 7-8 hours each night?
  3. Are you eating healthy?
  4. Are you getting any exercise?
  5. Are you avoiding alcohol and drugs?


The first thing I always suggest to anyone who contacts me is to pray about your situation. Ask God what you need to do.

It says in James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.


If you are not familiar with praying, check out


I encourage you to go to your pastor at your church. If you do not have a pastor, go to

Whatever you are going through right now, I am not minimizing how badly you feel about it, so please trust me when I tell you.


Matthew 19:26  Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


God knows your pain, so how about doing what it says in 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.


May God bless you and keep you safe in His presence. I feel your pain, and I will pray that my advice to you will help you!


Bill Greguska







My husband and I are Christians. He moved out on Dec 12, and we communicated a little but only via text. Tonight he texted and said he was driving by and wanted to know if I wanted to be intimate with him. After spending 2 hours before telling me, I’m not a godly wife.



Hi Kandy,


I am glad you have reached out for some help.

  1. What does your pastor say about your husband moving out?
  2. Are you talking about getting some counseling soon?
  3. What is stopping the two of you from forgiving one another?


It sure sounds like some type of broken communication and or misinterpreting what each of you has said without clearly understanding each other. Of course, you understand that leads to hurt feelings, which leads to angry feelings, which leads to feelings of revenge and bitterness, and attitudes of I am right, and you are wrong. That is inevitable.


For now, I strongly suggest that each of you, at least you, take an inventory of your heart to God and confess all that you have done, said, or thought of to your husband. Hopefully, he can do the same, but you take care of your business with God in the meantime.


Next time the two of you talk, try to repeat what he just said so that you understand exactly what he meant. (for example, when you thought he said you were an ungodly wife, possibly he might have intended to say that something you said or did was not godly, which could be a possibility since we are all sinners, right? None of us are perfect, and we have all fallen short of God’s glory)


My point is that if you backtrack to the point of why your husband left or was asked to leave, you will find a trail of unhealthy communication all along the road — each incident which leads to hurt feelings, angry feelings, feelings of revenge, and bitterness pulls you further apart and is not pleasing to God.


You need to let go of the past and start to rebuild. If not, you will be divorced before you know it. If you want your marriage to last, you need to take charge and do something about it. Forgiveness is a part of this equation.


Without knowing more about what is going on between the two of you. Seeing things through the eyes of a man, either this might be how he is trying to tell you that he still loves you. Or it could be a selfish, self-seeking idea on his part, and I have no way of judging his intentions.


But, if you want your marriage to stay alive, you need to be open to communication and spending time with each other, unless it is not a safe situation for you to be in.


If I were you, I would welcome him over, but you need to do some talking and soul-searching openly with each other before you get intimate.


Maybe he thought that he made a mistake by moving out. The Bible does talk about not withholding sexuality from each other unless you both agree that for a short time, it would be appropriate. So bottom line, I definitely would entertain the idea for you to be intimate with your husband unless you are in fear of him.


I pray that you will be open to mending your bridges quickly because if not, your marriage will be in jeopardy!!!


Here are a couple of links that might be of help to you.


Here is some homework for you to do this week:


  1. Pray for your husband each morning and evening and during the day when you can.
  2. Pray to God to soften both of your hearts.
  3. Confess to God (and your husband also) anything you have done that needs to be forgiven.
  4. Be willing to forgive whatever your husband has said or done to you. (if we do not forgive others, our Father in heaven will not forgive us)
  5. Write a letter to your husband to tell him you are sorry for upsetting him and that you forgive him for upsetting you.


This is a lot for you to do. You can either work hard to keep your marriage alive, focus not on what he did to you or said to you, but instead, focus on how you will get him to want to come back to live with you.


You have a chance right now to save your marriage. If you procrastinate much longer and refuse to go to God for help, you will find yourself divorced and very miserable for several years. Believe me, I have been through what you are going through, I fought the good fight and did not give up on my marriage, yet my ex got weak and gave up.


I am asking you to be strong and not give up. Do whatever it takes to stay married. Divorce is excruciating and leaves scars. Take the high road as I did so that even if your marriage does not work (which we hope it starts to mend the right way), you will know in your heart of hearts that you did all you could do to keep your marriage vows. You can not control your husband, but you can pray for him!!!


Bill Greguska





Hi, I need advice on this relationship I am in. I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus, and I want to know what God says is best for my life. I need some advice on my relationship, please.




Hi Pteris,


You have not given me much to advise you on, but I can tell you one thing for sure, is that you ought to pray about it, and ask God for wisdom, it says in


James 1:5  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.


I hope that what I shared can be an excellent start to resolving things in your relationship.

Bill Greguska






Counseling question, I live in Sydney, Australia. Do you offer free Christian counseling?




Hi Vicki,


Free Christian counseling is based in the United States, yet you can chat with someone on the internet and phone. or, you can call 800-633-3446 and talk with someone.


Also, we have these Question/Response pages where we share our responses to emails that we get.


Keep in mind the best counsel is that from Jesus Christ via prayer!


What about talking with a close friend or pastor at your church? If you are not attending a church right now, you would be wise to look into finding one. I have a tool to find a church, but it might only be in the US, but it is worth looking into.


I hope what I have shared is helpful to you.


Proverbs 15:22  Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.


God bless you, and may He keep you near to Him daily!


Bill Greguska







I have had a bunch of trauma throughout my life. My faith in God keeps me going, but my anxiety and depression always get the rest of me can afford to counsel; I need somebody to talk to support.





Hi Ashley,


I am glad that you are reaching out for help, although I suggest you find a church with some church fellowship that would meet your needs.


I strongly suggest that you start praying about your concerns to God, and He will start to show you how you ought to go.


Here are two links that will address a couple of your concerns.



You can also call 800-633-3446 to talk to someone who can help you, or you can chat at

Philippians 4:6  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


I hope that what I have shared with you will be something that will help you in your situation! Having a church to give you support and encouragement is very important. Keep praying and keep close to God, and I pray that God puts some special people in your life to help continue to point you to Jesus.


Bill Greguska







How does one go about forgiving someone who is toxic but doesn’t wish to be around that person anymore? There is no love, honesty, or respect in this relationship.  A family member has chosen to judge my children and me. She has made known her judgments.  I can forgive her, but I don’t know if I can be around her or expose my children to her as she is not in a place of reconciliation.

She has told me she wants to move forward but has warned me that she will still be sarcastic and that I need to thicken my skin. It would be great to move on, as this has robbed me of so much time emotionally. You know, I have read all kinds of things on forgiveness, and I think I’m at a place to forgive. Realizing that she has some issues with grief (from a death in the family) and has taken it out on my children and me. I do have compassion for her and feel sorry for her that she is in a bad place.  However, I don’t want to expose myself to her. Does that mean I’m not forgiving?




Hi Ellie,


What you have shared reminds me of a scripture from Romans 12:18 “As far as possible as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” I shared that scripture with my grandson the other day because I know how important it is to be at peace with others.


Maybe taking a break from being around your family member for a while might defuse the emotions that seem to be flying freely.


You may limit your contact just to text messages, so she doesn’t think you are running from her. Assure her that you are trying to figure out how to resolve things.


Before you do anything, though, take this situation to God in prayer.


He will give you wisdom on how to deal with your family members and protect your children at the same time. If you can think of something that you need to apologize to her for your part in anything to start the healing process, find out what she is upset about specifically or what you did wrong in her eyes specifically. Admitting your part would most likely defuse the situation. Humbly apologize for any harsh words or anything you will discover the love in her heart covered up by pain and anger begins to resurface in a good way again.


When we forgive someone, that does not mean we forget what they have said or done, but it does put it in the past where it belongs. Then you can proceed to allow the other person to build trust back into the relationship. God’s word says in Matthew 6:15, But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. That scripture alone was enough for me to realize how important forgiveness is.


I will pray for you, and I hope that what I have shared will help your situation!


Bill Greguska







Hi Good evening,

My name is Blessing, and I am 23 years old. I am confused. I am dating a guy who has a 1-year-old child. He says he and his baby’s mother don’t see things the same way anymore, and they had broken up before she found out she was pregnant, so they decided to keep the baby, but they aren’t dating anymore even though their families are aware of it. I met him a month before the baby was born.

Am I wrong for dating him as a Christian? My family doesn’t want us together because he has a child, but I feel no one in this world is guiltless, so it isn’t a barrier as long as we have a plan for a better future. I don’t know what to do about my family and make them understand that so far we are happy and I have never been this happy with anyone like him; with him, I don’t have to pretend to be something else I can confide in him, and he assists me however way he can. Plus, an opportunity they say to come, but once I don’t want to make a mistake, let him go without giving him the benefit of the doubt that he means well to me.

He proposed that we move in together since we stay in the same city and rent to save costs together. What do I do? Am confused. I do love him.

Please help me,





Hi Blessing,

It is quite apparent that you feel torn in two directions, what your brain is thinking and what your emotions are feeling. I am sorry that this is hard for you to decide. I will give you my opinion and share what God’s word says. My first thought is that you need to start praying about the situation that you are in.

Without knowing more details, it sounds like you are not wrong to want to date your boyfriend, but your parents, who are seeing things more objectively, are counseling you not to.
You are entertaining the idea of moving in with him, which increases the probability of breaking up or getting married to be divorced. (living together increases the odds of divorce).

Then try to put your emotions aside for a minute and look at it from the perspective of the baby.1. What does God want you to do in this situation?

2. Are you willing to have a baby that is not yours in your life, having to share responsibilities with the mother every other week, if that?

3. Do you get along with the mother?

4. How does your boyfriend treat you in general?

5. How does your boyfriend talk about his baby and the baby’s mother?

You have only been dating for less than a year, and it sounds like you are putting your life on hold for him.


If you are having sex with him, my suggestion would be to abstain from sex until he marries you.


Interestingly, I have done something similar to what you are involved in. Years ago, I dated my daughter’s mother, got her pregnant, and she broke up with me. Life was chaotic.


I am not telling you what to do. You will have to decide for yourself. Re-read what I wrote and think clearly about the questions I asked and the comments I made.


But the one thing I will firmly tell you is to NOT move in with him, especially since you are a Christian. Even if you were not a Christian, I would not suggest moving in together.


I will be praying for clarity in your decision, remember whatever you decide will affect your life positively or negatively down the road.


Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


Bill Greguska


I hope that what I have shared helps give you some food to make a wise choice!







Sometimes I feel like giving up on life. I’m too stressed out. I messed up in my relationship; I feel like nothing is going well for me. Please, Please, Please help!




Hi Casey,


There is an expression I would like to share with you that says, “If you keep on doing the same things, you are bound to get the same results.”

  • Are you getting enough sleep? Exercise? Eating healthy?
  • Do you pray about things like your relationship?
  • Do you have a close relationship with God?
  • Do you tend to say yes to things when you ought to say no?

If you believe your relationship has potential and you are willing to put effort into it, that sounds like a good plan, but if your relationship is toxic, maybe it is time to move on. If you have done all you can do, make it healthy.


I would suggest thinking about my comments, and if you need more help, you can call 800-633-3446 or chat with someone at

Isaiah 41:10  So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Joshua 1:9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


I pray that what I have shared will be of help to you! Remember to keep praying!


Bill Greguska






Hello,  I have struggled with alcohol for many years.  It would be great to point me to find a person who could talk with me and encourage me.

I love the Lord and have been a Christian my whole life. I have a great desire to be a good wife and mom.  I am ready to be free of this. – Rochelle




Hi Rochelle,


I am delighted that you are ready! I would suggest that you pray about your situation and ask the Lord for His help. Besides God, there is no magic wand to rid yourself of your alcohol problem. If there were, I would tell you, and I would have used it myself!


Without going into treatment, I would strongly suggest considering the following suggestion that has helped me recover. Figure out what makes sense to you and what you think would work. Decide what you will try, and then give it all you have, trusting that God will help you!


  1. Pray and keep praying each day.
  2. Get back into your Bible.
  3. Start writing a journal.
  4. Find yourself a good church if you do not have one already.
  5. Rally the troops to help you. Your pastor, best friend, parents, husband, etc.
  6. Get honest with your husband about your drinking and ask for his help.
  7. Put a picture of your children in your bathroom mirror to remind you to stay sober.
  8. Replace drinking with some other activity
  9. Find an accountability partner.
  10. Find a counselor
  11. Fill your mind with whatever is good, true, right, pure, lovely, admirable, or praiseworthy. Think about such things.
  12. Reward yourself when you have gone three days without drinking (ice cream, etc.)
  13. Reevaluate your diet
  14. Get proper sleep
  15. Get exercise each week.
  16. Drink more water
  17. Chew gum
  18. Stay out of bars
  19. Get all alcohol out of your house.
  20. Avoid all people you have drunk with without exception.
  21. Consider going to AA or NA meetings.
  22. Call 800-633-3446
  23. Visit
  24. Visit
  25. Visit


Rochelle, just to inform you… you are in a battle. In other words, you need to know your weapons (God’s word, prayer, fellowship, and the list I made you above, and you need to know your enemy (devil) who is out to kill, steal, and destroy your life.


It would help if you were in this effort 100% because any half effort will not be enough to have victory through my experience. I played games with alcohol and drugs for 10 until I got sober and sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Give God a try and the suggestions I have shared with you for 60 days, and you will see for yourself that there is hope and victory just around the corner! I have been clean and sober since June 25, 1986, and if I could do it with God’s help, you can too! I am 58 years old, and I do not miss drinking one bit! God even helped me quit smoking on January 10, 1988. All I know is that God loves us and that God is good!


May God bless you and give you the strength you need. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you!

Bill Greguska






I need advice in a current relationship. I have a really difficult relationship, and I need advice to confront it, I want to know what to do.  It is complicated to explain through text.  We were living together with plans of getting married, but now we are separated. I believe The Lord wanted us to separate to make this right, but now it’s just hurt because she lives in another state. Marco




Hi Marco,


Your relationship with your girlfriend, I can understand, is important to you, and I think the time away from each other can be a good thing for the two of you to clear your minds and get a better perspective.


I hope you guys can talk problems out so you can get beyond the challenges to the solutions.


You are saying that you want to marry your girlfriend. You need to ask yourself some questions, like, are her goals in life similar to yours? Are you both believers in Jesus Christ?


Are your values compatible? How long have you been dating? I would hope for at least one year because anyone can put their best foot forward for six months 9 months or even more than a year without any clue that there are any problems.


These are some of the reasons that the divorce rate is so very high. Another question for you is, “How is your relationship with God?” Without understanding what God’s will is, you will have problems maintaining a relationship with your girlfriend.


If you are serious about your relationship with your girlfriend and she seems interested too, then you might want to step back and determine how realistic your relationship is and if you are compatible enough to get married. If I were you, I would take my time and carefully evaluate things and, in the meantime, keep in touch with her via text messages and phone calls.


I pray that the advice I have given you will be of help to you. Keep praying and seek God for your answers.


If you want to talk with someone who can help, you can call 800-633-3446 or chat at

Bill Greguska





This person requested that I do not share her question or what she wrote about concerning a situation with the suicide of her friend, which is very understandable and personal. So I will only share what I have suggested to her to do while keeping her anonymity.







Hey, brother Bill, it’s Raven again. I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m the mom with the drug addiction. I was emailing you bc I recently read in the Bible Hebrews that if you keep willingly sinning, that’s publicly shaming God.

I’m scared that God won’t take me back when I finally get tired of the sin. Plus, I’ve been baptized like 10 times, and about 2 years ago, I thought I finally got saved like I realized what it was actually all about, but now I feel I need another new start that gods not done with me. I’ve accidentally drifted from him, so I can only hear bits and pieces of him. I need some serious help without constructive criticism, I can take it, but I do enough of that for myself every day. Anything you can think to tell me will help. Thanks again.




Hi Raven,


Yes, I do remember you writing to me not too long ago. It is good to hear back from you. I hope my suggestions helped you a little.


The first thing I need to ask you is, have you been praying about this? If you have, that is great. Keep up the excellent work. If you have not, you need to start and be consistent to break your addiction!


As far as the scripture in Hebrews 10:26, If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sin is left. (I checked my footnotes in my bible) It mentioned that there is no sacrifice for sin left, referring to Jesus Christ. When you (or anyone) rejects Jesus, the person is on their own. I am assuming you accepted Jesus, but rather your flesh is weak, and you keep falling for temptation. Natural consequences happen when we sin if we have not noticed those consequences already.


You need to find someone to help keep you accountable, a pastor, good friend, counselor, cousin, or whoever God puts in your path to help you. (But someone!!!)


I would suggest you get professional help, even a 30-day rehab treatment would be a step in the right direction, yet all I know is that you need help. What you have done up until now apparently is not working — another thing I can tell you for sure is that willpower and self-control will not be the answer. The answer is God and the people God puts into your life to help you.


As far as God turning His back on you, that is not true. It is we who turn our backs on God. I understand your addiction is tough to break, but keep praying and reaching out to others like you have reached out to me.


  • Here is a link to help you find a church
  • Here is also a link to chat back and forth with a Christian who can help you
  • Here is a link that can give you some insights about prayer
  • Here is one of many pages you can visit
  • You can also go to our website and browse around, check the drop-down menu, and go to Addictions.


Here is a phone number to call to talk to someone on the phone 800-633-3446


There is hope. Keep searching for it. Set some realistic goals and try to achieve them.


Please start by praying more regularly.


Bill Greguska





Thank you so much for the info! I hope I don’t bother you when I email you, and yes, you are right. I used to go to “Life Church,” but I was still addicted as I am now. I started to feel looked down on and weak. I went to that church for 2 years off and on, more on than off.

Mr. Bill, I want to ask a question. I feel so lost and can barely hear the lord, and I know me, your right; I am weak in the flesh, and the pain on the inside tears at my heart, and I know God feels it too, but he’s waiting for me. Still, I am afraid it’s too late for me. I don’t know the purpose that God wants for me. Do you have any outlook on this, please? And thanks so much for taking the time to answer me.

Oh, and I was wondering where you’re at anyway, and do you have a church? I read it all on your website, but I forgot how to get back to it, lol. Anyway thanks so much, and I’ll probably write back spontaneously if you don’t mind.



Hi Raven,
I have shared a lot with you, so now please tell me what you think you need to do to get your life back on track.




Bill Greguska



I would much like to ask for advice on the situation that I am in…

My boyfriend of three years (James) has become increasingly “emotionally numb”  since I moved across the country to him in Northern Virginia six months ago.  I love my job at a private high school and am very involved with friends, even though my experience being near James’ family has been painful.  We met in college and came from very similar backgrounds (both from families of 8/both faithfully Catholic, etc.).

Tension has steadily increased in our relationship since my relocation to where he and his family live.  James and I love each other very much, and we both desire to “work things out.”  Here is why I am reaching out to you:

James’ mother has never had a conversation with me, avoids me, and acts rude and uncomfortable whenever I have been in her presence.  His father is quite silent and tends to be very risk-averse, but separately supports and encourages James.  She (Diane) has only discouraged James in our relationship, and she feels betrayed, rejected, and “left” since he has been in a serious relationship. 

She has told him that “he doesn’t know what he is doing” and that “she knows women and her judgment should be trusted.”  James is her oldest son, and she will admit that she knows that she has a problem and that she tries to change but doesn’t know how.  (At this point, I do not think it is likely that she will change.)  James lives at home, and I have seen strong enmeshment indicators within his family since the beginning of our relationship three years ago.  For example, Diane has kindly told James that he could bring me home if he wants, but she will leave the house to bring me over. 

James seems to see this as a sacrificial act of his mother and “the best that she can do right now.”  Or, he will ask me not to come to events where his family is present because he “does not want to deal with it.”  The enmeshment is subtle, and they all act very kindly to each other.  He has admitted that he feels guilty when he is with me and not with this family or has not recently spent enough time with them.  I have been watching him live a double life and believing that he can make this work …

I truly am not a part of his family life or his home… Our relationship leads to a separate compartment of his life in the same city.  I think that he believes that I have been the “cause” of his increased unhappiness and “emotional numbness” because I am the only thing that has changed in his day-to-day this past year, causing his disjointed experience.  How I see it:  James is trying to do the impossible by leading a double life, where I, the woman he loves and wants to be with, am separate from his family life.  His family’s space and independence have not seemed to be established, even though he is a successful adult now. 

It’s an impossible balancing act where there is no way for him to make everyone happy.  In this scenario, I see him believing that he should be happy because he believes he is “doing the right thing” to please everyone.  I believe that he is very fearful of “leaving his family” and doesn’t know how to take the steps.  Due to that, I believe he will never have a happy and healthy relationship and family with me or any other woman.  I do not believe that he is an individual independent adult emotionally.  So, all parties have recognized that there is a problem, and my main concern is that James has projected this “problem” or enmeshment onto me.

How can I help this man that I love to start seeing the bigger picture here? How can I love and support him best through this journey?



Hi Moira,
Answering your questions from a man’s point of view, I think you need just to plan a time to sit down and the two of you talk. Ask him the questions yourself, How can I help this man? I love to start seeing the bigger picture here. How can I love and support him best through this journey?
Here are a few questions to help you think about why your boyfriend’s mother is avoiding you and why things might be affecting your relationship with your boyfriend.

  1. Have you thought about praying about this situation and reflected on your part of this problem with your boyfriend’s mom and your boyfriend?
  2. Have you any idea why his mother is keeping her distance from you?
  3. Have you said or done anything to offend her?
  4. Does she object that you are dating her son?
  5. Does she have a problem with your personality or values?
  6. Are you and James living together? That could be a problem in her eyes if she is a Christian.
  7. Did you ever think about asking her why she is avoiding you? Or do you think you already know and are not willing to respect her wishes?
  8. What has your boyfriend told you when you ask him about his mom?
  9. Has she always been this way?
  10. When you say you are working things out, what does working things out mean to you?
  11. When Diane admitted she had a problem, what did she say her problem was? Does she want help with her problem?

I read your email a few times, and the only real solid suggestion to you would be to sit down, and the two of you, Diane and you, or the three of you, sit down for an hour to start to talk things out.
I asked you the above questions because I thought it would help you reflect on what is going on and give you some insights into your problem. I honestly do not have much to offer you in terms of a solution, except that the two of you (you and Diane) and also (you and James), then together the two of you sit down and talk with Diane to hopefully resolve things out or at least come to some agreements after airing things out in the open.

Bill Greguska





I need to be able to talk to someone that will listen and give me help… Roger



Hi Roger, is set up primarily for the Internet only.
My first suggestion would be to pray to God about your marriage, anger, and how to love yourself. After doing that, I suggest that you call 800-633-3446 and talk to someone there, or you can chat by going to and following the link to chat.
Sometimes people overlook things such as:
  1. Getting enough sleep.
  2. A healthy diet.
  3. Get some regular exercise.
  4. Avoiding stress by not overcommitting your schedule.
  5. Unconfessed sin.
  6. Make sure you have a regular prayer life.

I hope these suggestions help you. Keep looking to the Lord, for He has the answers!
Bill Greguska





Tonight my husband and I were knocked down.  We discovered that our 14-year-old daughter has been smoking weed, and sneaking around, and now she has claimed that she thinks she is bisexual.  Then I found out that my 23-year-old daughter told her that she was.  Lord, I don’t know what to do.  My heart is breaking, and I don’t know what way to turn.  Please pray for my husband and me.




Hi Janice,


It is very wise that you are reaching out and asking for prayer. I encourage you to continue to do this because prayer is your best line of approach. Have you spoken to your pastor about this yet? Ensure that you and your husband are on the same page when dealing with our daughter(s).


I will pray that these thoughts and actions of your 14-year-old daughter are just passing whims she is going through. If you have a close enough relationship with her, I would suggest sitting down and hearing her side of the story and explaining that God created man and woman to be together. Explain that God has given her free will, yet she does not have the freedom to the consequences of her actions and disobedience with that free will.


Ask your 14-year-old some questions to open discussion. Putting up walls and anger will not be beneficial at this point. For example, with marijuana, peer pressure is very significant, not to mention the impact of marijuana or other drugs and alcohol.


You need to love her and set up some boundaries that she ought not to cross without consequences. She lives in your home and needs to follow the rules like not breaking civil laws such as smoking marijuana.


Or spiritual laws God has implemented, such as having to do with homosexuality.


Our culture’s youth has elevated things like marijuana, bisexuality, homosexuality, and young people who are curious and searching for their form of truth. Pray for both of your girls and pray for wisdom for yourselves too. Sin comes in many different, and God hates all sin. Try to be patient and understanding with both of your daughters.


Do not allow this to turn into a shouting match, keep calm in the spirit and speak the truth in love. After that, at some point, your hands are going to be tied, and your daughter will make up her mind. Be sure to continue to love her no matter what she chooses. She needs to know that you love her unconditionally even if she makes the wrong choices in life. I am sure you did not grow up without giving your parents any heartbreaking news either.


Keep praying for both your daughters and love them as God would love them. Put your daughter in an open palm to the Lord and allow Him to work in her heart and her mind. Do not panic. Just lean on God a little harder!


May God bless you and make you and your husband stronger during this time as you put your trust and hope in Him.



Bill Greguska



My fiancé and I are struggling with the idea of sex “outside of marriage.” We firmly believe that Jesus looks to the heart of His people. And if our hearts have made the marriage covenant, they are “married” despite not having an official ceremony. Therefore, sex during engagement is acceptable. Thoughts?





Hi Elaina,
I am glad you have reached out and asked for advice. First of all, you are not alone. This temptation is common to all couples to some degree or another, but what you do with this temptation will affect your future. If you say that you are engaged to be married, why don’t you wait until you get married?
Dating should be a long-term situation to get to know one another, and engagement should be a short-term situation after fully getting to know each other. I assume you are planning to be married in spring. In that case, wait approximately 150 days or less and start your marriage off on the right foot. Have you brought this concern of yours to God?
There are more factors to consider. Do you guys attend church together? If so, what do you think your pastor would say about you wanting to have sex before marriage? Have you guys gone through marital counseling already? Has either one of you been divorced in the past? Are you living together?
With the extremely high divorce rate in the United States, you need to go into all of this with both of your eyes open and not be swept away emotionally with the carrot of sex driving your decisions. Divorce is excruciating, something to be avoided at ALL costs! I know what I am saying because I have been divorced.
My thoughts are in agreement with God’s thoughts. So, if you want a straight answer to your question, it would be not to have sex before marriage. For more information, read on.
Yes, Jesus looks at our hearts, but that does not mean he closes His eyes to things He has established in His teaching.
Do you feel you know him long enough and good enough and trust him enough to be committed to you in all areas of life and vice versa? If so, then you guys ought to talk about getting married sooner. If he wants to have sex before you guys are even married, what would stop him from having sex with someone else once you get married? Living your life to honor God with integrity and honesty is so important.
You have mentioned, “We firmly believe that Jesus looks to the heart of His people.” The question I ask you is, “Is your heart wanting to please God or your flesh?”
I think you know the answer to your question, and I can not or will not or will not give you counsel to go against God’s word. God has given you both free will to do what you want, but you do not have the freedom to choose the consequences.
You did not mention if both of you are actively practicing your Christian faith or not. If not, that would be even more important to consider than anything else right now before you get married.
I am sorry that I could not condone your desire to have sex before marriage with your fiancé. But I am sure if you bring this to God in prayer, He will give you the strength to be strong and start your marriage off the right way.
I pray that you seek God’s word more clearly and follow His will, not our own will. (you recall what happened in the garden when Adam and Eve did what was right in their own eyes instead of obeying God).
Bill Greguska






I am interested in free Christian counseling if you still have it available.



Good morning Kerry,


Yes, there still is free Christian counseling available on the website. My apology that when you went to, I am sorry that I did not have it clearer for you to be able to see how to get “Free Christian Counseling.”


Thanks for pointing that out to me. I went to the back end of the site and fixed that for you and others too. Now you will be able to see more clearly. I hope this helps, and counseling helps also.


Remember that prayer needs to be involved each day, asking God to direct you and show you the way.


Bill Greguska


I struggle day and day with emotional doubts in myself. These doubts keep killing me with the past’s dark emotional feeling, like a shame that keeps me from being me. It’s just a really hard thing to deal with. As I was looking for the answer, I came across this person on YouTube who said that in doubt, I should trust in God, which is Biblically correct. Still, I just want advice on trusting God best and having better relationships because now I know God wants a greater revelation.

So that’s what I need advice on which I’m going to be praying a lot because it all started with doubts a whole year ago, and it has taken so much from my life, and all God wanted to do is to help me, and love me, but I just kept. Listening to the dark feelings of depression, anxiety, and shame, I know that God will heal me in the end.

Thank you-




Hi Steve,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I hope what I share with you will be of help to you. You are not alone. Each human being has some doubts about themselves. Keep in mind who’s the voice you are listening to, whether it is God’s voice or Satan’s voice. But it sounds to me as though you have been focusing on your weaknesses and doubts more than you have been focusing on God and his strength and power and great love for you. Read this scripture below slowly and try to understand what God is trying to tell you.

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Like any relationship here on earth, it takes time, energy, and effort to make it work. You do not ignore your friends, so why do we think we can ignore God and still have a strong relationship with Him? Here are a couple of ideas that I am sure will get you started in having a better relationship with God:


Keep it Simple

  1. First thing in the morning, pray and thank God for a new day, invite God to direct your day and confess any sin you may be holding on to.
  2. Open your Bible and read at least three to seven short verses in Proverbs to start with (increase your learning amount as you feel more comfortable doing so). Read as much as you would like to, be sure to read it slowly to understand what it is trying to say.
  3. Eventually, began reading the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. (I would suggest beginning with the book of John)
  4. Write a short paragraph based on what you read and anything else you feel a need to say to God or ask God.
  5. Find a Bible-believing church to attend, and find someone who can help you stay on track.


I hope this will be a good start for you to rid yourself of depression, anxiety, and shame. Here are three other pages that you might benefit from checking out.



I will be praying that you continue to pray, but when you pray, Steve, not only pray but also listen to what God is trying to tell you and when you read his word. Here is a phone number you can call to talk with someone live at 800-633-3446. Also, here is a link to get started on a chat if you prefer to do that


Also, take some time to look over our website to see other things that might help you.


May God continue to bless and keep you near Him and make your path clearer to you to follow Him! Don’t give up. Things will get better.


James 1:5   If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Bill Greguska





We need to talk ASAP… the relationship ended!




Hi Ven,


I am very sorry to hear that your relationship ended. Being rejected can be very hurtful. Maybe some misunderstanding between you and your partner happened, and you could work things out. On the other hand, perhaps it was meant to be. Have you taken this to the Lord in prayer? He will give you the comfort that you are looking for if you ask for wisdom. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”


Do you have a church that you attend? If so, I would suggest talking to someone at your church. If you do not have a church, I would recommend going to


Another good suggestion would be to visit and chat with someone online


I know you must be feeling some pain and confusion at this point, but rest assured that in our lives, people can let us down and leave us, but always remember that God will never leave you or forsake you! We do not do phone counseling, but the link for the chart above can help you. Otherwise, you can call 800-633-3446.


May God bless you and comfort you during this time. If you contact your partner, be very respectful, and apologize if you have done them wrong. If they do not want to talk, then pray for them and respect their request. I pray that you find comfort in God’s word, and things will work out in God’s will.


Bill Greguska



My mind seems to be overtaken with sinful thoughts most uncontrollably.



Hi Tracy,
Here are a couple of things for you to think about and consider:
Philippians 4:8  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Do you pray about these habitual sins? Do you read your Bible? Do you have fellowship with other believers? Do you confess your sins to God? Do you put yourself around situations that are a temptation to you? Do you have a church you attend? Do you have a pastor to talk with?
Here are a couple of pages on my website that can be of help to you:
Also, you can call 800-633-3446
I hope and pray that what I have shared with you has been of help to you!
Bill Greguska



Hi there,

I’ve been looking for someone to give me a piece of godly advice regarding a subject that’s been on my mind these past several weeks. Still, unfortunately, there’s nobody in my church who can help me as it’s a personal issue, and I haven’t found anyone to chat to about it.

I didn’t want to make a habit of using the internet to solve problems, but I was just hoping you would be available for just a one-time piece of godly advice to a brother.

My wife and I are both in our late thirties, have been saved since our mid-twenties, and have experienced a very fulfilling and blessed relationship both emotionally and spiritually.  But, something has been bugging me lately, which my mind can’t seem to switch off from.

My wife is 39 and is in great physical shape, she has always had a real woman’s body: powerful thighs, big round hips, and buttocks, and she takes care of herself.  But the thing that’s bugging me is that she wears these leggings when she’s out in public. They aren’t see-through or anything, but they are very body-hugging, tight, and revealing her lower body; every curve is displayed when she wears them.

I don’t know why but for some reason, I feel very insecure and start to feel very jealous when I notice other guys in public or at the grocery store staring at her buttocks or checking out her lower half – there is a lot to check out.  I wondered if you could tell me from a spiritual perspective if I am sinning by feeling jealous.  I don’t want to feel this feeling, and it would help tremendously if you could clarify for me if it is, in fact, a sin; that way, I can fight it with scripture.

I don’t want to tell my wife what to wear. I just want to feel normal when she wears these leggings – almost every other woman wears them in public, so why do I feel strangely jealous when she does?

I hope you can help me with this problem.  I have prayed about it, but I can’t seem to find any answers, and as I say, there is no one else to talk to.






Hi Ben,
What you are saying is right on the money. First of all, you are NOT sinning by having feelings of jealousy in this case, and if you did not have those feelings, I would be more concerned. The ones that are sinning are the ones who look at your wife lustfully. My daughter did something similar years ago, and when I confronted her, she told me that it was not her problem but the guy’s problem. Maybe your wife is not even aware of what she is doing and how men are wired. This is what I suggest you do:

  1. Pray about it.
  2. Talk to your wife about it.
  3. If your wife does not like what you say, after telling her how you feel, offer her to buy her some new clothes and explain how men I wired to be visually stimulated, which is different from how women are stimulated.
  4. If your wife still does not like what you say, do not make an argument but rather bring it to your pastor as a concern for your marriage.

Remember, you are a man in your house, but be sure you are a gentleman dealing with this potentially delicate subject in all circumstances. I hope what I have shared with you will help you and your wife!
May God bless you and your marriage and that your wife has ears to hear, and also she understands that you love her, and you want the best for her and your marriage!

Bill Greguska



Thanks for your message, but let me put it another way… if your wife wore tight, thin leggings in public that showed off her lower half wouldn’t you feel any pang of anger or jealousy overseeing other guys ogle it and want her to wear something else because her body belongs to you and you alone?  Or would you say that feeling was a sin?


 Hi Ben,
I do not know what else I can tell you except to re-read the email I sent you. But read it a little slower. I am sorry I was not 100% clear to you, but if she does not listen to what you say about the way she dresses, contact your pastor, and the three of you can talk things out.
Go for the solution rather than being stuck on the problem. Take this to God in prayer first, talk with your wife, and talk with your pastor if she is unwilling to change her ways.
I am sorry that you have to deal with this but be patient, praying that things will work out.
Bill Greguska 


Hi, I’d like help with my relationship with God. In the summer of 2018, I’ve been the closest with God, but now I’ve lost faith. I feel like the reason why behind this is because of the stress and time from school. I’m not sure what to do, but I don’t feel a connection with him at all anymore. Please help.


Response Letter:


Hi Nina,


I would suggest that you pray to God and rekindle that relationship that still is there but has been overlooked. He has not gone anywhere; it is we who turn our backs on him. He loves us and will forgive us as a loving Father would.


Ask yourself what got in the way of your relationship with God. Often some of the things that get between God and us are our flesh, money, laziness, complacency, lack of prayer, Bible reading, and, I would say most of all, sin. Is there any sin in your life that is not confessed and repented from?


Whatever it may be, confess it to God and turn from it. As it says in 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

I pray that your passion for God returns as you humble yourself to God, and I know that He will greet you with open arms.


Bill Greguska






(Two questions for you)

Do people go to hell because of self-perception?

Do people go to hell because they committed suicide?



Response Letter:


Hi Lulu,


I wanted to answer both of your questions, but I did not precisely understand what you were trying to say in the first question. But I can tell you this though, the only way to go to hell would be to reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We are all sinners, every last one of us, but if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, hell is not an option.


Here is a link to a YouTube video that will help answer your question about suicide.


I was not sure why you asked the question about suicide, but if you are struggling with thoughts of suicide or know someone who is, please go to


I got this information from an excellent website that I like, and often use called


I hope and pray that what I have shared with you has answered your questions!


Bill Greguska





“If a Christian commits suicide, is he/she still saved?”

Response Letter:

It is a sad fact that some Christians have committed suicide. Adding to the tragedy is the false teaching that committing suicide automatically consigns one to hell. Many believe that a Christian who commits suicide will not be saved. This teaching is not supported in the Bible.


Scripture teaches that we are guaranteed eternal life from the moment we truly believe in Christ (John 3:16). According to the Bible, Christians can know beyond any doubt that they possess eternal life (1 John 5:13). Nothing can separate a Christian from God’s love (Romans 8:38–39). No “created thing” can separate a Christian from God’s love, and even a Christian who commits suicide is a “created thing”; therefore, not even suicide can separate a Christian from God’s love. Jesus died for all of our sins, and if a true Christian, in a time of spiritual attack and weakness, commits suicide, his sin is still covered by the blood of Christ.

According to the Bible

Suicide is not what determines whether a person gains entrance into heaven. If an unsaved person commits suicide, he has done nothing but “expedite” his journey to hell. However, that person who committed suicide will ultimately be in hell for rejecting salvation through Christ, not because he committed suicide (see John 3:18).

However, we should also point out that no one truly knows what was happening in a person’s heart the moment they died. Some people have “deathbed conversions” and accept Christ in the moments before death. It is possible that a person who commits suicide could have a last-second change of heart and cry out for God’s mercy. We leave such judgments to God (1 Samuel 16:7).

The suicide of a believer is evidence that anyone can struggle with despair and that our enemy, Satan, is “a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44). Suicide is still a serious sin against God. According to the Bible, suicide is murder; it is always wrong. Christians are called to live their lives for God, and the decision of when to die is God’s and God’s alone.

May God grant grace and the psalmist’s perspective to each one who is facing trials today: “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 43:5).





I’m having relationship issues. My man misunderstood God and ended the relationship. I need God to pls speak to him and bring us back before my birthday. We’re ready for a Fresh Start with God as the foundation.


Response Letter:


Hi Bello,


I am sorry to hear you are going through a relationship problem. My first thought would be to suggest that you take this relationship issue to God in prayer. Be patient and calm.


You might want to write him a short detailed letter explaining why you believe he misunderstood God. Write it out for him. Let him read it, and then you can have something to talk over. You might want to wait at least a day or two to give him the letter.


After you talk on the phone, talking in person would be the way to deal with things.


My pastor’s wife told me something very wise I like to share with you. Keep your boyfriend and everything and everyone in an open palm often. The problem is that we hold on too tightly to people and things. Allow God to work in your boyfriend’s heart and your heart in the next few days to see what develops.


I pray that you guard your heart and trust that God will work out things the way He knows best how to do.


Bill Greguska


Thank you so much. This brought relief to me. I plead that you also join me in prayers pls.

Thank you


Hi Bello,

I pray right now that God restores your relationship with your boyfriend. It that is your will, Lord. If not, I pray that Bello will find her strength in you, Lord, and the people in her life. Bello would love for the relationship to get back together and have it based on you, God. Hear her plea Lord and give her what she needs. 800-633-3446


Bill Greguska

Thank you, that means a lot.




Hi Ben,


What you are saying is right on the money. First of all, you are NOT sinning by having feelings of jealousy in this case, and if you did not have those feelings, I would be more concerned. The ones that are sinning are the ones who look at your wife lustfully. My daughter did something similar years ago, and when I confronted her, she told me that it was not her problem but the guy’s problem. Maybe your wife is not even aware of what she is doing and how men are wired. This is what I suggest you do:


  1. Pray about it.
  2. Talk to your wife about it.
  3. If your wife does not like what you say, after telling her how you feel, offer her to buy her some new clothes and explain how men I wired to be visually stimulated, which is different from how women are stimulated.
  4. If your wife still does not like what you say, do not make an argument but rather bring it to your pastor as a concern for your marriage.

Remember, you are a man in your house, but be sure you are a gentleman dealing with this potentially delicate subject in all circumstances. I hope what I have shared with you will help you and your wife!


May God bless you and your marriage and that your wife has ears to hear, and also she understands that you love her, and you want the best for her and your marriage!

Bill Greguska






Do you provide any online or over-the-phone counseling? I could use some, and so could my husband, separately.


Response Letter:


Hi Traci,


I do not do extended online or over-the-phone counseling myself, even though I answer questions when people write to me. I am a Christian who offers advice to those who inquire with the wisdom from God’s word, the Bible, and my personal life experiences of 58 years, although I am not a counselor who digs deep down with extended visitations.


Here are some very encouraging videos by Kris Reece


Also, here are some excellent pages from my website that can also be of help to you both



I hope and pray that what I have shared with you is helpful to you and your husband. I pray that your marriage strengthens and you can love one another as you did before marriage. Do not give up on your marriage as so many others do. God hates divorce.


Make sure you pray each day about it in your time with God.


God bless you both,


Bill Greguska







I don’t know how to start. I don’t know why I am doing this either. In all retrospect, this seems like a stupid idea, and that is coming from me, a 13-year-old girl who has made multiple stupid choices in the entirety of my life. I believe that I am sending this because I just want someone to listen.

I believe I am doing this also for forgiveness and not just from God. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned, that’s what people do when they sin right, they confess, and they beg for forgiveness of a person whom they don’t even know exists (please don’t get me wrong, a Catholic mother raised me, so, of course, I believe in God).

So allow me to confess, I have committed 7 things the commandments have said not to do. I have lied constantly, manipulated, and tricked many people, even those closest to me. I have thought about suicide. I have thought of many things. Growing up, my mother abused me. I sometimes, as a child, prayed for her, but now it seems they pray for me.

My mother believes that God punishes my family for our sins because my father lost his job, my sister almost lost her vision, I possibly repeated school, etc. She took me one time to church to talk to God. I had no idea what to say. Sometimes I do believe that it is a punishment from God for my sins, I feel corrupted somehow, compelled to learn about evil( ex. I have been for the past 4 or 5 years very obsessed with learning and reading about demons, but I don’t because I’m too scared to). I feel depressed from within. I feel trapped, only able to accept the choice already made for me. I believe that is why I doubt Catholicism.

It only shows one side of the story (God’s side) and not Satan’s side. We don’t know what truly happened. We can only believe that it is true. I can’t help but doubt if a God was so forgiving, why do people go to hell? I can’t help but doubt, please forgive me, but I turned to God whenever I was in trouble, so why should I not turn to him now? Father help me, for I think I am damned.


– Honorine


Response Letter:



Hi Honorine,


I am glad you reached out to share what is going on in your life. Since you believe in God and know He loves you, you are not dammed. You have merely taken the wide road offered by the world and the devil, but you still have time to get on the narrow road that leads to life.


First of all, I encourage you to take time right now to pray to God, He has not turned His back on you. It is us who turn our back on Him.


Next, I encourage you to do what it says in 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.


It sounds like you have a lot on your heart and mind that you are dealing with. I understand what you are saying about the Catholic church. You might want to find a protestant Bible-believing church to attend if possible. If not, since you are so young, I encourage you to check out our website, watch some good Christian videos, and check out the many pages on different topics we have.


I pray for you right now to ask God to give you wisdom and direction in your life. I pray that you do not become overwhelmed with too many things all at the same time. Walk with the Lord, read your Bible, and begin a close relationship with Him. You are not alone, God is with you (Emanuel), and He will put the right people in your path to accomplish His will in your life!

Bill Greguska




Hi Daysi,
I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. May God comfort you and give you strength and hope!
I would encourage you to continue to pray and I would also encourage you to contact your pastor at your church to have him or a woman from your church spend some time with you and encourage you. You may also consider a friend or a good acquaintance to reach out for help too.
In the meantime, you can email me back and I will try to point you to Jesus and His love for you!
I do not know where you live, but there is a group called Greif Share that meets regularly and can offer you support and reassurance during this difficult time in your life right now. Daysi, check out this link for more information.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–
Subject: Grief, anxiety, deep depression fear of abandonment, and loneliness
Message Body:
I need help, I am a Christian, and I know the Lord intimately, but I lost my husband recently, I don’t have strong family support, I am consumed in depression and I cannot get up by myself, I pray constantly, but I need help I need someone to walk with me in this darkest night, I am also sick and walking in crushes at this time under treatment, this makes it worst the grieving.


Hi Benny,
Just emailing me is evidence to God that you are serious about quitting your porn addiction that has been wreaking havoc in your life for ten years.
What are some things that you tried to help you stop masturbating?
I pray that the Lord takes this compulsion away from you and you can live free from the bondage of it.
  1. Pray about this.
  2. Keep praying about this if you have been praying.
  3. Find someone you know and trust, such as a close friend or your pastor, and ask them to be an accountability partner.
  4. Read your bible every morning when you wake up.
  5. Visit a Celebrate Recovery group, depending on if they have one in your area.
God bless you and trust God with this situation.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

Subject: “Porn addiction”

Message Body:
I have been addicted to porn and masturbation for like 10 years now. I need help and prayer. I don’t know what to do. I have asked God many times to help me, but nothing happens. I need help
This email was sent from a contact form (


Hi Ken,
I am glad you reached out to gain a better understanding of what blaspheme is.
Below is some information that I got from a very reliable source called that I think will clear your mind of worry.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

What is blasphemy?


To blaspheme is to speak with contempt about God or to be defiantly irreverent. Blasphemy is verbal or written reproach of God’s name, character, work, or attributes.

Blasphemy was a serious crime in the law God gave to Moses. The Israelites were to worship and obey God. In Leviticus 24:10–16, a man blasphemed the name of God. To the Hebrews, a name wasn’t just a convenient label. It was a symbolic representation of a person’s character. The man in Leviticus who blasphemed God’s name was stoned to death.

Isaiah 36 tells the story of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, and his attempt to demoralize Jerusalem before he attacked. After pointing out Assyria’s many victories, he says, “Who of all the gods of these countries have been able to save their lands from me? How then can the LORD deliver Jerusalem from my hand?” (Isaiah 36:20). Sennacherib committed blasphemy by assuming Israel’s God was equal to the false gods of the surrounding nations. The king of Judah, Hezekiah, points out this blasphemy in his prayer to God, in which he asks that God deliver them to defend His honor (Isaiah 37:4, 17). And that’s exactly what God did. Isaiah 37:36-37 explains, “Then the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies! So Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew. He returned to Nineveh and stayed there.” Later, Sennacherib was murdered in the temple of his god Nisroch (Isaiah 37:38).

Followers of God are also responsible for making sure their behavior doesn’t incite others to blaspheme God. In Romans 2:17-24, Paul scolds those who claim to be saved through the law and yet still live in sin. Using Isaiah 52:5, Paul tells them, “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you” (verse 24). In 1 Timothy 1:20 Paul explains that he had abandoned two false teachers to Satan so they would “be taught not to blaspheme”; thus, promulgating false doctrine and leading God’s people astray is also a form of blasphemy.

Jesus spoke of a special type of blasphemy—blasphemy against the Holy Spirit—committed by the religious leaders of His day. The situation was that the Pharisees were eyewitnesses to Jesus’ miracles, but they attributed the work of the Holy Spirit to the presence of a demon (Mark 3:22-30). Their portrayal of the holy as demonic was a deliberate, insulting rejection of God and was unforgivable.

The most significant accusation of blasphemy was one that happened to be completely false. It was for the crime of blasphemy that the priests and Pharisees condemned Jesus (Matthew 26:65). They understood that Jesus was claiming to be God. That would, indeed, be a reproach on God’s character—if it wasn’t true. If Jesus were just a man claiming to be God, He would have been a blasphemer. However, as the Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus could truthfully claim deity (Philippians 2:6).

Fortunately, Jesus forgives even the sin of blasphemy. Paul was a blasphemer (1 Timothy 1:13) and tried to make others blaspheme (Acts 26:11). Jesus’ brothers thought He was insane (Mark 3:21). All repented, and all were forgiven.

Blasphemy, by definition, is both deliberate and direct. That being the case, a believer in Jesus Christ will not/cannot commit blasphemy. Even so, we should be careful to reflect God’s holiness and never misrepresent the glory, authority, and character of God.

—–Original Message—–

Subject: “Falling away”

Message Body:
Please am no longer feeling the holy spirit anymore. I might have blasphemed him because I silently called him a woman. and my mind is full of blasphemy against the holy spirit all the time. I think of ways to blaspheme him, always thinking of the unforgivable sin and how to commit it. although I’ve been facing ocd to blaspheme against the holy spirit now it’s entering my heart and anytime the thought comes my mouth speaks. I was afraid of it before but now it looks like am the thought itself, and am no longer afraid of it. I take the sin lightly and feel little remorse for it. I want this thought to stop but it looks like there is no hope for a sinner like me. please help I don’t want to go to hell. because God will throw me there if it’s an unforgivable sin. please my thought is always sinful, no good is there. this thought is winning the battle in my mind. I feel locked in my thoughts. am so lazy and always sit at home, giving it an advantage over me, but it’s also hard to stop staying home all the time. my willpower to resist this thought is weak. the weaker my willpower becomes the more powerful the thought is. now I feel like am an ally to the devil. my conscious is locked. please I need advice I’ll do anything to vanquish this evil thought. I’ve been fighting this though for years now but now it’s coming out of my mouth
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Hi Tyler,
I appreciate your patience with me getting back to you.
Have you tried to pray to God for him to increase your patience, self-control, and poor self-esteem? That would be my first suggestion for you to do.
God’s word has a lot to be said to help us.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Please also check out these four pages.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

Subject: Seeking Christian-based counseling to become a better husband.
Message Body:
I’m seeking Christian-based counseling. I have self-control issues that stem from poor self-esteem. This negatively affects my marriage along with my poor communication skills.
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Hi Claire,
I know it was a long time ago that you emailed me; I got it and opened it, but you did not have a question, so I did not know whether you wanted some type of response.
I encourage you to keep an open palm to all people and things in your life. Do not chomp down on them like a pit bull. Give your concerns to God, for He cares about you!
Ask God a simple question, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” Then try to listen to what He is prompting you through His word. God does not want us to be double-minded.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

Subject: “An overthinker as a Christian”

Message Body:
So basically Satan gets in my mind and puts thoughts in my mind and I pray that these bad thoughts go away. But I overthink a lot
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Hi Danielle,
Sometimes our faith life can go up and down. I encourage you to get back to God.
Here are a few things that will help you:
  1. Get back into your church or find a new church.
  2. Pray each morning when you get up.
  3. Read a devotional each morning.
  4. Read your Bible.
  5. Fellowship with other believers.
  6. Confess any unconfessed sin that you have in your life.
  7. Eat healthy.
  8. Drink enough water each day.
  9. Get regular exercise.
  10. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  11. Be social with your friends and family.
  12. Try to reach out to help someone else. You will find great benefits from doing so.
Keep your eyes on God rather than on your problems and difficulties.
May God bless you and draw you near to Himself this week!
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

Subject: “Strength courage”

Message Body:
I am a 38-year-old I live independently I also have a very long history of mental health problems I struggling with self-esteem problems  I have times where fall away from God to my self-esteem  I have had a lot of family members  passing away on holidays or negro holidays I struggling with fears of anxiety  I need help being encouraged to make every day a new day
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Hi Diane,

It’s good that you have reached out for some help, I can help you a little bit if you have a direct question or two but I can tell you for a fact that you need to get a counselor or your pastor to help you guys.
Marriage counseling does that work well via email it needs to be done in person with both people present bouncing their issues and concerns off of the counselor or pastor.
I can encourage you to pray for your husband and also pray for yourself. You are under some spiritual warfare and the devil’s not going to give up easily. Are you praying and reading your Bible each morning? That would be very very helpful to get into the habit!
Check my website under the relationship drop-down menu and you’ll see some pages that deal with marriage that I’m sure can be of help to you!
God bless you and your husband!
Bill Greguska

Subject: Marriage Counseling
Message Body:
My husband and I need direction in our marriage.  We are constantly fighting, disagreeing on everything.
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Hi Janeen,

I am very sorry for the loss of your dad! Parents can be very close to us and obviously, your dad was close to you and vice versa.
From last year till now, what have you been doing to heal from your loss?
You can feel free to share a little bit about your loss and how it’s affecting you if you would like. Otherwise, there’s a group called “grief share” that you can attend and talk with other people who have lost loved ones and get support that way.
Either way, I would encourage you to take your burden to the Lord and pray.

God bless you, and stay close to God!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Loss of my dad
Message Body:
I’m having grieving problems. I loss my dad in July. I need help with my grief.
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Hi Thomas,

I would encourage you to keep praying sincerely and confess your sins to God.
Also getting someone as an accountability partner will be very helpful to you so you can’t get away with continuing on your same behaviors.
I would also encourage you to check out
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Addicted to Masturbation, Pornography, and Sex outside Marriage
Message Body:
My name is Tony, I have been addicted to masturbation and Pornography for over 17 years. It was a friend of mine who taught me this and over a period of time I started masturbating in my house and watching porn until this day I have been addicted to this habit. Many times I am unable to concentrate on my personal growth, prayer, relationship with god, work, finances, or family. I forget all these things and go to the massage parlor for sex. God has blessed me with a great voice to sing for him and for close to 10 years I have been singing in the church choir, but after every time I sin I regret and feel ashamed, but for the last few months I am not able to feel that. I don’t feel like regretting or asking god sorry or forgiveness my heart has become so numb. I love to worship god and lead praise and worship and sing for gods glory, I keep myself active with church and choir most of the time. Every time I sing I cry automatically and feel the presence of god but after the prayer, I go back to the same old me and fall for the same sin again and again. I know it’s a trap but I am unable to fight this challenge. I lack prayer, bible reading. On the other side, my wife has been very honest with me and working so hard for the family. We have a son who is less than 1 year old and it’s now my life has started BUT these things tare me apart every time I think. I know evil is trying to take me away from god and he doesn’t like me to glory the god’s name and sing for him. I need you to guide me as I have never ever spoken this to anyone in my life, I need a new life, I need a new start, and I don’t want to cheat on my god, myself, my wife, and my family, I know JESUS loves me SOOOO MUCH!! But I have always gone away from him after every prayer gathering, I feel this temptation to go do what I am not supposed to do and something telling me it’s going to be so much fun and pleasure. I want to get over this forever and never ever look back to these habits anymore and I want to fight hard, I want to be a singer for JESUS CHRIST MY SAVIOUR. I need your help, please!!!! I need your help.
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Bill, Thank you so very much for your help with prayer for our son.

It is a nice and encouraging prayer and I can only say Amen.?

I also Thank and Praise our Lord.

Wish you the best.
Warm Greetings 
Hi Anita,
You are very welcome. Give God the praise!
I now pray for strength for you to be strong for your son. I pray the Lord will direct the nurses and doctors to give him only what is best for him. I pray for a miracle to happen and that God will get all the glory! I pray for the healing that your son needs.
God bless you and keep the faith!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: Urgent Prayer Request
Hi Bill,
I wrote to you in September last year and you helped me with prayer for our son.
I am grateful for that. Thank you.
Now I contact you to ask if you can pray again for him?
The disease is still in his body and the doctors can not cure him completely.
But I believe our God can!
Our son really needs God to be completely healed.
I pray every day and I thank Him.
Thank you so much!
Hi Anita,
I am sorry to hear about your son having a serious disease, and I pray that you can find a good doctor and that they can know how to treat your son.
I hope you have been praying and will continue to pray. What disease does your son have? I trust that your faith in God will help to cure him, Lord willing.
God bless you and your son!
Bill Greguska
—– Forwarded Message —–
Subject: Urgent Prayer Request
Dear Bill,
My name is Anita and I live in Sweden.
Recently I found your website and I read your testimony how God answered your prayers.
I write to ask if you can pray for our dear son, that our Merciful God will come and heal him?
He has a serious disease and I realize that only God can help him now.
Although I pray and thank God every day I need help with prayer.
I understand if you, for some reason, has to say no.
Thank you for your time.

Hi Mariajo,
I do not know you or your exact situation, but I know what God’s word says and this might be of help to you.
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Mariajo, have you been living a righteous life by following and honoring the Lord each day? Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
This could be possibly the reason your prayers have not been answered yet. I can not say this without a doubt. Only you and God know the answer.
You are not the only one who has not gotten an answer to prayer, so it is hard to say for sure. Have you prayed about your unanswered prayer?
What have you been doing to get rid of the root of the bitterness you say that you have?
I would encourage you to get right with God and keep on praying. We can not judge other people’s hearts, such as an atheist or rapist, that is God’s job. We are to just live a life to please God and honor him with the way we live our lives. If you have been doing that, just be patient. God has things under control.
God bless you, and I pray you grow closer to God each day! I hope what I have shared with you has been of help to you!
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

From: Mariajo
Subject: Broken heart
Message Body:
Hello! How are you? I hope you’re ok.
Why does GOD answer to EVERYONE except me? I’ve been asking him for years to show me the root of my bitterness to heal and I only receive silence, it’s frustrating. What hurts the most is that atheists and criminals do receive an answer, WHY DOES GOD PREFER AN ATHEIST OR A RAPIST BEFORE ME?
Thanks for your time
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Hi Sylvia,
I would encourage you to contact your pastor or a counselor in your area. With marriage counseling, the only way to get things resolved is by talking in person with you and your husband so that dialog can be established and things worked out. If you have questions, you can email me back and I will get back to you, but as for counseling, as I said, it needs to be in person. You can Google counselors in your area or use your pastor if he is willing and equipped.
I would also encourage you to pray about your marriage and ask God to help you be the best wife you can be, even if your husband does not seem to want to cooperate. It takes two to tango, and the only one you have control over is yourself.
God bless you both,
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

From: Sylvia Marshall
Subject: Marriage counseling
Message Body:
I’d like to speak with someone about getting Christian marriage counseling for my husband and me.
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Hi Ben,
It sounds like you might be letting your guard down. It seems like a gray area to discuss, but I think that the problem with what you are referring to is that it possibly could easily lead you to get back into porn and lustful thinking and behavior. You do not want to risk all the gain that you and God have accomplished together, do you?
Put it this way, if what you are referring to, leads you to have lustful thoughts or feelings, then I would refrain from that. I would err on the side of caution.
1 Corinthians 6:12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
Pray about this situation and ask God to give you clear direction, but from what you told me, I think you would be better off if you tried to refrain. You know yourself and what tempts you.
1 Thessalonians 4:3 It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;
This link might be of some help to you because you might be approaching a slippery slope.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you!
God bless you and I pray that you do God’s will not your will,
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

From: Ben
Subject: Sexual immorality
Message Body:
Hey so have some questions on some things. So I’m a Christian male. Came out of a porn addiction in November last year. And have some questions.
In well. Touching myself, what is acceptable and what isn’t? Am I allowed to touch parts of my body that make me feel a bit? Idk how to describe it. Like sorry to be a bit explicit but sometimes when I touch a certain part of my balls, it has a nice feeling, so is something like that a sin? Etc. etc., how do I know if something I wanna do is wrong?
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Hi Tolu,

It is good that you see a need for an accountability partner.

I could help you temporarily until you ask someone you know from your church, friends, or family.

An accountability partner is best to be someone you talk to on the phone or in person.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I would also encourage you to have a quiet time each morning reading your Bible and praying. Also, if you wish, journaling is a great idea too!

God bless you,

Bill Greguska


From: Tolu

I need an online accountability partner, please!

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Hi Kyle,

Okay, if you change your mind and want to talk about what is going on in your life, then maybe I can be of help to you.

I can tell you that you might strongly consider searching diligently for a relationship with Jesus Christ. On your own, I am not sure how you are going to accomplish that. Satan wants you to isolate and destroy you. God created you for a relationship with Him and other Christian brothers and sisters who want to care about you, such as me, but you did not seem very receptive and shot down the ideas I shared with you. You must not have been serious about finding a solution to your problem or just frustrated.

What I mentioned in the first email with you was, “Do you have any sin that you have not confessed to God? That is what might be pulling you away. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” I think that is where you are going to find a breakthrough with God again and refresh your soul and spiritual life.

I pray that you can ask God for wisdom in what you should do.

God bless you and please do not give up on yourself,

Bill Greguska

I am not interested in any churches in any area thank you I see ministries are not helping people spiritually in need we support to be the light of the world but we need light. BYE 


Hi Kyle,

There are many churches in every city in the United States. Here is a link to help you find a new church in your area.

Do you have any questions you would like to ask me? I would like to help you, but I do not know what is the problem you are experiencing presently is.

Bill Greguska

The church got me in this bad situation I am in . Kyle
Maybe I new my strength renew in the Lord
Hi Kyle,
I am sure that the Lord can help you, and use me to help you, although you need to let me know what is going on with you.
What do you exactly mean when you say that you need to refresh your spiritual life in the Lord?
Bill Greguska

I don’t have a church I am connected with so can you help or not  . Kyle 


Hi Kyle,
What do you exactly mean when you say that you need to refresh your spiritual life in the Lord? Is there some sin pulling you away from the Lord?
Do you have any sin that you have not confessed to God? That is what might be pulling you away. 1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I encourage you to connect with someone from your church to help walk you through this face-to-face. Internet is good for some help, but face-to-face I believe will help you the most. I hope what I have shared has been of some help to you. Be sure you pray about this and ask God what He wants you to do?
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

Subject: my soul and spiritual life
Message Body:
I need to refresh my spiritual life in the Lord
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Hi Jeanne,

I’m glad you have reached out. If you would like to let me know a little bit about your situation and what you have done up until now that has not seemed to be of much help.
I will then try to shine the light of truth based on God’s word.
I will wait to hear back from you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

From: Jeanne

Subject: Stuck
Message Body:
Hi there,
Thank you for the opportunity to reach out. I am  in a situation which needs good Godly advice. I will appreciate your advice.
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Hi Kaban,
It is apparent that you know what you are doing is sinful, yet you sound like you have a reposeful attitude about it.

1) I encourage you to keep praying.
2) Find yourself an accountability partner to help keep you accountable for your goal to end this cycle of sin.

3) If you can not control yourself, then maybe it would be best to get rid of your TV or video machine.
Here are a couple of links you can check out that will be of help to you.
Keep in mind that with sexual sins, we are to flee and run from them. All other sins we can fight. Sexual sins are different. I pray that you can ask God to free you from this bondage you are experiencing.
God bless you, there is hope for you!
Bill Greguska

From: Kaban
Subject: Lustful thoughts
Message Body:
My name is Kaban, I have been in a sinful way of life, I usually masturbate and watch pornographic.. for about 15 years. please help me in prayers, so that I can find redemption…but I have been praying to God and I shall continue.
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Hi Sasha,
I am not 100% sure I responded to your email, but in case I did not, I am sorry and will try to give you some advice.
You need to remember that your Mom is human like all of us, and we all make mistakes. If your mom is not acknowledging you that way you need to be acknowledged, then you need to ask to talk with her and calmly and respectfully share your feelings with her.
I will pray not only for your mom but for you also to have patience with her. It is sometimes hard to be a parent, I know I have two kids of my own. Please cut her some slack and give her some grace. Someday you too will probably be a parent yourself and you will know what I am talking about.
May God bless you as you seek Him in prayer.
Bill Greguska

—– Forwarded Message —–

From: Sasha
Subject: My mom hates me
Message Body:
My mom does not care about me. She yelled at me for not doing my best on a quiz. Even though the quiz was confusing, She has always been abusive and now she won’t even talk me. Please pray for my mom.
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Hi Laura,
It sounds like you know for a fact that this person is not good for you, yet there is some sort of bond that you are struggling with letting go of.
If you consummated your relationship with sex, of course, it is not an easy thing to do to break it off.
Maybe an analogy of taking a bandage off a cut that you had when you were little. You know that the pain will be there, but you can not live your entire life with a bandage, so what you do is muster up some strength and ask God to give you the courage to take the bandage off, the same goes for breaking up with your boyfriend.
Ask one of your closest friends to help you. Also, your church can be of support to you, maybe your pastor? You need some emotional support. That is why Christian friends are so important to have when you need them, like now.
I am sure you will handle this situation in a good way. Writing a letter may be a good way, or if you rather tell him in person, that is up to you. Try not to dump all your emotions and anger or pain onto him, tell him what you liked about him, and tell him also what you will not stand for, which is why you are leaving him. Make sure you pray about this before you communicate your decision to him.

I just had to break up with my girlfriend last July. It was hard, but I knew I was doing the right thing without a doubt. Emotionally, it tore me apart for a while. But it had to be done.
I hope and pray what I have shared with you has been helpful. Stay calm and use your head. Treat him like you would want to be treated if he was breaking up with you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–

From: Laura
Subject: Toxic romantic relationship
Message Body:
I can’t seem to let go of a toxic person.
I am a born-again Christian.
This person has a very strong hold on me.
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