Response Letters 3
Read our responses to your emails below…
Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
I believe that God has given us everything we need to live happy and fulfilling lives, but sometimes we need someone to help us see those truths more clearly.
Response Letters Are A Creative Way To Help People Who Are Seeking Answers And Guidance. I Am Humbled By The Trust That Many Of You Have Placed In Me, Despite Not Being A Professional Counselor. But, As A Born-again Christian Since 1986, My Responses Come From God’s Word And Biblical Principles Found In The Bible, Plus My Life Experiences, Through Prayer, And How God Has Comforted Me In My Life Situations!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
It’s an honor for me to be able to do that through these response letters. Whether you’re struggling with relationships, mental health issues, or just feeling lost in life, know that there is hope and healing available through faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to serve you in this way! ~ Bill Greguska
Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
If you wish to ask a question of your own, please contact us.

Hi Kayla,
My first question to you would be, “Are you praying about your situation/”
As far as your losing friends, that happens in life. Keep in mind that you can only control certain things. You can not control how others react to you. But you can do your part in figuring out how to be a good friend to others. Do not expect too much from people as a general rule. People let people down all the time. Look at the percentages of divorces in the USA.
Another thought to consider is, “Have you been taking good care of your general health?”
- Are you eating healthy?
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Are you exercising daily?
- Are you avoiding alcohol and drugs?
- Are you spending time with family and friends?
- Are you making sure you laugh a little each day?
- Are you trying to help others in any way?
- Are you praying each morning when you wake up?
- Are you reading your bible each morning, too?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
I hope the ideas I shared with you can help. Keep your eyes on the Lord, and other things that are less important will simply fade into the background.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
If you would like to email me back, please feel free to do so.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Hello! I first want to appreciate you guys for creating a wonderful website, it’s truly nice to see that there are still amazing people like you guys out here. Lately, I’ve been feeling really bad mentally, I’m losing all my friends, and I’m slowly drifting away from God and becoming envious of everyone I see.
I know this is wrong and I need to stop, but I’ve been trying to stop for over 4 months and I just can’t do it, just to hear another person motivate me would genuinely lighten up my world and mean so much knowing someone can support me. I promise I can change after this.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Shalom,
What have you tried so far to help yourself with your addiction?
What type of addiction do you have?
Have you been praying about your addiction?
I was addicted to alcohol and drugs for 10 years, but then the Lord somehow finally answered my prayers. I do not know what you are addicted to, but a page from my website can probably help you.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to share more so I can help you better.
I will be praying for you to take your addiction to God in prayer.
Bill Greguska
From: Shalom
Subject: Addiction
Message Body:
I have been struggling with this for years, and I need help.
Hi Chasity,
If you would like to communicate via email with me, that is the way we do it here at
Otherwise, you can call 800-633-3446, and someone could talk to you, although they are quite understaffed, so it might take a while actually to talk to someone.
If you want to email me back with what is on your mind, I would be more than happy to advise you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
From: Chasity
Subject: Life-Family-Doubt-Relationships
Message Body:
Hi – I was just looking to talk to someone of the same faith (Christian) because I believe in God, and I don’t want to be judged, I need just an unbiased person to talk to and, honestly, just a little guidance. I trust in God, but I just can’t help but feel like these major life choices. I want to do His will, and it’s hard to know for sure.
Hi Olufemi,
I am sorry that you have to be going through this whole thing with your wife cheating on you, and to magnify it, doing it with your best friend who works at the same place as you and your wife.
Like everything in life, I suggest that you take this to the Lord in prayer. You said your wife loves you, and she probably does. Yet, in this short email to you, things are not all going to be resolved.
Whatever ushered this sin into your wife’s life, the Lord can restore what has happened and, with HIs help, bring the two of you even closer to each other than before. Have you and your wife prayed about this? That would be my suggestion.
The next thing I would suggest is to take this to a pastor or a counselor so you can talk this over and get to the root of things. What are some things you and your wife can do to strengthen your marriage?
Another thing to do would be to set up a boundary to prevent your best friend and wife from falling into this temptation again.
I think that there is hope and determining how you deal with it. You will find success in rebuilding your trust and relationship with your wife. Since your wife has apologized has she explained what led up to her cheating on you? Have you been giving her enough attention and loving her? We are commanded to forgive one another, yet reconciliation is not commanded. Can you find it in your heart to truly forgive your wife and start to rebuild what satan has temporarily destroyed?
Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
I believe what you are going through is not easy, but other couples have gone through infidelity and come out on the good side with a healed marriage. I hope what I have shared with you has been of help. If you have any questions about what I shared and would like to email me back, please feel free to do so. I pray that you can find it in your heart to forgive your wife, and that will never happen again. Here is a page from my site that can help you guys find a Bible-believing church to attend.
May God bless you both and bring healing to your marriage,
Bill Greguska
From: Olufemi
Subject: infidelity and betrayal
Message Body:
My wife had become unhappy and grew sad in herself without talking with me about it. She ends up having extramarital affairs with my closest friend in the same worksite, all 3 of us.
I am devastated. We have tried to work things out together, but I believe she hasn’t told me all, and I caught her 2 weeks after sexting with this betrayed friend again. I am living in fair trust. She said she still loves me but is not sure. She’s not all out as before, though she apologized and promised it would not happen again. I need help am so confused.
Subject: Mental Health and Relationship with God
Message Body:
Hello there,
My name is April, and I am looking for a free Christian counselor who can help me conquer and overcome a lot of the heaviness in my heart. Can you please help me?
Hi April,
I am glad that you reached out. Whatever you are going through, God already knows, and the best thing for you to do is reach out to God in prayer. Sometimes we need to pray about something over and over. It is not that God does not hear us, but He wants us to come to Him for our answers to our problems.
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
I am not a professional counselor, but I have been a Christian for over 35 years. During those years, I have experienced divorce, depression, anxiety, and much heaviness, as it sounds like you are going through. I would love to point you to Jesus and His word in the Bible if you are interested.
Otherwise, there is a one-time free professional counselor that you can try by going to…
But if you would like to share a bit of your burden, it would be an honor to listen and try to help you.
Here is a page from my website that I think will be of help to you.
Also, here is another page from my site I think will be of help to you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
Ephesians 6:10-18
Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Subject: fearful
Message Body:
I am caring for my mother, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
Hi Germaine,
I am very sorry to hear of your mother’s cancer diagnosis. I pray that God gives you strength and wisdom to be able to take good care of her. I took care of my mom for the last 8 years of her life, she lived to be 93 years old, yet she did not have cancer. But keep in mind that a cancer diagnosis nowadays is not as bad of a thing compared to years ago with all the medical information available to help.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I hope that you keep close to God in prayer and through his word in the Bible. He will be able to give you the strength and wisdom that you need.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
If what I have shared with you has been helpful, please email me back if you have more to say or have any questions.
God bless you for taking care of your mom!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Job difficulties and conflicting advice
Message Body:
I am ready for some help to sort through all the conflicting advice I have been receiving about my job difficulties… I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Jan,
I would not be able to give you a really good answer to your question because I do not know how bad your epilepsy is. I have been a caregiver for many years, and to know a caregiver is not as intense of a position as, let’s say, a nurse or a doctor. My gut tells me that if you have your heart set on being a caregiver, go through the proper channels and see what they tell you. If worse came to worse, and you did have a seizure, do they come up real quick? If so, that is different than if you would get signs that indicate a seizure was coming.
Again, the best people to ask this question are the people hiring you as a caregiver (the company).
In the meantime, pray about it and see what God is prompting you to do.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If so, and you have any more questions, feel free to email me back.
God bless you and keep your eyes on the Lord,
Bill Greguska
Well, here’s one that threw me for a loop… An aunt of mine who knows I love caregiving n was encouraging me to get schooling to be a certified caregiver. When I told her I was strongly thinking of it, she said, “You need to consider this from all angles. With your epilepsy ( it’s reasonably controlled), you could have a seizure harm a patient get sued, and get yourself in such a deep hole financially. You’d never get back out.”
I knew she had a point about the possibility of a seizure… So I talked to my family doctor and asked her if I was unwise to be considering schooling for caregiving. Her thought was as long as I set some boundaries for myself, I could do it.
Did I handle this wisely?
Hi Janet,
If you wish to share what conflicting advice you have been given, I can give you my opinion based on what God’s word says. Before you even tell me what is going on, my main advice is to take your concerns to God in prayer. He knows what you need exactly!
I look forward to hearing from you. God bless you!
Bill Greguska
That is good encouragement, Bill. I have been trying to do that, and it is amazing how it helps.
Subject: Depressed and feeling alone
Message Body:
Hi. I’m a born-again Christian, 53, feeling depressed and alone.
Hi Awilda,
I am sorry to hear you seem depressed, I can offer you a few suggestions, but if you are truly depressed and suicidal, you need to contact a medical doctor. But if you are down and sad, then here is a list of things to consider.
Here are some basic ideas to consider as to why you might be not feeling well:
- Have you been praying to God each day, asking God for help?
- Have you been reading your Bible?
- Are you getting enough exercise?
- Are you eating healthy and avoiding junk?
- Are you drinking enough water?
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Is there any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Is there anyone you need to ask forgiveness for?
- Is there anyone you need to forgive?
- Have you been feeling sorry for yourself?
- Have you been laughing very much lately?
- Have you been socially connected?
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
A good video on the link below can help you figure out whether you are depressed or feel great sadness.
If you wrote down 10 things that you are grateful to God for, you would begin to feel much better. I get “depressed” sometimes too, but since I experienced real depression in high school and a broken marriage, I have learned that depression feelings are usually just feelings of sadness, or physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual tired burnt out temporarily.
But if you think you are truly depressed, consider getting professional help. Antidepressants can be helpful discretion is needed to determine if you are only experiencing sadness, so I would try first to read the list above and see if that helps. If you feel suicidal, then get help right away. Here is a good page with information to help if you are feeling suicidal. or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) right away.
If what I have shared has been helpful to you, please feel free to email me back if you have any questions about what I mentioned or have more you would like to share.
Bill Greguska
God made it very simple and clear for us…
He gave us two basic things to remember!
Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Subject: Studying
I need someone to help me advice about reading the Bible Study at home for the year 2021. I am interested in studying the Bible to do it alone.
Are there any more topics, etc., that l would like to learn?
Hi Keturah,
I am happy you reached out to us. I do have a couple of suggestions for you. The first one is when you read the Bible, do not read it like you would read the newspaper, first pray before you read and ask God to reveal to you what He wants you to know.
By the way, I got your other email saying you have a deaf disability and you suffer mild anxiety. Have you been praying your deafness that God opens your eyes even wider to compensate? Also, remember to pray about your anxiety.
Below are a couple of links that I think you will benefit from my website.
Bible Topic Links
- Bible Codes
- Bible Contradictions
- Bible Contradictions
- Bible Contradictions Video
- Bible Manuscripts
- Bible Manuscripts Video*
- Bible Origin
- Bible Origin Video
- Bible Prophecies Fulfilled
- Bible Prophecy
- Bible Prophecy
- Bible Translations
- Bible Translations
- Bible Truth Video
- Bible Truth
- Biblical Archaeology
- Biblical Inspiration
- Biblical Prophecy
- Bible and Gender
- Bible Concordance
- Bible Facts
- Bible Facts Video
- Bible Help
- Bible Help Video
- Bible Questions
- Bible Questions Video
- Bible Reading Plan
- Bible Scripture
- Bible Scripture Video
- Bible Stories for Kids
- Bible Verses
- Bible Verses on Love
- Bible Verses on Love Video
If what I have shared with you has been of help, feel free to email me back if you have more to say or question anything I have shared.
I pray that the links and website pages will be beneficial to you!
2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Marriage to an unbeliever
Message Body:
Hi, I’ve tried to reassure myself and pray about this situation. Still, I have been feeling very convicted lately, and I honestly don’t know if it’s my mind or if the devil is taking advantage of my vulnerability. I went through a phase in my life where I still prayed to God but didn’t listen to what He had to say, and I didn’t live in a very godly manner. I didn’t have the desire to go to church or do things the right way. I eventually ended up marrying my husband, who isn’t a believer. I had repented for doing so because I didn’t realize how bad it was to marry an unbeliever. I thought that I could marry whoever and live my life the way I please while still calling myself a Christian, but then I realized that was foolish. I just feel as if my marriage won’t be blessed and that I’m doomed in a way if I stay. I had read 1 Corinthians 7 and keep feeling that it doesn’t apply to me because I was a “Christian” when I married my husband, and it’s been hindering my growth lately.
Hi Angel,
I am glad you reached out to share your situation. I encourage you to keep praying and asking God for wisdom. You may never have thought of it, but it made me think about the opportunity you have to share the Gospel with your husband when I read your email.
I would guess that he has had some church experience, maybe with some wrong teaching, but since you are a Christian, I would strongly encourage you to pray to God for opportunities to share the Gospel with him in small doses. I will pray for this to happen for the two of you. Keep in mind that you are married until death do your part and that God hates divorce.
It sounds like you read the scripture that talks about those who are believers sanctifying the unbeliever. It may be a big order, but we have a big God, and the believer needs to help point the unbelieving partner to the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
You have your work cut out for you, do not look for a way out. I say this because I know what it is like. I was married for 8 years, and my wife moved out with my stepson in 2005, I refused to divorce her. This lasted 2 long years, but I know I did the right thing, just like you will do the right thing.
If what I have shared has been helpful and if you have any questions about what I said, feel free to email me back.
God bless you, and I pray He opens and closes the right doors in your life. I am sure you will do what God calls for you to do.
Bill Greguska
I appreciate your words of encouragement! I’m starting to feel a lot better about my situation and will make it a priority to trust in God’s faithfulness and pray for my husband.
Thank you again!
Hi Angel,
It sounds like you want to do what is right, yet that does not always mean it will be easy. Set your mind on doing God’s will in your marriage, and you will discover that He will give you the wisdom and strength to honor God in your marriage.
In addition, you might ask your girlfriends (who know your husband to pray for you guys and have their husbands come alongside your husband to encourage his walk with the Lord).
Right now in your life, consider your marriage your highest priority besides that of your relationship with God. Focus on how you talk to your husband, how you respond to him, how you cook for your husband, and how you submit to him (even though he is a pre-believer.)
You need to not only pray for your husband and marriage. You need to be the best wife you can be! No matter if he is disrespectful, or rude, or arrogant, or uncaring, or could care less right now about his faith or eternity.
I pray that you not only hear what I am sharing with you, but I also pray that whatever the Lord prompts you to do, that you do it. In a way, you are in a battle, but we know that the victory is in the Lord!!! Even if worst comes to worst, and your husband does not change or divorces you, you know that you did all that you could do in your heart of hearts, so just stand!
No matter what happens in the future, you will be fine if you honor the Lord Jesus, which is a promise from God. If there is anything (sin) on your part that needs to be confessed, please do so, and repent from it. I know that marriage can be like a battleground, But all God instructs you to do in the marriage relationship is to do your part, and let God deal with your husband the way He wants to.
Again, that is why I stood firm and did not give up on my marriage, and God has blessed me for being obedient to His word.
You will be fine, just one day at a time, and trust God and carry on…
Bill Greguska
Thank you for your response. It was really helpful. Hearing other people say otherwise is what has been making me feel so convicted lately. I had recently read about the mass divorce in the book of Ezra. I understand that was because the Israelites were well aware that God had commanded them not to because they would turn away from Him. And I believe I’m scared because although I didn’t know how bad it was out of ignorance God wouldn’t forgive me until I took the same action. Following the guidelines from 1 Corinthians gives me more peace, but I’m still anxious that God isn’t pleased for some reason.
Hi Lane,
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I read your email yesterday, but I wanted to think more about how to reply to you. I hope you have been praying about this and asking the Lord for His wisdom in dealing with your daughter and her situation. I have a similar situation with my 36-year-old daughter. She does not attend church, lives with her boyfriend, and does not want me to talk to her or my 2 grandchildren about God, Jesus, the Bible, scriptures, or anything. I have tried to love her for being my daughter, but her ways have gotten further and further from God. It is a difficult situation. She has chosen to ignore me for the past 9 months. Yes, it hurts very badly, but I still need to live my life and honor God’s word in the Bible., I am not saying that I have the ultimate right answer, but if your daughter, I am assuming, is Christian, then the marriage would be unevenly yoked. If I were you, I would sit your daughter down and explain the ramifications of her decision to fall in love with the Muslim man.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
Let’s look at this together logically. These are just random ideas for you to consider in making your own decision.
- You need to keep this in prayer until the Lord prompts you to know what to do and what not to do.
- You need to figure out how much this bothers you and figure out who you are trying to honor, whether your daughter or God.
- You need to prepare your heart that your daughter will choose her boyfriend, and if so, what would you do?
- You could write her and her boyfriend a letter expressing your concerns. If you do not do that, would you go along with it once they are married or not?
- You could plan a long talk with your daughter alone, listen to her, and be very honest with her.
- You could ask probing questions such as if they have children, what faith would they be?
- You could ask more questions about the boyfriend.
- You could share your thoughts and feelings about this whole thing, not worrying about what her response will be.
- You could share your thoughts and feelings about this whole thing, being very careful and respectful about her feelings about this man.
- You could tell her you want nothing to do with the marriage at all, which might sever your relationship with her. Keep calm, and try to use tact. If she loves him, you might just have lost your daughter.
Joshua 24:15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Luke 12:51-53 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on, there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two, and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
This is not an easy situation, but take it to the Lord and pray and He will give you the wisdom you need and find peace in your decision. I think you know pretty much what you will do. I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back, and I will try to point you to the Lord, not necessarily to your daughter. You did your job to raise her. She is now an adult, she can choose what she wants to do, but she can not choose the consequences of her choice. Hold your daughter in an open palm. This may help you concerning your daughter since Abraham was tested, and now you, Lane, are being tested. It would help if you had faith and trust like Abraham as it is written in:
Genesis 22:1-13 Abraham Tested 22 Sometime later, God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he replied.
2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
3 Early the next morning, Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. 4 On the third day, Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while the boy and I go over there. We will worship, and then we will come back to you.”
6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, 7 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?”
“Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.
“The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
8 Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.
9 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11 But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he replied.
12 “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”
13 Abraham looked up, and there in a thicket, he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son.
The last thing you wrote to me sums things up pretty clearly of what you are facing. Pray about it, and I trust that the Lord will direct your path.
HELP! I don’t want to lose a relationship with my daughter, but I can’t compromise my beliefs.
I pray that the Lord separates your daughter in His way and that you have faith to follow the Lord always, even in a difficult situation like this!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
From: Lane
Subject: Daughter marrying a Muslim
Message Body:
My daughter has told me she is in love with and wants to marry a Muslim man. His father is a devout practicing Muslim. I cannot find guidance anywhere on how I should handle this. She knows I am opposed but is persistent in having me meet him. I am afraid that just by meeting him, she will take that as my approval and acceptance. I also do not want to pay for a wedding since I disapprove. She has told me there would be 2 weddings….one per culture. It is plain that one side of the family will always be left out of gatherings, and it will most likely be me. I am also afraid that her children will be Muslim since everything I read says the children will take after the father. HELP! I don’t want to lose a relationship with my daughter, but I can’t compromise my beliefs.
Subject: Need Encouragement
Message Body:
Hi. I am a second-year medical student, and I feel so empty. I am not motivated to do tasks and activities, and I am always tired even if I have not done anything. I feel like I am wasting time and my parents’ money because whatever I am doing, I am always failing, like in my quizzes and school tasks. I feel like I am always not enough.
Hi Allen,
You are very welcome. I am sure that your parents love you, and would want the best for you.
Keep in mind that you can not go wrong by doing God’s will!
Bill Greguska
Thank you so much for responding. I am moved by your words, and I will seek answers to my questions for now. Thank you so much, Allen.
Hi Allen,
I am glad you reached out to us. I read your email yesterday, but I wanted to think and pray about it before responding to you. The first thing is, have you been praying to God about your situation? If not, that is where I suggest that you start.
Keep in mind that my purpose is to encourage you, NOT to discourage you. I think that you need to reevaluate your schooling to make sure that you are on the right track in the first place. Not everyone is meant to be in the medical field, and since you are struggling so much, you need to look at this a little closer. Yes, your parents are paying the bill for you, but if God does not intend for you to be a medical person, then all the money in the world will not change that fact.
You must pray about your situation, then if the Lord is leading you to continue in school, do it with all your heart. Make sure you take care of your health by getting enough sleep, proper exercise, and diet. But if the Lord makes it clear to you to go into a different field, then so be it.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Maybe a way of looking at it that might help is the analogy that someone like you could love basketball or football more than anything. Still, if God did not intend for you to play in the NBA or NFL (even if your parents and you all wanted that), then it is time to look elsewhere without any shame.
My older brother Tom started college with his plan in mind but changed his major to be a pharmacist after the first or second year, and the Lord blessed him for almost 40 years as a pharmacist. Remember, not every shoe fits, but you are following God’s path. You are on the right path, then keep trudging through.
Make sure you are trying to please God and do His will, rather than trying to please yourself and your parents. Again, I am not trying to discourage you, but I am trying to encourage you to reevaluate things with prayer for at least a week or even more. God knows what is going on with you, and you just need to know what is going on with God and His plan for you.
I pray that God will speak to you clearly and quickly to know whether to proceed in your medical field or get into a new situation. If what I have shared has been helpful, please email me back if you have anything else you think you need to tell me or if you have any questions about what I said.
God bless you as you seek His will for your life.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Just need someone to talk to.
Message Body:
I just need someone to talk to. I have a lot going on. I have trust issues. Been hurt so much in my life. It’s hard. I have a hard time talking to men. I just need someone who will listen and talk to me.
Good Morning Ramona,
Please feel free to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with sharing. I have been a Born Again Christian since 1986, and I am sure I can help point you to the love of Jesus Christ so you can experience it too. You can simply respond to this email if you wish to communicate.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
I pray that you find the love of the Lord as you pray and seek after Him. I pray that He makes Himself real to you guides you, and comforts you!
You can also chat with someone through this link if you prefer.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Feeling hopeless and helpless
Message Body:
Not long ago, I came home from abroad where I had work. I feel exhausted mentally, spiritually, emotionally. I have time to rest now, but the feeling of exhaustion doesn’t disappear. I have to take care of certain people now too. I do not have enough strength to take care of myself and those people. No one can help me. I don’t know what to do. I feel helpless and hopeless.
Hi Tetyana,
I am glad you decided to reach out for help. My first thought was to suggest that you make an appointment with your doctor or go to a clinic for a physical check-up without telling me more.
It is not easy to diagnose what is best for you to do via email. I can ask you a few questions that can open up your mind to some things that you might not be doing in your best interest or some things that you ought not to do. Here is the short reminder checklist.
- Have you been praying about your exhaustion?
- Have you been in communication with friends and family during this COVID time?
- Have you been doing some exercises each day?
- Have you been eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water in comparison to your weight?
- Have you been sleeping 7-8 hours per night?
- Have you been avoiding alcohol and street drugs?
- Have you chosen not to forgive someone who has done you wrong? Unforgiveness Matthew 6:15
- Have you been trusting in God or relying on your strength?
- Have you been enjoying laughter lately?
- Have you been entertaining any unconfessed sin that needs to be confessed to God?
Tetyana, if what I have shared with you has been helpful, please feel free to email me back if you want to share more or have any questions.
I pray right now that God touches your life and restores you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally to function the way you need to. I also pray that you go over the list I shared with you one more time, slowly and prayerfully asking God to speak to you and your needs.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
24-hour Encouragement Helpline 414-299-8550
Subject: My heart hurts.
Message Body:
I’ve been struggling to know if my emotions have been from the lord or if it’s a fresh feeling. I have been so very emotional every day, and I can’t tell if it’s several things piling up or if the lord wants a breakthrough for me. I’ve been struggling so hard with feeling helpless and sad. Angry. I just feel broken. But there are other days when I just remember I need to stop and pray and think. But I have a tough time doing so. I oftentimes forget to stop and pray or even thank God for what he has given me. I’m currently under quarantine, and I feel very anxious. I can’t get out and see people and have an interaction like I typically do regularly. I work with kids and haven’t seen them in quite a while. I truly feel just drained, and I don’t know what to think about it. Where it’s coming from. If it’s an overwhelming feeling from the lord trying to get a breakthrough from me or if it’s my flesh tearing away at myself. Please help.
Hi Abigayle,
I am glad that you reached out for some help. I hope what I share with you can be practical and helpful to you! The first thing I suggest is to keep praying even if it seems useless. You need to trust that God loves you and has a purpose for your life.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Here are a few practical things I would like for you to consider:
- Pray each morning and read some scriptures, and pray at night, too, not to mention keep the Lord in your thoughts all day.
- Make sure you are eating healthy foods, and avoid sugar, alcohol, and junk food. Be sure to drink plenty of water too.
- Get some exercise each day, even if it is only going for a walk.
- Make sure you get to sleep at a decent time and get 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Get on the phone and call a couple of friends.
- Clean and organize your home. You will feel better if your place looks nice.
- Make a list of all the things that you are thankful for.
I hope what I have shared with you has been of help to you. If so, please feel free to email me back and share more or ask any questions you may have.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I pray that you can realize that you are just going through a valley or call it a darker time in your life. It too shall pass.
May God bless you as you walk close to Him.
Bill Greguska
Psalm 23:1-6A psalm of David.
The Lord is my shepherd. I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Subject: Dealing with a stressful person
Message Body:
A relative has a bad attitude. He thinks he knows the Lord as I do. He is short-tempered. He has little respect for me. I’ve told him to stop heavy drinking. He wastes money on the lottery and liquor. He thinks I should pay more rent. I pay enough. He is not patient with me.
I need out of this abusive situation, my parents are no longer around to talk to the relatives.
I’ve been trying to cope, but I hope the Lord brings me safer places to live.
Hi Matt,
I would suggest that you still work things out to make sure you are not making an impulsive decision. Plan a time and sit down like two mature men and talk things out. You might want to cooperate with your brother since, as they say, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”
If your brother is habitually abusing you verbally or physically, that is one thing, but if you just have some sibling rivalry, then without knowing the whole story, my first choice (after you pray about this for at least a week) would be to consider how much he is asking you more for rent and weigh things out. It sounds like your brother is going through some stress of his own, and he might need your help.
Try to work things out, do your very best, and then if nothing gets any better. You might need to see how expensive it would be to move out.
Weigh it out, and pray it out.
Bill Greguska
Well, my brother is greedy, and he agreed I pay a certain amount monthly. I’ve been disabled and unable to work for some time. But I am trying for some light jobs.
Some think it’s best to get my place and have tried to work things out. Another person said the Lord could end relationships. So maybe that’s what this is.
I’m trying to use my head, but so many struggles in this life and inconveniences.
Hi Matt,
I am very sorry to hear that you are going through this with your relative. Are you willing to do what it takes to work things out? Have you prayed about this situation?
Prayer would be the first thing I would suggest that you do. If you have prayed and opened God’s word about this, what is the Lord encouraging you should do? I can imagine that it is hard to be living under the same roof with him having a temper, so you will need to decide what you are willing to put up with and what you are not willing to put up with.
Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.
If this has been something that has been going on for a while, you might want to ask him to schedule a time that the two of you can talk these things over with him together.
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
If the two of you can not work things out, maybe it would be prudent to find somewhere else to live. There are usually two sides to every story. Have you been paying your rent on time each month? Have you been keeping your part of the agreement?
It depends on how badly you want to stay at your place. If you think it might be a good idea to move on, then I would suggest talking about that when the two of you have your scheduled meeting.
Maybe this negative situation might work out, but then again, it might not, and you would need to find someplace else to live. No matter what happens, use the brains that God has given you and make the best of this situation. I pray that you take my suggestions to heart and act on them wisely. If you decide to move out, make sure you have a plan and give one month’s notice. Here is a link that can be of help to you if you decide to move.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
I don’t think my relative is content with what he has and is miserable. I do continue to pray Lord leads me to a safer, saner atmosphere.
Hi Matt,
One additional piece of advice for you is no matter what you choose to do (stay and work it out, or leave), I strongly encourage you to keep your emotional cool and not let your frustration and anger get the best of you. Make that your goal, and I am sure that all things will work out for you.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Keep in mind that coronavirus has affected all of us to some degree, have some compassion on your relative and pray for him. Keep your cool and trust in God. Things will work out!
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Adult child issue
Message Body:
Hello, my wife and I have been married for 22 years now and have 5 daughters. We have been a practicing Christian family all our lives. The oldest daughter left home 2yrs ago at age 20 and moved in with her non-Christian boyfriend after 9 months of dating. We disapproved. After long talks and biblical advice, our daughter wanted to do things her way, not The Lord’s way. She barely speaks to us and acts like we don’t matter. She listens to the Advice of her friends and not ours. She says we should be chasing after her if we want a relationship with her. My wife is under the impression of chasing her, and I don’t like that idea. We’ve given her time and space, and nothing is changing. I believe she’s content with not having parents in her life right now. This crushes my wife deeply. My wife has chased after her to be in her life, but I can’t stand it because our daughter still treats her the same. No respect and barely shows any kind of love or care. So as of today, we are in limbo, and I’m looking for another person’s advice. Thank you.
Hi Chris,
It is wise that you have reached out to gain a different perspective since you seem to be frustrated. Chris, you have struck a nerve with me, and I hope what I share with you can be of help! Having adult children can be a huge challenge sometimes. I have a daughter myself who is 36 years old, and she too has done things that I know without a doubt do not please the Lord. (if we are honest, I am sure we did some things that did not honor God too when we were our kids’ age, right?). I would like to ask you how much you have been praying about your situation. I believe that is where you will get your best advice through prayer and reading the scriptures.
My daughter moved in with her boyfriend, the boyfriend even had enough respect to ask for my blessing, yet I had to tell him I disagreed because the Bible is against such a thing. Even though I did not like what they did, my love for my daughter did not stop me from loving her even in her sin, that is what Jesus did for us, and we need to do for others.
I made it clear, sharing a letter to them with scriptures to back what I knew was right. They have been living together for two years and have included me in their gatherings, and she talks to me via text and phone a lot. Have you reached out to her and invited her and her boyfriend over to your house? (you do not have to condone their behavior, just like Jesus did not condone ours, but He loved us anyway) that is what I hope you do with your daughter. Please swallow your pride, and love her where she is at. Hopefully, if what she learned in your Christian family and church resurfaces, she will come to her senses.
Here is a link from my website with my daughter on it. I think that would be good for you to see.
I can understand your pain, frustration, and the feeling of just throwing in the towel. I have been there myself! But you need to continue to pray, and do not give up on your daughter!!! If you believe it or not, Satan influences your daughter, and your daughter needs your guidance now more than possibly ever! I have been there with my adult daughter. Please trust that I know what I am talking about. Being 22, she is still a child even though she wants to be treated like an adult.
Get it out of your mind that this will all be resolved in the coming week (it could), but believe me, it will most likely take longer than a week. She is your daughter, and you can not give up on her!!! I think that your wife’s heart is in the right place, but her thinking is a little off. I tend to agree with your wife, BUT I would not use the word “chase” after her, but rather I would use the words “reach out and be available.”
On the other hand, if your daughter is as rebellious as you claim her to be, then you need to guard your other daughters against her influence. All this is accomplished through Jesus, prayer, scriptures, and other Christian influences in your life. But with what you wrote to me, I know that L O V E is the answer no matter what!
Here are a few things to ask yourselves concerning your daughter:
- How is your relationship with your wife during this time?
- When you pray about this, what do you believe God wants you to do?
- What is your ultimate goal for your daughter? A relationship with you guys or God?
- What does your ideal relationship with your daughter look like in your mind?
- What is the minimum of a relationship you are willing to accept?
- Have you been making time for you and your wife to have date nights to refresh each other?
- What does your pastor say about this situation?
- What would you do if your daughter did not talk to you for a year or more?
- Have you talked with your other daughters, explaining to them that you love your oldest daughter, even though she is rebellious?
- Are you willing to call your daughter today to talk superficially to keep the door of communication open? (no confrontation!!!)
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I pray that the love of the Lord can be in both you and your wife during this time, and I also pray that the Lord softens your daughter’s heart and that she can come to her senses like a prodigal daughter.
The way you handle your daughter, will I believe, affect the other four daughters you have. If what I have shared with you has been helpful, please email me back if you have more to say or have any questions.
May the Lord bless you and your wife and the entire family! This scripture is my prayer for you and your wife and daughter!!! It can happen. It happened with my daughter and me!
Luke 15:17-24
17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!
18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and you.
19 I am no longer worthy of being called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’
20 So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.
21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and you. I am no longer worthy of being called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.
24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Bibles
Message Body:
Hi, I am asking if you all can help me out with some bibles to bless some people in Sierra Leone. Please can I get an answer soon?
Hi Marlene,
I have a connection to get you a free Bible, but the problem is that they only deliver in the USA. The only way I can think of is to contact
directly and see if they can help you. Their phone number is 888-551-0102
I am sorry we could not be of more help to you. I pray that they might be able to help you when you contact them.
Subject: Self/mental sin
Message Body:
Good night. I am a 25-year-old female. I have a problem that I have been trying to correct on my own for some years now. However, I am always experiencing relapse on my journey of change. Since I was around 14 years old, I have always had an issue with consistent arousal. I knew, however, that I was going through puberty, and it would get over. By the time I reached 18, it had gotten worse to the point where I’d be in class trying to focus with no success, something I experienced a spontaneous orgasm in class sometimes in the taxi home. I am now 25 years old, and it has not gotten any better for me, I am so tired of living like this. Please help. Thank you.
Hi Monique,
I am glad that you reached out for help. Have you been praying about this situation of yours? That would be my first suggestion.
After that, you might want to confide in your doctor. Maybe they could suggest something to help you.
Another thing you might want to look into would be to analyze if something triggers you when you get aroused.
Do you have a pastor or church you attend? That would be a good place to find support.
The last thing I can think of would be to find yourself an accountability partner to help you.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Monique, if what I have shared has been of help to you, I pray that you apply these things to your life and ask God to do good work in you. Do not give up. God can do more than you can imagine.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Keep praying, or if you have not been praying, start praying right now!
God Bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Prayers needed.”
Thank you for your response. I am struggling right now. My blood pressure went high for several days, 178/111, so I did call my doctor. He added a second medication. I’m trying to eat but have a hard time swallowing now. I know it is all in my head. I’m still not sleeping, but I’m trying. I got more sleep today than I have in days.
I am trying to act the same toward my husband. We eat together and talk. I hug and kiss him like I usually would. I tell him I love him as usual. He does not say he loves me as he used to, and it kills me.
He is under a lot of stress. Yes, I guess I add to it. I am the kind of person who “vents” about their stressful day at work or our grown children. After venting, I feel better. On the other hand, my husband keeps everything inside until it gets to a bad boiling point, and he resorts to attempting suicide or leaving me. I know I’m not perfect, and I have things to work on, but I know deep down all the awful things he said to me aren’t true, although I hear those words in my head constantly.
I want my marriage to work!! And I love my husband with all my heart. I will do anything to save my marriage. My one friend says to be mean and show him what life is like without me. I can’t – I love him too much.
I am not sure how to go on each day. My stomach is always hurting. I pray many times a day. I wish I still had a home church, but my husband would not attend.
I’m sorry to babble. It does feel good having a person to talk to.
Please continue to pray for my husband, myself, and our marriage. I do love my husband, and I want to grow old with him.
Thank you for “listening.”
Good Morning Kelly,
I am glad that it helps to talk about this; at the same time, I need to let you know that your marriage situation will probably take some time to heal, and it needs some intervention of some sort. It is good to share your thoughts and feelings, but your husband is not getting support from anyone, such as a pastor or counselor. Your efforts might take longer than expected.
In the meantime, you take good care of yourself. Please go over the list I wrote to you in ways that can be of help to you. Do not lose heart, and if anything, without giving up on your husband, temporarily consider lowering your expectations of him and, at the same time, guard your heart.
Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
I pray that in this situation you are in God uses it for his glory and your good and that you can not focus so much on your husband, but rather focus on our Lord Jesus and His will for you. Also, I pray that you can reach out to at least one or even two Christian women friends who can encourage you and point you to the Lord today.
I also pray that you do NOT dwell on your marriage problems ALL day, but rather, set aside an hour or so to pray and talk to someone about these things. (there is a battle going on in your mind, and it is from Satan himself trying to kill, steal, and destroy you). Put on your armor of Christ to extinguish the fiery arrows that Satan is shooting at you. James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.!
Make today a good day. Walk with the Lord!!!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Finding a church family, issues with ladies, and participating in an online, interactive Bible Study group
Message Body:
I would normally give you and everybody else my whole life history and what I had for breakfast in a window like this, but I’ll spare you that! My main issues (which I think should only be addressed by free, professional counselors like yourselves) are the following points. I can’t afford other professionals:
1. I’m 45 years old, single, and not involved with a lady at the moment, though I would like to marry a lady one day. I have also been diagnosed with high-functioning autism.
2. I’ve been in the Palm Springs, CA area (zip code 92276) for almost a year, having left South Africa but am struggling to find a good church family to attend. I’ve tried Desert Springs Church, JPL Church, and even the Southwest mega-church but haven’t been comfortable with any of them. I know COVID-19 has many places shut down right now, but my issues go further than just not having face-to-face contact with people.
2. I try to keep close to God every day and even tried – with only temporary success – praying The Lord’s Prayer every morning. This problem is made worse by what I explained in point 1 – I’m not part of a church family, and I have no accountability partner to contact daily.
3. My job as a sanitizing clerk at the front door of Bristol Farms is conducive to me meeting my future wife, as many ladies who are supposedly my age go in and out. However, whether or not they’re Christian ladies, I don’t know if it’s because of my autism that I can’t detect if they’re flirting with me or if they are not flirting with me. Why, then, do I read about so many ladies running to their mothers, crying that they can’t get a boyfriend and think there’s something wrong with them? They should notice a good Christian guy when they see one – ME!
4. I think it’s disgusting how I’ve witnessed so many ladies walking around in public in these skin-tight pants and low-cut tops to leave “it” all hanging out. They might as well take everything off! Needless to say, I’m so aroused I take the first opportunity to go home and relieve myself in my locked bedroom – you get the idea. Who are these girls trying to impress or attract? They won’t attract good Christian men like me – that’s for sure! Also, how is it that girls fall in love with guys who appear to have come off the street, haven’t had a shower for years, and have incredibly long dreadlocks??!!
5. One more point, and then I think that’s it. Further to point 4, talking about relieving myself in my private, locked bedroom, I navigate Internet porn and watch things that I know would displease God. I don’t regard it as an addiction, but I only seem to go to it when I’ve fallen off “the straight and narrow.” During the days I was close to God and praying the Lord’s Prayer every morning, Internet porn went straight out the window. But when I forgot to do this for even one or two days, I acted really “un-Christian” and returned to the porn. Therefore, I do need a daily accountability partner.
I have other questions concerning ladies, but I’ll bring them up when you reply to this. Thanks for your professional help, and God Bless!
Hi Roy,
If you are looking for free one-time professional counseling, you can go to since I am not the professional counselor that you seem to have in mind.
But if you would like me to help you, email me back. I will get back to you as soon as I can. I have been a Christian for 35 years, and I could point you to God.
Lust can be a very powerful thing, but God can start to heal you if you pray about it. Here are a couple of pages from my website that can be of help to you.
Proverbs 6:25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.
Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Here is a link to help you find a Bible-believing church to attend.
Feel free to get back to me if you want any more help.
God bless you as you seek Him out each day!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Marriage problems
Message Body:
I am married, and my wife doesn’t respect me. You left me twice. She’s back because her name is on the lease. She has every right, and I want a divorce. I want to move on and find somebody else who is seeking God’s Kingdom.
Hi Edwin,
I have no problem at all believing that your wife has been disrespectful to you at times. Keep in mind that the fastest way to reconcile your differences with her is not to point out her disrespect of you, BUT rather take an inventory of how you have fallen short in areas of your marriage and be willing to admit to her what they are, and what your plan to do about it. That will soften her somewhat disrespectful heart more than you pointing your finger at her. Make sure you allow her to vent her frustration with you. There is no easy way to avoid that, and it needs to be brought out into the open.
Be a man and listen closely to what she says. If she says something true, agree with her. If she says something questionable, ask her to explain herself. If she says something untruthful, do not argue with her but ask her to explain your point of view. Having different points of view is not a bad thing. It only becomes bad when you dig in and start to argue and call each other names. It would be helpful to have a pastor or counselor guide you through your conversation, but if you invite the Lord to your conversation, that should also work. No matter how you do it, you ask for trouble without the Lord leading the two of you. Forgive your wife right now for being disrespectful, and let her know how you have forgiven her and want reconciliation with her.
Then after doing what I suggested, I can almost guarantee that your wife’s heart will soften to some degree, and she might even admit her faults with you. But until you, as the leader of your family, can admit your faults, there is very little chance that reconciliation will happen. So, bottom line, sit down with God, write on paper a list of a few things where you admit you have not been the best husband to her, and then, set a time aside to share your list with her and tell her with your own words where you have fallen short and why you want to continue to work on your marriage. Keep praying through all of this even when things are better. I can only imagine your spiritual life went down the drain sometime in the past, and there is no time to bring it back to life!
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Edwin, I pray that God leads you to humble yourself and confess your shortcomings to your wife and that God starts working in your marriage again and, as a result, the two of you will reconcile your marriage will be better than it ever has. Been!
Bill Greguska
Yes, it helped a lot, and I thank you for reaching out. All I can do is pray and let God be in control of my marriage. If it doesn’t go the way it should, she should leave or file a divorce. All I could do was try God bless you, thank you, Jesus, people who care like yourself.
Hi Edwin,
I am glad that you have reached out to us. You seem to be very hurt and agitated by what you call a lack of respect from your wife. I, too, have had marital problems, and my pastor Ron and his wife Sue Sauer listened to my complaint that my wife did not respect me either. I am going to mention that since you say that you “want to move on and find somebody else who is seeking God’s Kingdom.” but since you are a Godly man, you need to know that being disrespected is not grounds for biblical divorce.
First of all, I encourage you to pray about this each morning when you wake up. Also, I encourage you to ask God what He wants you to do. I know God hates divorce and only allowed it because of the people’s hardened hearts. Are you aware of this too?
Then I would ask your pastor to interview between the two of you or see a counter. That would be good too.
Think back and remember why you wanted to marry your wife in the first place. If you think that dumping her and getting a so-called “better wife,” you are not thinking. Divorce is the pulling apart of one flesh into two, and there will be scars and baggage that you will bring into another marriage with someone with their baggage. Be wise and try to calm down, forgive your wife, get the help you and her need, and pull this marriage back together.
Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Believe me, when I tell you that I did all I could humanly do to keep the marriage alive, my wife too had some ways about her that rubbed me wrong, but we must not look at their faults. We need to admit our shortcomings. My wife moved out for two years before she finally divorced me, my pastor and his wife advised me not to give up, and I did not. To this day, I am so glad I did not divorce her because, as a Christian, it would have been an unbiblical divorce just like yours would have been.
1 Peter 3:7 Husbands, in the same way, be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
I encourage you to take my advice and be a man and humble yourself to your wife, and if by chance her heart is hardened, let her be the one who divorces you. That way, you know in your heart that you honored God and can walk free. BUT LET’S DO ALL YOU CAN DO TO KEEP YOUR MARRIAGE ALIVE!
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
If what I have shared with you has been helpful, please feel free to email me back if you would like to discuss this any more with me. Please feel free to email me back. In the meantime, I want you to humble yourself before God and then humble yourself before your wife. I pray that what I have shared has struck a chord with you, and you will now have a new outlook through God’s eyes, and things will start to pull back slowly with your wife.
May God bless you, my friend,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Faith struggles
Message Body:
Hi, my name is Lola, and I got saved…I went through doubts about God’s existence and unbelief, and it was the worst, but God rescued me actually, and delivered me from that situation…but what I’m struggling with is thoughts. Now these thoughts are driving me crazy that come to twist the truth of scripture. I don’t even know how to explain them, but these are the ugliest thoughts you could ever think of…and it’s put me in a difficult place ..for example, I was reading about how Jesus said that seek first the kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given into you, and then a thought came saying “He said that to lure the people “and other thoughts it is so horrible…I cried. I asked for forgiveness and mercy ..but I still feel so horrible…I’m this girl who found so much joy in Christ, and right now, I am broken…I don’t know if this is God’s discipline, but it hurts so bad. and I don’t feel like a Christian anymore.
I feel horrible…unworthy, not that I was worthy in the first place…I don’t want to be an unbeliever, and that’s the fear plaguing me because of these thoughts. I just want to surrender and live for God, but I’m going through this suffering is horrible. I’m trying to apply the lessons I learned from my experience. But it’s hard. And the thing is, I’m plagued with thoughts ..telling me things like you’re not a Christian and stuff like that, and well, it’s horrible. I don’t want to live without God, and I find myself in a position where I’m confused and broken…I don’t know what to do. And I just need help…I’m lost. I need God right now or at least some practical advice. Thank you.
Hi Lola,
I am glad that you have reached out. It sounds like you are having some struggles in your life right now temporarily. I say temporarily because this too shall pass. You know that Satan attacks us in many ways. One major way is through our minds. It sounds like he is tempting you by twisting God’s truth to get at you and harm you. Knowing this, you are not a victim. You are an overcomer because of what Jesus Christ has done for you.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself that hopefully will give you some help and direction.
- Have you asked God in prayer for Him to get these twisted thoughts out of your head?
- What have you been feeding your mind lately? (Good things or bad things)
- Are you praying and reading your Bible each morning when you get up?
- Are you drinking or using drugs?
- Are you watching a lot of TV or scary movies?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Are you eating healthy?
- Do you drink enough water?
- Do you get exercise?
- Do you get 7-8 hours of sleep?
You mentioned that you don’t feel like a Christian anymore. Being a Christian is not about “feelings.” It is about a relationship with God based on His Word from the Bible. Do you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus came to this world to save you from your sins and that He died for your sins? That determines whether you are a Christian, not whether you “feel” you are a Christian.
If what I have shared has been helpful to you, please email me back if you have any questions about what I have shared.
Ephesians 6:10-16Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
God bless you, and may He guard your heart and mind with His truth.
Bill Greguska
Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Prayers needed
Message Body:
My husband, who I’ve been with for 31 years, told me he wants a divorce and does not want to try to work it out. I had no clue as I thought I was the luckiest gal to have such a perfect marriage and husband. He tried to commit suicide a couple of years ago, and I’m afraid he is having a breakdown. I love him with everything I have. I want him to stay. I’m heartbroken. I’m not sure how I’ll go on. Please pray for us.
Hi Kelly,
I am so glad you have reached out for help. This must be very hard on you. I am so sorry to hear what is going on in your life with your husband.
I would suggest that you stay calm and pray for your husband and wisdom to deal with what is going on. Let’s hope and pray that he said what he did out of frustration with his own life. I pray that he comes to his senses through the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit. Keep calm and trust in God!
Is your husband a believer in Jesus Christ? You may want to share with him some scripture if the timing is right, but be careful not to provoke him into anger. He is going through a lot right now, and you are correct in asking for prayer. What can your church do to help you guys? Maybe the pastor could organize some intervention for your husband?
Does your husband see a physiatrist or take medication? It sounds like he is somewhat fragile right now, so you might not want to engage in debate or emotional upheaval with him. Does he have a best friend that you can reach out to help your husband get reeled back in? Keep in mind that guys, in general, do not talk as openly about problems as women do.
Besides prayer and common sense. I suggest that you take care of your health (and encourage your husband to do the same without pressuring him). By taking care of your health, I noticed this email was Sent: at 3:51 am, which tells me you are not understandably not sleeping well.
Kelly, here are a few practical suggestions to help you get by this coming week and month.
- Keep praying. Keep trusting in God!
- Reach out to your Christian friends for fellowship and support.
- Also, contact your pastor.
- Invite God to be your refuge and strength. Psalm 46:1
- Don’t debate with your husband. Vent your feelings with a girlfriend or someone like our ministry, possibly a doctor too.
- Try not to take on more during this time. Keep your life as simple as possible. Be good to yourself.
- Make sure you try to keep your life somewhat “normal” as far as possible. Be wise with your schedule.
- Eat healthy food. Keep away from sugar and overeating.
- Get some exercise and go for walks along to pray to God or with a friend to talk about things.
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep, avoid caffeine, and ensure you are adequately hydrated with water.
If what I have shared with you has been helpful and you would like to talk more, please email me back. In the meantime, I pray that you take good care of yourself and ask God for wisdom, His wisdom, like in James 1:5. Also, cast all your anxiety on Jesus because He cares for you more than you realize.
Stay calm and trust in the Lord,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: I need help concerning my life
Message Body:
I am a girl who lives with her parents, but the problem is my parents can’t provide me with everything, and I understand it’s not their fault. I always pray for a better future, but it becomes more difficult each day. I need help!
Hi Rongai,
Have you prayed about your situation? Often we try to solve all our problems in our strength. It is not bad that you want to find a solution, but it is important to go to God, the creator of this universe, first before we take things into our own hands.
I am assuming that you are from Africa with a name like Rongai.
Have you considered being content with what they can provide and helping them in any way you can?
1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
How about other relatives or friends that can be of help to you?
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
If what I have shared has been helpful to you, please email me back if you have any other concerns. In the meantime, I will pray for you that you can find God’s peace and provision enough for you at this present time.
God bless you, and may He direct your steps,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Pregnant and unmarried
Message Body:
Hey. I don’t know if you are interested in reading this, but I’m pregnant and need some guidance.
Hi Nichole,
I am glad that you have reached out to us. You made an excellent decision to seek some guidance. I hope you have parents who can support you, but if not, there are many useful Christian resources that I can point you to to find some help.
But before anything, the first place to go is to God in prayer, acknowledging that the baby in your stomach is a gift from Him, no matter how the baby was conceived. Thank God for this gift of your child, even though you did not plan it in this way. God knew, and He loves you and your baby more than you can imagine.
Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
If you wish to share some details, I could be of more help to you. To get Christian support, I would need to know what city you are in. That would be a great start.
You have a very precious gift inside of you from God, do not ever forget that! Please feel free to email me back, so I can see how I can help you. I am praying for you that you can trust in God during this trying time. Nichole, you and your baby will make it through. Part of it is to lean on the Lord more than ever, for He is the one who will see you through. I hope what I have shared has been of help to you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Thank you for getting back to me! 🙂
And thank you for your prayers. It’s these prayers that get me by when I’m at my lowest.
Well, I became a follower of Christ 4 years ago. I am turning 22 this year. I had been faithfully keeping myself for marriage but made the mistake of dating someone who said I was Christian but had no intention of remaining pure till marriage. One night we ended fornication, and I regretted it. That led to our break up because I informed him that I was not interested in having premarital sex again and became distant which was the primary reason for our break up. Nevertheless, he tried to force me to have an abortion, but I didn’t want to. (I am graduating with a B honors in economics this April). I intended to do my master’s this year but had to put that aside for a little while. Of course, I told my parents, and they were greatly disappointed. I plan on going back to school next year mid 2022. The baby would be almost a year by then. Most importantly, I did ask God for forgiveness, and I try to work my relationship with Him day by day. I wanted to talk to a fellow believer going through the same thing because I have no one around me who’s pregnant. My Christian friends and Bible study leaders have no idea, and I’m terrified to tell them and don’t think I ever will since I’m far away from them. I love this baby with all my heart and am excited about Their arrival. Thank you for listening to me! God bless you.
Hi Nichole,
It is excellent to hear back from you. I want to let you know that I am so delighted to hear that you are a Christian. It sounds like you are on the right track by what you are saying in your email. Although you said, you are scared to tell your Christian friends and Bible study leaders. If you feel afraid to share it with them, I trust you have others to share with.
Your support system is something I am a little concerned about for you since you did not mention it. It would be best if you had people in your corner because without support. I am assuming that your parents will be of support to you. Your Christian friends will know eventually, but if they are true friends, they will want to help you through prayer and any other way they can. I encourage you to tell at least the ones that you are the closest with.
Jarrett, a friend of mine from the church I attend, is in a ministry with many resources to help pregnant women like you. If you wish to tell me what city you are in, I can relay that information to Jarrett, and he can share the resources he knows about to help you. I am not trying to pressure you at all, but I am trying to help you. It would be helpful to know what city are you in to help set you up with some resources. If you are not comfortable telling me, I can understand.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
In the meantime, here are a few things for you to consider doing:
- Keep close to God
- Thank God for your baby
- Read your Bible each day for at least 10-20 minutes or more.
- Pray and thank God for everything.
- Identify those people and resources that will help you.
- Have good communication with your parents
- Make a doctor’s appointment if you have not already.
- Consider taking prenatal vitamins.
- Eat healthily
- Drink enough water
- Get 7-8 hours sleep
- Do not smoke or be around smokers.
- Do not use drugs except medication from your doctor.
- Keep active and exercise according to your doctor’s orders.
- Enjoy the things you enjoy doing.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Nichole, please let me know how I can be of help to you. I pray that the Lord gives you clear direction and surrounds you with people who can help you and your baby. I hope to hear back from you.
Bill Greguska
Hi Nicole,
I reached out to my friend Jerrett from my church, and he got back to me and mentioned that there might be some resources available to you in South Africa.
Would you like to know more?
I will continue to keep you and your baby in my prayers.
Luke 18:1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
Bill Greguska
That sounds great. Yes, Bill, I’d like to know more.
Hi Nichole,
When my friend Jerrett gets back to me, I will let you know what he says.
In the meantime, take good care of yourself and your health. Keep trusting that God has your life in His Hands!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
Thank you, Bill! I appreciate it so much!
I’ll hear from you. Thank you once again
Bill, we do have a family whose family supports us as missionaries in South Africa. I am not sure where they are stationed, but I can find out for you.
Let me know.
I would love to be a resource for you.
Hi Jerrett,
Nicole responded and told me where she lives, but unfortunately, I am unsure what can help her besides prayer. Do you have any connections in South Africa?
I have gotten other emails in the past, like Nicholes. If I get someone from the United States, I will share it with you, okay? I would like to have you as a resource for other emails from pregnant women that I receive.
Thanks and God bless you!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Re: struggling with porn
Message Body:
Hi, I need help. I am a Christian last struggling with porn.
Hi Kui,
It is good that you realize that porn is giving you trouble. The first step for you to take is to go to God in prayer and confess to Him your sin.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness and ask Him to take away the desire we are struggling with. You will not find much success on your own, but with God, all things are possible.
Understand that your temptation is not from God but Satan himself. Prayer and accountability are two things you need to practice.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Listed are a few pages from my website that I am sure will be of help to you.
Check them out, and if you need any more assistance, please email me back with any questions you may have.
Pages to help you in general
Pages specifically about pornography
I hope that what I have shared has been of some help to you. I pray that the Lord gives you freedom from your struggle real soon and that you have the patience and strength to endure this struggle until it turns into a victory. There is hope for you when you call on the Lord!
Psalm 116:3-5 The cords of death entangled me. The anguish of the grave came over me; I was overcome by distress and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the Lord: “Lord, save me!” The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
May God bless you, and I pray that God gives you the wisdom and strength you need!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
I need to talk about the conflict in my head and heart between the world and God.
Hi Ade,
I am glad you contacted us; feel free to let us know the conflict in your head and heart between the world and God. Have you taken your concern to God in prayer or looked up anything in the Bible about your situation? Maybe that will shed some light if you have already tried.
Feel free to email us, as we only counsel via email.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Need help
Message Body:
I’m a spiritually inclined person, but I’m battling with masturbation. I guess I need counseling because I’ve tried countless times to stop, but it keeps overshadowing me. I’ve prayed and prayed, but I keep falling into that urge.
Also, I find myself trying to fall into sex that I have been avoiding since childhood. I get warnings from God and the people around me not to fall. Praying to God has been helping.
But I need HELP.
I don’t want to fail.
Hi Ayo,
I am glad that you reached out for some help. You say that you are a “spiritually inclined person” (I never heard that expression before). It sounds to me that your faith is not strong at this point. A word of advice can be found by reading what it says in Revelation 3:16. So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
It seems that if you put your focus on Jesus Christ, your enthusiasm for spiritual things would increase, and your relationship with God would improve too, which would help you fight this temptation you are wrestling with. You may think you are fighting only a physical battle, but you are also fighting a spiritual battle that can only be won by humbly asking God to break these chains.
First, I would suggest that you take time with God in prayer and ask him to give you the strength you need to avoid your temptations and walk more closely with God!
Here are a couple of links that I think will be of help to you:
I hope what I have shared with you has been of help to you. If so, feel free to email me back if you have more to say or have any questions.
I pray that you will ask God, who gives generously, and He will help you break the habit of being held captive!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: need someone to push me
Message Body:
I need someone to push me to work harder and study better. Someone who could send me messages and remind me of my work can do the same and vice versa.
Best Regards
Masoud Makian
Good morning Makian,
I am glad you reached out for some encouragement. My first thought is to ask you if you have prayed to God to ask Him for His help.
After you pray about your situation, you will greatly benefit from making an itemized list of the possible things that distract you or hinder you from your goal of working harder and studying better. Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
What do you think is holding you back from doing your best?
Do you have a close friend or pastor who can help keep you accountable? I could put you on our mailing list. We usually send out one or two encouraging emails per week that can also help you!
As you approach God, I pray that He will give you the wisdom you are looking for. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
If what I have shared with you has been helpful, feel free to contact us back.
May God bless you and draw Himself more closely to you,
Bill Greguska
Hi Ropah,
I am glad you have reached out for help. What have you tried to do to help yourself up until now?
Have you prayed about your pornography problem?
Here are a couple of pages you can look to for help.
- Pornography
- Pornography Or Purity
- Victory Over Pornography
- Accountability Partner
- Addiction
- Examine Your Life
- How To Live Right?
Proverbs 6:25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.
I am praying that you take some steps to help yourself. Praying is the best place to start.
If what I have shared has been a help to you, please email me if you have any questions.
May God bless you and give you wisdom, hope, and strength!
Bill Greguska
Re: “Stress from Work”
Hi Justine,
I am delighted that you have reached out to us. My first thought was to ask you if you have prayed about your situation. If not, that is the place to begin!
With work, there is usually always some stress involved. It will help determine whether you are doing the right things to minimize unnecessary stress and resolve workplace problems.
- Have you prayed about your situation?
- Have you reported your problem to your supervisor?
- Have you determined how much you enjoy your job compared to how much stress you are experiencing? (pros and cons)
- Have you brainstormed ideas on how to reduce stress at work?
- Have you tried things to make things better at work with no success?
- Have you thought that your job might not be the right place of employment for you?
- If you have done all you can to relieve the stress and problems at work, it might be wise to look elsewhere for your employment. You will know after you pray about it and ask God what you ought to do. You need first to resolve your problems, yet finding new work might be a good option.
I hope what I have shared has been helpful to you. If it has, and you have more questions, feel free to email us back. (I am sorry, but we only use email, not the phone, to help others.
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
I will be praying for you, and I hope you also pray for yourself as well.
God bless you and He may give you wisdom and peace!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Anxiety
Message Body:
I am a Christian and am praying that God will deliver me. It makes me depressed I need encouragement to get me through.
Hi Elizabeth,
Well, I am glad to hear two things that you shared with me. One is that you are a Christian, and two is that you are praying. I am sure you realize that just because we are Christian does not automatically give us a free pass from all pain, suffering, anxiety, or problems in this world.
Ephesians 6:12-14 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.
My suggestion to you, sister Elisabeth, is to keep your eyes on Jesus, not the waves, keep praying, and get into your Bible and realize your strength comes from the Lord! Find someone in your church to help you; maybe your pastor or other Christian friends can be of help to you. Keep your health strong by eating correctly, getting enough exercise, enough sleep, and guarding your heart.
Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
If what I have shared has been helpful to you, please email me if you have anything else we can help you with.
My God bless you and deliver you from your anxieties and depression.
Elisabeth, keep the faith! It is always darkest before the dawn!
Bill Greguska
Thank you for your message, God bless you.
Hi Issaka,
I am glad that you have reached out for more information. I think this information will be helpful to you to know more about God and what He has done for us through His love!
The Romans’s Road to Salvation is a way of explaining the good news of salvation using verses from the Book of Romans. It is a simple yet powerful method of explaining why we need salvation, how God provided salvation, how we can receive salvation, and what are the results of salvation.
The first verse on the Romans Road to salvation is Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” We have all sinned. We have all done things that are displeasing to God. There is no one who is innocent. Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives. The second Scripture on the Romans Road to salvation, Romans 6:23, teaches us about the consequences of sin – “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The punishment that we have earned for our sins is death. Not just physical death, but eternal death!
The third verse on the Romans Road to salvation picks up where Romans 6:23 left off, “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:8 declares, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus Christ died for us! Jesus’ death paid for the price of our sins. Jesus’ resurrection proves that God accepted Jesus’ death as the payment for our sins.
The fourth stop on the Romans Road to salvation is Romans 10:9, “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Because of Jesus’ death on our behalf, all we have to do is believe in Him, trusting His death as the payment for our sins – and we will be saved! Romans 10:13 says it again, “for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins and rescue us from eternal death. Salvation, the forgiveness of sins, is available to anyone who will trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
The final aspect of the Romans Road to salvation is the results of salvation. Romans 5:1 has this wonderful message, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Through Jesus Christ, we can have a relationship of peace with God. Romans 8:1 teaches us, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Because of Jesus’ death on our behalf, we will never be condemned for our sins. Finally, we have this precious promise of God from Romans 8:38-39, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Would you like to follow the Roman’s Road to salvation? If so, here is a simple prayer you can pray to God. Saying this prayer is a way to declare to God that you are relying on Jesus Christ for your salvation. The words themselves will not save you. Only faith in Jesus Christ can provide salvation! “God, I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him, I could be forgiven. With your help, I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness – the gift of eternal life! Amen!”
I hope this helps you understand better about God a little better. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back.
Bill Greguska
I want to be a true Christian, what should I do.
Hi Issaka,
I am following up on the email from February 19th, and I am praying that your desire to know God has been growing and you have been learning more and more. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me back. Otherwise, may God bless you and keep you strong!
Bill Greguska
Hi Issaka,
You are very welcome. Praise God! Now try to apply those things that I have shared with you that have helped you!
Have a blessed day, and enjoy your fellowship in church this morning.
Bill Greguska
Where is your trust?
Proverbs 29:25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
Am also happy about your advice, am really happy.
Hi Issaka,
I am glad that I could have been of some help to you. I send out emails maybe once or twice a week at the most. I encourage you to pray each morning for a few minutes, read your Bible at least 5 minutes a day, and work yourself up to more in the future. We need to be connected to the source of our strength!
God bless you and keep your eyes on the Lord.
Bill Greguska
I need your message more send it to me
Am also thank you for your encouragement God bless you wherever you are.
Hi Issaka,
Thank you for your compliment. I try to stick to what God’s word says the best I can and, at the same time, be able to have others understand what is being said.
I did not understand what your question was, or if you just wanted to comment on my website.
But if you want to know God better, it is not that hard to do. Here are a few simple suggestions for you:
- Pray each morning and throughout the day when you feel a need to.
- Read your Bible at least for 5 minutes each morning and work your way up to 15-30 minutes at some point.
- Find a good Bible-believing church and get involved.
- Confess any sins that you have not confessed to God yet.
- Forgive anyone who has done you wrong. Resentments are not godly.
- Take care of your physical body, eat healthy, sleep 7-8 hours per night, and get some exercise.
- Make sure you enjoy some laughter each day.
- Help someone who needs your help.
If you have any questions about what I have shared, feel free to email me back. In the meantime, stay close to God, for in doing so, you will get to know God more and more each day!
Bill Greguska
Hi Robert,
Now that is a wonderful attitude!
I am so happy to hear!!! Praise God!
Keep up the good work!!! / Bill Greguska
I commit to starting every day fresh.
Hi Rachel,
I just came across a 90-second mini-sermon from Adrian Rogers that might bring some light to your situation.
Bill Greguska
Hi Rachel,
The most important thing for you to do is get right with God. Run to God and ask for His help! James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Rachel, do you believe what it says in James 4:7?
If you still plan to go to counseling be sure you take charge of what you need and want to talk about. Otherwise, you will possibly be wasting your time and money like you did last year. I am not against counseling by any means, but the counseling should be Christian, or who knows what you will hear? Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
As far as your past, can you do anything to change it??? Then since you can not, and you have done all you can do to make things the best possible, then do what my older brother Tom told me when my wife divorced me. He said, “Bill, you have done all you can do, so now just turn the page.” You need to do the same and get on with your life. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
I sent this list to you before, please take time to consider these ideas to help you. Remember that everything is not spiritual or emotional based, some things can be physical, and that is why I shared this list with you. They are indicators of why other things in life seem to be messed up.
- Make sure you get enough exercise. Even walking is helpful.
- Make sure you eat healthy food and avoid junk food as much as possible.
- Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
- Make sure you drink enough water each day.
- Make sure you take time to laugh. Sometimes we forget that.
- Make sure you forgive anyone who has done you wrong.
- Make sure you ask for forgiveness from anyone you have done wrong to.
One very important thing I want you to do for me (for yourself) is to take five minutes right now after you read this email and ask God, “What do you want me to do Lord?” And then sit there in your chair quietly and think about what God wants you to do. I pray that you will hear from God and you will be prompted in your spirit in a way that is clear and simple for you to understand. Remember God loves you and has a plan for your life. When you hear from God in prayer, or when you read His word, take it to heart and do whatever He prompts you to do!!!
By the way, is there any unconfessed sin in your life right now? If so, that might be why you are having a spiritual disconnect. Think about it and if so, get right with God right now.
We are all sinners and since you are a Christian, your sins are covered by Jesus’ blood, but if you do not confess your sins to the one who died for you, that might be where you could be struggling.
1 John 1:8-10 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
I hope what I shared has been of help and encouragement to you!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Hello again!
I am worried that therapy won’t help me in the way I need it to because of the secular ways. I tried therapy last year and I got the feeling you described in the last email. The person wasn’t sincerely helping me.
For a while, I was listening to anything I could find about God and depression. I like to listen to Joyce Meyer’s podcasts. She hits home for me with a lot of the issues she speaks about.
I feel as though I have no drive to do anything and that includes speaking to God. I do feel bad but I still haven’t done anything about it. I don’t know what I need really. I’m having a hard time getting over the shame and disappointment I feel for myself from past experiences. I hate the hold that I feel the devil has on me.
Thank you for keeping me in your prayers.
I think that the peace I feel comes from those like you who are praying for me when I can’t do it myself.
Hi Rachel,
It is good to hear that you are doing a little better, thank God for that, and savor the victory instead of just getting on with life.
It is very obvious to me that you love the Lord, or you would not be thinking about him as much as you are. Faith in God can be an intimidating thing, but it does not have to be. Try to keep it simple as a child would do.
Matthew 18:3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Rachel, I hope the therapy you are going to start will be of help to you. I hope the counseling can point you toward the Lord instead of secular psychology. There can be some help in secular psychology, you need to have God direct your path. Get what you can, but be sure the person is not just helping you for their financial gain. You will know what I am referring to. Do not get me wrong, I am glad you are going for therapy, I pray that it helps you get over some of the issues you are dealing with.
Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.
God bless you, and I pray for your success!
Bill Greguska
Hi Bill
Thank you for checking in on me. I appreciate you doing that. I haven’t been doing well but I would say I am better than I was I guess. I honestly stopped praying because I didn’t feel that I was heard. I was having a hard time figuring out how to have a relationship with God and I gave up. It’s very intimidating to me. I am supposed to start therapy again today but I don’t have much hope for it. I am worried it will be another letdown and add to my stress. The last time I attempted therapy I felt judged and misunderstood by my therapist.
I think about God every day but I just don’t know what to do about it. I feel more and more alone. Maybe I am just too far gone? I wish I could answer your question as to what I need but I don’t even know what I need. Sorry to be so depressing.
I hope you have a great day!
Hi Rachel,
I pray that the Lord has answered your prayers and you are in a better place than you were back in April when you contacted me.
I wanted to follow up with you to see how things are going now. Please let me know if you need anything else.
God bless you and may He give you strength and peace!
Bill Greguska
Hi Rachel,
It is good to hear that you are doing a little better, thank God for that, and savor the victory instead of just getting on with life.
It is very obvious to me that you love the Lord, or you would not be thinking about him as much as you are. Faith in God can be an intimidating thing, but it does not have to be. Try to keep it simple as a child would do.
Matthew 18:3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Rachel, I hope the therapy you are going to start will be of help to you. I hope the counseling can point you toward the Lord instead of secular psychology. There can be some help in secular psychology, you need to have God direct your path. Get what you can, but be sure the person is not just helping you for their financial gain. You will know what I am referring to. Do not get me wrong, I am glad you are going for therapy, I pray that it helps you get over some of the issues you are dealing with.
Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.
God bless you, and I pray for your success!
Bill Greguska
Hi Bill
Thank you for checking in on me. I appreciate you doing that. I haven’t been doing well but I would say I am better than I was I guess. I honestly stopped praying because I didn’t feel that I was heard. I was having a hard time figuring out how to have a relationship with God and I gave up. It’s very intimidating to me. I am supposed to start therapy again today but I don’t have much hope for it. I am worried it will be another letdown and add to my stress. The last time I attempted therapy I felt judged and misunderstood by my therapist.
I think about God every day but I just don’t know what to do about it. I feel more and more alone. Maybe I am just too far gone? I wish I could answer your question as to what I need but I don’t even know what I need. Sorry to be so depressing.
I hope you have a great day!
Hi Dudu,
I am glad you have reached out for advice.
I highlighted something that made me very curious. What word are you referring to that said that he is the one for you?
If he is lying to you now, you might be in for more lies!!! If you were my daughter, I would advise you to get to know him and test his character more before you emotionally get all involved in him so that he does to break your heart.
I would advise you to sit down in some quiet place and simply ask God what He wants you to do.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Broken heart
Message Body:
I have been dreaming about this guy, the word says that he is the one for me. We dated and separated because of distance. The last time when I talked to him, he said he had a kid that was born last year in October. I don’t know if he is lying or not. Last year he lied and said he had a kid and I found out that he was lying again he said he has one and people don’t know he only told me. I don’t know what to do. And I am so heartbroken, it hurts so bad. I don’t know what to do, I can’t even pray about it… because the tears are just falling please help me.
Hi Kristen,
There is a scripture that I thought of while reading your email.
Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
There is also an expression that says, “The squeaky wheel gets the most oil.” I remind you to first reach out to God, then reach out to others. Keep in mind that people can and will let you down, but God and his word will never let you down. Keep reaching out, we are all social creatures, and we need one another to be healthy. Do NOT BE AFRAID to speak up for yourself!
Take some calculated risks with people at work and your church.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Hi Bill,
Thank you so much for your response, it helps more than you know. I don’t know anyone where I live here in Colorado, mostly just work and come home and have been reaching out to my mom in AZ for support. Please agree with me God will bring a friend into my life. I’m very shy, so attending church alone is very hard for me. Even sitting alone while my spouse was on stage with the worship team was hard for me. I’m going to read your prayer link now. I will also assist those whom I can who come across my path. Again, thank you. Even though I can’t see you I feel a lot less alone knowing that you are there.
Hi Kristen,
I am glad that you have reached out. Believe it or not, I know almost exactly what you must be feeling. My ex-wife moved out in 2005, and it devastated me tremendously. Even though I had a couple of close Christian friends to help support me emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, I took it very hard and even had some panic attacks. It felt as though I was going to die. Long story short, that is how started in 2007 when my Pastor Ron Sauer and his wife Sue encouraged me to stop focusing on myself and my problems, so they encouraged me to encourage others. That is how this ministry came about.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Right now, you are in a storm, but this storm will not last forever, while you are in it, you need to go to God and humble yourself in prayer, asking the Lord for wisdom, strength, and healing. If it is any consultation, this crisis will help develop you into an even stronger version of who you are.
Romans 5:3-5Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If you have any questions about what I said or need to discuss your situation more, please email me back. I pray that you take this burden to God where it belongs,
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
I pray that you trust in the Lord more than ever now and have faith that God will open and close the right doors according to His will.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
But we know that God hates divorce, but at the same time, God gives man free will. Otherwise, we would be all robots. I pray that the Lord convicts your husband’s heart and that your husband will come back to you and make things right. Pray for your husband too. I know it might be hard to do, but you are still married in God’s eyes. In the meantime, ask God how you can be the best wife you can be despite the pain you are going through. Keep in mind that.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
God bless you, and may He draw you more and more near to Him as you pray and read His word each day! Make sure you take care of your physical health, eat healthy, get 7-8 hours of sleep, get some exercise, and get support from a close friend or family member. Try to take the best care of yourself now. Also, believe it or not, try to reach out to encourage someone else. I can almost guarantee that you will find some encouragement from doing so. That is what is called God’s economy!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Struggling
Message Body:
Hi. My husband is moving out and I seem to be having a hard time. Can’t stop crying or shaking. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve called Klove for prayer. My his has been through pastoral school and is now into the occult. I’ve had to learn how to bind his demon’s tongues, and never in my life thought I’d be in this situation. I don’t know anyone where I live and am having trouble pulling it together. I’m not sure if it’s switching jobs, being left by my husband, or possibly losing all hope, but something isn’t right, and I’m struggling. Looking for some support to walk this journey and make it through.
Hi Marian,
I thank you for your honesty and transparency. I read your email, and I thank you for sharing. I wonder if you would consider trying to pray and read your Bible to find your “escape” instead of masturbation. It is something I hope you would consider, and I think you would find a greater sense of relief from the hard work and mental stress you are experiencing.
Maybe consider adding prayer and Bible reading, and you will most likely notice that the need for masturbation will leave you, and you will have a new source of relief from stress and gain a new way to find direction in your life.
I would love to hear how it works for you. Please let me know. If you have any questions about what I have shared, feel free to email me back, and I will try to clarify what I have shared with you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: What I’ve learned
Message Body:
Hello, I’d like to share with you some things that have helped me.
Recently my three children have all left the house to start families and careers of their own.
My husband has been my rock and God is always first.
Life has always been tough, long work hours, lots of children issues, and many nights I haven’t slept.
But I believe that I’ve found an untapped potential in most people, through something that I’ve learned from helping the impaired And challenged most of my life at work.
Most people get their “escape” through smoking and TV. Alcohol, drugs, sports, etc. The list goes on.
The problem is that these activities eat away hours of your time. Even months if not years if not careful.
I’ve given all of these vices up for something far more satisfying and has been a source of my pleasure outside of my great family that God has blessed me with.
I apologize ahead of time for the abrasiveness and directness of this. Please try not to be offended. As a 52-year-old woman, I understand though.
But the place that I escape to for just a half-hour a day is masturbation.
It’s short and simple and is enough to reward my mind and body for the hard work and mental stress of that day.
I engage in no adult material as that is a sin.
But this God-given pleasure is something that I must unapologetically promote despite its negative connotations.
I’ve never felt the need to pursue any other escape or pleasure. Every person has been given the ability to enjoy the ultimate pleasure.
After serving the Lord throughout the day, and working hard for the community and family.
I only write this to dispel any myths. And to thank you for giving me the time of day to express what has helped me.
God bless what you’re doing on this site.
Hi Dawn,
This is a very serious thing you are saying! But, I hear what you are saying, and it sounds like you need to take this to the Lord in prayer. I can understand you feeling very upset and frustrated about your neighbors and husband, but suicide? I had thoughts of suicide back in high school and when my ex-wife moved out for two years. The Lord was faithful to me, and He will be faithful to you too. However, this is something that you need to get some help with. Please call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) right now. You need some help, and it is available for the asking. These people you are going to call are trained to help!
I pray that you call the phone number right now! And that you can get things put back into perspective.
Bill Greguska
Dawn, at some point, you will need to look at the possibility of reporting your neighbors to your landlord or even the police if this continues. Also, it would be wise to give your husband the benefit of the doubt and trust that he is too busy or not up to talking with you at the moment. Trust me, you need to relax, and that will be half of the battle! If you feel the need to go to the hospital, call 911 right away. I trust that God hears your cry for help! 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
I honestly tried to cope with the nonstop abuse from satanic neighbors
I have begged my husband to be for even a two-minute video chat
but he is too busy
Hi Mike,
Just the fact that you are a Christian does not mean you can not become depressed. I had two significant bouts of depression in my life, once in high school and once when my wife moved out for two years and divorced me. The good news is the Lord walked me through them both. He used people such as friends, Bible study, the pastor’s wife, and my mom. I tried to get help without medication, but I prayed about it and decided to take Cymbalta for a couple of months which also was of help to me. I encourage you to keep your eyes on the Lord, realizing that this is just a season you are going through that will be over before you know it. It would help if you could pinpoint why you think you are depressed and then take proper steps to resolve those matters. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
You ought to be thankful that you are a Christian because you have an advocate in the Holy Spirit who helps you.
If you could tell me a little about why you are depressed, I think I can help you.
Here are a couple of things to think about.
- Have you been eating healthy, and avoiding sugar, and alcohol?
- Have you been getting exercise each week?
- Do you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Is there any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Do you owe anyone an apology?
- Do you have a friend or pastor that you could share your burdens with?
I hope what I shared has made you think! If you have any questions about what I said, please email me back, and I will try to answer them for you. I pray that the Lord will take this from you, but you need to make the best of things in the meantime. By the way, there is no cost to you for counseling. I help others because others and the Lord have helped me.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
May God bless you as He has blessed me,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Free Counseling
Message Body:
Hi, I am a Christian and very depressed. Need help.
Hi Jacquelyn,
It sounds like you are battling with a lot physically, yet thank God, on the other hand, it is wonderful that you are saved and have great faith in God.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
You might want to pray about how you can encourage others who are in similar or worse situations than you are in. Maybe you could start your website to encourage others with your testimony, or even a Facebook page. The reason I even suggest creating a website is that back in 2007, my ex-wife divorced me, and I too was very depressed. My pastor Ron and his wife Sue encouraged me to reach out to encourage others. That is how this website started. It has been an encouragement to me and also many others who have visited my site.
I praise God that you are a believer and pray that you can share your faith and story with others to encourage them!
When we pour a little perfume on others, we can not help but get a little bit on ourselves…
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
I pray that you take what I have shared with God in prayer. Feel free to email me back if you have anything else you would like to share or have any questions about what I have shared with you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Questions of why I’m still here and God has taken others?
Message Body:
Hello! I’ve been on dialysis for 6 1/2 years, chronic pancreatitis, gastroparesis, COPD, chronic microvascular and angiopathy in the brain and body, and Cachexia. I am only 63 pounds. I cannot physically work any longer. I had to resign 1 1/2 yrs. ago. I feel so guilty that I cannot work and God has taken others so quickly. I am 50 years old and I am saved, have great faith in God, pray, and read the bible every day. I pray and talk to him several times a day. I just have a depressed feeling about my situation. Secular counseling did not help much. Thank you and God bless you!!!
Hi Amy,
I am glad you reached out for advice on this topic. I hope what I share is of help to you.
Here is a page from my website that can give you more insights into this.
Our society has focused on homosexuality as an unforgivable sin that is larger than life. Yes, to answer your question, according to the bible. Homosexuality is a sin, and it is wrong according to God’s word to be gay. The problem is, that there are many other sins that the bible condemns. Read in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor those habitually drunk, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.
If you choose to follow your flesh and submit to the desires of your flesh, God will not allow you to enter heaven. But look at the rest of the scripture, and all those others who will not be in heaven due to following their flesh, such as the idolaters, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor those habitually drunk, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Romans 6:1-2 New American Standard Bible (NASB)6 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2 Far from it! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?
For example, it is not a sin to think about stealing something (that is called temptation), but when we choose to steal something, it is considered a sin. Just like homosexuality, it is not a sin to have that thought, but once you act on it, you fall into sin. And like all sins, if we have a relationship with God as our Lord and Savoir, we can repent and confess our sins. We do not sin we continue to get grace because we do not live in sin any longer, yet temptation does come to all of us. 1 John 1:9 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If what I have shared has been helpful to you, and if you have a question about anything I have shared, please email me back, and I will answer your question.
In the meantime, I pray that you take this question about homosexuality to the Lord in prayer.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: I think I’m a lesbian
Message Body:
Hi, I’ve been struggling with my faith a lot recently and I have felt very anxious since I’ve been questioning my sexuality. Is it wrong to be gay? I know a lot of people say it’s against God and I’m scared I will be condemned for even thinking about it. Will God punish me for this? I feel extremely guilty and just need some guidance. Thank you for your time.
Hi Elizabeth,
I am sorry to hear of the loss of your dad due to the Coronavirus. Yes, it was a challenging year for all of us. My suggestion for you is to take your job search to the Lord in prayer and get direction from Him. Do not lose heart, for as you persevere, the Lord will bless you with the employment that you need.
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Here is a link from my website that can be of help to you.
I pray that you have the strength to keep looking and God’s grace that you will find something real soon.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Anxiety and depression
Message Body:
2021 has been a difficult year, I lost my dad due to coronavirus. I’m currently living abroad and I’m struggling to find a job or a porpoise to continue fighting for life
Hi Rebecca,
Let me ask you a question…Can you see the wind outside your window? No, but you can see the effect that the wind has on the trees. The same is true with the Holy Spirit in our lives. We can not physically see the Holy Spirit, but we can see the effect that the Holy Spirit has on our lives.
Just like you may “feel numb at the moment,” hand in there, and if you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savoir, I can assure you that you will begin to see some changes in your life. The way you think, the way you react to others, the way you look at life in general. It may not be drastic changes at first, but as time goes by, you see more and more how the Lord will be working in your life.
The only thing I think might be keeping you away from experiencing the full joy of the Lord in your life might be that you may have some unconfessed sin in your life. Could that be possible? If so, please take your sin to the Lord in humble prayer and confess your sins to God. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
We are all sinners, both you and I, and everyone in this world, and when we sin and do not confess our sins to God and try to repent from them, our relationship with God is hindered or even cut off temporarily. James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Rebecca, is what I am sharing with you has been of some help to you?
I have shared many things with you. I would like to hear if what I have shared has helped. If so, what? If not, why not? Please let me know.
Colossians 3:2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Bill Greguska
Thank you for the video. I want to follow him. What if the Holy Spirit isn’t in me? I feel so numb at the moment
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Rebecca,
I found something else that might shed some light on your situation.
I am praying that you will find the love of the Lord real soon!
I am trying to help you!
Bill Greguska
Hi Rebecca,
Here is a video that I think will benefit you…
Bill Greguska
Thank you so much.
I’ve confessed and confessed. Why don’t I feel any different? Are my feelings lying to me?
I want to accept him with all of my heart. I truly want to be saved and I want to serve him.
Hi Beckey,
Salvation is not only for receiving the security of knowing that when we die, we will be in heaven with the Lord. It is also essential here on earth. What you are going through right now, if you had the Lord in your life, you would be able to find the peace that you are so desperately striving for. Here is a scripture I would like you to read over a couple of times and allow it to sink into your heart and mind.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Beckey, Did you take the time to check out the pages that I shared with you?
Psalm 103:11-12 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 51
1 Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
3 For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
4 Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight;
so you are right in your verdict
and justified when you judge.
5 Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;
you taught me wisdom in that secret place.
7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
9 Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
so that sinners will turn back to you.
14 Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God,
you who are God my Savior,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
15 Open my lips, Lord,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 My sacrifice, O God, is[b] a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise.
18 May it please you to prosper Zion,
to build up the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous,
in burnt offerings offered whole;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
I hope what I have shared helps you. Beckey, you said, “I’ve read that faith is a gift from God. Is it been withheld from me because of the things I have done? I have evil inside me and I hate it”
It seems as though you have not confessed your sins to God. Once you do that, you will see things differently, and God will no longer see you as an undeserving sinner but rather as a sinner saved by His grace because of the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ. I hope you take my advice because God loves you and me too (I am a sinner saved by His grace, and you can be too). I was addicted to alcohol and drugs, and my life was a mess before I was introduced to God, and I accepted Him into my life.
I am praying for you to have ears to hear and eyes to see that you can be saved from your past!
Bill Greguska
I have confessed my sins to God but I feel so condemned. I can’t seem to snap out of this feeling that I know he loves me but I’m unsaved. I want to accept Jesus’ sacrifice I truly truly do. Why can’t I? I’ve read that faith is a gift from God. Is it been withheld from me because of the things I have done? I have evil inside me and I hate it
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you for your reply. I do know that Jesus is Lord, I just cannot seem to accept his sacrifice no matter how hard I try. I just feel too condemned. I feel spiritually detached and numb. I need help with this as I want to accept him fully, I don’t want to feel numb like this. Please help
Hi Becky,
I am glad you wrote in for help. I will try to help you the best way I know-how, which is to encourage you to keep your eyes on the Lord.
Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross as your payment for all the sins you have ever committed and will ever commit? Is Jesus your Lord and Savior, and are you in a personal relationship with God each day? Do you believe that Jesus Christ loves you and that He died for your sins as well as mine? I think that is where you need to start to get things right with God.
See more below in red… And also, check the link pages too!
I pray that you take all your concerns to the Lord in prayer. I pray that God frees you from your bad memories that seem to keep bothering you. If you have been encouraged so far and want to ask any questions about what I have shared, please feel free to do so. May God bless you and help you focus on what you can do, not what you can not do.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Please help
Message Body:
Please help me
I had a lot of issues growing up with my mental health when I was a child. I had to put things in certain ways otherwise thoughts came into my head that something bad would happen to my family and it would be all my fault. I was detached at school and used to think what I had done to deserve the illness I had and I just couldn’t seem to fit in. I grew up a rebel of a teenager disrespecting my parents, drinking, taking drugs when clubbing, I also had 2 abortions when I was younger which I truly regret now.
I met a man in my mid 20’s, he was nice at first, we got married then the abuse started. I wasn’t easy to live with to be honest but he wasn’t a very nice person. He was abusive. We had children and I was a great mother at first but the atmosphere in the house with my husband was awful. He didn’t help that much with the children at all. Keep in mind that these things are in the past, you need to let them go and move on with what is in your life today!
There were domestic incidents with him. I found out one day when I was pregnant with my third child that the police had been looking for my ex husband for 10 years as he was accused of sexually abusing children. He convinced me that he didn’t do it and I stuck by the monster for a while I just felt so low and controlled, he kept saying he would get the kids taken off me. How could I have done this how could I have stuck by him??? I did eventually leave him before his court case and luckily he was convicted. I was left with scars so emotionally deep from everything that I started drinking more and more and neglected the emotional needs of my children. I was drunk every night selfishly trying to block the pain out I was horrible and have scarred my amazing children in the process. They don’t deserve a mother like me. The wonderful thing about God, it that He is a God of second and third chances. Sure you make some bad decisions, and you realize it now. Have you confessed your sins to God.
I then went on to meet an amazing man who took me, my problems and my children on. I was still drinking though, I couldn’t face the person I was so I drowned myself in drink. I even drank when I was pregnant with my fourth child. I’m so so selfish. I got so drunk on occasion that I used to go out and cheated on my amazing partner. I had that much drink I didn’t know what I was doing and the guilt after was immense, still is. I am so so evil for hurting my family like this. I remember when my lovely nanna was dying and myself and my mum and sister stayed with her with Harley any sleep for 7 days. I had evil thoughts about my nan on her deathbed calling her names in my thoughts.
They were unwanted thoughts but I cannot forgive myself for this either. I get these unwanted thoughts a lot. Becky, there is something called the fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. The words self-control is something we all need, and I think you need an extra dose of it. I have got better over the years and started going to church. I promised God loads of times I wouldn’t drink and kept on doing it just not as much even though I know it hurt my family. I’ve put alcohol and myself before God and my family and it’s caused so much damage. I know God has given me loads of chances but I’ve let him down. I had a vision a few years ago telling me I would get ill like this and I was going to hell
My doctors think I have motor neuron disease so I’m terminal and deteriorating fast. I feel like I deserve this death, I’m not worth it. I’ve not lived in Gods ways and I cannot seem to accept Jesus’ forgiveness no matter how hard I try, I just feel so worthless and defeated. I have stopped drinking now but I should have done this for God and my family way before. I should have done the right thing ages ago and now it’s too late. Please people turn away from your sin. You may end up with my fate.
Now my family are going to suffer even more as they will grieve for me. I want to be a good person and I want Jesus’ forgiveness. I’m just a horrible horrible person. I feel so bad after everything I’ve done. Please forgive me Lord ??? Will he forgive me 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I feel nothing at the moment, it’s like I’ve become detached. Please help Take a deep breath in and think about all the many things you are grateful for. List as many things as you possibly can and tape it on your mirror in the bathroom, so you can see the list every day when you look into the mirror. Thank God for all your blessings and while you are at it, find someone you can encourage and get busy encouraging them.
Hi Rose,
Thank you for reaching out, sometimes medication isn’t the only answer to things. Have you been taking care of yourself and other areas of life such as your diet, getting enough sleep, getting exercise, and drinking enough water? These are some simple things to look at and correct which would make your depression better.
Also, a good suggestion would be to try to help someone else which would make you feel better by doing something even though you are depressed you say.
Finding things to laugh about is also another great idea. Is there any unconfessing in your life? That right there is sometimes a reason a person can become depressed.
I hope what I said has been of help to you, if you have any questions about what I shared with you please email me back.
I will pray did you take all your cares and concerns to the Lord because he cares for you 1st Peter 5:7.
Bill Greguska
Subject: healing
Message Body:
Please pray for me-suffering from depression over 4 years. No medication helps. I feel hopeless. Please pray for me. It is unbearable.
Hi Peggy,
I am glad you reached out for some advice. Have you been praying about your life stress, loneliness, and caretaker blues? That would be my first bit of advice.
I have found that sometimes when people get in situations like you find yourself. They do not address the simple obvious things in life. Here is a short list of what I mean.
- Are you praying each day?
- Do you read your Bible each day?
- Is there any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Are you getting some exercise each day?
- Are you eating healthy foods, and avoiding sugar and alcohol?
- Do you drink enough water? 6-8 glasses depending on your size.
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Do you try to find humorous things?
- Do you spend enough time with family and friends?
- Do you try to encourage others, even though you are struggling yourself? Very vise to do, call, write, visit, help someone!
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If you have any questions about what I have shared and would like to email me back, please do so. I will pray that God opens your eyes to what you need to do, and or stop doing.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
Life stress, loneliness, caretaker blues
Hi Destiny,
I commented in red below after your comments.
I think it would be helpful to you to print out some of these emails and share them with your parents so they can further explain things that you might not understand that I have been saying to you. Your parents love you and want to help you, I do not mind sharing things with you, but it should be coming from your parents. Your momma and dad are right when they say that 2022 is going to be good for your family and you. A part of having a successful 2022 is your ability to put into practice things that I have been telling you I am sure your parents tell you many of the same things.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: You and your sister
Momma did that today. I told my sister that I wanted to treat her equally as I do my other sisters. Destiny, you are holding on to some negative thoughts and feelings towards your sister that you need to let go of. Things will not ever really heal between you and your sister unless you let go of any harm your sister has done to you. However, when I say that, I just feel off. I do not understand what “fell of means” Momma and my dad keep saying they think 2022 is going to be a good year for the family and myself. I’m trying to see it, but it’s difficult. I want to make my parents proud, they say I do (but I don’t feel like it). It would do well for you to understand that your parents love you. Remember that they have lived far longer than you, and you can learn from their wisdom. I treat my friends better than my family, and I know I need to stop that. I’m seeing 2022 as a fresh start, but it’s difficult. I’ll start praying for my sister, but what do I pray about, when I start praying for her, it just doesn’t feel right. I think it’s the devil trying to get to me. Pray that God opens your eyes to be able to understand your sister better, which will bring you and your sister peace because of your new understanding. You can also pray for things that she is interested in and “If possible” help you, which would be showing your love for her. Pray that you treat your sister the way you would want her to treat you. Pray that you can forgive when she says or does something that bothers you. Pray that you can better control your emotions and pray that the way you live your life for God, others will question why you have changed, then you can tell them.
Again, I encourage you to share these emails with your parents, and they can discuss things further with you and explain things that I share that you may or may not understand.
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Ephesians 6:2-3 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”
Bill Greguska
On Saturday, January 1,
Happy New Year, Destiny,
I know that I have addressed this problem with you before. Have you tried to apply what I have suggested? If so, what happened?
Look at it this way, I used to tell my daughter and stepson when they were in high school that doing things that are hard or uncomfortable or even irritating, I told them to consider it 40 lbs of pain, when you are determined to work through it, yes you will be irritated, etc. but the result will be 400 lbs of gain which in your case will be peace and harmony with your sister. Do you understand what I am trying to explain to you? The effort trying can be painful, but the result of trying is taking the weight off with all the negative emotions, feelings, etc.
There is no magic wand that you can use to overcome your problem with your sister, but you do need to start praying for her and trying to show your love/concern for her. Try to put aside your feeling for a few minutes and focus on how you can help your sister. Otherwise, this will NOT go away simply by wishing it away!
Do you think if you asked your momma, she would sit in between the two of you and wisely “referee” the problems you and your sister are experiencing? Maybe some new rules or arrangements could be made to lessen the irritation points between you and your sister.
One more thing, take a moment to honestly give yourself some credit for trying and looking into solutions. I do not have a crystal ball that can tell you when things will get better, but I do know that God’s word from the Bible tells us,
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
God bless you as you keep on trying, do not forget to keep on praying!
Bill Greguska
Hi John,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. You are wise to take your situation with your Daughter to the Lord in prayer.
John, it sounds like you have done all you can unless the Lord prompts you to do more. Stand firm and trust that the Lord will watch over your Daughter.
I can understand your circumstances, for I too had problems with my Daughter and mother years ago, but differently. I gather that in the meantime, it sounds like you are not in your Daughter’s life, am I right?
Remember that you need to keep taking care of yourself. Keep praying, and I pray that the Lord will be gracious to you and heal your entire family.
I have found that sometimes when people get in situations like you find yourself. They do not address the simple, obvious things in life that need to be addressed. Here is a short list of what I mean.
- Are you praying each day?
- Do you read your Bible each day?
- Is there any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Are you getting some exercise each day?
- Are you eating healthy foods, and avoiding sugar and alcohol?
- Do you drink enough water? 6-8 glasses, depending on your size.
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Do you try to find humorous things?
- Do you spend enough time with family and friends?
- Do you try to encourage others, even though you are struggling yourself? Very vise to do, call, write, visit, help someone!
I know that your situation is very serious, but remember that all things are possible with God!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Prayers for God’s help
Message Body:
Prayers please for God’s help and healing for my Daughter Nikoya 12, she has been suicidal and exposed to her mother Delores, and her family with addiction for years while her mother has lied to boot me from her life. Prayers for God’s help healing and clarity for her mother and family, the judge and helpers, her Drs, and educators. Prayers for all her family.
Hi Shannon,
In our ministry, we only counsel people via email. To speak to someone, you can call 800-633-3446 or you can try one of these three other options.
Free Christian Groundwire Chat Is Also Available.
Free Christian Chat About Jesus Is Also Available.
Free One-Time Professional Christian Counseling.
I pray that you find the help you are looking for, I am sorry we do not do phone counseling.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Ongoing Bible-based Counseling”
Hi Mr. Greguska,
I would say when you come to saving faith in Jesus Christ and you have repented of your sins and there malingers a sense, (if you will) that seems to simmer under the surface of anger and bitterness and you can’t seem to find that joy, ( even though you have prayed and asked for forgiveness), how can you tell in scripture that God may be dealing with you in terms of judgment and not grieve his Holy spirit anymore and become reprobate and out of your mind.
I have a separate question for you. Am I allowed to email you biblical questions as they arise? Because I know where my hope lies, And I would rather speak to someone who has biblical faith than play guessing games with the world’s system.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Shannon,
I am glad you have reached out. Please feel free to share what is weighing the most heavily on your heart right now.
I will try to point you to God’s word and help you the best I can. Christian Counseling is done via email, so let me know what is on your mind when you have time.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Ongoing Bible based Counseling
Message Body:
My name is Shannon. I’m seeking Bible based Counseling, ( hopefully on a regular basis). I sought you all out because I don’t get paid until the first of next month. I’m on VA disability right now. I’m looking for work. I currently take medication for Adhd
I think that’s it. Can you help?
Hi David,
God’s word says in James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Most likely, the sin in your life has a great deal with the depression you mentioned that you are experiencing.
You are very wise when you say that you need help getting closer to God and further from sin.
Think for a minute what sin you are referring to, and then try to figure out the cause of your temptation.
- Is it the people you are with?
- Has the self-control of your flesh gotten out of control?
- Is it a lack of prayer?
- If is it a sexual sin, then you need to avoid it in any way you can.
- Is it a habit you got into that you need to get out of?
- Do you have anyone who can be an accountability partner to you?
- Are you reading your Bible very much?
- Are you taking care of your health, such as diet? exercise? sleep? avoiding alcohol and drugs? and avoiding sugar?
I pray that you take your concerns to the Lord in prayer and try to do some of the things I have suggested to you.
If what I have shared has been helpful and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Depression
Message Body:
I need help getting closer to God and further from sin.
Hi Brett,
It sounds like you might be a little overwhelmed…
Try to say my favorite prayer: “What do you want me to do, Lord?”
Please take some time to ask the Lord that question, and wait to hear His response.
You most likely will not hear God’s voice, but you will sense his prompting of what He wants you to do! Then do it…
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re:
Hi Bill,
I know I shouldn’t be hard on myself because we’re only human. The thing is, all of these realizations and feelings of depression and the need for God and rebirth and positive change in my life have been hitting me light freight trains one after another for the past 6 months. It’s to the point where I can’t focus on work or my health because all of my waking moments are mostly spent on researching and finding the correct path out of this pit. I’m trying to start writing down my thoughts but even that is hard. I know fellowship is what works best but I have this subconscious provision that “I must move out of California first” or “I need to get a new job” Then I can start working on myself and my spiritual life and find a support group. I think I must find a way to believe in God so that I will not live in fear when I do go out on my own.
Thanks again for your time
Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
Hi Brett,
Please do not get too hard on yourself. The good news is that you realize that you have made some mistakes (we all have, I know I have), but when we confess our sins, God can take them away as far as the East is from the West.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I understand your thoughts about some Christians, and I would encourage you to find a new church in a different area when you can. We need the fellowship of others in our life. I bounced from 7 different churches in the past 2 + years until I found the one I am going to right now since last March. It is still not a perfect church, but I look for the good in the church and not focus on the bad. People are people, and we are all sinners saved by grace, yet some people have not matured enough yet, and it would be in your best interest to focus on those who have a real relationship with Jesus. Here is a link that can help you find a church.
Here is a link to a site called, which is where you can put keywords of what you want to know, and you can find it in the bible.
Here is a website that I think is very good, it is called
Here is another good site to find what you are looking for relatively quickly.
Here is a page from my site that can help you with your relationship with God.
These five links I shared with you should get you started.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: (No Subject)
Hi Bill,
Thank you for your response. I’ve been slowly transitioning my Gmail to my new email, that’s why I’m coming from this address.
I think my need for God is coming from a confused existence and a desire to find my true purpose and drive. Another reason may be I have come to realize that everything I worked for my whole life was for the wrong reasons. I was doing everything for sinful desires.
I think the reason I need God is to show me the true meaning of life, to find courage in difficult situations, and to be the man I was born to be. I think that the depression, anxiety, stress, and pain that I’m feeling now are the consequences of choosing a sinful life thus far. I know I need help, but I don’t know where to start. I don’t want to just join any church because I know there are lots of fake Christians in my area that lure people in and then brainwash them with their extreme leftist ideals. So for now I’m just reading the bible. I don’t know if you can help me but maybe you know some resources on finding purpose, perseverance through the unknown, and discovering God during adulthood. I’m still making a list of specific questions.
Thank you for your time,
It is wise of you to look for answers, especially after not having any church upbringing. If I were you, I would want to know why you need Jesus in your life. The simple answer would be that we are all sinners (you, me, everyone) and that God is holy and will not have anything to do with sin.
Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Do you think you are a sinner?
That is why he gave his son Jesus to sacrifice his life on the cross for payment of the sins of the world.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Without Jesus, when you die, how will your sins be forgiven?
If you can understand your need for God, you will be on your way to seeing life differently than you have been seeing it.
Here are a couple of links that will be of help to you since you mentioned depression and anxiety:
I pray that what I have shared with you has been helpful. Please feel free to email me back if you have any questions.
I can help you if you have any specific questions that you would like to be answered.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
God bless you, and keep being hungry for answers!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Looking for someone to talk to in the Christian faith to start my life over
Message Body:
I’ve been looking for advice from the Christian Faith about how to change my life. Quarter Life crisis is what I think It is called. Need help/guidance with Career change, Depression, Anxiety, Self-esteem, etc.. Never went to church or had religion growing up but I think there was always something missing. So I know that I want to change my life but I want to find someone to talk to to help me go in the right direction. Thank you
Hi Nathan,
I would love to help you. What exactly is going on with you these days to make you feel depressed and anxious?
Nathan, in high school, I became very depressed, and also later on in my life when my wife left me in 2005 and divorced me in 2007. So I have some understanding to share with you.
Depression can be tricky sometimes. Are you taking good care of yourself?
- Eating healthy foods, not junk
- Avoiding alcohol and sugar
- Drink plenty of water
- Exercising every other day
- Sleeping 7.5 to 8 hours each night
- Keep in touch with family and friends
- Pray and read your Bible each morning
- Try finding humor in things
- Keep yourself active
- Try to encourage someone else (especially if you are feeling down).
Let me know if what I shared has been of help to you. And I will get back to you.
God bless you, and I pray that you take your concerns to God in prayer!
1 Peter 5:7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Depression
Message Body:
Hi I need help with my depression and anxiety and ultimately seeking God
Hi Sonn,
I am sorry to hear that you are struggling. Please read this list below and use the suggestions I have shared to help you with your marriage and with your own life.
- Have you been praying about your marriage?
- Have you sat down and talked with your husband about what is going on?
- Have you been taking care of your health in general,
- Eating healthy.
- Exercising.
- Drinking plenty of water.
- Sleeping 7-8 hours per night.
- Avoiding sugar and alcohol.
- Helping others even though you say you are depressed.
- Confessing any unconfessed sin.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I have shared with you. Or if you would like to share more about what is going on in your marriage.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
My marriage is falling apart, I’m depressed. I can not seem to do anything right as my husband expects of me.
Hi Brittany,
I understand what you’re going through, I went through a divorce that I did not want myself. Divorce is a very ugly and evil thing! Try to avoid it at all costs!
You might want to make a list of all the good qualities of your husband and share them with him.
Keep in mind when one is dating one needs to have both of their eyes open, but when one is married, you need to close one eye to some of your partner’s weaknesses, otherwise, you’ll be battling and battling all the time!
There is hope with biblical counseling and I sure hope you get it, although if your husband is not invested in the marriage, it will be a little bit harder but not impossible!
I assume that you’ve been praying about this for quite some time, if not you need to start praying right now!
Can you recruit some help from your parents or close friends to watch the baby for the two of you to get some relief from your child temporarily? You guys are under a lot of stress and you need to get a breather.
Keep in mind that your husband needs respect, even though you may not feel he deserves it. And on the other hand, you need love even though you might not be very lovable to him right now.
Also keep in mind that besides prayer and reading your bible, there are a couple of other ideas to consider…
1. Eat healthy
2. Avoid sugar and alcohol
3. Drink plenty of water
4. Get some exercise
5. Get 7 and 1/2 to eight hours sleep
6. Find things to laugh about
7. Confess any unconfessed to God
8. Forgive your spouse even if they did not ask to be forgiven. Wipe the slate clean!
I will pray for your marriage and that you apply some of the suggestions I have given you. Remember that with God all things are possible!!!!!!
I hope what I have shared with you helps you and your marriage to reconcile it! If you have any questions or need to correspond again, feel free to email me back with any questions.
1 Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
God bless you and your husband!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Marriage Counseling/Help
Message Body:
Hello! My husband and I are looking for Bible-based help with our marriage. It is not going well and we are trying to repair it before we need to separate; we have an 8 month old and don’t want to put her through that. Is there someone that can help us?
Thank you!
Brittany J.
Hi Brittany,
I understand more now, and I empathize with you. God’s word addresses what you are going through, but that does not make things better today, I know!
I would encourage you to read and apply this scripture as you pray that God will protect your heart and change your outlook on things and pray each day for your husband. You made a shortlist of the negative things about your husband, but you would benefit more in your situation by building him up with positive, honest things you can say about him. Don’t get frustrated about your marriage. Continue to have your life with your child, girlfriends, and most of all with the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on the Lord, for he cares for you.
God bless you and stay strong, and I pray that you keep praying.
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God, “What He wants you to do?… And then “Just Do It.”
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Marriage Counseling/Help”
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the response and encouragement. Unfortunately, I do think it will take a miracle from the Lord to make my husband see what he is doing wrong. He is mentally abusive, manipulative, a pathological liar, an on/off cheater/unfaithful, and tries to use scripture to justify his abuse. I’ve tried explaining to him how he is wrong and that is not what the Bible says, but unfortunately, the church he grew up in taught him that submission = control, even if he’s being abusive. That even if he’s being abusive, I still need to submit unless it’s sinful such as if he says to put my child in danger.
So we desperately need help, and I’m not sure exactly where to seek it because he said even if a counselor tells him he’s wrong, he still won’t believe it. After all, “that would mean his entire life and everything he’s been taught is a lie”.
He desperately needs an intervention from God, so prayers for that would be helpful.
Thank you for your time and prayers ?
Brittany J.
Hi Nate,
I took a couple of minutes to check out your site, and you did a good job on it!
I am glad you have grown in your faith, I have done the same!
I plan to add your site to my website which will give you a backlink and more traffic. By the way, you need to talk to your website developer to get an SSL certificate. Some people do not even go on to websites that do not have one.
God bless you, keep your faith strong, and continue to plant seeds wherever you go as I do!
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Your drop card
Message Body:
Good evening folks!
I was walking around a mall tonight, placing my cards/seeds for the Lord, and came across one of yours in the process.
God bless your ministry and outreach “good and faithful servants”.
If you’d like to check my site out it’s at:
I started it shortly after I was saved about 4 years ago now (John 3:3), after being a pastor’s kid for 30 years of my adult life “thinking” I was saved (2 Peter 3:9).
Hi Sunu,
Feel free to let me know what habit you are struggling with.
God bless you!
Subject: Counselling
Message Body:
Need help for some habit I’m struggling with
Hi Hallie,
I would encourage you to start to get to know God and His word more profoundly.
To answer your question, if I were to ask God something without knowing who He is or what he believes and stands for, it would be like asking a stranger from out of town where an unknown place is. My point is, that getting to know God needs to be a priority in your life. Once you know of Him and what His will is for you, then that is where you will discover what God wants you to do.
I pray that you begin to pray for yourself and get to know God better through your church, and online sites like mine.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
Would be able to pray to God and maybe ask him what he wants me to do? I want to do things his way and follow where he is guiding me but I am having a hard time finding out what he wants me to do. So I thought even though I haven’t been able to figure out what he wants me to do, I wouldn’t give up but would ask you. Since you have an amazing gift from the Lord.
Hi Bri,
I commend you for your wisdom to know that you need prayer, although when I hear you say you’re nervous, that points to the effect of the root of the cause.
What do you think might be the cause of what is making you nervous?
If you could share some details about what’s going on, I’m sure I could help you more than with what you told me just now.
I pray that you take your concerns to the Lord and pray and go to God’s word for answers!
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
God bless you, and I hope to hear back from you.
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
Need advice been feeling nervous and immediately pray
Hi Abraham,
You refer to yourself as a seasoned Christian, what does that mean to you? You sound very frustrated, and that is okay temporarily. But you need to consider how many years of life God has brought you through and the fact that He has not or will not forget about you.
It confuses me because by what you wrote, it sounds like you do not believe that God loves you. Maybe that is where you need to focus some of your attention rather than focusing on your financial problems. Being a Christian, you know that God gave his only Son to die for our sins so we can be saved from our sins. (isn’t that enough to make us realize that God loves us?). Don’t get me wrong, I understand that you are struggling with your finances, but sometimes it is wise to go back to basics and understand that as it says in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Here is something that you may consider counterproductive, but my pastor and his wife instructed me to do since I was wallowing in a painful divorce. They told me to encourage others, and I was wise enough to listen to them and that is how came about. I encourage you to encourage someone else even while you are struggling to stay hopeful for yourself. You will discover what I discovered the joy of helping someone else. A byproduct of encouraging someone else, you will 1. Get out of focusing on yourself. 2. Help someone else.
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: struggling to stay hopeful
Message Body:
I’m a seasoned Christian but am intensely struggling in these harsh economic times. I know plenty about the assurances of Scripture and the need to persevere in prayer, but I have a lurking discomfort that God is uninterested in helping me. All the “God loves you” stuff I hear on broadcast Christian media is falling flat as far as I’m concerned. I ask my friends to pray for me, thinking He’ll pay attention to them, if not to me.
Hi Andrew,
I can summarize your first question with one scripture that stands out about all scriptures, at least to me. Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Remember that God commands us to forgive one another, BUT we are NOT commanded to reconcile with others. Although it would be ideal, it is not commanded for practical reasons.
Your second question is how to walk in God’s light. A person needs to know God in the first place before they can truly walk in God’s light. Do you have a relationship with God? Have you accepted Him as your Lord and Savoir? Just because a person like myself claims to be a Christian does not mean I do not ever sin. But I love God so much that I choose to follow Him and turn away from my sins. Yet, when I do sin, I deal with it ASAP and take it to God in prayer, and whoever I offended. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. These are some ways that you, too, can walk in God’s light.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If you have any questions about what I have shared, please feel free to email me back, and I will try to answer them for you.
God bless you and keep your eyes on the Lord!
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Help to be forgiving and loving
Message Body:
Dear reader,
Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me with my trouble.
I would just like to know your take on how to be forgiving and loving towards individuals who Don’t treat others in the above-mentioned way. Moreover, what is the most practical way to walk in God’s light?
Hi Bill,
Wow! Thank you so much! Praise God that your battle ended!
I do still love him very dearly, but some days I doubt God’s power. I have cried out to God, and I do it several times a day. I’ve started a prayer journal just for my husband.
I have not brought this to my husband’s boss or done an exact intervention, but I have told close family members, and they are praying, and I’ve told his close friends. However, in my husband’s mind, those friends drink just as much and that went south when we all got together to talk. I will say that since messaging you, probably because you were praying, I dared to talk more openly with him and I felt like he heard me for the first time in years. He is self-monitoring, I do think he needs more, but we do not have health insurance and it is not offered at either of our jobs. I am working on that, it is just taking some time, but I can’t send him off to a treatment center and I don’t know about AA.
I will keep praying and thank you for seeing this through God’s eyes and not just telling me to divorce him. I have fasted and prayed and heard God say that this is a road I must walk. I don’t know why, but I know God is in control, even if I doubt him when it doesn’t align with my “timeline.”
Thank you again!
Hi Amber,
By what you wrote, it sure sounds to me that you still love him yet as you would say, “I’m at my wit’s end with it.”
Before I give you any advice, I want to ask you if you have been faithfully praying for your husband and yourself. If now, please start, if you have been, keep on praying!!!!
I have had some experience with alcohol and drugs in a very bad way too. It was not until June 25, 1986, that I was freed from my addictions.
This too can be the case with your husband, you need help from God, and you may also benefit from gathering 4 close family members and a couple of other people such as his boss, or pastor to do an intervention in your house for him. You may not understand what I am saying, but in plain English, your husband needs to be confronted in a loving way to let him know that others know he is struggling and needs help. Your family can all unite together with love and respect to try to help straighten your husband out. Your husband’s boss if willing could be a tool to make treatment available to your husband before things get even worse.
To sum up, what I am suggesting is twofold:
- Pray and cry out to God for His help!
- Have an intervention for your husband in a loving respectful way to make him accountable and responsible for his drinking problem.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me back.
God bless you and your husband!
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Marriage
Message Body:
Hi! I am a Christian and my husband lost his father a couple of years ago he tried counseling but didn’t like it so he started self-medicating with alcohol. I’m at my wit’s end with it. I can’t handle it anymore and I blame him for the hopes and dreams he has crushed. Bitterness has set in. I quit my job a year ago due to the mental health strain it was putting on me, and I have very little money. I only have enough to pay the bills and he buys groceries and pays extra on the house. I’ve prayed and felt like God has called me to “tell my story” yet there is not enough healing to tell the story. I don’t know if He is calling me to stay or to go. Just to clarify, because I’ve been to Al-Anon and everybody thinks he beats me, he does NOT! He just has several drinks and goes to sleep. I’m just alone and feel alone because he is passed out and gets quiet and doesn’t talk to me. We can’t have conversations anymore. I know God can heal him but he has to want it and he doesn’t think he has a problem. He has a mother and brother who are alcoholics and yes, compared to them, he is sober, but I’ve tried to remind him we don’t play the comparison game. I just don’t know what to do. My other therapists were just quick to say divorce so I quit going to them before I couldn’t afford to go. I want somebody to walk through this with me and just write it off.
Hi Cari,
I am open to helping you, and of course, I would listen to what you have to share. The more important question is would you be a good listener yourself?
You mentioned being placated with scriptures, and I will not apologize to you because I use scriptures and share with others what God puts on my heart to help them in their circumstances. If you do not want to hear any scriptures, then I am not the one to ask for direction or guidance.
I get it…With the tone in your email request, it sounds like you are hurt and angry and have been already told what to do by other believers, and your heart has been hardened towards the Lord. I could be wrong, but that is my only logical conclusion since you do not want to hear the scriptures.
Have you been praying about your situation? If not, that is where I suggest you start. Then if you wish to email me, as I said, I am open to helping you.
I pray that whatever has hurt you, you will be able to overcome it and turn to God for His wisdom and comfort. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
God bless you, and I hope to hear back from you,
Bill Greguska
Encourage someone today, please!
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Direction and guidance
Message Body:
I’m hoping for a good listener who also has a realistic grasp on life’s struggles and won’t simply try to placate me with scriptures or empty advice.
Hi Jason,
I commend you that you are searching for the right and the best thing for you and your brother. Keep in mind that I only have heard a part of this story, so what I say is limited, but I believe Biblical. My parents had to do an intervention on me when I was in my 20s, some 40 years ago. It was uncomfortable for me, but I felt a rallying of the troops to help me was present. My mother’s love and support from the others were just what I needed.
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
First, like everything in our lives, we need to take it to God in prayer. On our own, with our limited knowledge, there is a great chance of making a wrong decision.
You are wise to realize that you might be enabling your brother in his addiction. Without knowing more of your story, I would have to say that you are not helping him by harboring a safe place to practice his addition.
If I were you, I would set up an intervention for your brother (meaning, getting together family and close friends) for a meeting to confront his anger and addiction. It would be a safe place due to the number of people you would have at your house to (not necessarily “confront your brother, but rather “carefront your brother.)
You would need to plan it out and have specific questions and strategies such as:
- Maybe your brother is frustrated and angry that he is not working, help from the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation DVR might be a big help
- What is he willing to do to get help for his anger and addiction?
- His willingness to be accountable to someone?
- Getting him to church and talking to a pastor?
- The consequences if he has a violent outburst?
- The consequences of his continuing to use drugs and alcohol?
If your brother is not willing or cooperative, then looking into a new place for him to live is an option that might need to be taken. But first, do all you can do to help your brother. I pray that you take this whole situation to the Lord in prayer. I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your brother’s eyes, and there will be a happy ending to this story. I hope what I have shared has been helpful. If you have any questions about what I have shared, please feel free to email me back.
God bless you and your brother!
Bill Greguska
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Caring for my brother
Message Body:
I’ve been taking care of my unemployed brother for over five years. He has some debilitating health issues. He also has a drug addiction and anger management issues. We sometimes have arguments over these problems, and he can turn violent very quickly. He has never struck me, but he breaks things and shouts so loud the neighbors have called the police on occasion. I love my brother and want to continue taking care of him, but I’m afraid I might be hurting him by enabling him to continue using drugs. Also, I don’t know if I can take the violent outbursts anymore. I’ve prayed extensively on this, and yet I still feel lost and confused about what is best for both me and my brother. Any guidance or advice would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.
Hi Matilda,
I can not say for sure what is going on with you, but it sounds like spiritual warfare. In a video on my home page, Billy Graham says that sin is pleasurable for a season. I hope that you are hearing what you are saying to me.
It clearly says in 1 John 3:6 that No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.
I think it is time to make a recommitment to the Lord, you are drifting, and you will be lost without God.
I hope you have a church you are attending, and it would be a great idea to talk to your pastor and let him know what is going on with you.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I pray that you take this situation that you are in seriously and ask God to forgive you and give you the strength you need to overcome whatever sin that you are “enjoying” before it is too late and your heart gets hardened.
May God bless you, and that you run to Him for His shelter right now!!!
Bill Greguska
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Counselling”
Thank you, Sir, l am a Christian but I have some issues, recently, I have found pleasure in sin, even when I feel some guilt, l go to God for forgiveness; I feel as if I’m not sorry for that.
Before then, my prayer, Bible study, and fasting life has been lukewarm.
On Fri, / Bill Greguska wrote:
Hi Matida,
Feel free to let me know what is the major stumbling block in your life and I will point you to biblical answers to your situation.
In the meantime, keep praying to God to comfort you and give you strength.
Bill Greguska
A GREAT THOUGHT FOR EVERY DAY: Consider asking God what He wants you to do, and then just do it.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counselling
Message Body:
Please, l need counselling in order to get in track with God.
Hi Everett,
It is wonderful that you want help with your addiction. It would help me to help you if you described the battle that you are going through and what you are willing to do to overcome your addiction.
Here are a couple of links to my website that can be of help to you.
I hope what I have shared with you will be of help to you. If you have any questions about what I shared, please feel free to email me back with any questions you may have.
God bless you, and I pray that you take all your concerns to God in prayer.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
Struggling with addiction, I need encouragement
Hi Gina,
There must be some reason you would even consider breaking up with your boyfriend.
Do you have a legitimate and godly reason to break up with your boyfriend?
Or think it will not work out for some reason, and you do not want to spend time pretending if you know it is not working in your heart.
- Has he mistreated you physically or verbally?
- Does he have a temper?
- Does he have a drinking or drug problem
- Is he a controlling type of person or lazy?
- Has he lied to you or been dishonest with you?
- Has he cheated on you with another woman?
- Is he not a Christian?
- Is he a backslidden Christian?
- Has he changed since you first dated?
- Are you no longer attracted to him?
I can not tell you what you ought to do, but the above ten ideas I wrote for you should help you decide for yourself.
Bill Greguska
Please Try To Encourage Someone Today!
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: relationship stuff
Message Body:
Hi. I need some biblical advice on my dating situation. I am not sure if I should break up with my boyfriend or not.
Hi Harpreet,
Agree with your prayer request and pray that the Lord softens your wife’s heart. We know that God’s word, says that God hates divorce!
I encourage you to stand firm and not to leave your wife, she may say and do things that would be hurtful but try to be strong and work through the problem.
You might want to consider what has gotten her upset and see what you can do about that.
I encourage you to also find a pastor or a counselor so the two of you can talk in the same room together and work on whatever is the problem.
Have you admitted your fault to both God and her and if so what did she say?
1st Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
From: Harpreet
Subject: Marriage Restoration Pray
Message Body:
Please pray for my marriage restoration with my wife Heather
I love my wife Heather a lot and strongly believe in Godly Marriage Covenant
Please pray so my wife Heather’s mind and heart softens so she agrees to reconcile marriage
Please Pray and Help
Thank you
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Hi Edith,
I am so very thankful that Ron and Sue could minister to you. Ron and Sue have been a very big support to me through my separation, divorce, and nervous breakdown back in 2005-2007 and even to the present time. Sue has counseled me during my depression, and later when I wanted to date again. Sue helped me use Godly discretion with 4 Christian single women since the divorce in 2007. That without her wise counsel, I could have set myself up for a second divorce.
Thanks so much for sharing that your talk went well. I pray that Sue can help you get to the root of your situation and that you will soon be like a blooming flower again in God’s time. I was pretty much a basket case, and now I am doing so much better. Maybe not perfect, but so much better! God is good all the time, the problem is if we are not connected to his vine we will simply shrivel up. You are in good hands with Sister Sue which is what I call her. (I know that she is not a nun, but I call her Sister Sue all the time). Ron calls her Sweet Sue.
God bless you, and may He give you more hope and peace as the days, weeks, and months go by, and that you will know that the hope and peace are coming from Him without any doubt! Amen!
Bill Greguska
Edith, this photo was when I came to visit Ron and Sue from my house in West Allis, Wisconsin down to Illinois where they live.
This sign is in my backyard on a very busy street ~ Praise God!
Dear Bill
I did a WhatsApp video with Sue and Ron today and it was most helpful.
What an inspiration even though I cried through most of it.
Photo lovely.
Thank you so much.
Every blessing.
Hi Edith,
Sue texted me this afternoon and said she has WhatsApp and she mentioned that she has spoken to people from Israel and other countries with it in the past. If you do not hear from her by Wednesday please contact me and I will text to again. She also said that she was excited to know you are from the UK because she and her husband Ron lived there for 4 years where her first two or three children were born.
Below is a photo of Ron and Sue’s 52nd wedding anniversary this past year. Also here is a page from my website I made for them.
I look forward to getting you and Sue hooked up on WhatsApp.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Dear Bill
Maybe this would help.
It is free.
Maybe we could do video call.
Appreciate your help
Thank you
Good morning Edith,
I am not familiar with WhatsApp but if you have it, is there a reason why you can’t call her?
I forwarded your email to her and she will probably get back to me sometime today hopefully. And I will get back to you with what she says.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Thank you
This number is not Uk
Does Sue have whatsspp number please?
Thank you
I’d it possible to speak to your former pastor’s wife?
Does your organization provide counselling?
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Edith,
I have not forgotten about you. I contacted my former pastor’s wife Sue, and shared your email with her. Her daughter committed suicide in 2003. This must have been extremely gut-wrenching and painful for her and her husband and family. I just can’t totally relate to but talking to her I’m sure will be better than anything I can say to you. I know it is extremely painful for you. Sue has encouraged many people. (Including myself) I contemplated suicide two times in my life very seriously back in high school and during my divorce. She has counseled many women at the Moody Bible institute in Chicago Illinois. This is her response….
Dear Edith,
I am so very sorry for your loss and the responsibilities you now have for your 19 month old grandson! I will be glad to walk alongside you, listen to, and pray for you if you’d like to call or text me. My number is xxx. Do you have a Survivors of Suicide Chapter close by? They have been so faithful to send a note once or twice a year at important dates just so I know someone has not forgotten. I will be able to share with you what has brought me through after our daughter’s suicide and may be able to help you. There are too many loved ones who have made that unspeakable exit from this life, and it leaves us in such deep grief! A book called “Good Grief” helped me know the five steps that it’s good and normal to work through – including anger. I don’t know which stage you’re in but I’ve walked through it all since 2003. Praying for you now, dear Edith❣️??❣️
Your sister in Hope,
Hi Edith,
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter committing suicide. I know of a pastor whose daughter committed suicide, I can not say I know how it feels, but I can say that we still have a life to live that God has given each of us. I would encourage you to get connected with your church and talk to a pastor who can help you pick up the pieces, or maybe if you want I can see if you can talk to my former pastor’s wife if possible.
It is a tragic thing that has happened to you, yet you need to grieve and get strong again. It is going to take God’s help and some time and work on your part to make some sense of it all move forward with your grieving and begin healing.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
God bless you, and I hope what I have shared will be of help to you.
Bill Greguska
From: Edith
Subject: death of daughter
Message Body:
my daughter died by suicide leaving a 19-month-old son I am very confused about faith and going forward
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Thank you Bill once again. God bless you
Kind regards
Hi Natalie,
I am glad I could point you to Jesus, for He is the one who understands and is in control.
It is wonderful to hear a good report from you, keep up the good work, and keep your eyes on Jesus not the waves of this world. Thank you so much for sharing, I answer hundreds of emails and it is good to hear how God has worked in your life!
May God continue to bless you!
Bill Greguska
To Bill
You spoke to me a while back and I just want to thank you for your encouragement. God is so good when I look back at where I was and how far God has brought me it’s amazing. I just want to share it with you. My faith in God has grown. I am working on being faithful repenting of any sins and asking God to forgive me and change me. I am learning more about Jesus. I have a strong belief and want to have a strong relationship with Jesus. I want to be obedient to God and unwavering in my belief In him.
I have started weekly bible study with a Christian friend thank you God. that God sent to me and I also do Christian counseling each week it is all amazing. I feel much better now thank you. My medication has been reduced and I am just so thankful to God he just keeps on blessing me I feel truly thankful to God praise God praise Jesus. I thank God for what he has done in my life
Thank you for being there for me.
Thank you Bill for your email
Your words are powerful thank you and has really blessed me thank you for your words of advice. I will keep praying and reading the word. I’ll confess my sins to God and ask him to change me. I will keep my eyes fixed on God but not beat myself up. Even at times when I fail. I will keep fighting and following God. I have made the decision to follow GOD. And ill ask him to purify me and my heart. I believe I will get there. God can do the impossible. And I am the impossible case. I pray to God I get there. I will look for a mentor. God bless you Bill
Hi Natalie,
I want to encourage you to realize that God accept you where you’re at. He loves you and wants the best for you. Do you believe that?
I want to remind you that prayer is very important and you should consider praying each morning when you wake up for at least a few minutes. Your Bible too would be very helpful, such as Proverbs or the book of John or James.
You mentioned medication and God has created that too through pharmacists. Make sure you work with your doctor and do what he says. Hopefully he is not giving you more than you need.
It’s good that you have a Christian boyfriend, although be careful not to fall into temptation. Yes, sin is pleasurable for a short time, but wages the sin is death, (not always necessarily physical death but spiritual death too)
Also keep in mind you cannot work your way into heaven, I was raised Catholic and I used to think that way but I know now that is not true because it says in Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
You might strongly consider also finding a mentor who can walk with you and teach you more about Christian faith. Keep in mind that we are not sinless, but now as Christians we sin less.
Find a good balance of not being too hard on yourself but at the same time keep your eyes on the Lord! For the world, our flesh, and the devil are in battle against us. That’s why we need to put our armor on to protect ourselves from temptations.
But if we do sin remember what it says in the book of 1 John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Have you confessed your sins to God like that?
Natalie, is exciting that you seem to have a good attitude, so keep up the good work! Someday, I pray that we can hear the Lord say to us, well done my good and faithful servant.
Bill Greguska
Thank you Bill Greguska
Thank you for your email and getting back to me so soon. God bless you. I just feel myself wavering in my faith. I do believe in God but theres a few doubts and a bit of resistance which I’m not proud of.
I have intrusive thoughts. I don’t believe I am a good Christian I could be better.
I do need to rededicate my life to God. I want to do that. I will.
I don’t belong to a church the church I want to go to my family go to start early. They have an early service I cannot get up because I’m on strong medication for mental health illness I suffer with. I think I need to sleep early even if I have to take a cab and just go. Even if its difficult. Its only close to where I live its a lovely church and it’s the church I want to go to. I Want a strong relationship with God. I want this. I’m very isolated I wish I had some Christian friends although I do have some friends but they are not Christians my boyfriend is. Either I want to believe 100 percent not 95. Its the most important thing to me in my life.
Hi Natalie,
There are some things that I think might help you understand. If you have become a born-again believer, by what it states in:
Romans 10:9-10If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Why do you think your faith is weak? What, or who, are you comparing yourself with to make you think that way?
Either you believe or you do not believe. Yes, you will experience more that time goes by that will draw you closer to God, but please do not think that if you, for example, do not pray with a lot of grace and fancy words, that does not mean your faith is weak. But if you are having doubts about God being your Lord and Savior, then you might rededicate your life to God.
I encourage you to talk to the people at your church and ask them to help you, too. I am assuming you are attending a church.I hope what I have said has been of help to you. If you have questions, please feel free to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
From: Natalie
Subject: Being a stronger believer
Message Body:
I want to be a stronger believer in God I need prayer. I feel my belief in God is weak and it needs be stronger I feel embarrassed and silly and irritated that I keep waving in my faith. I feel that by now since everything God has done for me I should know better. Please pray for me I want to follow God that is more important to me than anything in this world I don’t want to doubt or be wavering. I’m sorry If this seems silly but it’s important to me. I don’t want to go to hell please help
This e-mail was sent from a contact form (
On Thursday / Bill
Hi Lisa,
I have two things to share with you in response to your email, but I will summarize them with these two scriptures.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I would encourage you to keep away from your former male friend, for that would be a temptation that could lead you into sin.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
On Thursday, wrote:
From: Lisa
Subject: Advice
Message Body:
I’m a Christian & so thankful God leads me by Hus precious Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus. I’m so thankful for salvation. I left my husband for a time due to years of abuse. While we were apart he repented of everything & I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to go home. I did & I’m so thankful. While we were apart I visited with a Christian man I’ve never met & became emotionally attached. But when the Holy Spirit told me to cut ties & go home I did immediately. My husband forgave me for visiting with the man. And he talked with him also. I never was able to tell the man goodbye or apologize to his wife for becoming emotionally attached to him & appreciative of his help & advice. Please pray that emotional strongholds will continue to be broken & that God will bless & heal all of us? I feel so bad I never had the opportunity to say goodbye or apologize but I know I’ve done right to choose God first, & my husband. I’ve repented & my husband tells me the man was not a brother in Christ but a wolf in sheep’s clothing I’m sad that I was deceived to hurt so bad that I’d become emotionally attached as I did. My heart is crushed but thankful for God’s mercy & forgiveness. I’m thankful that the devil is a liar & God does heal the worst of marriages. I pray I meet the couple again one day so I can apologize especially see them in Heaven if not on earth. But now I know God wants to heal & use all for His glory to help someone else. The pain is unbearable at times. Everything about it, the abuse, the separation, the emotional attachment, the having to cut ties with no goodbye, being treated disrespected by the brother, and just everything. But I love Paul & Phi 3:13-14 We press on. No understanding sin BUT GOD forgives & we must forgive & pray His will be done. Please give correction advice instructions anything as I’m open to correction and all. How should I pray now about everything? I’m asking the Holy Spirit to lead me I know His voice. But I also know it’s wise to seek godly counsel & I just need some confirmation that I’ve done right & if I haven’t done right that God will correct me. I don’t want to grieve Him.
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Hi Natalia,
It was very refreshing to read your testimony. The emails I get are sometimes discouraging to read, yet I keep everyone on an open palm and give it to the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the one who will do something, not me.
As far as your question, “My question is: do I need to be baptized again?” To be technical about it, nobody needs to be baptized, I say that because of the thief on the cross with Jesus. He was never baptized, but he was ushered into heaven. But, I believe that if you were baptized as a baby like I was, then being baptized as an adult is appropriate. If you were baptized as an adult, then I believe it is not necessary to be baptized again, but there is no law against doing so. Being baptized is an outward expression of an inward commitment made in public about one’s faith in Jesus Christ!
Watch this short video and I think you will understand the need for baptism.
I hope I answered your question clearly enough, if not, please email me back if you have any questions.
You made my day to hear how God is working in your life. Keep your eyes on the Lord, and you will never regret doing so, I am so thankful for what God did in my life.
Romans 10:9-10 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
On Tuesday, <> wrote:
From: Natalia
Subject: Baptizm
Message Body:
My Name is Natalia and I am on Team JESUS too! I am not religious. imperfect and unworthy, saved by Grace. Seeking after God.
Grew up in Russian Orthodox family where faith was practiced little to none due to heavy anti-Christ Communistic imprint on humanity.
I was baptized at the age of 3 months.
At the age of 39 I have experienced God. The whole life before that I have lived in sin. But by His Grace I’ve been born again. His Love broke through the cloud of pollution from this world in me, like the spring of water in the thirsty desert… The tears of Revival at 4am, still on my knees, never felt so satisfying!..
The overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude towards God…!..
There is so much more has happened to me since! So many revelations! So much God continues to reveal to me!.. feeling of a butterfly coming out of the cocoon and seeing her gorgeous wings, can’t believe her eyes, can’t catch her breath from the overwhelming joy that THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!!… loving everything and everyone around; looking back at the life before like it was lived by someone else…
People who experienced spiritual birth can understand what I’m talking about. Heavenly feelings are hard to describe with words…it must be felt…
I started to read a Bible. I am consuming every word like my life depends on it (and it does, literally!).
I need it! I want to know more and more about God. I want to live my life in obedience and faithfulness to His Word. Jesus is my life. I want nothing else but Him! I give myself to Him. I am His. My Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!!! Oh how I love His Name! How sweet it feels to call on Him! …all the pleasures of this world combined can’t stand even close to the feeling of Jesus’ presence!!… This world has lost its grip on me. All chains that held me in bondage to worldly things are broken. This is what true freedom feels like! … God gave my heart a new song to sing!
Thank you so much for reading my testimony!
My question is: do I need to be baptized again? I really feel like I do. I really want to! But where do I get Baptized? I don’t want to belong to any religion or church. I just want my JESUS!
…please share your opinion and perhaps give me your advice on this. I want to be baptized in the open public area, a river perhaps…no church walls please, no religion. JUST JESUS.
P.S. I live in Union City CA. Willing to travel a great distance for this!
Thank you so much for your time!
Love sincerely,
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Hello Bill,
I appreciate your time and response – it means a lot!!
I’m so sorry about the pain you went through during your divorce, but thanks so much for sharing part of your story and for giving your advice – your words really hit me as I was walking at the park today and it definitely has been of help!
What you mentioned about accepting what happened regardless of if I liked it or not hit home run for me. I guess I’ve been hoping that my parents would apologize and validate what I have been through instead of dismissing it – they’re not and I have to accept it, pray for them without expecting a change, and let it go so I can be free. The sexual abuse was the easiest part to forgive compared to how my parents showed up when I told them about it, but the Lord has been dealing with that feeling of abandonment and rejection within me even more in the past 2 days. I was also struggling to understand if forgiveness meant that I had to allow them to keep hurting me and I feel like the Lord is calling me to pray for them, love them, but from a distance. I have no desire in speaking to my mom even though I pray for her with a loving heart in the morning and really hope she is able to heal her scars. I feel like I forgave her for not being there for me when the abuse happened but at the same time I feel violated by her always controlling me and it takes me away from the presence of God. I get angry when I’m not able to put boundaries.
Do you think it’s ok with God if we distance ourselves from parents when they are acting toxic? I know we’re called to honor them. I have no idea how to tell her I need my space and don’t want to hear much from her at the moment – I get fearful of her reaction because I’m scared I’ll feel guilty and it will put me in a wrong space with God. I feel responsible for her happiness and healing – I feel like I’ve always been a mom to her and it’s taking my faith, physical energy, happiness, and the presence of God away.
God has been calling me to speak about what happened to me and to share how to heal from sexual abuse with others, but I feel scared of how my parents will react if they see the videos online. I bought the gear and have all the skills to launch my podcast and YouTube channel but have been hesitant and keep getting feelings of not having enough authority to speak.
Thank you so much for listening to me – have a blessed day!!
Giulia / Bill
Hi Giulia,
To offer you an elementary explanation of why God allows some things to happen is because if God created us all without the ability to sin and do things that would offend Him, He would have to make us all robots. But no, He created us with free will to choose to love him or reject Him. Whatever abuse you went through is based on the free will that others have had over you. This does not mean that God does not love you, but it means that we all will be judged one day for any evil we have committed. It is important that you get right with God and put to rest the abuse and abandonment that has happened in the past. You need to find it in your heart to forgive, at least for your own sake.
You can not erase what has happened, but you can turn the page and start a new chapter in your life. Start that new chapter today!!! I am sure you rehashed the past pains over and over, but it does not change what has happened. You need to accept it (you do not have to like it) and ask God to help you grow through it. I went through a divorce in 2007 and I was very depressed, my brother Tom told me that if I have done all I could do, and there is nothing more to do, then he told me that I needed to turn the page and start a new chapter. That is what I hope and pray that you do.
God bless you and email me back if what I have said has been of help to you.
1 Peter 5:7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Bill Greguska
On Friday, Giulia wrote:
From: Giulia
Subject: Abuse, Abandonment, forgiveness
Message Body:
I’ve been a Christian for 2 years and have been on a healing journey that’s already brought a lot of healing. I know Jesus cares for me but I still can’t help feeling abandoned for what happened to me (I was abused as a child) and how my parents keep dismissing what happened to me. I’m having difficulty seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel abandoned by Jesus too which I feel guilty for. I feel like I would like to talk to someone for help on how to move forward – I know you’re probably overloaded with requests but I hope you will be able to chat with me. I was hoping to start some counseling.
Thanks so much for your help and God bless you.
Giulia (pronounced as Julia).
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Thank you ?? so much for your words of encouragement and scriptures.
Sent from my iPhone / Bill
Hi Leondra,
I believe I can understand your situation, and I am in a similar situation myself, but in my case, my wife divorced me 15 years ago. I was pretty devastated. I am sure you are too, with the loss of your husband. God will provide for your needs in ways you do not know yet. Be patient and be prayerful, trusting that God has walked with you for so many years. He will not abandon you now.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Leondra, a couple of summers ago, I came across a new way for me to pray. It was very simple, and the Lord put it on my heart, I am sure! I was at McCarthy Park right by my house, and I was sitting on a park bench by myself. I decided to pray, and that is when it came to me… I ask the Lord, “What do you want me to do?” I sat there in total silence and was amazed at how it felt as though I did not have to say another word. All I did was sit there and listen to what I felt God would want me to know and do. It was beautiful, and I go back there often to pray, but now I take my dog with me.
I will share an analogy with you. Picture yourself in a bathtub, and there is a bar of soap in the water that you want to have. The more you reach and grab for it, the more elusive it will become. But once you open your palm to the bar of soap and simply let it land in your hands, then you will find the success you wanted all the time. I say this to remind you that God knows your needs, so trust him with open palms. He will give you what you need, whether that is to be single or to have a husband.
I pray for your heart’s desire to have a husband, not just any husband, a good, godly man who will love and protect you. Wait on the Lord, because if you do not wait like I did not wait on the Lord back in 1997, I had to learn the hard way, and my marriage was very difficult, which ended in divorce in 2007.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you. Here is a page from my site that I think will be of help to you.
God bless you. I pray you take your situation to God in prayer each morning when you wake up.
Bill Greguska
On Wednesday, Leondra
I am a widow of 5 years. I’ve been dating the same person for 3.5 years and we’ve broken up recently. The relationship was emotionally abusive and I’m hurting from it. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone. I don’t know what to do.
I know God is a just and I don’t have all of the answers. I want to be in a loving relationship with someone who appreciates me for who I am.
Sent from my iPhone
At 9:01 AM, / Bill <> wrote:
Hi Leondra,
It is good that you reached out for help. If you could be more specific, that would help me to help point you to Jesus.
I would encourage you to pray about this and get help from your church and Christian friends.
If you wish to share more with me, I will get back to you.
Bill Greguska
On Monday Leondra <> wrote:
From: Leondra
Subject: Relationship
Message Body:
I don’t have all of the answers. I’ve been in an emotionally abusive relationship and I need guidance on recovery ❤️?.
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Hi Vanessa,
I would like to let you know that I believe you are wise for reaching out for some help.
I learned over the years that many things in our life are spiritual issues that need to be resolved through prayer, confession, repentance, and forgiveness just the name of few things.
Have you considered being outside the box and maybe thinking it’s your diet, lack of water, lack of exercise, improper sleep habits, allowing stress to overtake you, unbalanced social life?
Another thought would be maybe there’s some uncontested in your life that you’re holding onto or overlooking?
As far as your fiancé goes, if you really love you I’m sure you can explain to him what you’re going through and hopefully he will understand. If not then he possibly not the one God has for you.
I would consider reaching out to a friend or two that you trust to share your burden. Are you attending a church right now?
With a little bit you have told me, these are my suggestions for you. Just keep calm and trust God! You have lived many years I imagine and things always seem to work out. You might be in the storm a little longer but remember this too shall pass.
I pray that you take your concerns to the Lord and prayer, for He is the one who can help you the greatest!
If you need to email me back, please feel free to do so. I hope what I have shared with you has been of help!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
From: Vanessa
Subject: Not Sure I’m Where I Belong
Message Body:
I’m in a very difficult season dealing with a lot of difficult emotions. Going through a period of depression and negativity and it’s bleeding into my relationship. I have no obvious-to-the-outside reason to feel this way, and yet I can’t shake it. It’s costing me my relationship with my fiancé as it has painted me in some very unflattering light. I’ve been in prayer and continue do so. I’ve repented and continue to do so. I’ve pleaded and begged God for insight, strength, release, acceptance, joy, etc. I’ve spent countless hours sobbing in the shower and throwing myself at the feet of Jesus for even the slightest bit of hope to be restored. When negativity creeps in, I rebuke it. I focus heavily on gratitude and the many blessings God has bestowed upon my life. Still, I’m suffering in a way that I cannot bear, let alone describe. It feels a bit as though I’m losing my mind. I’ll be up and running for a handful of days and then as if a switch as been flipped, I’m finding all the fault and feeling slighted by others around me. I’m miserable and am at my wits end. I need to know what I am supposed to do that I’m not already doing because it’s starting to feel dangerous for me, finding great comfort in the thought of giving up.
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Thank you.
Before I got ur message I contacted her via text (as she has blocked other ways for me to contact her) and apologized if the way I had handled it was wrong.. and that I am here for her.
I also have spent some time in prayer asking Jesus to forgive me if I did anything wrong.
I feel at peace now. She has decided to continue to ignore me but I feel it’s ok to let it go now.
Sent from my iPhone / Bill
Hi Jo,
Sometimes in life, it does not matter who is right or who is wrong. We need to start each new day as a new day.
If you feel you did not handle things correctly, then an apology would be necessary.
If her sin is what is keeping the two of you apart, that is a different story. Sexual desires can be very very powerful, if the two of you were truly friends, let’s pray she will come back when she is ready. Do not force it, and do not punish yourself, I am sure you did and said what you thought was right to do and say.
Without knowing all that has happened, I think prayer would be the number one thing to do.
After that, as I said, possibly an apology for anything you said or did wrong. Be humble and do not accuse her of anything in your apology note. God commands us to forgive one another, but He does not command us to reconciliation. But let’s hope things will work out in time. Be patient!
Romans 12:18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
God bless you and your friend,
Bill Greguska
On Tuesday, Jo wrote:
From: Jo
Subject: Feeling like I will be punished
Message Body:
I am a Christian and recently lead a friend to Christ.
She has been a Christian for 2 years and I have been her mentor so to speak
Recently she started dating a non Christian and they are having sex.
In the middle of a bible study she asked a friend and me if it’s ok to date a non Christian.
We showed her from the bible, the bible advises against this because it affects our relationship with God. The topic of sex came up and we explained how it’s a sin per the bible outside marriage.
So she got really angry with me and had since stopped speaking to me.
I have reached out to her. Offered to catch up. Nothing.
She had stopped coming to church since she started dating this guy and now won’t come to bible study
Maybe I handle it wrong? I have asked Jesus to forgive me if I did. I know I can always learn.
Now I have read the Bible verses about causing little ones to stumble
Now I feel like Jesus is going to judge me severely for causing a little one to stumble
Can Jesus forgive me for this? Did I do something wrong?
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Hi Racheal,
Every sin that we commit separates us from God, as you understand. We need to confess our sins and repent from whatever we do that offends God. Have you taken this to God in prayer? 1 John 1:9-10 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
What does your pastor say about what you are dealing with?
God bless you, I hope what I have shared is of help to you.
Bill Greguska
On Sunday, Racheal wrote:
From: Racheal
Message Body:
I need a lot of help I had a dream, and I have forsaken God and i need help i know Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by him.
I also have LGBTIQQ problems
Please help me I don’t want to go to hell ?
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Hi Morwen,
It is good that your friend PJ has you as a friend. I am also glad that you are a Christian and know that God is always available to call on Him for help. In this case, help for PJ.
I want you to know that all you can do is all you can do. You are not responsible for PJ even though it is obvious that you care about him. I will pray with you right now that PJ can be open to The Holy Spirit’s prompting.
What you could do is possibly tell PJ’s parents, and teacher, to let others know about PJ’s situation. Let’s pray that this too shall pass.
Check out this page from my website. I think it can be of some help to you and PJ.
God bless you, you’re a good friend to P.J.
Bill Greguska
On Monday, Morwen > wrote:
Hello, I’m a high school student and a Christian. My friend PJ is not saved and he’s suicidal. I’ve been praying really hard for him and nothing is changing. I’m afraid he’ll do it, and I don’t understand why God would let this happen. If it does, does that mean I didn’t have enough faith? Is it somehow my fault? Would God let this happen? I’m really anxious. Thank you for your time,
Hi Jamie,
There is no problem reflecting on your faith, actually, it is very good to make sure what you believe is really the truth.
I noticed you mentioned your feeling a lot in your email. I think you would be better off focusing on the facts rather than your feelings. God loves you and has a plan for your life. He died for your sins and mine. If you regularly put worldly things in front of Jesus, then it is time to reach out to God in prayer. Even asking the question if you are lukewarm tells me that there is a fire for the Lord in you still.
It is good that you still love your ex, is there anyone who could mediate between the two of you and possibly rekindle your relationship with him?
What is more important is your relationship with Jesus. Check out this link, and look around our website.
God bless you and if what I have shared has helped you, feel free to email me back if you have any questions.
Bill Greguska
On Wednesday, Jamie wrote:
From: Jamie
Subject: So many questions
Message Body:
Hi, my name is Jamie. There’s two big things I’ve really been struggling with. (Lots of little things.) I’ve been struggling with being a single mom. I’ve been divorced for about a year. I still love my ex and would work things out, but there’s a lot of things that make it… Unsafe for me to do so. He would have you drastically change. I need help in learning how to be ok with my situation and with being single. I have a lot of support, but I still feel like I NEED a partner in life. I’ve also been struggling with my faith. I firmly believe in Christ and who and what He is and has done for us. My struggle is how do I know I’m not lukewarm? How do I know I’m truly living for Christ? I study my Bible and I’ve recently gotten a huge fear that my faith is not true. I feel like I’m not good enough and my faith isn’t going to help me either…I feel like I’m a lost cause with nothing to offer anyone. Why do I feel so afraid that I’ll be left behind when He calls us home? How do I forgive myself for my mistakes and failures?
I’m sorry….I know this is a lot. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.
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Hi Lee,
I think you are wise in a number of ways. First of all for reaching out for wise counsel. I believe I can point you in the right direction…
Reading your email, it seems to me that you have many questions and not many people to bounce them off of. I do best with lists. So here are some things I hope you at least consider:
1) Pray to God for wisdom about your situation and read your Bible each morning.
2) Talk to you pastor.
3) Open up to your parents as far as you are comfortable in doing. (Keep in mind they love you)
4) Visit good websites like,, and my website
5) Feel free to ask me any specific questions you may have.
6) Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved
7) As far as you mentioning “Religion OCD” I would encourage you to take a look at your entire life such as:
Do you eat a good diet, do you avoid soda, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and drugs?
Do you drink plenty of water?
Also do you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
Do you exercise regularly?
Do you have a good social life?
Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
Do you read your Bible at least 5-10 minutes a day?
You have not gotten to where you are over night, but with your eyes on God trusting that the answers you desire will come in His time.
I hope what I have shared has been of some help to you, if you have any questions or want to email me again I am open to that.
Keep calm and trust God!!!
Bill Greguska
P.S. There are also two phone numbers below I encourage you to try calling 800-633-3446 and 877-772-4559 or text 53787
From: Lee
Subject: Difficulty praying, loving God, and being afraid of going to Hell.
Message Body:
Hello, thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to my message.
For a bit of context on who I am, how I think, and my beliefs:
I’m a teenager from the United States who was raised up in a Christian home and is seeking the truth. Throughout my life, I considered myself a Christian (since I was raised up that way) but only recently have I began to consider the possibilities of other religions being true. I am currently still on my search for the truth and still do not know which religion is true, but I still pray to God and the Holy Trinity as if I still believed in Him. As a person, I think that I lack empathy more than the average person (although I do not think that I am a psychopath nor a sociopath). Sometimes I feel very empathetic while at other times I completely lack any empathy whatsoever.
The problem(s):
First of all, I believe that I have some form of religious OCD (although I do not have it diagnosed) and it makes my life difficult, especially when praying. I have many intrusive thoughts that used to consist of random thoughts that would pop up in my head while praying, but these thoughts have slowly turned into blasphemous, sexual, and hateful thoughts of and against God. I’ve been having these thoughts outside of prayer as well. I understand that the temptation of having these thoughts are not sins themselves and that I should try to resist these thoughts. However, it is difficult for me to resist these thoughts. Moreover, after having them for a while, I’ve kind of been giving up on trying to resist these thoughts now and I just let them come to me. I got into the bad habit of just writing these sins down and getting into the mindset of “I will pray to God for forgiveness later” since I have these thoughts frequently and since these thoughts usually lead to more of these thoughts. However, I have not prayed for these things and I have just let them pile up over time, discouraging me from praying since there are so many things to pray for. I understand that the best thing to do is to “just pray”, but because of what I believe to be my OCD, I feel like my prayers have to be perfect with no distractions whatsoever, completely focused on God, said pretty much perfectly, and with every word coming from my heart. This causes me to repeat certain parts of my prayers over and over until I get it correct which is extremely tiring and time-consuming. It has gotten to the point where I have began to pray less over time just to avoid it. In addition, whenever I try to pray, I try to visualize in my head what I am praying for and I try to visualize me praying to God. However, this opens the opportunity for more visual intrusive thoughts to come in. If I try to visualize nothing in my head, I feel like I am not praying to God, leaving me in a dilemma.
Second of all, I don’t understand why but I don’t really feel “love” for God. Although I believe God exists (at least I think that I believe that God exists), I don’t feel compelled to follow Him, serve Him, or love Him. I know that God is working through my life and I know that He has helped me many times in the past and has spoken to me through His word many times. However, despite everything that God has done for me, I just don’t have the motivation to follow Him nor do I feel love for Him, leading me to take advantage of his forgiveness. I also don’t fully understand how to love God. Is it okay to love Him because He saved us? Wouldn’t that make our love selfish? Should we have to love God even if God didn’t love us? I find that the only way I think I can love God is because of what He does for me. I’m not talking about the salvation that He provides, but rather because of what He can provide me on this earth. I understand that there is an afterlife ahead of me and although I understand the severity of my eternal afterlife in my head, I don’t feel anything about it in my heart. I also think that if God could not provide anything for me on this earth, I would feel even less motivated to follow God than I already do now.
Third of all, since I do not fully believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I cannot say with confidence that I am free from sin or that I am saved. I’m still seeking out the truth, but I don’t know what or who to believe. Moreover, I play devil’s advocate a lot, causing me to be very indecisive. I find myself fearing in my head the rapture happening without me, God abandoning me, or me committing the unforgivable sin. Even if I did fully believe that Christianity was the “true” religion, I don’t know if I could ever find it in my heart to love God, I don’t know why.
Talking to people is probably one of my best solutions but I’m afraid of being judged for my problems, especially when people can see me face-to-face. I don’t want to tell my parents about this because I’m afraid that they would judge me too or would treat me differently at the very least. Since I live with my parents, I would have to see them everyday meaning that I would have to deal with the fear of them judging me or seeing me differently every day.
I know that this was a bit long and messy so I will try to summarize my problems:
I believe I have religious OCD which causes me to have terrible intrusive thoughts and makes prayer tedious and difficult since I believe that my prayers have to be “perfect”. I also get put into a dilemma since the only way I can pray is to visualize what I’m praying for but that leads to more intrusive thoughts. Because of this, I lack motivation to pray and instead write down what I’m going to pray for and let myself deal with it in the future. However, since I have not been praying, the things that I need to pray for have been adding up over time, making me feel even more discouraged to pray. Moreover, I feel even more discouraged to pray since I don’t exactly feel love for God nor do I feel compelled to follow Him even despite everything that He has done for me, leading me to take advantage of God’s love and forgiveness. I can’t seem to get my heart to be concerned about my afterlife, rather my heart only desires to follow God because of what He can provide me on this earth. These problems are even worse since I don’t believe that I am saved since I don’t fully believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior as I am still seeking out the truth. I don’t know if I could ever come to a conclusion due to my indecisiveness and not knowing what to believe. Since I take advantage of God’s love and forgiveness and since I am not saved, I fear in my head that God will abandon me and that I will be doomed to go to Hell. However, even with these fears, I still don’t feel the compulsion to correct my ways and to follow God. I find it difficult to open up about these fears and problems since I fear being judged very heavily, especially if it is people that I know or will frequently meet.
Overall, I don’t know what I should do and I have been lacking motivation and willpower to pursue my relationship with God and to make things right with Him. I’m afraid of what will happen in the future due to my lack of love for God and due to my lack of salvation.
I know this was pretty long but thank you for reading through all of this. I admire and respect the work that you do since I know that dealing with people’s problems is not the easiest thing to do and can be pretty tedious (especially with people like me). I also admire the fact that you guys have so much love for God and for others that you are willing to help anyone with any of their problems.
God Bless.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form (
Hi Deanne,
I am glad you liked it too. I thought it was powerful and clear how it was produced.
I am also glad that you forwarded it to others!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Monday, Deanne > wrote:
Good morning this is very inspiring to know God is our only peace and comfort thanks for sending me this video I share it with many people. GOD BLESS YOU AND FAMILIES ?
On Tue, / Bill wrote:
I encourage you to watch this short heartfelt video about how we are all tempted and what options we have.
if you have a minute, I would be happy to hear what you thought of it.
Bill Greguska
Hello Sir,
Thank you for your support so far. I will do just that.
On Thu, 18 Apr 14:50 / Bill, wrote:
Hi Joy,
I hope you understood what I was telling you, maybe you could read it over again more slowly.
When we pray, God answers all our prayers. Sometimes, the answer is yes, other times, no, and other times, it is to wait.
I would encourage you to make a list on paper of all the ways God has blessed you.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
On Thursday, April 18, at 03:24:13 AM CDT, Joy wrote:
Hello Bill,
Thank you for your timely response. I have always prayed for His will to be done but it seems what follows next is another form of challenge.
I know I should count it all joy when I face diverse challenges but for how long would I keep going through these challenges?
I love God, I really do and I feel terrible questioning God integrity and ability. I still have faith in Him, I just need someone to reassure and encourage me because whenever I go to God in prayers regarding this particular issue I don’t get any response, absolutely nothing. God seem to be salient, what does the salience of God mean sir?
On Thu, 18 Apr , 01:54 / Bill, wrote:
Hi Joy,
You are not alone, many people complain that God is not answering their prayers. Maybe it is time to try to pray in a different way.
Have you considered instead of praying what you would want to happen, pray for God will to be done. This way, you will know what God’s perfect will is instead of trying to have God endorse your desires. It is not that God does not care what your desires are, but more importantly, He wants you to know Him and His will for you.
For example:
(I am making this up this example) instead of praying for a son or daughter, to get good grades. Pray that the son or daughter would learn what is important for their lives, and wisdom for how you can be an encouragement to them.
I think you understand what I am saying. Pray to understand what God’s will is, not to get your will done.
God bless you Joy, I hope what I have shared has been a help to you.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book
Good day,
I am a Bible believing Christian but lately I’ve been struggling with my faith.
It seems God isn’t answering any of my prayers and it’s really painful. I really love God I do, without Him I am lost but still, I keep struggling with the pain of unanswered prayers and I feel so neglected. Aside the my life (which I am grateful for), there’s no evidence in my life that I serve a living God. I really struggling to remain steadfast. I need help please.
Hi Tami,
I have dealt with two bouts of depression in my life, so I know pretty much how you are feeling. My suggestion would be for you to consider the following.
- Keep talking to God and praying about the depression.
- Make a gratitude list of all the people and things you are thankful for.
- Make sure you get regular exercise.
- Make sure you eat healthy and avoid junk food, sugar, alcohol, and street drugs.
- Drink plenty of water, avoid caffeine in you can.
- Be sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Read your bible each morning.
- Pray each morning.
- Confess any unconfessed sins to God. 1 John 1:9
- Be around family and friends that encourage you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
I hope what I have shared will be helpful to you. Please also check out my website pages.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
Your Message
I just feel stuck I deal with depression and anxiety I don’t have good communication skills so people generally give up on me. My workplace has counseling but they said I was wasting their time.
Hi Beverly,
I would need to ask the grounds for divorce with your husband.
Did you initiate the divorce?
Did he cheat on you?
Did he abandon you?
I visited and looked up your question.
I am divorced. Can I remarry according to the Bible?
We often receive questions like “I am divorced for such and such a reason. Can I get remarried?” Or “I have been divorced twice—the first for adultery by my spouse, the second for incompatibility. The man I’m dating has been divorced three times—the first for incompatibility, the second for adultery on his part, the third for adultery on his wife’s part. Can we get married to each other?” Questions like these are difficult to answer because the Bible does not go into great detail regarding the various scenarios for remarriage after a divorce.
What we can know for sure is that it is God’s plan for a married couple to stay married as long as both spouses are alive (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:6). The basic principle concerning divorce and remarriage is laid out clearly in 1 Corinthians 7:10–11: “To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.” So, the foundational rule is that there should be no divorce and, if a divorce does happen, no remarriage.
Once we understand the basic rule that there should be no remarriage after a divorce, we can look at the possible exceptions to that rule. One possible allowance for remarriage after a divorce is found in Matthew 19:9—if the marriage ended because of adultery, then the wronged spouse may be free to remarry. But this interpretation is debated among Christians.
Another possible allowance for remarriage is desertion—when an unbelieving spouse leaves a believing spouse (1 Corinthians 7:12–15). In such a case, the believer is “not bound” (verse 15). This passage does not specifically address remarriage, however, and much depends on the meaning of the words not bound. Instances of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse would be sufficient cause for separation, but the Bible does not speak of these sins in the context of divorce or remarriage.
While God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16), God is also merciful and forgiving. Every divorce is a result of sin, either on the part of one spouse or both. Does God forgive divorce? Absolutely! Divorce is no less forgivable than any other sin. Forgiveness of all sins is available through faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7). If God forgives the sin of divorce, does that mean you are free to remarry? In light of the command to “remain unmarried or else be reconciled” in 1 Corinthians 7:11, the answer would seem to be no, except in the specific circumstances mentioned in 1 Corinthians 7:12–15 and Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9.
Being unmarried is not a curse. God sometimes calls people to remain single (1 Corinthians 7:7–8). Singleness can be an opportunity to serve God wholeheartedly (1 Corinthians 7:32–36).
So, can you or should you get remarried? We cannot give a blanket answer to that question. Ultimately, that is between you, your potential spouse, and, most importantly, God. The only advice we can give is for you to search the Scripture and pray to God for wisdom regarding what He would have you do (James 1:5). Pray with an open mind and genuinely ask the Lord to place His desires on your heart (Psalm 37:4). Seek the Lord’s will (Proverbs 3:5–6) and follow His leading.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
Your Message
I’ve been divorced a long time. My ex husband remarried and divorced, and has had numerous long term relationships. I have not had any. Does that release me from the remarriage/ adultery rules?
Hi John,
Yes, I pray for you and every man to be released from pornography, masturbation, and lust. I would encourage you to make some changes in your life. One would be to get an accountability partner to make you accountable to him by reporting your progress, and also, if you become weak and need help, he can encourage you and get you back on track.
Another change would be to identify what makes you fall into temptation and avoid that temptation. Get rid of all pornography in your house, and get some Internet accountability, too, such as Screen Accountability™ | Covenant Eyes
Here are a couple of pages that will be able to help you.
1 Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
I pray that what I have shared with you will benefit you and that you can come out on top with God’s help!
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
Your Message
Please pray that I should be delivered from the addictions of pornography, masturbation and lust.
Hi Miguel,
I am very sorry to hear that you and your wife are struggling. Keep in mind that there will be struggles in every relationship.
As the man of the house, I encourage you to go to your wife and confess that you could have done things better and be specific in the areas you are referring to. This might be what she needs to hear. As a result of your transparency with her, she might soften and admit some things to you, which will open up better communication.
Miguel, I encourage you to keep praying and take the high and narrow road, not the wide and so called easy road that many people take by going for a divorce. Pray to God for His wisdom and strength to honor God, keep your wedding vows, and keep your marriage alive.
Ephesians 5:25-28
Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing
her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
God bless you, and I pray that you work things out with your wife.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
My wife and I are seeking couples counseling cuz we’re going through a bad time around but now we are in a little budget we leave separately but in the faith of God and a little bit of help I know we get back on her feet. Thank you God bless you
Hi Bill:
My husband got an attorney and so he’s ready to start the dissolution process.
I am very heartbroken but I’m praying God’s will be done. I know He can soften hearts and change circumstances. But I’ll trust Him no matter what happens.
Thank you for the practical tips about staying healthy. That was very helpful. Those things can be easy to forget.
You are so kind to care and to pray.
From: / Bill
Sent: Monday, April 29, 9:54:34 PM
To: Elizabeth
Subject: Re: Contact Form
Hi Elisabeth,
I pray that the Lord will be done. You can not control what he says or does or anything, but you can control what you say and do. I remember clearly my pastor and his wife telling me to stand firm and not divorce my ex-wife. I did what they told me, and years later, I have found some consolation in doing the right thing. I consciously choose to fear God more than my spouse.
In the meantime, stay close to family and friends who love you and can give you support and encouragement.
Please take care of yourself…
- Eat healthy.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Get some exercise.
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Pray each morning and throughout the day.
- Read your Bible each morning.
- Confess any unconfessed sin in your life.
- Go to church and fellowship with other believers.
- Enjoy your family and friends.
- Try to laugh a little.
- Do not make any big decisions.
- Keep your emotions in check.
- Try to find someone you can help and encourage.
- Do not dwell on anything you have no control over. (your husband, etc.)
I know what you are going through, and remember that this, too, shall pass! (When I was going through it, I thought the pain would never end, but God was faithful.)
God bless you, Elisabeth,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446
On Sunday, April 28, at 01:43:33 PM CDT, Elizabeth wrote:
Hi Bill:
Thank you for praying.
- I have been praying non-stop. I want the marriage to work and I’m praying for reconciliation and healing.
- He left 12 days ago and we’re not in communication. He does not respond when I suggest next steps.
- There was no infidelity but some abuse/toxicity on both sides. We have both apologized, but he does not want to repair.
- I am very committed to marriage and am praying for a miracle and that God would not just restore, but create a “new” marriage.
Please be praying and I would love all of the advice you have on the matter.
Hi Elisabeth,
I am very sorry you are going through some very hard times.
- Have you been praying about your situation?
- Are you in communication with your husband?
- Are you willing to contact him and apologize for your part in the separation? (not his part)
- How long has he been gone?
- Has there been infidelity on either your part or his?
I went through a divorce in 2007 against my will, and I would encourage you to do all you can to keep your marriage alive.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Marriage counseling is best when both people are present with a pastor or counselor.
God bless you and do not give up your hope for your husband and you getting back together.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446
Hi there,
My name is Elizabeth and I’m 32. I’m going through a very painful season in my marriage and my husband and I have separated. We have no children. I am trying to become a better Christian and get my life back on track. I know I need good advice in order to do the right things and please God.
Hi Kerry,
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. That can be a very painful event. I encourage you to stay strong and to reach out to your Christian friends and family for support.
As far as your little sister goes, try to understand how you are hurting due to the loss of your mom, and imagine how your little sister is feeling, and you might understand why she is acting up. I encourage you to be patient and pray to God for strength to get through these rough waters you and your sister are going through. Try to sit down with your sister and reason with her calmly. I am sure she is hurting, too! (let her talk, and do not make it into an argument) Your mother would want you to be strong.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you, and trust God to see you through!
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
Pls can you pray re a family issue, my mum. died last month, m my little sister is being v disrespectful. She’s a control freak n being v demanding
Hi Tina,
I am very sorry to hear what you are going through. Have you been praying to God for strength and wisdom?
I, too, was very depressed in 2005 when my wife moved out; my mom was in the ER four times, I lost my job, and my dog died. The reason I share this with you is to let you know that “This too shall pass.”
I encourage you to stay close to family and friends who love you and can support you emotionally. Are you attending a church right now? That would be a great place for emotional support.
Here are a couple of pages to my website that can help you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
I have severe depression and anxiety and I’m grieving my mom of 2 years and my dog passing last month.
I’m alone and desperately need help.
Thank you
Hi Joanna,
It sounds like your relationship with your boyfriend is changing a little. You say you can not go out and do whatever you want, but why can’t you?
You are not a bad person, you just got weak and fell into temptation. Are you connected to your church or distant?
I would encourage you to not get back to drinking, otherwise the problems you have now will multiply. You quit for 2.5 years and you can do it again!
You need to figure out if your boyfriend is good for you or not? When you say you want to move out, that might be helpful, but if you are going to buy some land with your boyfriend, that sounds risky.
Do you pray before you make decisions?
I had a problem with alcohol and drugs 38 years ago, and I thank God I have not turned back to it. You can turn away from it but I would suggest how ever you did it before, that you do that again.
Can you get any support from your pastor or church in any way?
May God give you wisdom and strength to do His will.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, June 25, at 09:59:26 AM CDT, Joanna
I’m just having issues with my relationships. My boyfriend /friend idk what we are right now. Are complicated. He wants to hangout with friends of both genders. Idc about that. I trust him. But then I can’t go out and do whatever I want. Which I don’t mind most the time. What makes it difficult is I don’t have anyone to talk to while he does that and it makes it hard for me. I quit drinking for 2.5 years. I picked it up again month or so ago and it made me into a bad person. I didn’t care about my body or myself when I was drinking. Since then I have quit drinking. It’s been a week since I had alcohol. I want to drink all the time though. But I haven’t. My biggest struggle also is I’m trying to get out of this apt and find land to live on my bf/friend and were going to do that together and now it just seems like I’m stuck. Like I love him but I just seem like I’m second. It hurts
On Mon, Jun 24, at 10:23 PM / Bill
Hi Joanna,
I believe it would be good for you to start by explaining what is going on in your life. I am referring to the biggest issue you are having right now and what you have tried to do to make things better for yourself (which have not worked)
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
I also encourage you to check out the links that I shared with you. I believe you will find them helpful.
I will get back to you as soon as I can.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Saturday, June 22, 04:51:58 PM CDT, Joanna
I don’t mind if we speak. I just don’t know where to start
On Sat, Jun 22, 10:13 AM / Bill
Hi Joanna,
Irene got back to me and unfortunately she said she was unavailable. As I mentioned, I am the one who answers the emails. I tried to see if Irene could help, but unfortunately she could not.
You have some options, you can pray about your situation. HOW TO PRAY?
You can go to your pastor at your church for counsel.
You could try to find a female counselor on line.
You could check out
You could talk to a close friend who you trust.
I am sorry that you did not wish to talk to me, but I understand.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Friday, June 21, 11:48:23 PM CDT, Joanna
Yes please I would like to talk to Irene.
But if it’s easier we can talk too. I just need Jesus
On Tue, Jun 18, at 9:16 AM / Bill Hi Joanna,
I sent this to a Christian friend of mine, but usually I answer all emails myself. Although since you asked for a female to communicate with, I sent you to Irene. Just to let you know, our communication is not via the telephone, only emails if you are okay with that.
I hope she responds to you soon, but I can not speak for her.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, June 18, 09:07:12 AM CDT, / Bill
Hi Irene,
I got this email this morning and wanted to know if you would like to respond to her.
Have a blessed day,
Subject I am wanting to talk to another female about Jesus Christ
Your Message I have fallen way off the path that Jesus has wanted me to be on and I would like someone to talk to about it.
—– Forwarded Message —–
Hi Jane,
You are in a difficult situation, yet I encourage you to be compassionate, loving, patient, and in prayer. Instead of directly addressing the issue of homosexuality, I would encourage you to ask them individually about their relationship with God.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, ESV
We all are sinners and our sins come in different packages, your cousin and aunt’s sin is homosexuality, other people like you and I have our sins we fight. Our sins might be in anger which God compares to murder, and lust which God compares to adultery. There are many sins, and I am not downplaying homosexuality, but I am putting it in perspective.
Your cousin and aunt are in rebellion, and if you confront them with judgment, you will most likely build a wall rather than a bridge between you and them. Pray for them and pray for yourself to walk blamelessly and when you talk with them, talk with compassion and love, not hatred or judgment.
Yes, homosexuality is bad and it is a sin. If you choose to talk to them individually as I suggested, speak with love and compassion, remembering what Jesus said to those who were going to stone the prostitute when he said, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” You can not change anyone, it is up to the Holy Spirit to work in each of their hearts.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. ESV
Matthew 7:12 The Golden Rule “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. ESV
God bless you Jane, and I pray for you and your cousin and aunt. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me back.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book
On Monday, March 25, 09:10:39 AM CDT,
From: Jane
Subject: Advice
Website: N/A
Message Body:
I have a cousin who has a lover but her lover is of the same sex as her, and what’s worse is that she is our aunt. Every time I see them I feel discomfort. And yesterday I thought of talking to them about their relationship, that they need to stop what they are doing because it is bad and it is a sin. Now I’m having second thoughts about whether I should talk to them or not?
That having same sex relationship (like boyfriend and girlfriend) is bad right it’s a sin right?
Can you give me advice about that
This is a notification that a contact form was submitted on your website (
Hi Sarah,
If your nephew would want to contact us, I will get back to him.
Prayer would be the best place to start.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446
On Tuesday, April 30, 05:44:28 PM CDT,
Subject Need help for nephew
Your Message Need to verify is this site will help nephew with issues of life at no cost thanks
Hello Bill
Thank you for the quick email. Greatly appreciated.
I have been able to meditate on the word and pray about the situation, happy to say I’m feeling much much better now!
A big amen to the scripture you have just shared! Should I find myself in a place of needing to talk about this, I’ll definitely reach out to you.
Thank you for your kind work and May The Lord continue to Bless you for the faithful work you’re doing!
Kind Regards
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, / Bill
Hi Lesley,
I am glad you reached out for help, although we only use email to communicate, not the telephone.
Would you like to share with me what problem you are facing and what you have tried to remedy the situation that has not worked?
I will get back to you ASAP.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446
On Monday, May 6, 04:56:07 PM CDT,
Subject Needing someone to talk to
Your Message Blessed greetings
I’m a young lady aged 27, going through a really discouraging time. Looking for a Christian person to talk to and get some comfort/ear.
Kind Regards
Hi Victora,
What have you been doing up until now that is helping your cause?
I think if you can figure out why you get angry when you have devotionals or prayer time, that is where you can look first. It seems that you do not have a real interest in Godly matters. Could it be the way the devotionals and prayers are delivered that you do not like? It also could be that you have some deep resentments and anger with your siblings and mum.
Are you obeying the rules of your home, or are you fighting your mum? The bottom line is that if you can not obey your mum, then you are adult enough to move out at 23. But if you feel you can not move out, you need to get serious and cooperate with your mum and siblings.
1) As a child under your mum’s care, you would do well to memorize this scripture
Ephesians 6:1-3 Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.
2) It sounds like you think the problem is between you and your mum and siblings, but it is deeper than that.
Ephesians 6:10-13 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
My older brother, who is now 78 years old, told me something very wise when I was your age, and I was disrespectful to my mom and used drugs and alcohol. He told me, “You make your bed; you will sleep in it.” In other words, your attitude, the decisions you make, the words you use, and the respect/disrespect you show will all determine what type of bed you will be sleeping in—either a good, comfortable one, or one of rebellion and disrespect to your family and God. It is basically your choice. It took me a little while, but I listened to my brother, and I am very thankful I did because he was totally right!
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or live chat
On Thursday, May 9, 01:56:54 PM CDT,
Subject Conflict in my family
Your Message Hi, I’ve been having issues with my family, and I can’t seem to identify the cause of it. I’m a 23 year old female, and I live with my parents and siblings.
I don’t know exactly when it started, but I started growing a… dislike for my family. I have this feeling of anger when I relate with anyone of them. I always feel angry when we have devotions or prayer meetings together, or even when anyone of them tries to communicate with me in any way. It’s worse with my mum and elder brother.
I was not abused as a child, but I admit I did feel a bit neglected. See, I’m the middle child among 3 children, and the only daughter. My mother’s favorite is my elder brother, and it’s something that is obvious. I’ve been compared to my siblings a number of times, and it always seems I’m the ‘bad’ child.
I’m an introvert, so I may come off as a snob to our family friends. I feel my family uses this as a point of discussion every time. I always feel defensive whenever I relate with them, and I guess my mother’s feeling frustrated. My family knows I’m closer to my friends, and am a lot free with them, and they don’t like the fact that I don’t relate with them as much as I relate with my friends.
My mother and I had an altercation at the time I’m writing this, and she says she’s tired of me. She says she feels frustrated and she says she would leave me to do whatever I want to do. She said a demon is always the one responsible for making people moody (like I always seem to be), and that she wonders why I act the way I do if I have a prayer life.
I’ve prayed for patience and wisdom on how to handle this, but I thought talking to an experienced Christian would be of help. Thank you.
The best way to deal with all issues is to take them to God in prayer. Have you been doing that regularly?
The other thing to do is to look at the facts and to do so, would be to talk to her about what she wants.
Yes, emotions are important, but not as important as the intellect and the Holy Spirit that God has given you.
I will not tell you what to do except to pray about your situation and talk to her. Those two things need to be done to find some closure and solution.
You broke up with her for some reason. What has changed since then?
Are you sure that you want to get her back because of sexual reasons or loneliness?
Here is a page from my website that I think can be of benefit to you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or live chat
On Monday, May 6, 06:03:28 PM CDT,
Subject Relationship Issues
Your Message I have a lady that I dated back then for like 3 years and our relationship was okay …a bit ups and downs but was okay
* I mean we did things together even sinned Against God by going into and doing some crazy spiritual consultations and actions just to make sure we both are okay and leave a good life
She went extra miles for me when I was down and I also did the same for her…….but after sometime l left the country and came to my own country leaving her In hers .
After I left we stopped seeing each other and distance made the feelings more difficult! …..At the long run she told me she had given birth for a guy that she didn’t love or have fillings for
I really don’t know but she’s like she was depressed and frustrated cus of the fact that I left her and stuff like that and even the guy she gave birth for ran away leaving her and the kid that’s why she decided to look for a job and eventually got one in my country
Now she came to my country to look for a job which she actually got and then decided to connect with me
well she somehow got my number and from there we started communicating to each other , I advised her on how my country is and gave her guidelines on how she would survive and leave peacefully here (No she left the kid with her mum in her country ,so the mum will take care of him while she’s at work )
I decided to go meet her where ever she was because it’s been a while we saw each other and I also could not leave her alone in my country without saying hi! But when I met her the feeling we both thought we left caught up with us like ….I noticed I have really missed her a lot but the fact that she got a kid now is kinda discouraging me
I could remember all the fun times we had and I could see it in her that she really wish we could get back together but I’m so confused if that a right thing to do
Now the thing is I have kept myself for like 2 to 3 years without having sex with any other lady since I left her and when I met her I told her I wanted to have sex with her and she told me not to and I still don’t really understand if this things are normal ?
Her boss is the one accommodating her in his house and also the one paying her salary and I’m thinking that’s why he had such nerve to have sex with her in my country because he employed her
I’m really confused on this and I don’t want to jump into something I would regret, we have both fought spiritual battles then ……I mean real battles when we could not even afford to pay for rent and had to sleep on the streets .She could have left and gone home to sleep or stay but instead she stayed with me on the streets until she finally too me to her parents house which I stayed till I got myself.
We attended the same university and I had to skip school just to pay her fees so she could finish up and I wouldn’t but GOD Being so GOOD I also finished from another school
Please help me out with your prayers and advice .
Hi Athena,
It is good to hear that you have been praying about your situation. Ask God for wisdom. Keep that up!
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I bet you are a very smart young lady, yet it seems that bookwork is not your cup of tea. I would encourage you to go to school on Monday and talk to the guidance counselor. I am sure that there are options that you might find helpful. Maybe cut back another credit if you think that the volume of schoolwork is the problem.
I encourage you to write down the things in your life that drain you the most energy. Then, see if there is something you can reduce or eliminate.
Without knowing you, I would have to guess that some exercise, at least medium to long walks, would be of great benefit to you. Also, make sure you eat healthily, get 7-8 hours of sleep, avoid alcohol and drugs, confess any unconfessed sins to God, and stay social with friends and family. And do not forget to find things that are humorous, for laughter is sometimes the best medicine. Also, at night before bed, write down at least three things you want to accomplish in the morning.
In a TV commercial I saw, they say that a body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or live chat
On Thursday, May 9, 04:17:08 PM CDT,
Subject No Motivation, No Direction
Your Message I don’t want to be in college anymore.
It’s too hard to get myself to do homework. I really don’t want to do homework anymore. But if I quit school, I would just do nothing all day. What choice do I have? I don’t know what to do. I don’t have motivation to do homework. I suffer from depression and anxiety, both officially diagnosed, and I really don’t know what to do. I can’t keep living like this, dragging myself to do everything that I dread doing. I do go to social clubs, and I participate in my university’s Christian fellowship the most, and I do kind of enjoy it. I know it’s wrong to think this way but I only want the fun parts of college and not the hard parts. I don’t want to fail my classes, but at the same time I want to just so that I don’t have to be in school anymore. But if I don’t go to school anymore, I’d end up just spending my days watching meaningless videos on YouTube. I wish God would tell me his plans for me. I don’t want to be a college dropout. I want at least a bachelor’s degree, but I’m halfway through one quarter and I can’t take this anymore. My classes are super easy compared to everyone else’s, and I’m taking 4-7 credits less than everyone else, yet I still can’t handle it. I’m not stressed, at least I don’t think I am, but I’m very dejected. I pray to God every day to help me, but it’s getting too hard to just simply get myself to do things I dread. I don’t want to be a college dropout because I won’t do anything of value with that free time like starting a business or selling my art, but I can’t be in school anymore. I’m so directionless and demotivated and I really need Christian guidance right now.
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