How To Share Your Story?

Here is an example from my story! How you can share your story? 

Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.

Share Your Story!

When you share your story with just one person, you will experience the power of connection and witness firsthand the transformation it can bring to their lives. It is a remarkable opportunity to strengthen their faith and ignite a spark within them. By opening up about how you came to know and believe in Jesus Christ, you invite others into your journey, allowing them to glimpse God’s profound impact on your life. Through sharing your testimony, you bestow upon them a sense of hope – hope that they, too, can overcome whatever obstacles they may face.

As My Mother Used To Tell Me, “We All Have Our Own Cross To Bear” And Story To Share! Whether Battling Addiction Or Encountering Other Challenges In Life, We All Have Mountains To Climb. But With God, We Can Support One Another, And Those Mountains Can Become Conquerable Hills. So, Let Us Encourage Each Other With Our Words, Actions!

May you find encouragement through our website, and may its message inspire you to uplift yourself and spread the word among others who might benefit from these shared narratives of faith and triumph. We all have obstacles to overcome, no matter if it is with an addiction or other problems that come our way. I pray that you tell others about us. ~ Bill Greguska

Psalm 66:16  Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.



Share Your Story And Your Faith!


Share Your Story And Encourage Others!

Share your story! Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.




How to Witness And Share Your Faith?

What is a witness? A witness is called to testify before others about what he has seen, heard, or known. Paul stated that when he accepted the Lord, Ananias said to him, “For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard” (Acts 22:15).

Acts 1:8  The last words Jesus spoke before He ascended into Heaven, commanded His disciples to be witnessesBut you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The early church took this commandment literally. As a result, thousands were saved, churches were planted, and Christianity grew rapidly. The Bible teaches that we are saved to tell others. God has given His Son for each of us. Therefore, we should be anxious to tell others of this beautiful love.


Christians Do Not Need To Witness To Others?


One Of Two Ways To Witness And Encourage Others!

Sharing your story can plant seeds with other people.1.  Confess Christ to Others – Romans 10:9-10. Our salvation requires that we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. This confession is given when a believer tells others he has accepted the Lord. It is also provided by stepping forward during the invitation to a Bible-preaching church and taking a public stand for Christ.

The Second Way

2.  Witness to others to win them to Christ. In John 1:41-42, we find an excellent scriptural example of leading a soul to Christ. Andrew had come to know the Lord.  The Scripture says that Andrew’s first thing was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (Christ).  And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon, son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter).

First – He found his brother.

Second – He spoke a witness to him.

Third – “And he brought him to Jesus…” (v. 42).

This should result from witnessing: We bring others to know the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is what we call “soul-winning.” It means that we give ourselves to be used to witness so that someone else accepts the Lord Jesus Christ.





What Story Have You Been Telling Others And Yourself?

Here Are Some Helpful Links:



Overcome The Fear Of Witnessing! ~ Ray Comfort

Some Specific Scriptures To Encourage You:

Job 12:12 ESV 

Wisdom is with the aged and understanding in length of days.

Psalm 60:3 ESV 

You have made your people see hard things; you have given us wine to drink that made us stagger.

Proverbs 7:7 ESV 

And I have seen among the simple, I have perceived among the youths, a young man lacking sense,

Ephesians 5:1 ESV 

Therefore, be imitators of God as beloved children.


Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions or want to get on our email list, just let us know.


For Encouragement, Call 800-633-3446 or Chat.