Response Letters 7
Read our responses to your emails below…
Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
- Response letters 7 are powerful tools for helping people who are seeking answers and guidance. I am humbled by the trust that many of you have placed in me despite my not being a professional counselor. As a Born-Again Christian since 1986, my responses come from Biblical principles found in the Bible and through prayer.
Response Letters Are A Creative Way To Help People Seeking Answers And Guidance. I Am Humbled By The Trust That Many Of You Have Placed In Me, Despite Not Being A Professional Counselor. But, As A Born-again Christian Since 1986, My Responses Come From God’s Word And Biblical Principles Found In The Bible, Plus My Life Experiences, Through Prayer, And How God Has Comforted Me In My Life Situations!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to serve you in this way! ~ Bill Greguska
Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
If you wish to ask a question of your own, please contact us.

Here are more response letters from people who have emailed in with questions. I use only first names and guard each person’s privacy. You can encourage others too. You do not have to be a pastor. If you know the Lord and desire to encourage and help others, you, too, can be an encourager.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Hi Kristina,
I am glad you reached out for help. I want to congratulate you that you are expecting a baby! What a blessing!
Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl? 
My first thought is always to pray about whatever comes our way. In your case, the problem with a coworker can be very stressful, especially in your condition. After you pray, you do not just have to take abuse, and if you have already attempted to try to resolve things with the coworker without any success, I would strongly suggest you bring this up with your supervisor and resolve this. The extra stress is not good for you or your baby. I am sure you realize.
Check out this link. An excellent video on it helps me when I get a little stressed out myself.
If what I have shared with you has been helpful, please email me back if you have any questions about what I have shared with you. I pray that God directs your steps and you get this resolved asap!
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Stress and Anxiety
Message Body:
I am expecting a baby, and I am worried because I have been struggling with anxiety and depression. I have a conflict with someone at work, and the harassment has led to a lot of stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. I am a Christian and have been praying about this situation, but it is still taking a toll on my emotional and physical health.
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Hi Rebecca,
I am glad you have reached out for advice. My question to you is, “Have you prayed to God about this?” That is the right place to start. There is a scripture that comes to my mind after reading what you wrote. That scripture is
Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart. For everything you do flows from it.
You need to start to think more highly of yourself, most people think too highly of themselves, but you need to speak God’s truth into your life, such as
Jeremiah 31:3 The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
If what I have shared has been of help to you, please email me back if you have any questions about what I have shared. In the meantime, I pray right now that you can take all your concerns to the Lord, and He will give you the wisdom that you need.
God bless you, and I pray He draws you near to Him to realize how special you indeed are in His sight!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need Guidance
Message Body:
Hello, I’m having a tough time loving myself. When other women are praised around me, I feel like a failure. I try to be other women so I can be accepted and praised as well, but when I try to reach that goal and fail, I’m just back to feeling like a loser. I know there’s a deeper meaning to why I react with envy because I’m not as qualified as other women or Godly enough. I want to learn to love the person God created me to be. When I’m compared to other women, I won’t get offended or hurt about it, to the point that I’m crying, asking myself when I will be good enough. I need counseling, but I don’t have the money to pay for one.
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Hi Kendra,
A couple of things to keep in mind are the keys to how things will turn out.
- First, pray every day with your husband. Then, ask God for what you need!
- Second, make sure you are on the same team. Your daughter will pick up on divisions.
- Even though you love your daughter, she is not your friend. First, she is your daughter first.
- Have your ears open and choose what you both are going to say in unity. Be humble yet confident.
- Do not be afraid to say no to your daughter.
- Do not be afraid to do what is right with your daughter.
- Set up your rules after praying and seeking wise counsel, and then stick to them.
It would be best if you fought wisely for your daughter’s sake. It is kind of like a war. It would help if you were prepared, and have ammunition and resources. There might be some anxiety or hurt feelings, but if you keep your eyes on the Lord and follow HIS marching orders, not your own or your daughters, but HIS marching orders, you will come out on this on top. Keep in mind that your daughter has free will and also keep in mind that no matter how much you and your husband love your daughter, your marriage relationship must come first only behind your relationships with GOD,
I pray that all goes well, and it would be nice to hear back from you to let me know how things are developing with the three of you.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska

—–Original Message—–
Dear Bill,
Thanks so much for your wonderful, encouraging advice and website! I appreciate you taking the time to address these important issues and the related Bible verses to reflect on. You bring up some valid points, and I’ve shared your email with Dave.
I just began working with a counselor (independent from my daughter), as my husband has told me, “you keep doubling down on what’s not working,” so I want to open the door to improved parenting realizations to start with. (I’m not good at the fun part/too intense, for one thing). I want my kids to respond to me in obedience as they do to Dave. On a positive note, I just finished a helpful group Bible study, as well, and pray daily for my kids and at night with them. I am seeking fun ways to connect with my daughter, so she’s more receptive to me (this is working) as her mother, and we connect better! The preteen/ teen years can be challenging.
Could I ask your prayer team to pray for my husband, Dave? That he would have the heart to take the reigns a bit more, support me, and be a more willing prayer warrior? He is a conservative Christian but not a regular church attender or Bible reader. I think it is important to him to preserve his relationship with my daughter, and he’ll generally pray with me leading prayer. We both want well-adjusted, happy, healthy God-fearing kids and discuss this regularly.
Hi Kendra,
My first bit of advice is for you to begin praying about this situation with your daughter each morning with your husband. The second bit of advice is for you to team up with your husband in a United Force. The third thing is to set up a time for you and your husband and daughter to sit down and talk this out. It seems as though you might have accidentally given your daughter too much say in things, and she has lost some respect for you. Finally, since your daughter is usually angry with you, not your husband, have your husband be the so-called “bad guy” and have him lay down the law instead of you. This situation is between you and your husband and daughter, so it ought to be resolved by you guys first and foremost. Not to get Christian counseling involved right away.
Proverbs 19:18 Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death.
I would try the suggestions I have given to you before doing anything else, such as changing schools or getting Christian counseling. Try this for a couple of weeks and see if there is any noticeable improvement. If not, then, by all means, get Christian counseling involved. What does your pastor have to say about your situation?
Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.
If what I have said has been of help to you, please feel free to email me back with any questions about what I said. I will be praying for you that whatever your daughter’s problem is when the three of you talk in length (at least an hour or even more) you can start to understand what is going on in her heart and head. Most likely, this has been brewing for quite some time, and now is the time to ask God to help you and your husband work together to make things right again.
Proverbs 22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.
Keep in mind that she is only 12 years old, and being your daughter, she needs permission to do things while she is in your home, such as using the computer, cell phone, curfew, allowance, etc. All these things can be taken away from her if she refuses to cooperate and live by your house rules. It might sound a little harsh, but I strongly believe that parents are afraid of upsetting their children, so in turn, they sometimes tend to spoil them. I hope this is not the case with you and your husband. Please make sure you get your husband on board with these plans. There is power in numbers. Otherwise, I am very sorry to say your chances are not that favorable for much-lasting success, happiness, and peace in your family.
Remember to pray about this every morning with your husband, and you will find that some breakthroughs will begin to happen. Also, when you talk with your daughter, make sure you ask some strategic questions and allow her to talk as much as she needs to. I pray that what I have suggested gets implemented, and the Lord works things out for all three of you!
I am 60 years old, and I raised 2 kids. My motto with them was to be Firm, Fair, and Fun. That is very general but very encompassing at the same time! So again, I can not help but emphasize the importance that you and your husband work TOGETHER!!!!!
God bless you and your daughter and husband!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Coaching regarding relationship with distressed 12-year-old daughter
Message Body:
Hi. I’d like some advice regarding connecting with w/my preteen who will not listen to me and has told me she does not like me. She’s angry (usually with me and not my husband) and is on social media too often. I am concerned she is depressed. This is very disturbing to me as I love her and want a good relationship and to be happy and healthy. I need advice on the next steps (change of school for next year possibly & how to get her into Christian counseling).
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—–Original Message—–
Subject: I need help from God with everything. My life is a mess. And there is nothing I can do to fix it.
Message Body:
My name is Elinor. I’m a 56-year-old disabled widow living on sci. I need a substantial financial miracle so I can move to PA. I get 1309 a month, so I can’t afford it. I’m desperate to move God is the only one who can help me.
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Hi Christy,
I pray that God directs you to find a way off the streets. I have a couple of ideas for you, in addition to keep praying. First, remember that God loves you and has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
My suggestion is to contact these organizations and let them know what state you are in to help you.
I hope that these three organizations can be of some help to you. I pray that something soon opens up somewhere for you.
I also pray for your health and medical problems. Here is a link that can be of help to you.
I hope the information that I shared with you will help you. If you have any questions feel free to email me back.
God bless you and keep you strong!
Romans 10:13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
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Hi Corinna,
I am very sorry to hear that you are struggling with depression. I, too, struggled with depression twice in my life. Once when I was in high school and the other time in 2005, when my wife moved out of the house for two years and then finally divorced me. I know the crippling effect that depression can have on a person, and I know you do too.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
You are correct to say that God can help you overcome this depression but do not be tempted to know better than God with what you need and do not need. If you have been taking your depression out on yourself and your kids for a while now, you need to look at why you are depressed. And how you are going to manage the depression before it gets worse.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
- Has something devastating happened to you for you to get depressed?
- Is there any unconfessed sin in your life that you need to confess to God and get right with Him?
- Is there something physical such as your diet, sleep, exercise, or stress?
- Are you using drugs or alcohol?
It concerns me when you say that you take it out on yourself and your kids. I mentioned that I was very depressed, and I had no power of my own to snap out of it (yes, I believe in the power of God as it seems you do too), but I also believe in the omnipotence of God and that He has given doctors wisdom and knowledge to help us. I took a medicine called Cymbalta for about 2 months, and sure enough, I started to get out of the depression. I cried a lot, and my thoughts were very negative and dark. God pointed me to the medical attention I needed, and it helped. I give God all the credit for my getting out of depression through the help of the doctor and Cymbalta. Sure, I had to take care of other areas of my life, such as my diet, sleep, and exercise, just like you need to do.
Here are a couple of links that can be of help to you.
If what I have shared has been of help to you, and if you have any questions about what I said, please feel free to email me back, and I will try to answer your questions. In the meantime, I pray that you will seek the Lord with all your heart and try to get some support to help take care of your kids a little bit. (it can be hard enough taking care of kids when a person is feeling normal, but when you are depressed, it makes everything that much more challenging.
God bless you. Keep praying and seeking the Lord!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Prayer request
Message Body:
I struggle with depression. I take it out on myself and my kids. Please help me overcome this. I don’t believe in medical care. But, I know God can help me overcome this.
Hi Gina,
I am glad you have reached out for some help. Unfortunately, we only do email, not texting. If you want to email me, I will try to see how I can point you to Jesus.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Depression
Message Body:
Hey, I just wanted someone to text with and hopefully help me with my problems.
To: you Details
Hi Rosemary,
I hear your pain…but do not give up because, with God, all things are possible! Have you been praying about your situation with your husband? Or at least praying on your own? How have you been of help to him lately? Have you considered getting marital counseling that can greatly help you guys?
I know the feeling of wanting a marriage to stay alive. I was married for ten years, the last two years, my wife moved out, but I refused to divorce her, I took the high road, and that is what I want you to do. Yes, if your marriage does not get better soon, you too will be on the high road, but that is the only road I suggest being on. First, you need to get someone on your team, such as a pastor, or counselor, and in the meantime, respect and love your husband even if it seems like it is a waste of time doing so. What does your dad say about your situation, or doesn’t he know what is going on?
All three of these links can be of help to you and your marriage:
I would like you to do five things:
- Pray each night before bed and each morning when you get up for the next two weeks.
- Ask God to soften his heart and make him want to love you the way he did when you first got married.
- Ask God to make you even more submissive and patient with your husband.
- Make it your goal to do whatever you can to put life back in your marriage, no matter what his attitude may be like, do it on to the Lord!
- Get ahold of your pastor or make an appointment with a counselor ASAP.
If what I have shared with you has been any help to you, please feel free to email me back if you have any questions about what I shared with you about your marriage.
1 Peter 3:1Wives, in the same way, submit yourselves to your own husbands so that if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives,
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I will be praying for you that you come to God humbly asking Him to restore your marriage and make the two of you whole again!
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: What to do? Need help along the way
Message Body:
Hi, my name is Rosemary. I am newly married. I grew up in the church and strayed away. I have been through so much trying to do things my way, but I know I have to do God’s way and not man. My dad is a pastor, and you know how it is being a preacher’s kid, aka “PK.” I recently married in February and want to have a great life and family home. My husband is a great guy deep down but lives the street life. This was not revealed or an issue until we got married. I want to wake up in the morning and just be happy and thank God for allowing us all to see another day. He wakes up with things that do not matter. He seems not to be in touch with reality and the things that matter, such as God, family, love, etc. He says that h does, but actions say differently. I try to stay positive, but the negative energy bothers me. I am tired of arguing but want to stay married. Lord God, I pray 24/7 for peace and happiness.
Hi Robert,
A couple of questions to consider asking your wife:
- Would you be willing to sleep in bed with me again?
- If she says not yet, when would she be willing to sleep with you again as a goal?
- What would I need to do to make you want to sleep with me again?
You are the man Robert. You need to take the initiative!
- Start by initiating conversations with her. Then, use open-ended questions to get her to start talking.
- Are you not employed?
- What other friends do you have in your life? If they are Christian and will be helpful to you, then reach out to them.
- Remember, your best friend Jesus will never leave you or forsake you!
Is your wife interested in staying married to you?
Is your wife talking about getting a divorce?
Keep walking forward. You will get to where you need to and want to be!
Bill Greguska
Hi Robert.
What you feel in reality does not matter. The fact is that if you are a Born Again Christian, the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. If you were truly Born Again, you know that God’s word says you are forgiven. Your statement makes me wonder if you were saved or not.
- How old were you when you were Born Again?
- Did someone explain things to you clearly?
- Or did you blindly go through the ritual because someone made you do so?
Here is a link to explain more about being Born Again.
If you are sure asked God into your heart, and you understood, and nobody forced you to? If by faith you were saved, the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. If you have asked God to forgive you, then you are forgiven.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 3:6
No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.
1 John 3:1-10
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3 All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure. 4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. 5 But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. 6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. 7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. 8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.
Does what I have shared with you make sense?
Bill Greguska
Robert, If you have been Born Again, and you asked God to forgive you, then you are forgiven!
—–Original Message—–
To be a better Christian How?
Praying everyday and reading my bible.
To be a better husband How?
Not getting upset with my wife. Doing things for her without grumbling
To be free from this sin. How? To stay in the word. Meditate on bible verses
Next time a sexual thought comes up in your mind, what do you plan to do about it?
I need to do what the word says. To bring into captivity those thoughts.
Doubting / unbelief Doubting God or doubting yourself, either way, what are you going to do to change that? Pray.
You referring to mental adultery in your mind not physical adultery with someone right?
Yes. Mental adultery.
How long ago did you commit adultery? Does your wife know?
It’s was awhile ago and yes my wife knows and I’ve been checked out.
You are going to have to get over the way you think about yourself and start to think about yourself the way God sees you because of the blood of His son Jesus who died for you. God sees you without sin or condemnation.
I am afraid to tell you that if you do not change the way you start thinking about things in your life, you will be bound to continue to repeat the ways Satan has influenced you. You are set free, so be free starting today.
Robert, you need to stop doing and thinking in terms of how Robert thinks and feels and start to search diligently how God thinks and feels and start doing His will.
Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
Bill Greguska
Good morning Stela,
It is wonderful to hear that you want to get right with God. He knows your heart and wants to have a close relationship with you.
Stela, I read what you said about praying to God, but it seems not to work. My question to you is, have you confessed your sins to God. For God will not honor our prayers if we are harboring sin in our lives.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Here is an excellent link to give you some insights about pornography that can help you.
If what I have shared has been of help to you, please feel free to get back to me, and I can answer any question about what I have shared. Please try to confess your sins and continue praying with a renewed spirit. May God bless you as you walk with him each day forward. I pray that your prayer will begin to be answered after you confess your sins to God.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Counseling”
Thank you for replying to my mail.
Pornography, sexual immorality, lies telling, theft are the things I’m really struggling with.
I have prayed, but it seems not to work.
I really desire to live a holy life.
Hi Stela,
If you would like to share what is going on, I can possibly be of help to you.
Have you been praying each day about this addiction of yours? That is the first place to go for help is to God!
Let me know what is going on.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
I have been struggling with some addiction, and please need your help to get out of it.
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Hi Patrick,
I can only assume that each girl does not know about the other girl.
You have known them 2-3 years now, and depending on how much you want to get married, determines partially what you ought to do. If I were you, I would make a list of all the pros and cons of each girl. Keep praying and be patient and honest with both of them, not to lead them on thinking that they are your boyfriend. You need to think this out and decide relatively soon since this has been going on for at least 2 years now.
Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.
Keep praying and be wise and patient.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Decision making: help me please”
Hello Bill
Many thanks for your response. I really appreciate it. Below are my answers to your questions.
- Have you been praying about what decisions you are trying to make? Yes.
- Have you gotten to know either girl very much? I mean, what makes them tick and what they value in life? Well yeah, girl1 for 3 years & girl2 for 2 years. As I wrote in an earlier email, girl1 is growing day by day. She is
- Have you gotten intimate with either one of them? If so, you need to stop and confess that to God and ask for forgiveness since that is a sin. – I have never been intimate with either of them. Yes, I kissed both but nothing more than that. No sex, no physical touch except holding hands & hugs, probably 5 times in the past 2+ years. Nothing else.
- What do your parents think of both girls? Parents say girl1 is much more practical than girl2(though girl2 seems more religious/spiritual) because girl1 lives in Europe and girl2 lives in Israel with her parents, with a closed community, very limited exposure to the world.. her parents are very protective…
- What girl do you feel most comfortable with? with both, I am comfortable, except that her parents influence girl2 in most decisions.
- Which girl do you trust the most? I trust both
- Which girl respects you the most? Both respect me more.
- Which girl do you enjoy being with the most? – Girl1 is a bit more jovial, friendly & practical & of course, growing day by day more in spiritual life. girl1 is not more experienced in biblical knowledge compared to girl2. girl1 is very spiritual & religious as well since she lives with her parents all over her life & in a close community. girl2 never seen the world & her exposure & experience with the world is limited. (world – practical ways of living, huddles, complications, minimal ways to get connected to unbelievers, even in day-to-day life very limited encounters with other people in the world(unbelievers)…)
- Which girl do you think about the most? – that’s the confusing part for me…
I will look into the links that you send. Thanks again
Patrick / Bill Greguska
Hi Patrick,
I am glad you are thinking about your situation and are taking it apparently very seriously. Here are a couple of thoughts for you to consider.
- Have you been praying about what decisions you are trying to make?
- Have you gotten to know either girl very much? I mean, what makes them tick and what they value in life?
- Have you gotten intimate with either one of them? If so, you need to stop and confess that to God and ask for forgiveness since that is a sin.
- What do your parents think of both girls?
- What girl do you feel most comfortable with?
- Which girl do you trust the most?
- Which girl respects you the most?
- Which girl do you enjoy being with the most?
- Which girl do you think about the most?
Here are a couple of links that will give you some insights into dating.
I can not directly answer your question, but I supplied you with some questions to consider to help you make up your own mind. One thing is that if God does not lead you to marry either one of them, Then is it is best to stay single until you know for sure. If you impulsively just marry one, you will most likely regret your decision. I was a little impatient and married someone I should not have, which ended in a difficult 10-year marriage and an excruciating divorce.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Decision making: help me, please
Message Body:
Dear Bro’s & Sis’s in the Lord,
Warm Christian Greetings!
(Few intros abt me..) I am 32yrs old from the south of Europe, born in a very traditional family. At the age of 13, I accepted Christ as my Lord & Personal Savior.
(my situation..) Among the few Christian friends I have, 2 of them are close to me & I am in a deciding situation whom to choose as a girlfriend.
Girl1 – Was born in a nominal Christian family, backslid at the age of 20, been in a living together relationship with 3 men(all unbelievers) in 10 years & she encountered Christ in 2016 and was totally convicted of her sins, repented & left it away & living a separated life – I know her since 2018 till now – she is a growing Christian & have good signs of growth – she reconciled with her parents since 2016 & try to live a godly life….. I praise God for that – but when I think if she could be my girlfriend & future fiancé, then I am a bit overwhelmed by her past, but at the same time I feel sad, sympathy for her & care her & probably I think I have feelings for her… I do not know how to handle this situation, sometimes I feel my heart & mind are not synchronized & it pulls me back a little in deciding…
Girl2 – Since 2yrs I know her, she is a solid Christian, never been with a man, always lived with a closed community, strong family bondage, 28years still living with her parents, no boyfriend till now, she is talented in music, the prayer life & bible knowledge & also family oriented but at the same time she is highly influenced by her parents, her parents say ” we want her for the Lord & prefer her to be single.” Still, the girl says, ” she wants to be in a relationship & want to get out of her home & her country… I strongly feel her likings towards me, and she is just waiting for me to approach her & decide…
Now about me… I accepted Christ at the age of 14 & I have never been with a girl till 29… and because of few health conditions of the girl I had to leave with her approval & her interests…. apart from that, I am not boasting. Still, to give you an overview of me, I pray & meditate every day. I really want to put Christ ahead of my own interests. I try to strive to live a godly life. In all my ups & downs, I try to be humble, patient & take things slowly now. In this situation, I do not want to make any mistakes, so I am taking more time & go for it…
Could you please help me with your valuable suggestions ( i am praying about this for 8 months and my parents)? So should I still wait for the Lord, or Should I just forgive & forget the past of Girl1 and go for her, or Should I just go for Girl2?
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—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Coaching regarding relationship with distressed 12 year old daughter”
Dear Bill,
Thanks so much for your wonderful, encouraging advice and website! I appreciate you taking the time to address these important issues and the related Bible verses to reflect on. You bring up some valid points and I’ve shared your email with Dave.
I just began working with a counselor (independent from my daughter), as my husband has told me “you keep doubling down on what’s not working” so I want to open the door to improved parenting realizations to start with. (I’m apparently not good at the fun part/too intense, for one thing). I’d like my kids to respond to me in obedience as they do to Dave. On a positive note, I just finished a helpful group Bible study, as well, and pray daily for my kids and at night with them. I am seeking fun ways to connect with my daughter so she’s more receptive to me (this is working) as her mother and we connect better! The preteen/ teen years can be challenging.
Could I ask your prayer team to pray for my husband, Dave? That he would have a heart to take the reigns a bit more, provide me with support, and be a more willing prayer warrior? He is a conservative Christian but not a regular church attender or Bible reader. I think it is important to him to preserve his relationship with my daughter, and he’ll generally pray with me leading prayer. We both want well-adjusted, happy, healthy God-fearing kids and discuss this regularly.
Hi Kendra,
My first bit of advice is for you to begin praying about this situation with your daughter each morning with your husband. The second bit of advice is for you to team up with your husband in an untied force. The third thing is to set up a time for you and your husband and daughter to sit down and talk this out. It seems as though you might have accidentally given your daughter too much say in things, and she has lost some respect for you. Since your daughter is usually angry with you, not your husband, have your husband be the so-called “bad guy” and have him lay down the law instead of you. This situation is between you and your husband and daughter, so it ought to try to be resolved by you guys first and foremost. Not to get Christian counseling involved right away.
Proverbs 19:18 Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death.
I would try the suggestions I have given to you before doing anything else, such as changing schools, getting Christian counseling. Try this for a couple of weeks and see if there is any noticeable improvement. If not, then, by all means, get Christian counseling involved. What does your pastor have to say about your situation?
Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.
If what I have said has been of help to you, please feel free to email me back with any questions about what I said. I will be praying for you that whatever your daughter’s problem is, that when the three of you talk in length (at least an hour or even more) that you can start to understand what is going on in her heart and head. Most likely, this has been brewing for quite some time, and now is the time to ask God to help you and your husband work together to make things right again.
Proverbs 22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.
Keep in mind that she is only 12 years old, and being your daughter, she needs permission to do things while she is in your home, such as the use of the computer, cell phone, curfew, allowance, etc. All these things can be taken away from her if she refuses to cooperate and live by your house rules. It might sound a little harsh, but I strongly believe that parents are afraid of upsetting their children, so in turn, they sometimes tend to spoil them. I hope this is not the case with you and your husband. Please make sure you get your husband on board with these plans. There is power in numbers. Otherwise, I am very sorry to say your chances are not that favorable for much-lasting success, happiness, and peace in your family.
Remember to pray about this every morning with your husband, and you will find that some breakthroughs will begin to happen. Also, when you talk with your daughter, make sure you ask some strategic questions and allow her to talk as much as she needs to. I pray that what I have suggested gets implemented, and the Lord works things out for all three of you!
I am 60 years old, and I raised 2 kids. My motto with them was to be Firm, Fair, and Fun. That is very general but very encompassing at the same time! Again, I can not help but emphasize the importance that you and your husband work TOGETHER!!!!!
God bless you and your daughter and husband!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Coaching regarding relationship with distressed 12 year old daughter
Message Body:
Hi. I’d like some advice re: connecting w/my preteen who will not listen to me and has told me she does not like me. She’s angry (usually with me and not my husband) and is on social media too often. I am concerned she is depressed. This is very disturbing to me as I love her and want a good relationship and for her to be happy and healthy. I need advice on next steps (change of school for next year possibly & how to get her into Christian counseling).
Hi Itebogeng,
I am very glad you have reached out for some reassurance, we all need that in our lives, sometimes more, and sometimes less, but we all need it!
In your own words, you have told me that you are doing well in your life, I have no reason not to believe you!
You also have shared that you recently started your journey to living for Christ, that alone is monumental, that is something you will be able to build your life upon. I will not promise that all will be well without any struggles or problems, but I can promise you that you will have an advocate in Jesus Christ to help you through anything that you get into. He will be with you, and with support from other Christian believes from church or Bible study, you will continue to grow more and more each day, and you will see with your own eyes that God will be doing good work in you that you can not deny.
Your struggle with anxiety, depression, assertiveness, self-image may not disappear magically, but believe me, with the Holy Spirit working in your life as you continue to follow the Lord, you will see those hindrances melt away to the side of the road, and you will be free in God’s time. I can not tell you that those things will be gone in a day, week, month, but I can tell you is that as you keep walking with the Lord, you will see positive results and you will praise God, just like I praise God for what He has done to change my life in areas such as drug and alcohol addictions, anxiety and depression, lack of self-control and discipline. I am excited for what you are going through because the Lord has delivered me, and my faith in Him made it all possible. Trust and obey, there is no other way.
I pray that you will take all your concerns to the Lord in prayer and you trust Him with your whole heart, mind, and soul. If you have any questions about what I have shared, please feel free to email me back and I will try to help you some more.
May God bless you as He has blessed me!
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Mental health and re-parenting”
Message Body:
I just need a mother. I am doing well in my life and just recently started my journey to live for Christ, I’m working on my vision.
I just need reassurance that I am doing well and make changes where I need to etc.
I struggle with anxiety, depression, assertiveness, self-image, I have a poor relationship with myself which gets in the way of feeling alive and living fully. Please help me and walk with me on this journey, I’d really appreciate it.
Hi BK,
Have you prayed about your situation? That is the first place I suggest that you go to.
You are not alone. Many people, including me, have difficulties with co-workers. I have learned not to be so concerned about how they act or what they say, but rather, be more concerned about how I act and what I say to them.
Try to be friendly to those who irritate you, and maybe some of them will see the good in you and treat you a little better.
It sounds like you would benefit by attempting to be friendlier and more cooperative with them. Since they are your supervisor, they have authority over you. That does not mean they can treat you disrespectfully. If these things continue, I will encourage you to talk to your supervisor in their office and respectfully air some of your concerns. Be careful what you say and how you would say it. You do not want to give them any reason for firing you, right?
These thoughts are my opinions, and you need to decide for yourself what you will do. I encourage you to trust God, and He will direct your path.
One more thought, you might want to go to Walmart and pick up some candies or cookies and bring them to work to share with everyone. Remember, we get more bees with honey than with vinegar, right?
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Yes am born again. and am finding it hard to think positive, the thought is always bothering me and it constantly comes. I search about it and people say it’s religion OCD. But I also have another thing to get off my chest. Some people are making angry at my working place. they will monitor me, do things to make me angry, and copy my idea as if it’s their own. because the owner of the company has a close relationship with them. and they try to let my supervisor fire me. every day they will monitor me to have something against me. everyone is busy nobody has time for what am going through. thanks for reading
Hey, it is good to hear that you are doing some reflective thinking.
You made a good point for yourself when you mentioned not wanting to go to hell. To me, that is a very legitimate reason in itself, don’t you agree? Jesus came to this world to save us (sinners due to Adam and Eve’s rebellion and sin in the Garden of Eden). Now, after the fall of mankind, God offered His only son who shall believe in Him will be saved. So what you mentioned is right on!!!!
If you were in a burning house and a fireman came to save you, would you debate with the firemen or simply trust them. It is similar to our faith in Jesus Christ. There is tons of recoded evidence in history about Jesus’s birth, life, death, teaching, doing miracles, etc. We are informed, and we need to decide where we stand. You are old enough to make your mind up, but even though we are free to choose what we are doing to do, we are not free to choose the consequences of our choices.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
As far as you being born into “it,” as you mentioned, you are blessed for that, but your parent’s faith does not get you saved or into heaven. That is the free will choice that you need to make. I can not make it for you, but I can point you to Jesus Christ who’s Holy Spirit can lead you on to make wise choices.
Please do not think you need to know all about God and Jesus to be a Christian. There is a thing called regeneration which is the process after your initial belief in God, which is how our life slowly becomes renewed and grows to be more Christ-like. I am 61 years old, and I am still growing in my faith, and I will continue growing until the Lord takes me home.
Galatians 3:26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.
Check out this website and put any question you can think of in their search engine, and you will be amazed at what you will learn. Keep in mind that the Bible talks about having the faith of a child to get into heaven. I believe that you have that faith and more!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Hey, I think I’m losing faith in God and Jesus. I don’t want to say I don’t believe in them(because a part of me do). However, it feels like I only Love them because I was born into it, and I don’t want to go to hell. It’s weird because one moment I don’t like people using their name in vain and then the next I don’t like a Christian song for absolutely no good reason.
Hi Anamie,
I will try to answer your question the best I can… I was addicted to alcohol and drugs from the time I was 16 to the time I was 26. Throughout many of those years, I had an understanding and faith in God, especially when I was more like around age 22 was when I started to pray and get more serious about my faith in God. It was not until June 25, 1986, that I was faced with a surrender to Jesus Christ. Since that day, I have not used drugs or alcohol at all. It was a struggle, and I am thankful that I did not give up!
I have also heard of someone accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, then praying to be released from the habitual sin of smoking cigarettes, and just like that, all of a sudden, it happened, and they were freed from their addiction.
The bottom line is, we can not try to put God in a box. He has to do something one way or another. God is God, and He is in control. We are supposed to love Him and follow His will and grow closer to Him by loving Him more and more, and love others more and more!
I hope that helps you…
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Thank you so much, I was enlightened and encouraged it totally, yes I confessed my sin to the Lord, but I have another question, is it normal to a person who repents, but the sin he repents is not totally disappeared in just a time? Is it true that when you repent one thing is it takes time or step by step until it disappears already?
Hi Amamae,
Since you say that you are a Christian, you then also know what it says in Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Have you confessed your sins? James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
You are correct in saying that you have failed totally in the eyes of God, we all have, that is why we need Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savoir.
I pray that you take your concerns to Jesus in prayer, and also to your church leaders. For they need to know what you are going through in order to help you.
I hope and pray that what I have shared has been of help to you. If you have any questions about what I have shared, please feel free to email me and I will get back to you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
Hello good day, I was very happy that I find this group Christian advice
I really need your help through prayer, I was very struggling right now about my life because I am a leader of a youth group in our church but I could not feel that I am a true Christian because I fail totally in the eyes of God.
Hi Jimmy,
It sounds like you love your daughter, but at the same time, adding five people into your tiny house can be a great source of stress and anxiety.
On the one hand, I am sure you want to help your daughter, which is the right thing to want to do.
1 Timothy 5:8 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Yet, on the other hand, your marriage is, I believe is possibly your higher responsibility since your daughter is 28 years old. Without knowing all the details, I would not be able to give you specific counsel on this. Have you been praying about this situation? Honestly, I smell a fish here, but that is only my thought as an outsider.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
It almost seems that your daughter knew she would be able to move in with you and your wife and even took the liberty to quit her job and her husband to quit too. Again, I do not know all the details, but for at least the next 30 days, I think you should strongly consider having them stay and work out the problems ahead of time. Since winter is almost here, the 30 days might need to be extended to 60. You need to sit down with your wife first, figure out what you guys want to do, then include your daughter and her husband to execute some time plan that you can agree upon? Try your best to be calm. I see that this is a difficult situation, but I pray that you will handle this in a way that will honor God and also display love to your daughter and grandkids, while you and your wife can act together as a united front.
During the following weeks, your daughter and son-in-law need to look for work as their full-time work 8 hours a day, unless there is an obvious reason they can not work.
Please feel free to email me back if you have any questions about what I said. In the meantime, please be sure to bring this to God in prayer. Keep calm and trust God!
These are my thoughts and ideas based on my interpretation of what God’s word says, and my life experiences. You will need to decide for yourself what you are going to do, and what you are not willing to do. I pray that bottom line, you do God’s will.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Adult children taking advantage”
Subject: Adult children taking advantage
Message Body:
Hello, thank you for reading my message,
We have a 28-year-old daughter that is married and has 3 children from 6 years old to 2,
She is having some emotional problems and decided that she and her husband would just quit their jobs and move back home with us, this is causing my wife and I some major problems and I am afraid this could destroy our relationship.
We have had a great relationship for the past few years until this
I am reaching out for help on how to convey the point that they are responsible for themselves and their own home, I know I am going to be the bad guy but we do not have room for them in our small home nor do we have the money to help them
Thank you
Hi Dzifa,
Try to remember back when you got married and were so happy. Remember that even though things do change in our lives, our commitment to God and our spouse does not change.
Take a look at what you can do to make the marriage better, and in the meantime, I pray that you take all your cares and concerns to the Lord in prayer. I pray that you both can communicate better and forgive each other more.
If you need to talk, feel free to email me back.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: my marriage
Message Body:
Please help me pray for my troubled marriage.
Hi Jeanne,
I am glad you reached out to me. I am not 100% sure what advice you are looking for specifically? But here are four links to get you started that you were asking about.
In general, my marriage advice is to know that it takes God to lead a successful marriage and two sinners willing to submit to God. In marriage, it needs to be two working together as one. Forgiveness is a huge factor since we make mistakes and say and do wrong things that hurt one another.
In general, my advice for social media is to limit it with discipline. Otherwise, it will typically steal your time and energy and focus on other things rather than God.
Please feel free to email me back if you have any specific questions that I can help you with.
God bless you, and may God direct your marriage!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Marriage and social media
Message Body:
Hello, I am looking for some advice on married and social media. With my husband and I
Hi Chyna,
I am sorry to hear that you are presently feeling down. Keep in mind that this too shall pass. Have you taken this to God in prayer? That would be my first suggestion to you!
Then next thing I would suggest is to make a list of the good things in your life that you can be grateful for, such as a place to live, a bed to sleep in, clothes on your back, a friend or two, etc.
You did not explain why you say that you are feeling worthless, so if you wish to share that with me, maybe I can give you some more specific things to think about or do to help you.
I pray that you can take your cares to the Lord in prayer.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
By the way, if you think you need to get help right away, contact 911 if this is an emergency.
Otherwise, contact me if you would like, and also check out
If you have any questions about what I have shared with you or wish to talk more about, please feel free to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Help
Message Body:
Feeling worthless
Hi Khady,
Have you been praying about this to God? Have you been able to talk with your husband about this? I would start first by praying then setting up some uninterrupted time alone with your husband to talk about things.
I would also consider getting someone that the two of you could bounce things off of to strengthen your marriage. What do you think the problems are that you are facing with your husband?
Here is are a couple of pages that I believe can be of help to you.
If you have any questions about what I shared, feel free to email me back. I will be praying for your marriage. I know how hard it is to be in a difficult marriage. I have been there and done that. Here is another page that can be of help to you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Canceling
Message Body:
I’m 46 years old married to my husband for over 7 years. Our marriage is following apart I will love to fixed before is too late. Please help
Thank you
Hi Dennis,
You are very welcome, do not get discouraged, but rather dig in with God’s help to find the next step in your life. Try to minimize your emotions and work with what you have, and try to focus on what God has in store for you. Use this setback as a stepping stone to something better in your life.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Stay on track. I pray you find a new job very soon!!!
Bill Greguska
Dennis, I know this is hard on you, but you can do it WITH God!!!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Trusting God”
Thank you
Subject: Re: “Trusting God “
Hi Dennis,
I can understand your privacy concern. It can be pretty disturbing being between jobs if we allow it to be that way, I know that feeling, and I know where you are coming from. In general, I would suggest that you keep close to God during this time and at all times. Keep praying and trusting God that He has a plan for your life. Ask God what He wants you to do and where He wants you to apply for work. Here is a page that can be of some help to you to find a job.
Keep your eyes on the Lord. He will not let you down, Joshua 1:9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” the thing is that you need to keep trying and be patient that God’s timing may not be the same as your timing. You will need to practice patients. Your job right now while you are out of work is to spend 8 hours a day connecting with others, redoing your resume, making phone calls, getting the word out to your family and friends that you are looking for work. I pray that in doing these things, that a door would be opened for you. If you would like to talk more, please feel free to email me back.
God bless you as you keep your eyes on Him!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Trusting God”
Subject: Trusting God a
Message Body:
I have not worked at a job for almost three weeks and it has been difficult. It has been me and the LORD, yet since I don’t live with anybody else it has been hard mentally and in other ways. I have wanted to get a job and could have but it has been or seems to have been roadblocks so much(mentally, physically, maybe other ways), I have not been sure what has been going on. There have been other things; it has been hard to talk about because I have to live by faith so I’m trying to talk right, and I don’t know how much I can tell other people, or how much God would want me to or let me, and I have been careful about trust so I have not been sure of who I could tell. It has been much and a lot. I have been trying to hold on. I am born again through Jesus Christ the Son of God; I believe in Him and He is Lord. I am a Christian who has dealt with much. God bless. Thank you.
Hi Ed,
First of all, have you taken this to the Lord in prayer?
You have not said why she hates you. It would be a good idea to figure that out by talking with her, and asking her what you have said, or done to upset her?
This first web page below has a good video that you can probably relate to?
I am sure you have an idea of what you have been doing, if you would give her a sincere apology and ask her to forgive you, that would be wonderful.
You did not share much, so I do not know what else I can share with you to help you further.
1 Peter 3:7 Husbands, in the same way, be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
If you want to email me back and share more details with me, I would be willing to try to help you some more.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: My wife hates me.
Message Body:
What can I do to make it up to my wife? She hates me
Hi John,
I hope what I share with you will be helpful to you so you can find peace with your relationship with God. Personally, I had to pick the date of June 25th, 1986, as the day I was born again. I, too, did not have a powerful conversion with flashes of lightning or thunder. It seemed to be more of a gradual thing with me. One-piece was added on top of another until I knew that I was saved. I did not have an exact day, but I remember that I was in a long-term drug and alcohol treatment center, and I had to look back and narrow it down by guessing what day it was. I would not waste any more time trying to figure your situation out, and you might have to do what I did and simply guess what day it was that you were born again.
What you are saying sounds to me using an analogy of a woman being pregnant and not seeing a doctor to find out how long she is in her pregnancy. IT DOES NOT MATTER THE EXACT MOMENT SHE “GOT PREGNANT” (Just like you desire to know the exact moment you were saved). THE FACT THAT SHE IS PREGNANT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. (Just like you, it does not matter what exact moment( you were born again, the fact is that you are apparently born again, and the exact date is irrelevant). But if it makes you feel better, I know how you feel since I went through the same thing you did.
I remember being taught that we are like trains. The reason I say that is because the train has an engine and it has a caboose. The engine is like our intellect, and the caboose is like our feelings. You sound a lot like me when I was 26 years old, I wanted to have a big emotional experience, but I did not. I had many experiences piled up, one on top of another for quite some time that resulted in knowing I was born again without any doubt. John, stop looking for that emotional high, and just enjoy your walk with the Lord and stop comparing yourself with what others might have or might not have experienced.
Do you believe that Jesus died for you? And are you willing to live for Him? Then stop your worrying and get on with your relationship with the Lord!
If you have a relationship with God and you pray to Him and read his word, you love Him and want to follow him and leave your past sin life covered by His blood on the cross and that your sins are forgiven. If you know that God loves you and wants to guide you in your life, then I would say you are born again.
I copied and pasted a couple of paragraphs from my website that I wanted to share with you from Billy Graham’s book below. You can find more at
Billy Graham Could Not Depend On His Resolution To Do Better.
I consistently failed in my efforts at self-improvement. Nobody needed to tell me that. As a teenager, what I needed to know was that I was right with God. I could not help but admit to myself that I was purposeless and empty-hearted.
Our family Bible reading, praying, psalm-singing, and churchgoing—all these had left me restless and resentful. I had even tried, guiltily, to think up ways of getting out of all those activities as much as I could. In a word, I was spiritually dead.
No Bells Went Off Inside Me.
There were no signs flashing across the tabernacle ceiling for Billy Graham. No physical palpitations made me tremble. I wondered again if I was a hypocrite, not to be weeping or something. I felt at peace. Quiet, not delirious. Happy and peaceful.
Parts of this story are excerpted from Billy Graham’s autobiography (Just As I Am).
God bless you and keep walking forward, and I pray that your faith will be strong enough to guide you rather than your sight. If you have any questions about anything I have shared with you, please feel free to email me back.
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we live by faith, not by sight.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Are there some people who just can’t experience God?
Message Body:
I’ve read accounts of people who got saved and have had very powerful conversion experiences. So much so that they can tell you the exact time (down to the minute, and maybe even second) that they got saved. They seem to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they found God and got saved.
For me personally, I’ve never had such an experience. I would like to, but it just never happens for me. I’ve confessed my sins and asked Jesus into my heart. Actually, I’ve confessed my sins many times. It just doesn’t happen. Maybe this shouldn’t be a problem, but I really want to have a “real” relationship with God and experience his love and presence in my life. But again, it just doesn’t happen, and I feel like I desperately need this to move forward as a Christian. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi Don,
You are not alone Don, I think what you are saying is something everyone really would like in their lives too.
It sounds like you are someone who gets frustrated somewhat easily. Am I correct? If so, my first suggestion is to take everything to God in prayer. That means your anger, control, and marriage! When you are praying about this, it would be helpful to get a notebook or piece of paper and take an inventory of your life. The things you do well on one side of the paper, and the things that you struggle with on the other side. Or, if you would rather email your list to me, I could give you some feedback and some comments that can be helpful to you. It is up to you.
You were pretty general when you said that you needed help with my anger, controlling, marriage. I just want to feel better, and I want people to want to be around me. It would be easier to find solutions when you can share specific situations that happen to you, so you can analyze them and learn from them using the lens of the scriptures to get a clear view of what is going on.
Here are a couple of links from our website that would be helpful to you. (There is an excellent video on this page)
Please feel free to email me back if you have any questions about what I said, or would like to tell me more, or share your inventory. I pray that you take your problems to the Lord first.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
I need help with my anger, controlling, marriage. Just want to feel better and I want people to want to be around me.
Hi Sandra,
I encourage you to know that you can only speak the truth to your son. I can understand how difficult this may be to see it happening right before your eyes. You are not without hope. You can and ought to pray that your son’s actions will be resolved. Doing the math, I can only assume that your son is dating a girl who is a young teenager.
I also suggest that your family has a meeting (intervention) to talk this out into the open. I would invite your pastor or someone neutral that could guide the conversation. There might have to be boundaries set up if your son is not cooperative. But let’s pray that he can listen to you and your family.
He calls it love, yet it sounds a lot more like lust or, at the least, immaturity.
Keep in mind that you are only his mother, he is a “grown” man, and this, I believe, is where prayer and the Holy Spirit needs to do something here, and you need to just speak the truth!
My brother told me in about 1986 about the alcohol and drug problem I had, he said to me, “You make your bed, you sleep in it.” Your son is free to choose what he wants to do (sinful or not), but he is not free to choose the consequences.
If you have any questions about what I have shared, please feel free to email me, and I will clarify what I am saying. I pray for your entire family during this difficult time.
God bless you, and keep praying!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Dating
Message Body:
My son 37 yrs old is dating his son’s ex-girlfriend …its caused problems in the family they say they love each other. I don’t know what to do to me this shouldn’t be happening. Prayers for my Family and advice, please
Hi Basketball Nerd,
I am so glad that you are a believer in Jesus Christ. That is not just a label a person put on themselves, but it is more of a relationship with Jesus and a lifestyle to please Him.
I think that you might be young and mistaken to think that forgiveness is a feeling to attain. Forgiveness is a choice we all have to make. I am not sure if you have made that choice, although it sometimes is hard to do, even with an old guy like me (61 years old) who has been a Christian since 1986. You have to choose to forgive your sister, this may be difficult, but that is what God commands us to do.
Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
I hope what I have shared with you has been of help.
Bill Greguska
P.S. I am a basketball nerd too from back in the day… Why do you call yourself a Basketball Nerd?
—–Original Message—–
Yes, I believe in God, and I believe Jesus died on the cross for me. I have this older sister, she hit me before, tried getting me in trouble, put her ex before me, and gets mad at me. I have family members to tell me to get over it bcs I got to hit her back. However, why am I still mad? How can I forgive? I also love my momma, but I feel like she loves and treat my mean sister better than me. I don’t know how to handle this, so I really need your help.
Hi Destiny,
It sounds like you know that your life is not where you want it to be. I encourage you to take that thought and do something about it.
You did not make mention of having faith in God, so that is the first thing I would want to ask you, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and all your sins?”
Then, I would encourage you to take your concerns to God in prayer.
- There is a scripture that is very important. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
- Also here is another scripture to help point you to Jesus. James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
- One more scripture to strongly consider. James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
If you have any questions about what I have shared with you and would like some clarification, please feel free to email me and I will get back to you.
God bless you and keep your eyes on God!
Bill Greguska
Hi Amanda,
Sometimes it is wise to let your husband or any person calm down enough to be willing even to acknowledge your apology. Most likely, whatever you felt the need to apologize for was something he took as disrespectful to him.
As soon as he is open to talking, then you can apologize to him, but make sure he is calm and give him some space. Guys sometimes need space to think and not be talked to occasionally.
But before you do any of these things, I would like you to take this argument to God in prayer. He is the one who has all the answers. Just sit down and quiet yourself and talk to God. Simply ask Him, “What do you want me to do, God?” I have been doing that for almost a year now, and I get the best conversations with God by just asking Him, “What do you want me to do God?” and then sit back and listen to what I think God’s will for my situation(s).
Depending on how long your son has not been sleeping well would determine if you needed to see a doctor or possibly simply take over-the-counter melatonin for a bit of a while possibly. If you want to know more about it, ask your pharmacist.
You also need to take care of yourself:
- Are you praying and reading your Bible and fellowshipping with others?
- Are you getting enough exercise?
- Are you eating healthy?
- Are you avoiding sugar and alcohol, and drugs?
- Are you drinking enough water?
- Are you finding things to laugh about?
Here are three pages from my site that can help you.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you have any questions about what I said, feel free to email me back, and I will try to point you to the Lord and give you advice on what to do. What I share is my interpretation of what the Bible says.
I pray that you take your concerns to the Lord in prayer. 1 Peter 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: I need help
Message Body:
I am just devastated, my husband and I had an argument, and I tried to apologize but he doesn’t want to hear it. I don’t know what else to do, because I didn’t want this to happen.
I am dealing with a lot right now with not getting support from my family with not helping me with my son who is autistic. My son is having sleeping problems. I deal with depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts sometimes. I just would like to disappear sometimes.
Hi Angela,
I take it that you have been praying about all of this for quite some time now. It is hard to deal with people and their personalities sometimes. I would encourage you to keep praying and try to sit down with your mother and husband in a peaceful way to iron out at least one or maybe even two issues causing you guys problems.
Have you considered talking to your pastor and seeing if you can plan a meeting with him in person? Emails can be good, but this sounds like you need someone in front of you to help you wrestle through things.
There is a time and place for medication, but I want to let you know that once you take a good look at your problem(s) with your household and get things resolved, you will not need your medication soon.
I hope what I shared with you has been helpful. If you have any questions about what I said, feel free to email me back.
May God bless you and direct your steps!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Thank you. Yes to all 6 questions.
I am 51 with a marriage that has been in trouble for several years, we are in church and born again believers. In a nutshell, my mother is 67 with heart trouble and is waiting for money from a lawsuit before she can move out. She has been in my home for 4 months and my husband rarely complains. She says rude things, cannot get along with any of her children’s spouses (not just mine). She and my husband “got into it” a few days ago and she has made life miserable since. I even got on antidepressants to help me tolerate stress. I can’t afford to house her and there’s a shortage of rental property. I am hopeless and feel like my life is gone. There is also a shortage of good Christian counselors in my area or I would have sought one out.
Sent from my iPad
Hi Angela,
I would be willing to hear about what is going on with you. No matter how old or young you are, you can always look back to realize that you have been through your share of problems and have always gotten through them. Whatever it is, there is an answer to your problem. That goes for all of us in this world we live in.
- Have you tried to pray about your situation?
- Are you eating healthy?
- Are you getting enough exercise?
- Are you avoiding sugar, alcohol, drugs?
- Are you reading your Bible?
- Are you getting enough sleep (7-8 hours per night)
Feel free to email me back and share at least one or two major things that you have a problem coping with, and I will get back to you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
I need help dealing with my circumstances. I just cannot cope anymore.
Hi Aileen,
I am glad that you realize that God is the answer! Without God, you would not have the hope that Christians have.
My suggestion is to keep praying to God every morning and read your Bible every day for at least 5 minutes if you are not in the habit of it now. (overtime, you will naturally want to increase the amount of time you read your Bible simply because your hunger for God’s word will be increasing.
Proverbs 3:5-6Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Are you attending a church?
Do you have someone who is a Christian who can point you to Jesus?
If what I have shared has been of help, feel free to email me back if you have any other questions.
I will pray that you draw more near to God every day!
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: A lot of help needed
Message Body:
I recently spoke to someone a pastor Christian counselor who said I am depressed, anxious, add, paranoid, voices, traumas and forgot what else I have trouble concentrating remembering what I am doing going to do did and more I am Christian and know God is the answer
God bless you
Hi Natalie,
You are very welcome, I am glad I could point you in the right direction.
Stay close to God and I pray for you and your father for the specific needs you both have.
God bless you both,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Thank you for everything
Dear Mr. Greguska!
Thank you for your kind words, your time, and the attention you gave me. It will take me some time (maybe months) to write to those organizations. And then if I get a positive response from them, with your permission, I`ll write to you again to bring you good news. Please pray for me and my father. Warm regards, Natalie
Hi Hector,
I wish I could tell you exactly what the right answer to your question is, but I do not have that exact answer for you, but maybe I have even a better answer that works for me in tough situations,
I suggest that you ask God this question: “God, what do you want me to do?” and whatever the Lord prompts you to do, then do it!
I hope that helps you! I pray that you take this to the Lord in prayer, He is the one who ultimately directs us on the paths we need to travel.
God bless you!
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Subject: Unreasonable wife
Message Body:
My wife has ambitions for herself and her family in Brazil but I am a teacher and we don’t have a lot of disposable income. Most recently they raised our rent again and with the higher cost of gas and food, we are barely making it. I have been helping my wife get a college degree to meet her aspirations. She is doing very well in college and only has one more year to graduate.
Despite that, she decided that she couldn’t wait to help her sister in Brazil and started a job far away from where we live which increases the expenses related to the single car we share. She originally agreed to pay from her paychecks for the additional transportation cost rather than pay for a rideshare ($60); for the taxes not withheld by her employer; and for some expensive eye gear she bought for her future profession with my credit card.
Now she says that she will save that transportation expense ($9) by riding her flimsy bike 30 miles round trip to work or walking 5 hours to go to her work tomorrow even if it rains as the forecast announced. I told her that it was not safe, that she got tired just doing 2 miles, that there were no sidewalks in some parts, there were dangerous intersections, the tires of the bike were not strong, and that it could rain tomorrow, but she responds that she will then go walking instead.
She is not thinking reasonably. What’s there to do?
Thanks, Hector
Hi Brad,
From what you told me, there is hope for you, yet it sounds like your wheels are spinning. My encouragement is not to consider getting into a relationship until you get your relationship with God on the right path.
It is fantastic that you have been delivered from your porn addiction. I am saying these things because I think there is a big possibility that you are putting the cart before the horse. I mean that if you are not right with God, no woman in their right mind will want to hook up with you long-term. I am not saying that you are miles away from that as a goal, but I strongly suspect you need to focus on God for the next few months. God will provide you with a job, a girlfriend, financial stability, and a future.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Also, keep in mind this scripture concerning your life…
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Keep praying and trust God!
Here is a page from my website that can be of help to you.
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Discouraged with life
Message Body:
To sum up: I’m 57, never married but wanted to be since my first interest in girls. I was delivered from my porn habit when age 27 but the deliverance left me scarred and broken and I have not been able to move forward since. I take care of my elderly mom and live off her pension. I know I need a good income to support a wife but my fears block me whenever I think of taking on a normal job. I tinker with computer repairs and mower repairs that I resell but it is not near enough money to live. I feel like a failure and every day that goes by makes my fears worse as I see life slipping away along with my hopes and dreams. I have had a few serious relations in recent years but I always end up alone. My fears of being rejected I think result in my sabotaging the relationship.
Hi Elisabeth,
I can understand your frustration. Sometimes life does not make sense. But I encourage you to draw your hope and strength from God’s word. There is a story in the Bible about David’s confidence in how the Lord worked in his life. First, he slew the lion, then the bear, then his faith grew to enable David to slay Goliath. I encourage you to look back in your life on a few of the things that God has walked with you to accomplish great things like David.
Do not give up hope, for you have done a lot already, and there is more to come. The Lord has blessed you with a degree. You need to acknowledge what God has done for you. (making a gratitude list would be a great idea) it is evident to me that God has a plan for your life. Your job right now is to discover what that plan is.
I ask people sometimes if there is any unconfessed sin in their life. If so, then that needs to be dealt with, by confessing to God, repenting from the evil, and trusting that the Lord is God and has things all in control.
I encourage you to start praying and get back into your church. When we are out of church fellowship, it is like trying to keep a piece of charcoal lit and giving off heat alone. We are not as good as we are with other believers. All the charcoal helps keep each other on fire for the Lord!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need advice and counseling
Message Body:
I am worried about my future. At times I feel God could give me a glimpse of who I will be in the future so I can be at ease. I am worried about my future because I graduated from my msc programme last year and have tried applying for jobs but I am not getting any. I am trying to apply to PhD programmes but it has been one rejection after the other. This year started on a good note for me. It’s one problem after the other. There are moments we trusted God for a breakthrough this year on issues but we ended up getting disappointed. It seems the world has gone silent on me and closed every door or opportunity.
Yes, I would say right after my bsc I had the scholarship to study masters in New Zealand and I know it’s the Lord’s doing. I had opportunities come my way during my stay there. Because my scholarship doesn’t allow me to stay I have to come back to my home country and I must say I wish I was still in New Zealand. Nothing seems to work now. I know I have to trust God with my future and all that ..but at the moment nothing seems to make sense.
There have been moments when I have tried to live my life as if there’s no God but no matter how I try I can’t. I have become weary in prayer and churchgoing. I find no joy in fellowship anymore and I find it hard to trust God. I feel He is out of my life and doesn’t listen to my prayers. I really don’t know what to do now.
Hi Richard,
I am very sorry to hear that your wife has filed for divorce. I understand that feeling, my wife divorced me back in 2007, and it is no fun!
I would strongly suggest that you do whatever you can to change her mind. But if she refuses to do so, you need to take care of yourself by getting closer to God and working to get supportive people to walk you through this.
Also, here are a few other suggestions.
- Make sure you take care of your health by eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water.
- Avoid alcohol and drugs.
- Get exercise each day, even if it is only walking.
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
- Pray and read your Bible each morning.
- You can get hooked up with your church and talk to your pastor.
- Confess to God all unconfessed sins in your life to Him.
- Keep in touch with friends and family, do not be a lone ranger.
This storm will pass away in time, but be open to learning what God is trying to teach you during this whole process.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If you have any questions about what I shared, please email me back.
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: I need help
Message Body:
My wife has filed for a divorce I’ve been living at a hotel for the last 2 weeks every night I go to sleep crying in the end I need someone to talk to someone to encourage me.
Hi Morwen,
This is my prayer for you. Please keep praying for yourself.
Lord, I pray that you answer Morwen’s prayer according to your will. Please open her heart, mind, and eyes to how much you love her and want the best for her. I pray that she can toss her past confessed sins into the deepest ocean of your forgetfulness. Please have Morwen trust you more and more each day. Not allowing the evil one to tempt her or trick her in any way, but if she is tempted, please give her a way out through your word and prayers. Please give her wisdom concerning her online friend. If her friend is not pointing her to you, I pray that the relationship would be severed if that is your will, Lord.
I pray all of this in Jesus’ name.
Proverbs 3:5- 6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: Prayer request
I will.
May I ask for prayer for myself, that God helps me to have faith in Him and not in myself, that He helps me to forgive myself as well as accept His forgiveness and grow closer to Him? And that God will please help me in this hard situation with my online friend.
Thank you for your help
Sure, but be sure that you pray on your own each day.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re:
Thank you.
May I request prayer here?
Hi Morwen,
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that is correct!
Now start living your life for Him by:
- Praying to Him each morning.
- Reading your Bible each morning and or daily devotional.
- Go to church.
- Fellowship with other believers.
Doing these things will help you grow closer to God and strengthen you to be able to anticipate and avoid temptations and sins. You will still sin, but you will not enjoy the sin because you know that it will grieve God’s heart.
Take it day by day, and I will pray that you grow closer to God each day!
Keep in mind what it says in 1 John 3:6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.
God bless you, Bill
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re:
I prayed and told God all the sins I had done that I could think of and felt genuinely sorry and asked God to forgive me and cover my sins in the blood of Jesus. Is this right?
Hi Morwen,
What have you done besides talking to many different Christian counselors in an attempt to help yourself?
What you are describing is very general and vague, you would need to be more specific, please.
Have you confessed your sins, you say you acknowledge your sins, but that is not the same as confessing your sins that they are against God’s will.
—–Original Message—–
I really need help and I don’t know where else to turn. All the other Christian counselors are unreachable. I’ve been so scared to tell anyone about my secret sins because one pastor turned his back on me when I desperately needed encouragement.
But my heart is breaking and it feels like God has abandoned me. I played around with sexual sin as a kid and the shame haunts me to this very day. I wasn’t ignorant, I knew full well it was sinful and I took advantage of Jesus’ death on the cross and God’s grace and deliberately sinned. And when life got hard and I prayed to God for help, I remembered all the countless times I had failed God. I’m in misery. I feel like nothing I can do or say will appease God this time. I swore I’d turn my life around if God helped me and He did but I didn’t change. I want to so bad. I confess Jesus as my savior every single day and I always fall again. I feel evil. I feel helpless. And I’m scared that my loved ones are going to suffer for my sin. I feel that God hates me. I feel so guilty and sad I can barely pray.
I read that the unpardonable sin was when people refused to repent until their hearts got so hard that they couldn’t repent anymore. But I repent every time I pray and I pray all day long. I can’t stop repenting because I feel so bad for my sins and I don’t know what to do. I feel peace for a few minutes after seeing a prayer gets answered, and then the next time something comes up, I find myself yelling at God, demanding to know why He’s not helping, where He is if He even cares if He’s even real. I feel like a spoiled child, always making demands of God, promising to be good, then failing Him, and getting mad at Him when He doesn’t give me what I want. I fully acknowledge my sins. I struggle deeply with anger, selfishness, lust, pride, hate, doubt, and idolatry. I want so bad to be free of my shame but every time I leave this at the cross I pick it right back up again.
Please, is there any hope left for me? Is my heart in the right place, or at least getting there? Does God’s grace ever run out?
Hi Morwen,
It sounds like you might be being a little hard on yourself. With what you have shared with me, it sounds like you have a good attitude, but you do not realize that being a Christian does not mean you will never sin again. You and I being Christians, are sinners saved by God’s grace. As far as God hearing your prayers or not, if you are willfully continuing to sin, you are right. God is not quick to answer your prayers until you come to him to confess your sins.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
It is not only that you believe in God (The devil believes in God). You, as a Christian, need to believe and follow what the Lord teaches in His word. (Do you read your Bible each day and pray? Even start with 5-10 minutes each day and increase in time
1 John 3:9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: Need Encouragement
Hello, thank you so much for responding!
Well, it’s a long story but I’ll try to make it short. I got saved when I was little and I’ve always believed in God, but I feel like I’ve been a bad Christian. Once I broke a promise to God and it’s been so hard trying to believe that I’m forgiven for that even though I’ve repented hundreds of times. But since then I’ve tried to be closer to God, and I pray constantly (to the point where it’s hard to stop and causes some stress, and I think that might have something to do with OCD but that’s a different issue.) I guess, I’m just feeling discouraged because I want to be a good Christian, but I feel like I’m only now starting to understand God’s character and I can’t shake the feelings of guilt like I’ve failed too badly and God is done with me. It’s especially hard when bad things happen out of my control, like my pet getting sick, my friend’s brother dying, or my other friend breaking up with her husband and trying to encourage her while also praying for their marriage to be restored. I get so scared of these things happening and pray for them not to. And when they do, I pray so hard for things to be ok, while also trying to trust God even when they don’t. When I pray so hard and it feels like nothing is happening, I feel like God won’t hear ME, so I beg everyone else to pray because He’ll hear them just not me. Or even that God hates me, so if I pray for someone to get well, He’ll make them die just because of me. I know it’s not true but these feelings are so toxic and hard to shake. Doesn’t God forgive me and hear my prayers?
Thank you so much for taking the time to hear me out. I appreciate it so much!
Hi Morwen,
We don’t do any other counseling except via email so that will work out well.
Let me know the biggest issue that you have going on right now and I’ll help you look at it.
Have you taken it to God in prayer yet? That would be very important!
I will wait to hear from you when you have time.
God bless you,
Hello, I just discovered your website! I need some encouragement for some situations I’m going through in life right now, and I’ve been searching for Christian counselors I can email with. I’m in high school and I’m a Christian. I can only communicate through email. If I can find some help over email that would be so appreciated. Thank you and God bless.
Hi Stephanie,
When I have problems or decisions to make, I have found the best prayer. I simply say, “God, what do you want me to do?” In your case, on one hand, we know that God created marriage between one man and one woman. When you say, “Should I carry on waiting with my life on hold or move forward” what do you mean by move forward? Are you referring to living alone or divorcing your husband? I rather you focus on staying married unless your husband is determined to stay away from you indefinitely. Then God allows for divorce because of the hardening of the heart through unfaithfulness or abandonment.
If I am understanding you correctly, I went through something similar, back in 2005 my ex moved out for 4 months she said, but stayed away for 2 years, I was given wise counsel not to divorce her and I did not. But my ex wanted to get remarried, so according to the law, she had to divorce me. I am glad I listened to the wise counsel of my pastor, for I have no guilt concerning the decision of divorce in my life.
Stephanie, you will need to pray about it and reach out to your husband since you are legally married in the eye of the court and in God’s eye.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you.
God bless you and keep praying to find God’s will for your life!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: free counseling session
Message Body:
Hello – I am British but live in Vietnam – I am looking for assistance on two issues – 1/. My husband has been pushing everyone away since the death of his mother 5 years ago – he now lives in a different country and I am unsure what to do about it – should I carry on waiting with my life on hold or move forward? 2/. In the past all of my jobs ( which dictate where we live in the world ) have finished through very strange circumstances – which are all part of God’s plan – however, this has made me wonder how much control I have in my life – I am fearful of the future due to my current situation with my husband and feeling powerless to move forward – do I have any say in the pattern of my life?
Hi Amber,
You have all the facts and information it seems that you need to make a decision, now all you need to do is make a plan, and follow through with it. I can not tell you what to do exactly, you know what is going on!
You are NOT a failure, you are in a bad situation and you need the wisdom to get out of it. If you were my sister I would suggest respectfully talking to your supervisor since they will be on your resume. Tell the supervisor what you told me and see if they can accommodate you or give you a good reference for a new job after leaving a 2-week notice.
Remember who we are ultimately working for… GOD NOT MAN!
God will provide for you and give you wisdom.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day Check out this page I made for my mom
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: Need Encouragement Again
Thank you, Bill! I really appreciate your encouragement.
This boss is very critical. I am a virtual assistant and I already have 2 other clients and this job came with 2 more. These CEOs are so very critical of everything I do. One slip up and there is no forgiveness. I feel on eggshells and panicked all day. I don’t think it would ever change, it would only get worse as I know they become more stressed from Aug. to Dec. I didn’t pray about this job before taking it, but it was more money. Now I’m working all the time and God called me to spend more time with Him and write, but now I’m not doing that either. I feel like I’m living in disobedience. I’ve already talked to my hiring agent and told her I’d let her know Monday if I could stay, and if I couldn’t I would stay on to help the new person get acquainted. If they let me, I may be viewed as a failure and weak they might not want me.
I just have 2 other CEOs who are so wonderful and amazing that there has to be more out there. These 2 are just not nice. It’s not like I screw up a lot, but every little thing they get mad.
I really appreciated the story of David and Goliath. I read through it in my study Bible and it was very encouraging.
Hi Amber,
It is beautiful to hear your testimony about you and your husband! Praise God for that! Keep up the excellent work! There is more good to come for you when you follow Jesus and His word!
As far as your job goes. I have become a great fan of a prayer God had put in my heart last summer when I was at a park by my house. The prayer was short and straightforward, and it went like this…
Lord, what do you want me to do? (that is it… then I sat back on the park bench and just listened with my heart and mind to what God was trying to show me in different areas of my life. You have some knowledge of God’s word, so ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in all matters of your life. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO THE SAME AS I DID WITH MY PRAYER!
- Do you think you could grow into it liking your job?
- What if anything do you like about it besides the money?
- Without knowing more, I would encourage you to stay where you are unless they are having you do ungodly or evil things.
- Stay there until your hiring agent can find something better for you if that is what God wants?
- If you decide to leave, it is best to give a two-week notice.
- If you stay, do your work on to the Lord!
I hope what I shared helps you. Just like God answered your prayer about your husband, God will answer your prayer about your job, and you will see it clearly as you keep praying about it. Please take a moment and reflect on this scripture that has helped deliver me from drug abuse, alcoholism, cigarettes, etc. God delivered me from one thing, then another, which gave me confidence that the Lord is with me in all that I do and will do as I continue to lean on Him!
1 Samuel 17:37 Moreover, David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, [Your marriage situation] He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.[Your job situation] ” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”
I pray that you seek the Lord, and He makes Himself known to you more and more! Praise Him for what He has done in your marriage!
May God continue to bless you and your husband!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need Encouragement Again
Hi Bill,
I reached out back in January and you encouraged me pray over my husband. I’ve been faithful in doing that and I can hear God’s voice again, because I am being faithful and obedient. I can see God working on my husband too. Thank you for your encouragement.
However, today I am reaching out to ask you to pray for me and guidance. I know you have a connection to addiction, but I accepted a job about a month ago and I didn’t pray about it first. It’s great money, which we need, but I am miserable on the job. My hiring agent is encouraging me to seek mentoring and stay with the job, but I just don’t know what to do and I can’t put finger on exactly what I don’t like about it. Do you have any advice or scripture I can turn to?
Hi Franklin,
You say that you have been a Christian for about 10 years, but didn’t anyone at your church tell you that homosexuality is a sin? That is hard to believe. Many sins can keep us from God and someday be with Him in heaven.
Read these two scriptures and tell me what they are saying to you. I pray that you consider that you confess your sins to God.
New King James Version 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
My advice to you Franklin right now is to get right with God.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Help
This is Franklin again. There are a few other issues I would like advice on. I have suffered from severe schizophrenia for over 10 years now and have been a Christian for almost as long. Sometimes I feel like God is not going to heal me of that or my sexual questioning. And if he does not heal me I would like to know if I can go to heaven if I’m gay but remain abstinent.
Hi Johnny,
Have you considered the possibility that you have unconfessed sin in your life? We all sin, I know that I do too, but I keep a short account of my sins to God, in other words, I confess my sins as quickly as I can and turn away from my sins.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Think about it, maybe that is what the problem is. Through my experience with God throughout my 61 years of life, I have learned that it usually isn’t God who turns His back on us, it is us who turn our back on Him. He is the same yesterday as He is today and will be tomorrow.
Let me know if that helps.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “overwhelmed with discouragement about God”
How can I believe that God is the most intimate love possible when he won’t even communicate? (let alone prevent unspeakable evils)
Hi Johnny,
Here are 5 things I agree with you about that you shared:
- There is extreme evils and suffering in this world.
- There are different levels of evil and sin.
- It is good that you are waiting for marriage. (I was married and my wife divorced me which was extremely painful)
- You are right, God does not have a wife for everyone, but if you keep praying the right one might come around, but there is no guarantee)
- Our world is very political at this time, and conspiracy theory can not all be wrong.
Here are 3 things I hope you can reconsider:
- That you can not trust God.
- God loves you and has a plan for your life, your job is to find out what that plan is.
- The evil one is getting into your head because all he want to do is steal, kill and destroy you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Keep in mind Johnny that you are obviously hurt and frustrated and in times like that, it is not wise to make decision about thing such as if God is trust worthy or not.
I would suggest that you do not talk with the “Christians” that are not helping you but making it harder for you. I pray that God puts a couple of good men in your life to give you some support, then down the road, I pray that God opens a door for you to have a girl friend and maybe a wife some day.
Right now, please take good care of yourself. I pray that you can be around people that will help to build you up, not tear you down. Maybe a new church is what God wants for you, if the one you are in now is not helping you.
Keep calm, you are going to be okay, you will be trusting God soon I am praying for that to happen!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “overwhelmed with discouragement about God”
Ok. Thank you.
it has a lot to do with how much extreme evils and suffering there is in the world, and trying to see God as the most intimate love possible within that context..
I’ve learned about levels of evil that absolutely changed my worldview but it seems like most Christians are unaware of, and i don’t mean just secret evil behind closed doors, it’s right in our faces all the time and targeting children yet most Christians just believe whatever mainstream tells them about “conspiracy theorists”…
it also has a lot to do with my trying to wait for marriage..
I can’t trust God anymore, it’s like he’s been purposely toying with me for a sick sense of humor (or just silent altogether and therefore seeming the opposite of caring)..
I don’t have an actual reason to believe the right woman exists, or confirmation or even communication about it from God.. and I’m running out of faith, hope and love because of not being able to trust God anymore
I hate myself, I’m becoming a worse person over time..
and I’d somehow still like to ask for prayer about opportunities to apologize to certain people, and actual help from God with that process…
Hi Johnny,
Without knowing what you are struggling with specifically, I it is very hard to give you any specific advice. But let me share a few thoughts with you to consider.
I am a Christian, and I suggest that you trust me that I will speak to you in a respectful way. You may not agree with what I might share with you, but I promise that I will respect you for where you are in your life right not, not expecting you to have the same faith as I have, but I will let you know that God has delivered me from drugs and alcohol back on June 25th 1986. I too have struggled with a couple Christians over the past 36 years (Christians are just sinners who proclaim to know and follow God and are not perfect) but that has not derailed me from knowing that God was the answer to my problems in life.
I pray that you give me a chance to help you make things less overwhelming to you and possibly giving you hope that God really does love you and wants the best for you. You might not see it that way right now, but I will pray that God makes Himself real to you today. I many not have all the answers to your questions, but I am very sure I have some of them!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: overwhelmed with discouragement about God
Message Body:
I don’t know how to get help. i don’t trust God anymore.
I’m sorry.
I need help, but Christians get sick of me soon cuz God is the problem and it’s very complicated and heavy
I really need God to stop being another bad guy instead of the good guy.
Hi Morwen,
I am glad to hear that your heart wants to honor God. That is awesome! While reading your email, it dawned on me that you said you made a promise to God to stop doing something. My question to you is, “Why don’t you try again to keep your promise if it is something that honors God?” But keep in mind that God can not be bought or manipulated. If whatever you promised is from your heart and good intentions, I would consider trying again. (I say that without knowing what the promise was.
Also, remember that God knows that we are fallen sinful creatures, and that is why He came to the world to live and die for your sins and mine.
I would strongly encourage you to take this matter you shared with me to God in prayer!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: One More Question
I’m sorry to bother you again but I have one more question that’s important to me. Does God forgive broken promises to Him?
When I was a kid I swore an oath to God to stop doing something because I thought I could scare myself out of doing it. I did not understand who God was. I see now that I should never have made a promise that I couldn’t keep and doubled my sin by doing it. I even went so far as to “command” God not to forgive me if I broke it. And ever since then, I’ve been afraid that He will do as I said and not forgive me. A godly friend pointed out to me that God was like my father, and not so much angry at me as He was like “Huh, why would you do that daughter? Are my promises now enough for you?” And he pointed out Romans 8:34, how there was no condemnation for me. It’s been years and guilt and fear still weigh on me and I’m tired of it. Every time I pray I repent, but it’s hard to forgive myself. Once I even asked a pastor for help but he never responded. Since then I feel like I’ve come to know God better, and the loving God of the Bible doesn’t seem like a god who would hold this against me because I was ignorant when I made it. Sometimes I get scared about the wording of the promise because I “commanded” God in His name not to forgive me, and I feel like He can’t because I somehow “bound” God using His holy name. I know it sounds ridiculous. Does God still love me? Can’t He see that I’ve repented and learned a lesson? Do I only feel unforgiven because of my doubt?
Thank you for your time. I feel bad but I don’t know where else to turn.
Hi Denise,
Our Christian counseling is free. If you could share with me what is the biggest problem you are dealing with right now, that would be great.
I will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within 24-48 hours or even less depending on my schedule.
In the meantime, I would ask you to pray about your situation and ask God who is not only the creator of the universe, but of you too, and also that He loves you, to give you wisdom and strength.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
God bless you!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Christian Counselor
Message Body:
Hi and God bless. I need a good Christian counselor for myself. I am low-income and can not afford to pay through high rate to see most counselors. I am not at a good place in my life right now and need help with dealing with depression and other issues.
Hi Nicole,
To explain what is available. First of all, I offer Christian counseling to those in need. Some people have contacted me multiple times, and others just a couple of times.
If you would like to do this, simply email me back and let me know what is the biggest struggle you are having, and we can take it from there.
Otherwise, there are a couple of other options.
Free Christian Groundwire Chat Is Also Available.
Free Christian Chat About Jesus Is Also Available.
Free One-Time Professional Christian Counseling.
I hope this answers your question. God bless you!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling Service
Message Body:
Your page says Free Christian Counseling. Is this a one-time thing or an ongoing service? I’m looking for a counselor to help me with several issues in my life and I don’t want to suffer in silence anymore.
Is this something you can provide or is there somewhere you can direct me to?
Hi Mariel,
It is wonderful that you are reaching out for help.
Our counseling is free so if you would like to share what is on your mind concerning your past trauma, I am sure we can help you make some sense of out thugs with you.
Here are two links that I think you might benefit from.
Look forward to hearing back from you.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: in need of counseling
Message Body:
Hey there, my name is Mariel and I would like to inquire about counseling. I’ve been a believer for about 1 1/2 years and would like to learn how to be free from past trauma. Thank you.
Hi Mary,
I encourage you to keep it simple. You and your family are going to be fine, I am not sure how long it will take, but God knows, so keep your eyes on God!
- Pray each morning.
- Find someone who can help keep you accountable by asking you how you are doing. (feel free to contact me in a week or so to let me know how good you are doing!)
- Get closer to God than you ever have been, He will take your burden and cast it on Himself. Be patient. You did not get to where you are now in a month, so keep in mind that you have to watch what you eat, drink plenty of water, get in some walking, and avoid sugar (or at least very little sugar). Do not weigh yourself, just take things one day at a time!
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Thank you!
Thank You for your prayers your email was helpful it’s the overeating that has caused me lots of health problems. Thank You for the encouragement. My family does not eat right or exercise. I am 100 pounds overweight so yes some of the depression & overeating has caused anxiety & also worrying too much & wishing I did some things differently in my life. It would help if I had a Christian family but I do have one Christian friend I text to. I have to live by example & pray for my family because they don’t have the holy spirit. Thank You again for your continued prayers it means a lot to me.
Sincerely, Mary
Hi Judie,
I started to respond to you, but it got lost in my draft file. Sorry about that. Please forgive me.
Well, I am glad that you decided to talk with us a little bit about your problem.
My first thought is to ask you if you have been praying to God about this situation.
Then my next thought is to ask you if you have any unconfessed sin in your life, or are you presently harboring any sin in your life? That is possibly why you are struggling.
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
The other thought that came to me while reading your email, is the question of what you have been doing outside of yourself to help someone else out.
James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
I hope that my suggestions have been helpful to you, if so please feel free to email me back if you have any questions or would like to share more.
Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
Hi, my name is Judie and I have been really struggling with my faith am going through some hardships financially and it hasn’t been easy to hold on to my Faith. I have a hard time talking about my problems and hence I haven’t spoken to anyone about the struggles am going through i wake up every day and pretend am doing okay but am not.
Am struggling with praying I feel like God is so far away from me….. I don’t feel like my prayers are going anywhere and every day it’s becoming harder and harder to remain hopeful and hold on to my faith….. please help
Hi Suzette,
It seems to me by what you have written, that whatever you have been trying to do is not working out very well. I would suggest that you need to sit down and talk with your husband, and if you do not feel you can do that, then get a counselor to negotiate between the two of you.
- Do you know what is upsetting your husband?
- Has he physically hit you?
- Does he have a drinking problem?
- What is your pastor telling you what to do?
God has the answers, you just need to reach out to Him in prayer. Is there any unconfessed sin in your life or his life?
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you have any questions about what I shared, feel free to get back to me.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Broken Spirit”
Message Body:
I’m so alone, my husband has become very angry and cruel. I stayed with him thinking it was my duty to try to help him, but in doing so he has taken everything from me and now he has caused great pain to my son. I worry if I don’t leave him soon, my children will not let me see my grandchildren. I’m so lost. I’ve endured years of mental abuse and it has become physical, but the mean things my husband says to me, I’m not sure but he seems to be purposely pushing me towards the edge. I’m scared. I’m alone and I don’t know what to do anymore. Please help me try to find my way back and pray that my husband, James West can find his way back into God’s light also.
Thank you for your time,
Hi Evelyn,
I am sure you have racked your brains about how to avoid your symptoms. I would like to attempt to help you keep things simple. I too have had some PTSD problems in the past due to a difficult marriage and divorce. My separation and divorce began in 2005. I tell you this because I tried everything from prayer, and scriptures, to counseling, medication, and fellowship with others, and I learned that what helped me the most was a combination of one support from my pastor’s wife. The medication and fellowship helped, but prayer the Bible, and Godly counsel were what helped the most.
Do not forget the fact that we are not only spiritual beings, we are also physical beings, I say that because I want you to look at the following.
- Get exercise each day, walking DOES count as exercise.
- Eat healthy foods.
- Avoid alcohol and sugar.
- Drink plenty of water (1/2 of your body weight in ounces)
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
- Have a social life even if it is only on the phone, we are social creatures.
- Watch something funny on TV and laugh.
- Try to encourage someone else even though you are down a little bit yourself right now. (When I got divorced my pastor Ron and his wife Sue saw how depressed I was and encouraged me to encourage others, that is how this website began. Yes, when we get out of our self-pity and try to help another human being, God works mightily in that act of faith and obedience). Read this scripture below, and you will understand what I am saying because it worked for me!
I hope what I have shared with you has been of help, please try at least some of the suggestions I have given you. If you have any questions about what I have shared, please email me back. Remember that God loves you and has a plan for your life!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
One more thing, check out this video by Billy Graham please, I think it is just what you need to hear.
God bless you, sister,
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Free counseling”
Thank you for your response. It means a lot.
I was seriously traumatized physically and emotionally by my ex-husband. I finally worked away after 6 years. I didn’t know how much damage was done to me until I left. I had severe depression for about 2 years. I got weaned off the drug in November 2021.
I am feeling the symptoms again. I don’t want to go back there! It is such a dark place. I am having PTSD now as I keep having flashbacks of the abuse
I just need words of encouragement. I don’t have any friends anymore.
I feel like my world is dark and so lonely and cold right now. I need all the strength to be there for my girls but I just keep feeling like nothing is worth it any more
Hi Evelyn,
We do our counseling via email, if you are okay with that, then just let me know what you feel you need to discuss? One thing at a time would make it easier please.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Free counselling
Message Body:
I need a Christian based counselling
Hi Laniya,
When you told your pastor about this, what advice did he give you? The church is meant to be sort of a hospital for sinners like you and me, who are weak, injured, or in need of help.
A good way I would suggest to you to gain some confidence is to set up a small goal and proceed to accomplish it, do that with other goals too, and you will be on your way to being able to see that you can do more than you thought, and not be so dependent on others to make you happy. When we have God as our best friend, we do not need to worry about others’ friendship as much. Is God your best friend? If not, then today is the day you ought to look into it.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you have any questions about what I shared with you, feel free to email me back. I pray that you take a serious look at your relationship with God (or lack of relationship) and begin to fortify it by starting to pray each morning, read your Bible, fellowship with other believers, and live your life for the Lord not for people who can let you down. God will never let us down.
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Self-confidence
Message Body:
I really need help on how to have more self-confidence. I am too codependent on people, and if I lose them I become extremely depressed. I don’t look at the situation as a Christian and I end up sinning.
Hi Tonya,
You seem to be in a very difficult situation. It is good that you are talking about this but with married couples, it is best to talk to a pastor or a counselor in person.
- My advice to you would be to continue to pray to God about this.
- Call your pastor and make an appointment for a meeting with you and your husband.
- Keep praying and ask God for wisdom and strength and to direct your husband for you guys to work together..
- Find out if there is any help for drug abuse in your area.
- Is there any unconfessed sin in your life?
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
If what I have shared has been helpful and you have any questions about what I said, feel free to email me with your questions.
God Bless You,
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Christian advice with marriage
Message Body:
Hi, my name is Tonya. I am almost 50. I am married to a man I love very much but we are separated right now.
My husband is on drugs and he’s so hard to live with. He makes these huge messes and leaves them for me to clean up. He’s irresponsible and won’t pay his bills on time. Instead, he will use the money for drugs and let the priorities go. He cusses at GOD! That bothers me so bad! It’s not just the gd word it’s so much worse the things he says just makes me cry and I’m afraid GOD will be angry with me for putting up with it and allowing it. And lastly, he mentioned having oral sex with another man! Then he claimed it happened a long time ago. But he’s been hanging out with this other man a lot! He goes out of his way to meet with and be with this other man! I’ve asked him several times to leave this person alone because it’s interfering with our marriage but he refuses..
So the other night we argued and he was cussing GOD. It made me so angry I threw him out of the house! And now I’m afraid GOD will be angry with me for doing that. I’m so lost and confused! I want to please GOD above it all. I love my husband and I want our marriage to work. But I do think he’s having an affair with this man
Can you please lead me and give me good Christian advice?
Hi Caleb,
I am glad you reached out for help, I will help you the best I can by pointing you to Jesus Christ. He is the one who will guide us and give us the strength and wisdom that we need.
If you would like to give me one of the biggest things that is hindering you, we can take it from there.
Here is a link concerning suicide that can be of help to you.
But more importantly, keep praying and following the Lord’s leading in your life and your daughter’s life.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you want to email me back if you have any questions or need to share more, please feel free to do so.
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: My Sister Needs Help
Message Body:
I’m looking for a Christian counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist. I don’t make enough money to pay for one, but I want to find help for my sister. She has many issues. She is not mentally deficient, but she has lived her whole life in her parent’s house and refuses to do anything to make a life for herself. She has two degrees both for excellent paying careers, but refuses to use them. If she gets a job, she will work for no more than a couple of months before she is either fired or quits. When she is home, she does only two things. Sleep or play video games. She has a 6-year-old daughter with whom she will have nothing to do. If asked to do anything for the well-being of her daughter or her family, she becomes angry and often storms off and locks herself in her room.
She doesn’t see any of this as a problem. She is destroying her life and is hurting her family in the process. She badly needs someone who can help her. She stopped going to church several years ago, which just made things worse. She doesn’t seem capable of natural affection towards her family, or even her daughter. It breaks my heart to see what is going on. If your organization can provide the aid of a licensed professional, preferably a woman, to work with her and help her wake up to the reality she is living in, I’d be grateful beyond words.
She has even recently threatened suicide. I don’t think she would, as she has recently used it to manipulate her mother. But I’ve learned to take suicide very seriously.
Hi Robert,
I read and answered your email the way you wrote it to me.
Did you not like the suggestions that I offered to you? What did you have in mind when you wrote me?
God is the one who is going to help you, I just wanted to point you to Him.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re:
Well I appreciate the encouragement but right now be a Christian songwriter a Christian writer and a Christian singer I am looking for someone who can help me get a few of my songs published thank you
Hi Robert,
It is obvious that you are in a season right now, and that is not comfortable for you, and I get it. I would encourage you to use this time to get closer to God and then to reach out to others that you know. Even a simple phone call to a friend to chat is something that can be of great help to you. I would like to remind you that it is better to be alone than hooked up with a woman who would drag you down. I am all for God’s word that says it’s not good for man to be alone and also seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and then these things will be added unto you.
It sounds like you are in a rut that you need to get out of. I am sure you have tried some things to help yourself. Here are a few things you should consider.
- Have you been reading your Bible each morning?
- Have you been praying each morning?
- Are you attending church?
- Are you in a bible study and fellowship with other Christians?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life? 1 John 1:9
- Are you taking good care of your physical health?
- Are you exercising at all?
- Are you eating healthy?
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Have you called anyone on the phone, texted, or emailed them to get together or simply talk?
Remember that this too shall pass, so keep praying and get closer to God.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
My name is Robert I am a Christian writer Christian songwriter and singer. Having a really hard time at the moment with loneliness. Yes, and I know that God is always with me and nobody loves me more than God and God has a plan for my life. And God says it’s not good for man to be alone seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then these things will be added unto you I know all this. But at the moment and not because I have a lack of faith or trust it just doesn’t seem to help.
Hi Kerri,
Sometimes the best answer is right in front of us. What I mean to say is, have you prayed about your situation?
I am sorry to hear of your problems that seem overwhelming I am sure, yet the Lord can help you. Do you have a church you attend presently? If not, here is a link to help you find one.
Keeping it really simple, it does sound like you have some choices you can make. You can stand firm and deal with your situation, or you can make a plan to move out and way from your situation. I do not recommend one over the other, because I do not know the details involved. If you are physically unsafe or mentally and emotionally abused. You will need to make some choices, but I encourage you to ray about your situation and do all you can do to protect and make your life safe and happy.
I pray that God prompts you to know what you ought to do and that He makes it very clear to you!
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Complicated mother/daughter relationship”
Subject: Complicated mother/daughter relationship
Message Body:
She’s 26
We’ve both been abused by her father. We were never married, he’s very abusive in almost every way. I was also abandoned by my own mother and there is deep preexisting pain there. I am in crisis.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form (
Hi Trisha,
What you are saying sounds good about shipping the cards to the P.O. box, but my only question is, how thick of an envelope can your P.O. box allow through the opening?
Please let me know, and I will do it as needed.
I am glad you have the desire to share encouragement cards. You may also be interested in sharing our website on social media such as Face book, Twitter, etc.
Thank you, and God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Cards”
Subject: Cards
Message Body:
I’m a fairly new believer, have been saved for a little over a year, and consider myself quite zealous for the Lord.
I go to two different churches, one in the morning and the other at night.
The night church is kind of a plant, so we have a lot of people at different stages in their walk with God, and some who are not saved.
I would take the cards to both churches, maybe leave one in each mailbox at the morning church. (Members have little cubby holes for letters or little gifts, etc.)
And also give them out personally at both churches.
I would like 50, please. Then when I use them up, perhaps I could order more.
If you can’t mail it to a P.O. box, can you please email and let me know, and I’ll see if I can get a street address.
Thank you.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form (
Hi Salma,
It is good that you have reached out for some help. What specifically do you need help with?
Feel free to email me back and I will help you the best I can.
Have you been praying about your situation? If not, that is the first thing I will suggest for you to do.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “I need help”
Subject: I need help
Message Body:
Hello, I really need counseling, I am at a very low point in my life at the moment. I really need support so please get back to me.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form (
Hi Yvonne,
It sounds like a lot is going on in your life, my encouragement to you is to take each of your concerns to God in prayer each morning.
Trust that God has a plan for your life. He watches over every area in your life, your faith, your medication, your child, and literally ALL areas in your life. Just to ask you, is there any unconfessed sin in your life right now? If so, I strongly encourage you to confess your sin and turn away from it if there is any unconfessed sin in your life.
As far as your financial problems, I would encourage you to start a budget and try to stick with it.
If you wish to contact me back, I would be willing to try to help you. Just pick one area in your life that you need help with, and we can take it from there.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
I am checking back with you to let you know that what you are trying to do sound great. I am sorry to hear about your dad’s alcoholism and violence. I can understand your disconnect between God and the church.
There is an expression that says, “You do not throw out the baby with the bath water” Your dad might not have been the best dad for you, but your Heavenly Father is!
You are right on with wanting to live the remaining years of your life for God. I would like you to do just that.
You seemed not to have a question for me, you seem to know what you need to do, which is wonderful.
Keep close to God each day, and you will begin to see Him working in your life more and more.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Counselling”
I pray every morning devotional and fast and read my Bible.
My dad was a violent alcoholic and I used to read the Bible and was raised in church.
I prayed he would stop the violence to God but it kept happening.
I lost trust in him.
I want to trust him now. and love him really really.
But I don’t love and trust myself.
Now that I will be 50 on Sunday I want to dedicate the remaining years of my life to him.
I want to heal my inner child and grow up.
And take God at his word.
Thank you so much for doing this. / Bill wrote:
Hi Yvi,
You can feel free to contact me and I will not charge you.
Let me know what is going on so I can be of help to you.
Are you keeping your concerns in prayer to God?
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Counselling”
Subject: Counselling
Message Body:
All the Christian therapist charge and I just can’t afford it.
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Hi Nivedita,
God has heard your prayer. Sometimes He answers our prayer with a “Yes,” other times No,” and other times with a “Wait.”
If you said you have prayed about it, you ought to wait on the Lord and, in the meantime, gather more information about your desire to be an undergraduate. Have you looked into getting a student loan?
If you say that the lack of funding is holding you back, that might be the answer to your prayer, even though it is not what you want to hear.
I can not really give you any other thoughts. I pray that God’s will be done no matter what His will is.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “
Message Body:
Hey, I want to study in the US as an undergraduate. I’m really frustrated about it coz we don’t have many funds, I don’t know what to do. I prayed bout it .
Hi Edward,
You are responsible for leading your family. Have you been praying about this situation?
You say that the children are running the house, that may be true, but you are the one who has given up. It would help if you regained control. I do not say that you ought to yell and scream at the kids, but you need to use your leverage to motivate and encourage them. For example, if they need a ride somewhere, tell them you will do so, but they need to do XYZ, whatever that may be that you want them to do. (teamwork). If they need money for something, the same applies; tell them you will give them money, but they need to do XYZ
Without knowing what is going on and all the details in your family and marriage, you need to sit your entire family down and explain the new rules and principles that your family will be following.
Be confident and comfortable in this challenge you are stepping into. With the kids, I learned that as a parent I needed to be FIRM, FAIR, AND FUN with my kids. That is a good starting point you could adapt to your thinking.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you!
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Marriage help”
Subject: Marriage help
Message Body:
I could do with chatting about my marriage. I am depleted with trying and continuing to have accusation against me in all ways. everything is always on my shoulders and most time rejected if i have plans as a husband dad in our home. Nothing is getting done in our home as i have given up trying. The children run the house if i try to make changes I’m either ignored or my wife trys to side with kids its not that bad type of thing.
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Hi Cindy,
With, only counsel via email, not phone. So if you are interested in emailing, I would be happy to try to help encourage you and point you to Jesus.
Here are three links that address your three concerns.
I hope what I have shared has been a help to you.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Anxiety/Depression”
Subject: Anxiety/Depression
Message Body:
I need someone to talk to about my problems. Someone who wont be judgmental
Someone who will help me out of my depression and loneliness. I just need help. Someone to listen to me
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Hi Andrew,
You mentioned that you feel that God has left you, and I assure you that if you were walking with God at some point, that He did not go anywhere, you most likely turned your back on Him because of sin or pressures of life. I encourage you to get on your knees and beg God to make Himself known to you again so that you can have a relationship with God once more! If there is any unconfessed sin in your life, I urge you to confess it to God and turn from it.
You need to surround yourself with people who love you and want the best for you. You need to take care of your health in the areas of exercise, sleep, eating healthy, being social, and do not forget to read your Bible each morning and pray also.
The problems you are facing please give them to God and place them on the foot of the cross. It says in 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you!
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Deliverance”
Subject: Deliverance
Message Body:
Am giving up in life and I feel God has left me and i am facing a lot of problems and I have lost hope and I feel only death that can help
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Hi Lee,
I am sorry but I am not a pastor, but I have been a Christian since 1986. It seems that you are at a crossroads in your life right now. Have you been praying about the situation that you are in?
You mentioned being anxious and depressed, here are two links that can be of help to you.
Here are a couple more resources that can help you too!
* Disclaimer ~ The Need Him Ministry Are Not Licensed Counselors, But They Are Very Helpful Christian Counselors.
- Free Christian Counseling
- Free Christian Groundwire Chat (Not Licensed Counselors)
- Free Christian Chat About Jesus (Not Licensed Counselors)
- Free Christian Counseling (Focus on the family)
- Free One-Time Professional Christian Counseling. (They Are Licensed Counselors)
If you have any questions we counsel only via email, just so you know.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Help”
Subject: Help
Message Body:
I am looking for a pastor that I can go to to speak with concerning life changes and anxiety and depression. I love Jesus with all my heart, and recently I had to quit my job of 28 years. Now I’m left with no insurance right now, and currently no income. I feel terrible every day because I’m 50 and married, and I had to leave my job because of the negative toxic environment and mistreatment towards me. I want to live the rest of my life serving the Lord, and now that I am not working, I don’t know what to do or where to go now. My wife is currently in between jobs but at least in a week or so, she’ll be bringing some money in, which makes me feel terrible that I don’t know what to do to earn some income after I have been God’s tool for providing for herself and I. If nothing else, I really need prayer that God will lead me to the right opportunities at the right times, to find favor with someone or group of people that God can use to help lead me in the right direction. I just feel so bad about myself and my future. I felt like God told me to leave that job, and I guess this must be a faith walk. But many days, I second guess myself and my decision. I pray someone help me, or at least pray for me.
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Hi Robert,
I am glad that you reached out for help, yet the best person for you to be an accountability partner is someone you know personally, such as a best friend, pastor, or someone that you are in contact with on a regular basis.
If you have any questions that you would like to ask, please feel free to ask and I will get back to you asap.
Just so that you realize, sexual sin is NOT the type of sin that you ought to wrestle with, but instead, it is best to FLEE from sexual sin or avoid it completely.
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Sexual addiction
Message Body:
I need an accountability partner
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Hi Leanna,
I am glad you have reached out for help, that is very wise of you. I take it that you are not living together and have not compromised your purity.
What does your pastor say about your relationship with your boyfriend? It is very hard to counsel a couple via email, so I would encourage you to ask me any questions you might have, and then ask your pastor to counsel you face-to-face in his office.
I hope what I have shared with you has been helpful.
Here are a couple of links that can be of help to you both.
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Couples Counseling”
Subject: Couples Counseling
Message Body:
Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 9 months. We are looking into what it would take to have a healthy relationship with a healthy future marriage in mind. Neither of us have had much guidance but we are looking!
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Hi Christopher,
I will pray for you right now in Jesus’s name that you can be confident of your salvation if you have already given your heart and life to Jesus. The Lord will give you the wisdom and strength to help you be obedient to God, and when you will fail at times, you will confess your sin to God immediately 1 John 1:9, and not allow sin to creep into your life. I pray that you surround yourself with Christian people from church and that you will be able to be strengthened by them and that you will help them too. I also pray that you read your Bible each morning for at least a few minutes and also pray and even journal in a notebook like I do each morning. I pray that the Holy Spirit will help lead you and guide you into a good relationship with God/
God bless you, Brother!
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Prayer Request”
Subject: Prayer Request
Message Body:
Please pray for my salvation and for me to die to self and be obedient to God. Please also pray that I can finally find a Christian counselor. Thank you.
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Hi Casey,
I am sorry to hear of your breakup with your fiancé, anytime two people get close and then it breaks up, there is naturally a loss and a time for grieving. Hopefully you broke up for the right reason, in that case it’s easier to take.
I would encourage you to surround yourself with people that care about you and heal before you consider even dating anyone else.
I pray that you can take this time to get closer to God and follow him closer.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Help me please
Message Body:
I just broke up with my fiancé I am having a lot of trouble dealing with it. I am in a lot of emotional pain and need some relief. I also need to move out of this house and since I am low income I have no where to go. I don’t want to be homeless. Please pray for me.
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Hi Missa,
Again, I am sad to hear of what happened, and I pray that you allow God to make something good out of this bad situation. What I have shared with you lot of things in the previous emails, to keep it really simple, is what I suggest to you.
- Keep your eyes on Jesus and try your best to do His will.
- You need to get into counseling in person with your pastor or counselor.
- Do not let anything your husband says that is not true affect you any longer.
- Take an honest look at what you can do to make things better.
- If something your husband says is true, then take it into consideration.
- You need to forgive your husband, have you not ever sinned yourself? God sees all sin as equal which means murder, adultery, theft, lying, anger, lustful sexual sins, etc.
- Without counseling, you are going to keep falling into the same holes, but with counseling, you have a change!
Even though God hates divorce, He also does not honor someone who is not willing to forgive. Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
You do have grounds for divorce, but that is between you and your husband since God gives us free will to choose, but he does not let us free will to choose the consequences. Missa, you need to forgive, and if you can pray that your husband can follow your lead. Otherwise, it sounds like either you are going to be miserable with your husband or on a slippery slope to a divorce. There is no real win unless you forgive your husband and start walking really close to the Lord. It will not be easy, but your options are limited.
Please reread my responses to your emails, you will find some answers if you read them over and take more time to try to understand what I have shared with you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Hi Missa,
It does not really matter what has happened in the past if you and your husband can not forgive one another. That is the bottom line.
A lot of hurtful words have been said between the two of you, but now if you want to be in God’s will, you will need to forgive him. Your marriage situation seems similar in a way to my marriage.
Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Can you forgive your husband for how he has hurt you badly in so many ways? Didn’t Jesus suffer by the people too? But His love was greater than their hate!
That is where you need to start and unfortunately, it sounds like it is going to have to start with you and Jesus, for your husband from what you told me is not able, but the Holy Spirit can do something in your husband’s heart and your heart too!
If you can not forgive him, then Matthew 6:15 will apply to your life.
I encourage you strongly to forgive your husband and be obedient to God even if the marriage is still not working out. I would choose to fear God and not fear your husband. Do God’s will and leave the results to God!
Pray for your husband and keep your eyes on the Lord!
Do you think it is doing your children any good seeing and hearing how the two of you are with each other? You need help and you need it right away!
By the way, the way this website ministry started was because of my separation and divorce, my pastor and his wife saw how depressed I and they encouraged me to encourage others and to get out of the pity party I was in. This website started in 2007 when my wife divorced me. I encourage you to reach out and serve and help others, this will take away some of the hurt you are feeling. Plus you will be helping others at the same time! It helped me a lot to make it through, and as a byproduct, it has been helping hundreds and hundreds of other people since 2007.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Please get some help for your marriage, it needs to be in person so that you and your husband can talk with someone who can hear both sides and find reconciliation not only forgiveness.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Really need counseling”
I skipped 3. Hatred would be spending 15 years destroying an innocent persons reputation and bond with their children.
1. Lies told ABOUT me. I’m crazy, alcoholic, drug addict, mental problems, abusive. All with zero proof cause all lies. Problem is that one can accuse anything in family court. (I turned the other cheek)
2. He bared false witness against me, accusing me of what he was actually guilty of.
3. I wish I could walk away. Prayed to have peace to do so. But that would mean walking away from my children. I could not do it. No matter how much I was suffering.
4. Sad. Almost exactly what Jobs friends told him. Correct?
It does not have to do with a church. I was led to Christ by my then fiancé and future mother in law.
Everything was great for 15 years, until my husband cheated on and left me for his 19 yo secretary. We had a 2 and 4 yr old at the time. He became so manipulative and turned the whole thing around on me. I didn’t know for years until it was too late to gain my own evidence. He’s gone to extremes spoofing my phone number and texting as if he was me. Putting spy apps on my phone and literally rewriting the past. He waited until my son turned 18 and showed him false documents and lies and I can’t even talk to him about it. My daughter turns 18 next year and I don’t even know how to prevent the same.
When dealing with a covert narcissist and/or evil spirit that confuses everyone, what can I do but pray? And yes I pray. Yes I work daily on forgiveness, turning the other cheek. Yet, here I am 15 years later and am receiving no relief. / Bill wrote:
Hi Melissa,
I am glad you reached out, and I am wondering if you have been praying about your situation at all.
I will help you the best I can. But first, I would be interested in knowing a few things:
- What lies were a few of the lies that they told you?
- What was the false witness that was shared with you?
- What was the hatred that was displayed to you?
- If you are convinced that your church is full of so much evil, why don’t you either confront the appropriate people or simply find a new church?
- If you do what you said you do, and follow what the Bible says, there should be no real problem.
- People in some churches sometimes have their own agendas and predetermined opinions. If their opinions go against God’s word, then I would get out of there.
I hope what I have shared has been some help to you, or at least got you to think.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Really need counseling
Message Body:
I am a confused Christian. 15 years worth of lies, false witness, hate; all directed at me from the people I love and led me to Christ to begin with. I’ve lost a relationship with my son recently over these very lies. I will soon lose my daughter over the same. I’ve always tried to do what the Bible preached, but it’s only made it worse. I’m not a fighter.
Looking for help because I’m truly alone, confused, and unable to move on. There HAS to be some reconciliation or acceptance. I can’t get to either. So I’m just praying for peace. But it alludes me. My reserves have run out. Not many options left now.
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Hi Andrea,
You didn’t mention why you feel distant at church, but I would encourage you to pray about it and try to figure out a way to get with others again.
Here is one of the pages from our website that will give you some insight about anxiety. Visit
Counseling with our website is only done via email we don’t talk with people on the phone.
I would encourage you to talk to your pastor at church and figure out a solution for the distance you are feeling. And hopefully get back in fellowship with others.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, keep praying to God to have him direct you more specifically.
Bill Greguska
Subject: anxiety
Message Body:
Hi, I just need someone to talk to. lately I have been suffering from anxiety. I am a servant of God. I always go to church and volunteer as a lector, but recently as I encounter this kind of challenge, I became a bit distant in the church. I don’t attend masses anymore. I am still praying but it seems like I don’t know how to talk to Him anymore.
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Hi Harry,
You know that the answer is prayer, have you and your daughter and granddaughter been praying about this?
You can not let the children run things their way, as parent and grandparent, you need to take control, for if you do not, they will implode either now or later! ‘But make sure you are showing love and respect when you take control. For they do not understand the seriousness of their actions.
Have you been spending time with the granddaughters more than usual lately? Yes, the church would be a good thing, yet that depends on your granddaughter’s feelings about the church. It would be safe to say that they need you, and your daughter on the same page all working together. I would encourage you to spend more time with the girls and on your own prayer that the Holy Spirit touches them.
If I were you, I would drive Madison to school, and walk her into her homeroom class to make sure she gets into school. I would also set up an appointment to make sure she stays in class, and if she chooses not to, then consequences would result that she would be aware of.
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Prayer for daughter and granddaughter
Message Body:
My daughter is a single patent and raises two girls, high school age. Recently she has been experiencing difficulty with the oldest daighter, Madison.
She recently stopped attending high school, experiencing anxiety. I learned today the reason may be related to drug use. I have been told Madison is not taking any drugs, currently.
My daughter works full time and also is impacted by an ADD diagnosis. She takes medication.
Please pray that she and both my granddaughters will see the need for help and assistance from God through the Holy Spirit – and ask if he will lead them on a part to attend a local church, and to restore and build their relationship with him.
Thank you
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Hi Rudy,
I give you credit that you want to do what is right!
I also give you credit that not every situation that brings upon anger is not your fault completely.
But you need to learn to control your emotions keeping in mind that who ever angers you, controls you.
You will need to make a conscious effort to use your words more effectively, and have yourself a shorter fuse!
Bottom line I encourage you to sit down with your wife and explain how you feel and ask her to help you stay at peace with her better. I am sure she would be willing to help you, and even offer you some suggestions.
James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “” / Bill wrote:
Hi Rudy,
What have you tried up to this point to control your anger?
I’ve been reading my bible and praying and asking the Lord to remove it
What are some things that trigger your anger?
the biggest trigger my anger is that when my wife does something and it’s ok for her to do it and when it comes to me I can’t do it and get lecture at so my anger gets the best of me and my poor choices of words come out. When some keeps throwing my past in my face. When some one just sees my past errors. Then my pride kicks in and I don’t want to apologize and stop talking to my wife and just shut down
Do you drink alcohol or use street drugs?
I do not drink nor use drugs
Has you anger gotten you into trouble with the law?
it has not there is no psychical violence
Do you read your Bible each morning and pray?
I do
Bill Greguska
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
I’m looking counseling for self control on my anger
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Hi Eleni,
I am so sorry for the loss of your younger brother. death can be very painful, but when it is suicide, it seems to almost make it harder. I lost 4 friends in high school, one was simply death, and the other 3 were suicide. So I can understand to a point the loss you must be feeling.
I would encourage you to spend more time with God and surround yourself with family and friends that you love.
Again, I am sorry for your loss. It is a shame you lost your brother that way!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Hi
Message Body:
This is Eleni from Ethiopia I lost my younger and only brother a month ago and he committed suicide and I can’t accept or deal with it please help me
Hi Ashley,
I would encourage you to keep praying and try to not make big decisions, but rather make sound choices that will help you get to where you want to be in life again.
So try to keep in mind to lay low and avoid more crisis to happen. Do you have someone like a pastor, best friend, counselor, that could help you stay on track?
Again, try to lay low and use the brains that God has given you for good!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Counseling needed
Message Body:
Hi my name is Ashley! I can barely type all that needs to be said because i am such a mess and I’m hurting inside. I was a recovering addict since 2011…. my husband died in 2019 and I waited a year to date again and they man i had been with for the past 2 1/2 years and I have had a very toxic relationship. I have relapsed on and off since we have been together and I’m honestly at my rock bottom right now. I lost my job a couple of days ago that I had for over 2 years and I loved…. my life feels like it is just spinning out of control
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Hi Christy,
Since we talked last a few months ago, have you found a place to live?
How has your relationship with God been?
You mention that you are hurting and need love. Have you used any of the resources that I shared with you?
I pray that you keep seeking the Lord and that he answers your prayers faithfully!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
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Hi there,
I can sometimes be a black-and-white type of person. On the one hand, you can be more assertive and insist that the two of you live together.
On the other hand, you have come to accept the way things are. I would not like the situation you are in, but if you can live like that, then that is your choice. Don’t you have a pastor or someone who could negotiate with you to find a good solution?
The best suggestion I can give you is to pray about this situation you and your husband are in. I hope I have understood your case, if not, please forgive me, it is hard to sometimes answer emails out of context.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Relationship
Message Body:
I am married but have a long-distance relationship with my husband until he joins me in May. He plans to leave his job and immigrate to Australia with me.
He has been at his previous job for over five years, and ever since I’ve known him – he consistently complains about the same issues and work environment. I told him he should focus on the exit and that there is no point complaining about all these issues when a solution has been sought and the people at work who disrespect him don’t care. I don’t know why he keeps looping back – it’s annoying as I always have to be supportive and encourage him. In my head I’m like – honestly I thought this was sorted and why are you always going back. Sometimes he confuses things that happened with me and his ex. He’ll be like remember when I cooked this for you – and he never did. I told him I think you are thinking of someone else.
I feel like I am getting emotionally drained and I have my own issues I have to deal with and he doesn’t encourage or help me. He just tells me I know you can handle it – you have a strong mentality.
I don’t know why this is annoying me but I feel I am being drained and want to detach and withdraw my investment of time, money and effort from him.
Please help me.
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Hi Sabrina,
I give you credit for reaching out for help. You mentioned that you have talked with your pastor, and for marriage problems, talking with a pastor or a counselor in person is the best way to handle things.
I encourage you to keep praying and asking God for wisdom on how to be a good helpmate for your husband who is struggling with things of his own.
I would encourage you also to contact your pastor again.
I know that there is a lot on your plate, but try to keep your eyes on the Lord. Cast all your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you! 1 Peter 5:7
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Spouse suffers from Destructive Anger/Cycle of Self-Sabotage Issues Need Deliverance
Message Body:
My husband and I have been married for 15 years now. Our respective trauma bonded us into this marriage covenant. We are both born again Christians and Christ followers and attending a bible base Church regularly. You may ask, if we are both professing Christians, then what’s the problem? This year 2022 has been an eye-opening for me in revealing many areas of unhealthy patterns and habits that handicap our relationship. I realized in order to move forward into the plans of GOD for my life and receive everything He has in store for me, I needed to break free from those cycles of rejection, identity crisis and trauma. My husband has been struggling with self worth, destructive anger and cycle of self-sabotage for the majority of his life unable to break free that cause strain, lack of safety in our marriage. Having been divorced prior to our marriage, he brought lots of baggage that have been a hinderance to a healthy, Christ-centered marriage relationship. Many times, due to his high sensitivity, I feel as I’m walking on egg shells around him being very cautious about what I say, how I act so that none of what I do or say will not trigger an outburst. So In May I attended my Celebrate recovery meeting at a local church.
I learned that I’m in co-dependency relationship bearing burden that are not meant to be mine to carry on behalf of my husband. I realized it’s toxic and enabling someone else not to take responsibility for their actions, accepting to be used a scapegoat, a punching bag to be blamed for the problems in the world. We have always have some communication problems not only because of our age gap, gender gap, cultural gap but also because my husband has been hard-of-hearing since birth. Left ear is completely deaf and right ear partial deaf enhanced with an hearing aid making communicating extremely challenging. I know It’s not healthy but I have hope in the power of Jesus Christ who can break every chain. I’ve had huge success, on the healing recovery process while attending CR for a few weeks that my husband decided to follow me too. We are both attending the large group on Monday nights and he has also been part of the men 12 steps group on Wednesday evening. Attending the 12 steps group has been quite overwhelming for my husband at times, because interacting with the men has triggered lots of unsolved issues. Sometimes, after the meeting he can get into a rage directed at anyone close to him. As a survival mechanism, I learned to defuse and deflate and not be at scene at that moment to protect him and myself. In longer run, this cannot be sustained, he needs freedom and deliverance and I cannot in due faith as the Daughter of the King allow someone to abuse me this way. My Pastor is aware of the situation and recommended some Christian Counseling to help my husband navigate through all his problems in the lens of Christ. My husband also needs an accountability partner and/or Sponsor who has the compassion to keep in check. Which is why I’m here, hoping you could help. Thank you for listening.
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Hi, thank you for reaching back to me. I’ve just dealt with a lot of trauma and abuse, and I have trouble coping. I have so much anxiety and it paralyzes me. Life isn’t enjoyable and I don’t feel safe. I opened my heart to Jesus Christ earlier this year, started reading scripture, and I just need wise counsel to really help me understand better and truly heal.
Hi Denise,
I can be of help to you to point you to Jesus Christ. If that interests you, simply let me know what you are dealing with, and I will help you the best I can to get you back on track.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Christian Counseling
Message Body:
Hello, I got your website information from a hotline who recommended your services. I am in need of counseling and support for depression and anxiety. Christ has been my only source of hope and peace, and I think faith-based counseling could really help. Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.
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Hi Dee,
I can relate to your situation. My wife left our home in 2005 for 2 years until she wanted to get married to someone else, then she had to get a divorce to make it legal. I say this to you because unfortunately you will still be experiencing pain for a while longer. Be strong! You need to get into a Bible believing church and surround yourself with people who care about you. Try your best NOT to dwell on your wife, but do not give up praying for her.
Be sure you eat healthy, sleep 7-8 hours per night, get some daily exercise, laugh a little, reach out to family and friends, confess any unconfessed sin in your life. Pray each morning when you wake up, read your bible daily. (Psalms and Proverbs)
I was very depressed, but I leaned on my mentor to help me through, yes it was very painful, I will not lie, but this too shall pass. God is good and He will not abandoned you, He did not abandoned me!
If you wish to email me back, feel free to do so.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, June 17, at 11:43:12 AM CDT, <> wrote:
Need Help!
Your Message
Dear Bill,
I’m a 53 year old Christian man living in Canada who loves Jesus and believe He has a calling over my life. Currently, I’m going through a painful separation from my wife of 7 years (also a Christian) as she is pursuing a divorce from me. I’m completely broken hearted and confused at the same time because I believe the marriage covenant is supposed to be for life “until death do us part!”. I tried everything I could possibly try for a reconciliation but to no avail. The most hurt was caused by our church and the so called friends who backed off from our situation and they offered no help apart from the initial couple meetings. Right now, along with a broken heart and a broken spirit, I’m dealing with loneliness as I don’t have any friends anymore. I know the enemy is keen to take me out by isolating me but I’m holding on to God’s promise and His calling over my life. Its difficult with no one to talk to and with counselling (even Christian counselling!) being out of my reach as I can’t afford it. I’m trying out different churches with community fellowship which I thought would be a good start so I can plug myself into a small group or a house group but to no avail. I stumbled upon your website and thought to reach out. Generally, I don’t let go of my hope so easily but with each passing day I’m beginning to feel a downward spiral in my life heading towards depression and I need HELP! I would greatly appreciate your help in any way as I desperately look for encouragement and hope from trusted friends who would stand with me through this painful journey. Hope to hear from you soon…Blessings in Christ!
Hi Emma,
We all struggle with relationships from time to time. If you are seeing that this happens very regularly, I would encourage you to stop and analyze common denominators that each of the friendship have in common.
- Are you possibly being too sensitive and making a mountain out of a Moe hill?
- Are you miss understanding what they are saying, kind of reading into things that they are actually not saying?
- Are you being heard or are they disrespecting you?
- Are what you are getting upset about petty or real significant?
- Are you under a lot of stress at work or school?
- When was the last time you had a doctor visit?
- Can you give me an example of one person that you have had conflict with and what was said to upset you?
Have you been taking care of your health?
- Eating healthy?
- Getting enough exercise?
- Getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Avoiding alcohol and street drugs or abusing prescription drugs?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Do you pray each morning?
- Do you read your bible each morning?
Proverbs 20:3
It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
God Bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 07:04:19 PM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
I am struggling with relationships. Not only with siblings, but with friends. Whenever something happens, whether big or small, I always get annoyed. And when it comes to friends, I struggle controlling what I say.
Thanks for the advice, Bill.
In the end, my friend Elizabeth came over and we talked it out a bit. She wasn’t purposely ignoring me. She just never checks her Instagram messages and my phone call never went through on her end for some reason.
She has nothing against me. She was excited to hear the engagement news as well.
Elizabeth does want to help with wedding planning but her vision for it and mine are quite a bit different. It’s probably just excitement but she did seem a bit controlling- telling me when I shouldn’t and should get married.
I’m going to continue to pray for the situation and ask that God lead and guide me as I continue to work things out with her.
Thank you for all the wisdom and advice you shared.
Hi Allison,
I am sorry, but I hate to side with your mom, but she is right. You need to talk to her preferably in person but at the very least to talk on the phone.
I recently had a conflict with a friend I have known for about 8 years, he refused to talk with me, I called him, and after a short talk, hung up on me. I too got tired of his antics and games, I stayed in the friendship for the sake of 2 other mutual friends. I did all I could do, I have bent over backwards for him but there is no respiration plus disrespect.
I share this with you to point out that you need to do all you can do to be friends with Elisabeth. She might slam the door on your face, but all you can do is the right thing. Start off by praying for her all week every morning when you wake up. Give her some space and pray that the Holy Spirt will work in her life and ultimately your relationship with her.
When you talk to her, do not point your finger at her, but rather, tell her in a gentle respectful way how you feel because of XYZ. Try not to get emotional, but communicate your thoughts and feeling, but also ask her a question or two to get a better understand of Elisabeth. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
I too get into conflicts, yet I do my very best to hold my tongue. Here are two scriptures I would like you to spend time thinking about.
Proverbs 20:3
It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
God bless you and I pray that you have the strength to do what is right. I would listen to your mother, she loves you and wants the best for you! I hope what I have shared has been helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
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On Friday, June 21, at 06:35:19 AM CDT, <>
Hurt by a friend
Your Message
I need some wisdom.
My childhood friend, Elizabeth, and I were really close a year ago in April. She opened up to me about a non-Christian guy who liked her at work and allowed me to be in a place to give her biblical advice and push back if needed. Long story short, she started hanging out with him every single day and ghosted me basically.
She apologized in February this year to me, saying she’s sorry and that she wants to be a better friend.
Fast forward to June, she’s back to ignoring my messages. I just got engaged to my fiancé and I want to post on socials but I haven’t yet because I don’t know how to deal with Elizabeth.
I want her to put in at least a bit of effort into our friendship.
I know as soon as she knows I’m engaged, she’ll want to have a part to play in the planning, prep and party. To me, she doesn’t deserve that.
My mom says I should go over and talk to her about it but I feel unsettled about that. I just want to post it and deal with however she acts when she sees it.
No matter what, I’m willing to forgive and make amends. I’m just tired of dealing with Elizabeth and need some wisdom.
Hi Beth,
I am sorry to hear that you are struggling at this time, but I would like to encourage you to realize that this too shall pass.
My first piece of advice to you is to pray about all things that are going on. God is not just for us only when we die, He is for us while we are alive, He loves us and gives us direction from His word the Bible.
The next piece of advice is to not bundle all your problems together. Take one at a time, get a piece of paper and brain storm all the possible things you could do or stop doing to make your situation better.
Your emotions are not your problem, it is whether you are in control of them or they are in control of you.
You need to find out who your allies are, (those who love you and want to help you).
I would encourage you to keep up with your health. Here is what I mean:
- Eat healthy.
- Avoid alcohol and drugs.
- Get regular exercise.
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
- Stop worrying, it is a sin to worry because it reflects your lack of trust in God.
- Reach out to family and friends.
- Confess to God any unconfessed sins in your life.
- Pray each morning.
- Read your bible each morning.
- Try to encourage someone else, it may sound strange, but it works to encourage yourself by doing so.
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you, if you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, June 24, at 02:29:36 PM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
Hello! I’m Beth I’m 25 years old. I’m currently struggling with everything. I’m struggling with my relationship with my family and my boyfriend. I’m struggling faincally, mentally ND physically.
Thank you for responding!
There is not much I can do as I have a protective order served against me, but in what I can do such as visitation with the children, child support etc, I try to be compassionate and caring and give the rest to god.
I was wondering if you could give me advice on the physical problem mentioned before. I am a bit ocd about this as I feel so guilty. do not want to lie to my wife or to god. Is it ever possible to have two thoughts/emotions and both be true? My wife is beautiful, she has a golden heart, a great personality and I love her deeply. I am attracted to her and miss her. I have always been faithful to her and only desire her.
But truthfully as I’ve said before I’ve also wrestled with my attraction to her at times. My wife suffers from pcos and it can cause weight gain, facial hair and began dating. I’ve never admitted this to anyone but at times I have found myself To ashamedly think “she’s ugly”. But I also see her get dressed up or smile or etc and think she’s beautiful/pretty. I’ve
Never cut down my wife’s appearance to her.
Am I wrong or lying if she ask do you think I’m ugly and I have moments I have thought this and say no? If she ask am I pretty and I say yes am I lying? I know this is a weird email.
Is it wrong if I sometimes think both but build my wife up and ignore the negative?
On Sat, Jun 29, at 11:06 AM / Bill wrote:
Hi Frank,
It sounds like you are in a very difficult situation.
First of all, I encourage you to keep praying about this and do not seek after a divorce. Do all you can do to keep the marriage alive.
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Is there anything you have not done that you can do to make things right with your wife?
Marriage counseling works best if both people are in the same room with a pastor or counselor. Via email can be of some help, but bottom line, you need to see a pastor or counselor. I would suggest starting with your pastor from your church and see how that goes.
You married your wife because you love her and planned to be with her till the end. Think back to that time in your life and pick up the pieces!
You can not control how she is going to respond to you. But you as a man can control yourself and choose not to divorce her no matter what.
God hates divorce!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, June 25, at 10:16:34 PM CDT,> wrote:
Can marriage be wrong/doomed?
Your Message
Hello I am a believer who is looking for biblically sound advice and it is a huge blessing to be able to reach out. I am very troubled on if god ever wants divorce or if a marriage can be doomed. I really would appreciate advice.
I must be honest I am sinner and I have sinned gravely. I have been physically abusive to my wife, the mother of my two babies. This caused her to file a protective order against me.
When I got the order I repented to Christ and my heart of stone became soft. I realized my life was unmanageable. I needed a shepherd and savior.
Truthfully, I do not know if I was saved before then. I prayed to Jesus and called on Jesus for years and said he was my savior but I honestly can’t say I know. But I can now.
This has caused a change in me and I want to honor God in all I do. I want to love him and love my wife and children as he loves me. Despite all odds my wife has still shown grace for me, love towards me and the ability for their to be reconciliation.
I fixate on if I disobeyed God when I married my wife and if by doing so my marriage is doomed. I have had bad anxiety and depression and knew I would be difficult to live with (I never imagined I’d be abusive though). Ashamedly I also wrestled with if I was attracted to my wife physically the way I should be. I didn’t know if god wanted me to get married then but I loved my wife deeply, thought she was the most godly woman there was and burned with lust for her.
I wrestle with if I did disobey God is my marriage doomed? Is there no hope? Is God against my marriage now because of my sin or disobedience? Did I marry the “wrong” person in doing so? I know god hates divorce and Jesus says let what god has joined together let man not separate. Did god join us together though if I went against his will? Is our marriage fake before god? If I ever have a moment of harshness in my mind about a physical attribute of my wife does it mean I was wrong to marry her?
I do not want to think like this. I love my wife deeply and think very highly of her. This separation has opened my eyes to how great she is and how Christ like her love is. She has been tendered hearted towards me even in this situation. My heart has been made soft and I want to run towards Christ and be the husband and father he called me to be. I do not want to divorce my wife or her divorce me I want to cherish her, cherish her body and love her. I want to move forward and follow Christ. Should I have these doubts?
Hi Bill
I do apologise for disappearing, it’s been a crazy few days.
Thank you for that suggestion. I will certainly try it out. Hopefully it will help me out.
Hi Siphelele,
My pastor’s wife always told me that there are many ways to skin a cat. The reason I say that is maybe you do not have to open up and share your personal information. My second thought that just came to me, is by asking you, “how do you get to know someone better?” The answer is to ask them questions. This could be asking God questions in prayer, or it also could be asking others question about why they feel a certain way about Jesus? You would not have to tell them anything, just ask them questions such as:
- How do you feel God’s presence in your life?
- What is the greatest think about Jesus to you?
- How has Jesus answered any of your prayers?
- What was the biggest problems that you know it was God that brought you through?
- How old were you when you first realized God was real and that He loves you?
These questions you can ask your close girlfriend or anyone you are close to. Hopefully their answers will spark some thoughts and feeling inside you.
Please do what I am asking you to do, and let me know how it turns out. (I am very interested in hearing how it helped you)
Thank you and God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Sunday, July 7, at 02:34:50 PM CDT, wrote:
Hi Bill
You’re right about that actually, I know Him but I don’t know Him you know? That’s why prayed about it, confessing my doubts and lack of faith. I prayed to Jesus seeking a personal encounter with Him. I asked for Him to help me experience Him in all His splendor. I still feel empty though.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at 10. At the time it was more about not going to hell than anything else. But as I grew older I realized the importance of being in fellowship with Jesus.
I’m honestly having trouble trusting anyone with this burden. The main problem is that I feel ashamed. But I do hope I get the courage to talk to a fellow believer.
My biggest problem is that ever since I read about the council of Nicaea I haven’t been the same. Also, I feel like a fraud at church, from a young age.
You’ve been so helpful honestly. I feel lighter after talking about all of this.
On Sun, 7 Jul 16:58 / Bill, wrote:
Hi Siphelele,
Thank you for sharing more about what is going on with you. My first and I think the accurate response to your situation is that you have a head knowledge, but not a heart knowledge of Jesus Christ.
There is a 18 inch gap between our heads and our hearts. That gap need for you to be grow closer rather than farther apart which is seems to be drifting.
Get back to the basics. Did you accept Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior? If not, that is the starting point. If you have, then you need fellowship with other believers and talk to them like you talk to me. Do not worry if they will judge you for being a pastors kid, you have nobody to prove anything to accept your loving father Jesus Christ.
What is the biggest problem in your mind that you have about Jesus?
Proverbs 3:5-6
I hope I can be of help to you if you wish to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
Don’t lose your head about your situation, trust me, the answers will come!
On Sunday, July 7, at 01:52:55 AM CDT, wrote:
I think it’s worth mentioning that I am pastor’s daughter. So basically I grew up in church, and I still go, faithfully so.
As for unconfessed sins, I really don’t know. I pray to God constantly to reveal to me anything that I’m doing or did and never confessed to Him about. What I know is sin, and what I read is sin, I confess and repent from.
I don’t think there’s much I don’t know about Jesus Christ (that’s in the Bible). But I’ve had this urge to reread the Gospels. Problem is I struggle to do that because I already know all the stories ( I did Religious Education at school as a subject on top of growing up reading the Bible).
These days I’ve been reading James, a chapter each day. This disconnection I feel hurts me a lot because I really do want an intimate relationship with God.
My pastor is my father and I’ve spoken to him about the disconnection. Honestly I feel like it puzzles him too. He’s actually someone I look up to spiritually.
On Sun, 7 Jul 05:07 / Bill, <> wrote:
Hi Siphelele’
It is good that you pray, do you also read your bible and go to church and fellowship with other believers?
A thought came to my mind since you are not feeling a connection with God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit, by any chance is there any unconfessed sin in your life?
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Maybe you just need to learn more about Jesus Christ?
It is okay that you tell me these things, that is what we are here for, but have you talked to your pastor or other church members?
Are you attending a church?
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Saturday, July 6, at 04:14:20 AM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
Hi. I’m a young Christian girl who is struggling with my faith. I believe in God, I talk to Him as much as possible. I also believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and would like to experience that myself one day. Problem is I’m struggling with believing in Jesus (which I guess means I’m not really Christian). I want to be His friend, and have a personal encounter with Him. But I just have too many questions and it makes it hard for me to believe. To me He’s like this distant mythical being I’ve read about. I want Him to be more and I’ve prayed about it constantly. Unfortunately I feel like it’s getting worse day by day.
Hi Marshal,
It is good that you reached out. Do you attend a church? If so having fellowship with other believers is very valuable.
For people that ask about of free Christian counseling, I ask them to let me know the biggest issue you are wrestling with and what you have done up until now to make things better. After you share, I will get back to you.
Have you been praying about your situation each morning when you wake up?
Is there any unconfessed sin in your life that you need to confess to God?
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, July 8, at 03:39:09 PM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
32 y/o male. Follower of Christ since 2014.
Looking for therapy/counseling due to life circumstances, spiritual guidance, mental clarity, accountability, etc.
Have been to counseling before but has been several years and need to get back to it.
Thanks for your response. I do not have one problem. I have a myriad of problems. I recently lost my home to foreclosure, my husband is diabetic and suffers from memory lapses and I am still recovering from a post COVID incident. Additionally, our adult granddaughter who is living with us is having some severe mental health challenges which makes it difficult for her to be left unattended at any time. Her parents have absconded from all parental responsibility. I am housebound. the things I used to love doing I cannot do many of them. I exercise at home but I missed the sunshine on my back and face. I do not always get to read my Bible everyday but I do pray everyday. i do know that that area needs some improvement. I do not physically get to go to church but I go to Church online every Sunday.I am feeling a little better now and i thank you for your words of encouragement and your suggestions.
On Wed, Jul 10, at 10:14 AM / Bill <> wrote:
Hi Roz,
It sure sounds to me at though you are panicking. You need to step back and regroup.
The first thing I suggest that you do is to pray to God not asking God to do what you want, but asking God whet He wants you to do.
There are a couple things to consider.
Are you attending a church? If so, great, plug right into them and tell them what is going on with you. If not, then here is a link to find a church.
The next question would be, do you have any unconfessed sin in your life? That could be why your prayers have not been answered in the past.
Have you been taking care of your health?
- Eat healthy?
- Are you using drugs or alcohol?
- Do you drink enough water each day?
- Get regular exercise?
- Sleep 7-8 hours per night?
- Read your bible each morning?
- Pray each morning?
- Try to help other people and not only focus on yourself?
- Do you get together with family and friends who love you?
- If you would make a gratitude list of things you are grateful for, that would help you.
If you would like to respond to my questions and tell me specifically what your main problem it, I could help you more. Let me also know what you have been doing to make things better for yourself?
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God Bless You,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, July 8, at 09:15:54 PM CDT, wrote:
Your Message
I’m hurting, I don’t know what to do, where to turn. i pray, but everything still hurts, i have been baptized but I still feel so lost, alone and forgotten. Its like if I’m carrying a giant load unseen in this world. I cannot seem to get anything done for myself. Help me to make sense of this.
Hi Raina,
I am very sorry to hear about your broken relationship. They can really hurt. I broke up with a woman 2 years ago, and I can remember the pain. But remember we have a good God who loves us more than any human being could ever love us.
I encourage you right now with some ideas to consider.
- Keep close to God.
- Keep close to your friends and family.
- Pray each morning.
- Read your bible each morning.
- Contact your pastor.
- Eat healthy foods, avoid sugar and alcohol.
- Get some exercise.
- Get 7-8 hour of sleep each night.
- Stop dwelling on your past relationship.
- Confess any unconfessed sin in your life to God 1 John 1:9
- Reach out to try to encourage some else. (that is how this website started after my ex-wife divorced me) My pastor and his wife tried to keep us together, but my ex gave up trying. My pastor so how depressed I was, and encouraged me to encourage others. That is how began in 2007.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you would like to contact me back feel free to do so.
I wrote this page 2 years ago. I made a list of 50 things for me to even consider getting involve with someone again. I think it will be of help to you too.
Keep praying to God, for understands your pain.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety of Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Wednesday, July 17, at 10:45:07 PM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
Hello, i am a Christian who has been struggling a lot, i am really in need of some support, because at this point i just want to be at home with the lord, and after a relationship break up that took place last night i know i need help and can’t put it off.
thank you
Hi Amavilia,
I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with your son’s depression and loneliness. Did you google some things that might interest him. Being along is not good for him. What about your church? Any resources there? Have you talked to your pastor?
It can be frustrating when you faithfully pray and do not see results. That is why it is called faith. Stand firm for the Lord has been answering your prayers, yet they are not answered in your way YET. Keep praying and keep faithful.
I do not know why your prayers have not been answered the way you wish, but have faith and thank God head of time for His answered prayer to you even before it comes. You are in a desert time right now, but it will be over in God’s time.
I pray for you and your son that some breakthrough will happen soon!
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
On Thursday, July 4, at 11:15:07 AM CDT, wrote:
Please pray for my son Joshua , He struggles with loneliness and depression, I also pray everyday but sometimes is hard when you don’t see an answer , please if is possible pray for me I need strength one day at time . thanks
Hi Maria,
You mentioned that you do not know how to keep your faith in the Lord, let me ask you, how did you keep your faith before your marriage dissolved?
If anything I would say that your faith would naturally grow stronger out of need for comfort, security and strength to get by from day to day. Have you talked with your pastor or anyone from church about what is going on with you?
You say that you separated from your husband, what are you doing to get the marriage back on track?
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
You also asked why your family is acting the way they are? The simple answer is that we are all sinners and we have free will to sin or not to sin.
Have you been praying for them?
Are you in contact with them at all? Did he move out completely? Is he open to talk with a marriage counselor or pastor with you in the same room?
If what I have shared has been helpful, feel free to email me back if you have any questions?
On Tuesday, July 9, at 03:07:01 PM CDT, wrote:
Hi my name is Maria and I have been a woman of God all my life. I found Christ at a very young age and he’s shown me love and light. Recently I separated from my husband for personal reasons and then I realized my son is a sinner just like his father. This is a difficult time for me and my family and I don’t know how to keep faith in the lord. I can’t trust anyone. Why is my family acting this way and how can I change everything. Thank you. I look for motivation.
Hi Wade,
First of all you need to pray!
Second of all, you need to confess to God all that you have done to make problems in your marriage.
Thirdly, you need to confess to your wife what you have done to hurt her, without rationalizing anything or putting any blame on her for your behaviors. Do not blame or attack her verbally in any way. You are going to have to learn how to love her again!
Last of all, it sounds like you need to get a marriage counselor or pastor to sit down with the two of you in person.
I pray that your wife can calm down, and that you can make things right with her by confessing your wrongs to her and be willing to change your ways.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
On Tuesday, July 16, at 01:47:49 PM CDT, wrote:
I know what I’ve done and know that God is big! My wife says she is done with our marriage and I’m not sure what to do…
Hi Jacklin,
I am sorry to hear how things are going for you right now. I encourage you to pray not only for yourself but also for others. See how you can encourage someone, who in turn will encourage you.
You need to take an inventory of things. List all the good things that are still in your life, and also make a list of “negative” things that you pray that God take out of your life. While writing your list, pray that God reveals what you need to know to help you.
I encourage you to reach out to your local Bible-believing church. It is a good place to start to get reconnected.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if so, feel free to contact me back if you have any specific questions, and keep on praying.
4 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, dear friends!
2 I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. 3 Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women since they have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Final Exhortations
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Wednesday, July 17, at 08:16:37 PM CDT,
I have suffered from many types of trauma in my life, and I have not been able to heal the trauma I have witnessed in my life. Can you offer some help? I am not doing well in this life. I have been unemployed for over 20 years–currently, my health is not allowing me to get a job. On top of that, I am not able to see any type of a doctor to help me re-gain my health. I am stressed. I am depressed. I am worried. What if I die? Then, what? I do not want to die. I do not want to self-harm. I do not want to end my life. I want to live. I want to be healthy and happy. How do I do that? I am trying to remove the stress from my life, as I make lifestyle changes. It is not easy to make lifestyle changes (given I have not been able to get a job to sustain my life in a realistic way). What can I do? Where can I go? I hope I do not self-harm, because I have no friends. I have no friends, and I do not know how to make friends. I feel isolated and alone. How can I make friends? How can I find friends that are authentic? How can I trust people, because I do not have the ability to trust anyone any longer? I do not have the ability to trust people around me. I am not able to trust people, because people are not always honest, transparent, and authentic with me. How can I trust people that are not always honest with me? I am looking for Free Christian Counseling. Are you able to offer a free counseling session? Please let me know. Thank you.
Hi Wesley,
You being a Christian, I take it that you have been praying about this situation a lot lately, right?
You sound like you are in your teens or possibly early twenties. How many girls have you dated so far in your life? I am assuming you are physically attracted to your girl friend, which is very normal, but you say that you have a lot in common.
It is right to honor your mother, but in honoring her, you can ask your mom since she is so against your friend, ask her if the three of you could sit down to discuss your mom’s concerns with your pastor (gossip she heard about your girl friend) in order to bring light to the subject. Keep in mind that your mom loves you and wants the best for you. If you do decide to talk with your mom and friend and pastor, you need to be sure you talk respectfully to your mom at all times, or simply obey what your mom is saying if this issue is going to put a wedge between you and your mom. (it would be like you want your mom to help you buy a car, and your mom says no for what ever reason) Remember that usually no mean no and there is no wiggle room.
Deuteronomy 5:16
“Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
If the accusations your mom has heard are true, you need to figure out have they been forgiven. And if they have been forgiven, are they something you are willing to carry into your possible friendship?
On the other hand, if you are living under the same roof with your mom, you need to listen to her by finding out more information.
I am just speculating since you did not say in your email all the details, is it possible that an analogy would by that your mom knows you want a car, but she wants the best car for you, and the things she has heard does not fit that situation. It would be like getting a used car with some problems compared to getting a new car with less potential problems. (if you can understand what I am trying to say?)
What has your pastor said about this situation?
Here is some information to consider before you do decide to date anyone. I wrote these ideas after breaking up with a woman about 2 years ago. Read the list and get some ideas for yourself to consider.
Making The Same Mistakes ~ And Expecting Different Results ~ Will Teach You To Look At Life In A New Way.
Here Are 50 Great Ideas To Apply To Your New Life Of Dating!
- Learn what their relationship with God means to them. Hear their testimony.
- Find out about their past, especially if they are divorced, have children, etc.
- Don’t give up your personal life and your friendships with others.
- Do not talk about marriage except initially (only to see if they are open to it someday and if that is something you want).
- Can you see them as a possible teammate?
- How important is God to them in their life?
- Don’t be misled by good looks.
- Is physical attraction the main attraction, or is spiritual, emotional, and intellectual attraction important too?
- Take enough time to get to know each other and their likes and dislikes.
- Look for Godly character and let them know you like that.
- Take a long time before you kiss; at least four months of dating or more would be wise.
- Sex before marriage is not an option.
- Don’t tell them you love them until you know it is true love.
- Are they friendly, like-minded, respectful, kind, honest, transparent, loyal, and have integrity?
- Do they generally seem to be more naturally positive or negative?
- Are they emotionally stable, generally speaking?
- Do they have any past or present addiction or issue that needs to be discussed?
- Do they have a good sense of humor?
- Do they communicate well, both listening and talking?
- Try to limit three dates per week max. Start slow; you can always increase later.
- Pay attention if they tend to argue or debate quickly.
- Enjoy your time together, hang out with one another, and try to have a purpose.
- Keep both eyes open while dating, then one eye shut if you were to get married.
- Always be the best person you can be and help improve them.
- Knowing each other brings them closer to God no matter how the relationship develops.
- Listen to them well and show love for them with your actions and kind words.
- How do they talk about others, and do they seem worthy of your trust?
- Encourage open communication and transparency.
- Keep the relationship a little private until it is more established.
- Ask a mentor, a close friend, or even a counselor or pastor for their advice when needed about your situation.
- Keep in mind that just because you are dating someone does not mean it will turn into a marriage.
- Enjoy getting to know them as a brother or sister in Christ whether or not you stay together.
- Do they act, talk, and dress appropriately?
- Be honest about why you are attracted to them and if that is substantial enough for a healthy relationship.
- Remember that you want God’s will to be done, not your will!
- Can they freely ask for forgiveness and also forgive you?
- Remember that it is okay to be single. Yet marriage can be excellent with the right person.
- What are their standards, values, and morals? Is it compatible with yours?
- Go slow emotionally; do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
- Be sure that the way you treat them is pleasing to the Lord and that your conscience is clear.
- Please pay attention to them while determining their character. Tell them what you admire about them.
- There is no such thing as a perfect girlfriend or boyfriend.
- Don’t email, text, or call too often or not enough. Ask what is comfortable for them.
- Give and take healthy space for one another. Have healthy boundaries.
- Pay attention to red flags. Talk to them calmly and nonjudgmentally, as you would want to be talked to.
- Determine if any negative trait can not be acceptable to you. Try to negotiate, if possible, or make other arrangements.
- Remember that you are not perfect, and they will not be perfect, either.
- Think of what you consider a deal breaker before you start dating someone.
- Pray about the relationship. Do not make any decisions based only on emotions.
- Ideally, wait all four seasons before getting married to know them well enough.
If what I have shared has been helpful to you and if you have any specific questions, feel free to email me back. And continue to pray about this!
God bless you!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Wednesday, July 24, at 09:51:11 PM CDT,
I’m in Love with a girl, she’s a Christian, we go to the same church, we have talked a lot and we really want a future together, but my mom does not approve her and doesn’t want me talking to her whatsoever because a that bad things other people say about her (because of her family that are not quite nice, and she’s a converted Christian), my mother judges her because of her past, she doesn’t believe that she’s a new person changed by Jesus, i really love her, but i don’t want to disobey my mom, because the Bible says i can lose my blessings if i don’t obey. the girl knows what my mother thinks about the whole situation and understands my moms opinion. I thinks its unfair for my mom to judge her because of her past, the girl is a new creature, but according to my mom she is manipulating me, which is obviously NOT the case. We want to get married the right way (no sexual relationship before marriage) and she does not make go to the wrong path, we want to do Gods will, we really love each other. The first time we started talking we really were liking one another, we have a lot in common, but it all was cut short, my mom made me stop talking to her, then 2 years had past and we kind of started talking again, none of us had a love interest for these past 2 years for someone other than for one another, we got really close, when my mom found out, she was really mad and now wants me to stop talking to her again, i cant let her go again, the second time we started talking, we realized we didn’t want have anyone else in our lives, we really live one another. What Should i do?
Hi Petru,
First of all there are more than one types of jealously. One being healthy and protective, and the other one irrational and unhealthy. I am assuming you are speaking about unhealthy jealousy. In that case you need to take it case by case. Ask yourself if you have a legitimate reason to be jealous. If so, then you need to do what is right to correct it.
If you would like to email me back to share a specific example of what you are talking about, may I can be more of help to you?
2 Corinthians 11:2
I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.
Proverbs 27:4
Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Friday, July 26, at 03:05:52 AM CDT, wrote:
How do I handle jealousy / my insecurities in my relationship…
Hi George,
I am sorry to hear of your loss of your wife. God bless you for taking good care of her all those years. I pray for the Lord to comfort and guide you during these days!
Do you have a Bible believing church you attend?
I encourage you to pray to God each morning to start your day and pray through out the day too.
Be sure you take care of your physical health.
- Eat healthy
- Exercise
- Get 7-8 hour sleep
- Spend time with family and friends
- Keep praying
- Read your bible (Psalms for comfort and strength)
- Feel your feeling, and continue to grieve. Check out…
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, July 29, at 04:01:42 AM CDT, wrote:
I lost my wife, Paulette, to cancer in February of this year, after a 12 and half year battle. We were together 32 years. I don’t really know what to say or do, I work and try to stay busy, but I know I am grieving. Please pray for me, I know I need Jesus to help me. God bless you.
Hi Charles,
I assume that Aaron is your son. If so, I would encourage you to set up some type of reward system to help him achieve these goals.
As a dad myself, I tried my best to be Firm ~ Fair ~ and Fun with my step son. It seemed to work pretty good with me.
I will pray that he can be focused and get good grades and stay away from trouble makers!
No matter what happens, always make sure he knows that you love him and want the best for him!
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, July 30, at 09:08:30 PM CDT, wrote:
Please pray for Aaron that he would not involve in bad company and also pray that he would be motivated to study his school work and finish his assignment. Please pray that he would get good marks in his physics chemistry math’s biology exams and that he would study these subjects properly and finish his assignments.
Hi Sherri,
Thank you, I am glad you like the website. My pastor and his wife encourage me to start it because I went through a ugly separation and divorce in 2007. I was extremely depressed and they told me to try to encourage others. I have been doing this since 2007. I have been told that it has been helpful to others, not to mention to help myself out of severe depression..
We offer free Christian counseling, but we ask if you could share the biggest issue in your life that you are struggling with, and what you have done un until now to make things better.
When you respond to the questions, I will get back to you as quickly as possible.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, July 29, at 09:37:31 PM CDT, wrote:
I love your website. I need encouragement.
On Friday, August 2, at 07:52:00 AM CDT, S Roberson <> wrote:
Good morning,
Thanks for the email.
My biggest struggle is taking care of everybody else and not taking care of me. I moved back home to help care for my mom and it’s taking a lot of my time away from what I want to do. I feel like she didn’t show me love growing up, along with my dad, but I am trying to do what Jesus would want me to do. It’s hard.
Thanks Bill, I will look into it.
On Fri, Aug 2, at 10:15 AM wrote:
Hi Sherri,
First of all I encourage you to keep praying about the situation that you are in.
I also encourage you to set some healthy boundaries in your life with everyone. Boundaries are not a mean or selfish thing, but rather a good thing for all involved.
Do your best and reach out for help with your parents when you need help. I took care of my mom for the last 8 years of her life, she died in 2014 at the age of 93.
Fortunately it was not that hard, since her mind was sharp and we were always best of friends.
Ephesians 6:2-3 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”
I hope what I have shared has been helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
Hi Alex,
I hope that you called the police and reported this. In the mean time, stay calm and pray that your wife will have a change of heart. There must be a reason this happened, I pray that what ever the reason is, that you can confess to God your part in the situation and ask for God’s forgiveness.
When you do get to talk to her again, make sure you stay calm and do not charge her verbally. It sounds like marriage counseling in person in the next step.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Wednesday, July 31, at 04:37:35 AM CDT, wrote:
Morning, I want to help me, my wife took my kids while I was at work. She took my kids without my consent .Last time she took all the house holds and went away, I forgave her but now she has took my kids away from me.
Thank you! I am praying my husband will be open to that! And if he isn’t that maybe they will have something for me for counseling. Yes, it was. It has been hard but i’d rather have God reform and restore a faulty foundation than to continue to live in denial about it. Praise the Lord for what He will do. May God bless you and your family as well.
Thanks so much!
Hi Ann,
Praying to God is the first line of attack. After that I would ask your pastor or get a marriage counselor to help you work through your issues.
I can only be a little bit of help, since marriage problems need to be addressed in person to get proper responses and work towards solutions.
May God bless you, I would consider this a wake up call that your marriage is not on solid ground, and you need to do something about it.
Keep praying!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, August 1, at 03:00:54 PM CDT, Ann wrote:
Thank you so much! I am dealing with some issues with my husband at the moment. We took a few days space and are back together. I’m trying to pray and listen to God and how He wants me to handle everything.
On Thu, Aug 1, at 1:20 PM / Bill wrote:
Hi Ann,
We offer free Christian counseling, but we ask if you could share what the biggest issuer in your life is right now, and what you have done so far to make things better.
After hearing back from you with your response, I will get back to you as quickly as I can.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Monday, July 29, at 03:46:35 PM CDT, wrote:
Looking for free Christian counseling thank you
Hi Morwen,
I get hundreds of email, and I thought I responded to your email already, but in case I did not, I think you hit it on the head when you mentioned that your thoughts are continuously on yourself. And you feel selfish and I don’t know what to do. I’m lonely and sad, I’m wasting my life,
I was in a similar situation when my wife divorced me in 2007, my pastor and his wife Ron and Sue Sauer, tried their best keep my marriage alive, yet my wife gave up. I was very very depressed and then Ron and Sue then needed to help me snap out of my self pity and self absorption, and depression. They told me to start to encourage other, we talked and we decided that I would start a website which is how you found me at
So my encouragement to you is the same encouragement that Pastor Ron and Sue gave me to help me to get out downward spiral. Morwen, you need to pray each day, and ask God how He can use you to encourage someone (or more than one person). The prayers of your heart desires will be answered in God’s time, not a day early or a day late. Life can be very hard sometimes, but that is why we have such a wonderful God who loves us in good times and not so good times.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
God bless you, this too shall pass…
Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Friday, August 2, at 08:18:07 PM CDT, Morwen wrote:
I really need some godly encouragement, and I don’t know where to turn. I’m in my early 20s, still living with my parents, jobless, and in a long distance relationship. I have no friends, and no desire to make friends because they always let me down. I feel totally isolated and alone. I want to do something with my life, but can’t help this awful feeling that everything is pointless. I’ve been begging God to help me. I’ve begged him to let me be married while I’m still young. I’ve begged Him to use my life somehow. And the only answer I get is to focus on Him first. I know it’s true, but I don’t know how. My thoughts are continuously on myself. I feel selfish and I don’t know what to do. I’m lonely and sad, I’m wasting my life, and hurting myself and my family because my attitude is so bad, and I know I’m not living for God, which means my future is on hold until I can fix my life. But I know I can’t fix it. I have to depend on His grace. I just don’t know how, and it’s an endless cycle. Sometimes I don’t even know if I’m a real Christian, and I wish I wasn’t born. I don’t want to die, I just wish my life didn’t feel so pointless, and I live in constant anxiety.
Please pray for me. I don’t know where to turn. Even church feels so cold…
Hi Amelia,
I read your prayer to the Lord, and it sounds like you are a little burnt out. My former pastor Dave Briscoe told me once when I was struggling with life, he said to me,
“Life is a marathon not a sprint, throttle down, or you will run out of Gas.”
I encourage you to pray about your situation more, and ask God if cutting back would be better than quitting.
I hope what I shared with you can shed some light on your situation. Keep in mind that when we help others, we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves too!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Thursday, August 1, at 08:08:10 PM CDT, wrote:
Heavenly Father I Amelia am coming to you today and will continue to come to you until I reach my goal.. Lord I have spent 32 years of my life to save others and destroyed bc of it.. I will NOT kill myself but am praying for you to tell me I have done my part come home .. Lord I need YOU please answer my prayer