Encouragement For Children!

Encouragement For Children! NeedEncouragement.com

Wholesome Christian Stories For Young People And Children. Click Here!

You will find many encouraging Christian stories

Stories for teens and young children!

Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.

There is a special need for encouragement for children, since they are young and need advice, encouragement, and a pat on the back from time to time. ~ Bill Greguska



Encouragement For Children ~ Don’t Worry!


Here Are The Programs For Children Both Young And Old!



Christian Stories To Entertain And Teach Children


Aaron Heron

Adolph the Ajuga Plant

Annette the Sawwhet Owl

Aunt Artica

Barry Bunch Grass

Bertrum the Blackheaded Seagull

Beulah Blatterwort Plant

Brian Buckwheat

Carlton Crossbill

Casper Kingfisher

Casper the Crane

Charlie Chickadee

Cindy the Lady Slipper Orchid

Danny Dandelion

Francis the Fireweed

Fritz the Tropical Rainforest

Gilbert the Grouse

Heidi the Water Hyacinth

Jack the Pine Tree

Jesse Jawbone

Kitty the Everglade Kite

Laueel the Sorrel Plant

Lou Bamboo

Mabel the Maple Leaf

Malcolm the Milkweed

Mildred the Mallard

Murray the Marmot


More Children’s Categories




A Few Links For The Adults