Response Letters 5
Read our responses to your emails below…
Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.
- Response letters are a powerful tool to help people who are seeking answers and guidance. I am humbled by the trust that many of you have placed in me, even though I am not a professional counselor. As a Born-Again Christian since 1986, my responses come from Biblical principles found in the Bible and through prayer. I believe that God has given us everything we need to live happy and fulfilling lives, but sometimes we need someone to help us see those truths more clearly.
Response Letters Are A Creative Way To Help People Who Are Seeking Answers And Guidance. I Am Humbled By The Trust That Many Of You Have Placed In Me, Despite Not Being A Professional Counselor. But, As A Born-again Christian Since 1986, My Responses Come From God’s Word And Biblical Principles Found In The Bible, Plus My Life Experiences, Through Prayer, And How God Has Comforted Me In My Life Situations!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to serve you in this way! ~ Bill Greguska
Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
If you wish to ask a question of your own, please contact us.

Hi Ann,
I want to start by asking you if you have prayed specifically about this situation that you are in. First of all, we are all sinners, but the question for you is, have you decided to follow Jesus by faith?
If you answer that question first, your other problems will be easier to deal with.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
You mentioned that he threatened to kill you and has beaten you twice already. You say you can not imagine being married to someone like that.
You are going to have to decide what you are going to do.
Why would I suggest you marry someone like him with what you have said about him?
Why would I suggest you break up with him if he is going to beat you?
I do not understand why you are with him in the first place.
You will do some soul-searching and decide for yourself what the best thing for Ann would be. A restraining order is something to consider.
I will pray that God gives you wisdom and the ability to make the right choice in this situation. You have been divorced, and if you get involved with this new guy, it seems like you are asking for trouble. It seems to me, don’t you agree?
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Please pray about it and see where God leads you! I think you will get your answer from God, not anyone else.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Living in sin
Message Body:
I am divorced and got into another relationship. I know it was wrong, but now I am unable to get out. He has threatened to kill me if I leave him, and he has beaten me twice. It has been almost seven years, and he wants to get married, but I can’t imagine being married to someone like that.
Should I marry him so I will not be living in sin or just continue living in sin? I pray and fast, but it is not practical since I don’t know if God listens to sinners. I do not take communion. Please help.
Hi Anna,
I am glad you reached out instead of carrying this burden alone. My advice to you is to pray about this situation.
I think you know what the right thing to do would be, but you seem to be allowing your weak flesh to torment you. You need to take a strong stance against the guy you had a crush on. You need to stay clear of him, but if anything, you need to make it clear that you are now happily married with a child of his.
Yes, you may be having feelings that are bothering you, but you need to put your intellect and God’s wisdom on top of any emotions that so easily entangle us.
Playing around with this in your mind will eventually lead you somewhere you do not want to go! You may never pursue the other person again physically, but emotionally you are risking having an emotional affair with him, which will directly impact your marriage and family.
This is not good for your marriage, and I am sure your husband feels it even though he might not know what is going on. I know I am saying this very firmly because if you take this lightly, you are bound to be a miserable woman and even jeopardize your marriage.
To recap what I just said:
- Pray about this situation and how God wants you to deal with it.
- Cut all ties with this other person immediately (except possibly letting him know you are happily married and want to keep it that way!
- If you do not run from this situation, you are very foolish! And will deserve any repercussions that you get, including a weakened marriage and potential divorce.
I am speaking this strongly to you since you asked for my advice. You are blind to what could happen if you allow this childlike sparing with the person you had a crush on. It is over, so do not look back. Otherwise, your future will not be secure.
I pray that you heed my warning. I said these things because if I came to you for advice, I sure would hope you would be bluntly honest with me like I am bluntly honest with you!
I pray that you will be wise to flee from this danger and cling to the one you married, who has given you a child.
If you need to communicate more about this, please feel free to do so. If not, I pray that you take my advice!!! Renounce any thoughts and feelings for the other person. I pray that your marriage has not been too affected by this yet, but if you do not take a stronger stance, you will be like a moth trying to get closer to the fire, and you know what will happen.
You are a married woman with a child, and I am sure you want to stay that way!
Please do not make a mistake in this matter. I have warned you the best I know how. I pray that the Holy Spirit enables you to put this behind you and move forward with your husband and child.
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
May God bless you and give you wisdom and strength!
Bill Greguska
Here is a link that could benefit you to watch…
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Help, I don’t want to feel like this anymore.
Message Body:
Hello, my name is Anna. I’ve been married to my husband for almost three years. We are both saved. We have a daughter. Lately, nearly every day, I’ve been thinking about another man who goes to our church. My husband and I broke up when we were dating, and I was kind of pursuing that guy until my husband said he was ready to commit, so I got back together with him.
Nothing happened between that other guy; I just had a crush on him. It’s been over three years, and I’m married with a child now. How do I stop thinking about a little crush I had? I know that’s not what God wants me to do. I don’t know how to fix this.
Hi JoAnn,
My question to you is, “Have you prayed about your excessive complaining?” That would be the first thing I would suggest for you to do. If you have prayed about this already, then I would go to God’s word in Galatians 5:22-23 But, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.
We all do things we know we ought to stop or start doing. In your case, it sounds like using some extra self-control would do you a great deal of help right about now.
Apostle Paul who the Lord inspired him to write in the Bible, Paul even said in Romans 7:14-25 14
We know that the law is spiritual, but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is a sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is a sin living in me that does it.
21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature, a slave to the law of sin.
JoAnn, I am sure you have tried to stop complaining, but now, try asking God for His help with this battle that is waging war against you.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I hope these scriptures and my advice will help you in this area of your weakness. I pray that you turn to God for your strength and wisdom and that He will answer your prayers in that way.
If you feel the need to contact me back, please feel free to do so!
May God bless you and keep you close to Him!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Complaining excessively
Message Body:
I am desperately looking for ways to stop complaining about little things in life. I never used to be like this. I’m a young senior and live with my son and his family and want to make them happy, not miserable. I am also a widow.
Hi Ab,
I will continue to pray for your exam on March 1, 2020. But I must suggest that there are more important things in your life than just your degree. I am not saying that your degree is not essential, but what I am suggesting is that your relationship with God is far more critical and more far-reaching than your degree. (even though your degree has important)
We were all made for a purpose, and I believe if God’s purpose for you is to be a doctor, that will happen in His time. I encourage you to do your best and lean on the Lord for your help and strength. Check out this link because I think Rick Warren explains things pretty clearly.
Keep your eyes on Christ, and live your life for him. You will then find the peace and joy that we all are looking for.
God bless you, and I pray that you keep on having faith.
Bill Greguska
Thank you so much for the encouragement, sir Bill.
It means a lot to me. It was a great feeling knowing that God is using someone like you to encourage people like me.
I talked to God earlier through prayers, and it refreshed me. He strengthened my weakness, and I feel so relieved more than ever.
Sir, can I ask for a request one more time? I need prayers for my upcoming exam this March 1, 2020.
Thank you so much, and God bless you more in this ministry.
——– Original message ——–
Subject: Re: “Encouragement and knowing God’s purpose.”
Hi Ab,
I am very sorry to hear that you are struggling with your testing to become a doctor. My pastor’s wife, Sue Sauer, told me many times to keep an open palm with people and things in my life. Sometimes God chooses His will over our will. Yes, that can hurt, but I would not give up on your pursuing your doctoral degree. I encourage you to keep trying pray about it more and study harder. I pray that if God equips you, he will provide a way to pass your test next time. Have faith. God is in control of all of our lives as we submit to His will for us.
I did some searching on Matthew 21:22, and it can be hard to understand and take literally. This is what I found. I hope it makes sense to you and helps you:
Jesus is speaking TO his apostles for our benefit today in pointing out the power of prayer.
He has just spoken of sufficient belief in him (the word, Jn. 1:1) to spiritually remove a mountain (maybe alcoholism for me, smoking for you, or vice versa) into the sea. Jesus never said if you don’t have enough faith to cause a mountain to jump into the sea, your faith is insufficient miraculously. Today it is a must to know the difference between a miracle and the providence of God. A miracle being = the working of God contrary to nature. The providence of God = the working of God through nature. 1 Cor. 13:10 tells us miracles are no longer in effect, so don’t go thinking it possible to say to a mountain, “Be ye removed into a sea,” and it happens, just ain’t going to. Spiritually, “whatsoever ye ask in prayer” is to be considered as whatever you need and ask of God you will receive if it is in your best interest as determined by God. Remember the “rich young ruler” who asks Jesus, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” and Jesus answered him ” “you know what to do” “Don’t commit adultery, don’t kill, don’t steal, etc.” And the young ruler said all this have I done from my youth, and Jesus said, “one thing thou lackest.” Jesus knew even as God knows what is best for us. May cause us to turn away sorrowfully.
I pray that you stay the course and do not give up! Keep in mind to pray and ask God for wisdom.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Encouragement and knowing God’s purpose
Message Body:
Hi, I failed my NMAT 3 times. It is a test to be taken in the Philippines if you want to pursue becoming a doctor. I asked God for his provisions about this and signs if I will continue. I doubt myself since I will be retaking it for the fourth time this March 2020. It was my childhood dream, and I really want to become a doctor, but I always failed. I’m scared now because of the expectations of other people. I don’t know what to do, but God keeps reminding me of the verse in Matthew 21:22.
Good morning Christy,
Let me reassure you that each one of us goes through difficult times in our lives. My two main suggestions for you are to do what it says in 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.
After you have done just that, I then, with great respect and care for you, suggest that you go to the nearest hospital and get a physical check-up. You might be experiencing some depression that if you do not take care of it, you might be feeling the way you do for a more extended period, unfortunately. I can not tell you what you ought to do, but as a brother in Christ, I can strongly suggest getting help from God first, and then from medical attention.
You say that you are hurting and need people to love you.
I am making my suggestions to you because I love you as a sister in Christ, and I feel bad for the pain you are going through. Please trust me to reach out to someone in your community, such as a hospital or clinic, or simply call 911.
Here are a few links I believe will be of help to you:
My other suggestion is not to isolate yourself from others. Even going to the store to be around people can be helpful.
Remember that God loves you and has a plan for your life. If you would like to contact me back, please feel free to do so. I am praying that the hurting you are feeling will be resolved for you shortly!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Hi Veronique,
I am glad you contacted us. I would like for you to understand that there needs to be order in our lives. God created us, and he knows what we need.
First of all, a woman needs to be loved, and the man needs to be respected. (this is pretty simple and straight forward)
If your boyfriend loves you in a non-marriage type of way (not having sex) and you are respecting your boyfriend, you are on the right track.
But if he is not loving and respecting you, there is a problem. If you are not respecting him, that is a problem too.
Are you both Christian? Do you attend a church?
Here are two links that will give you more insights into what it means to honor a husband as you requested.
Ephesians 5:22–24 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
The scripture above does not mean a man is better, smarter, or more capable than a woman, but God who created us, designated man to lead and provide good orderly direction to the home.
Here are four practical ways women can honor their husbands:
1. Allow him to fail. Here’s a truth that may shock some people, but men are imperfect. They make mistakes. A lot of women damage their marriage relationship by trying to prevent their husbands from making those mistakes. So they correct their husband or tell him what to do. That’s not the wife’s role.
A better approach is to allow him to learn through failure. Let him make a wrong turn. Let him mess up from time to time. Don’t allow him to wallow in self-destructive behavior, but let him be imperfect.
2. Let God be the enforcer. Wives, it’s okay to speak up when your husband does or says something you disagree with. After all, you’re equals. But once you say what you want to say, remember it’s not your job to change him. That’s God’s job. Pray for your husband and rely on God to change his heart and mind.
3. Honor the man you want him to be. Karen did this for me. She treated me better than I deserved, and in doing so, she spoke destiny into me. She made me want to live up to what she saw in me. Men go crazy for honor and will become their fullest, healthiest selves in an atmosphere of respect.
What do you see in your husband? What first attracted you to him? Honor him at that level, and watch him rise to it.
4. Cover his faults and focus on his strengths. The devil wants us to be overly attentive to our spouse’s worst qualities. But God wants us to think about the best qualities in our spouse. I believe, on any given day, the good elements of our lives and relationships outweigh the bad ones.
Women, are you more likely to complain about your husband’s failings or praise him for one of his strengths? Marriage thrives in an atmosphere of praise. It’s a critical discipline to create within your home.
A man’s most crucial need is for honor and respect. Wives, are you honoring him? According to Ephesians 5:33, it’s one of the things God asks you to do for your marriage.
I hope what I have shared has helped you in some way to understand what honoring a husband looks like.
I pray that the two of you not only grow closer to one another but, more importantly, closer to God, the one who created us all.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us again. I hope I answered your question well enough.
Bill Greguska
Subject: Relationship
Message Body:
I am having trouble understanding what honor my husband means. I am not married yet, but I have a boyfriend, and he says I don’t honor him. He doesn’t feel respected. I want to know spiritually what that means. I have a hard time talking to him because, In my head, I say he I shushing me, or I’m saying I’m not perfect, which I understand is the wrong thing to be thinking about, but I just do. He claims I don’t love him because I can’t follow up with what he asked me to do, which is accurate, and I understand that, but I just want to know spiritually what that means, need Christian counseling.
Hi Justin,
I can tell you that I have struggled with depression in high school and going through a divorce. If you were depressed, you would not have to question it. You would know for sure.
Think of sadness compared to depression. With this analogy, our average body temperature is 98.6 F, so the analogy is that (sadness may be compared to somewhere between 98.7 F to 100.3 F, which would be like missing a bus or getting in trouble at work or school). Fever is listed at 100.4 F and above (which you could compare to depression potentially, such as losing a loved one, divorce, or suicidal thoughts). I hope this illustration comparison was helpful to you.
People throw the word depression around way too freely. Depression is mighty to the point of crippling sometimes.
Justin, if you think you still are depressed at the very least, I would suggest seeking medical help right away.
Keep thinking those happy thoughts of gratitude, make sure you get enough sleep, exercise, and healthy food, and make sure that you live a pleasing life to God. If you have any unconfessed sin, ask God to forgive you and repent from whatever that may be.
Here are a few more pages on my website that might be of help to you:
If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to contact me back via email. Or you can also call 800-633-3446
May God bless you and keep you strong and close to Him.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Depression
Message Body:
I feel like I’m depressed. I don’t know what it means to be depressed, and I’m not sad all the time, so I don’t even know if it counts, but I have so many things to be happy about.
I can’t get out of my mind right now, and I’m just sad, and I feel defeated.
Hi Lynn,
When I was going through counseling with my pastor and his wife, Sue, to save my marriage back in 2004, they helped me very much, and I asked them what I could do to repay them for all their help. They both told me the following scripture. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we receive from God.
I started a phone helpline for a couple of years, then shortly afterward, I started my website in 2007, and I have been faithfully doing it ever since because God had put it on my heart to do. I tell you this because I would like to encourage you to start something of your own to help others. You have a tender heart, and you also have wisdom. It can be anything but doing something to help others.
Maybe help out at the VA with those who have had PTSD like your friend. Maybe print out some business cards and hand them to people you come in contact with each day. (you can put some encouraging words and perhaps some encouraging websites such as or or or even my website since you said you liked it.
My point is to pay it forward to others so they too can know Jesus, and in doing so, you will be blessed at the same time. That is how I feel about my website. When I try to encourage others, it is like when you put perfume on someone else, and you can not help but get some on yourself.
Lynn, I am glad I could be of some help to you but remember. I just pointed you to Jesus, and you and He did the rest!
Enjoy your peace of mind! And please spread your faith and joy to others.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Guidance”
Bill, you have already blessed me greatly with your guidance! It’s more about doing God’s will than pleasing myself. We are fickle creatures. I know this! I cannot picture myself living with these issues long term, nor do I believe that I hold the key to helping him overcome them, but perhaps praying for him is the best thing I can do to be of help. More than anything, I want to represent God positively in this broken world–I did not want to let Him down by walking away.
I am so grateful I found this website and you! God has undoubtedly anointed you with a gift of wisdom to help others!
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!
Hi Ethan,
I apologize for taking so long to get back to you, I looked at your email the other day, but I did not have the time or words to share with you initially. I want to encourage you, yet at the same time, I am sorry I can not relate to your gender dysphoria and homosexuality. I did google some information, but I did not find much that I felt would be of help to you, I do know since you are a Christian, you have been created in the image of God, and by reaching out to God I believe firmly is the best thing you could do.
I am glad you have prayed about this. I am sure that you know that in the scriptures, it says in 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
My next thought is that even though you have NO desire to play sports, do hard work (in a physical sense). My encouragement to you would be to consider your body needing physical exercise.; I am not saying to join a gym or work out for hours upon hours, but I am saying that you need some exercise. I would start slow with walking and increase things in a week or so.
My next thought is your diet. Are you eating healthy or not really.
Your body needs fuel, and possibly the way you are not working out and most likely, not eating really good impacts your health and potentially hormonal deficiency if I may call it that.
I can understand you contacting me instead of sharing this at your church, but I think you would benefit from finding someone you can trust and who would be willing to walk you through this issue of yours.
I hope I have made some sense to you. I am not casting stones at you; I hope you can tell, but remember that we are all sinful creatures in some way, shape, or form, but God has given us all free will to change or stay the same. It seems to me, Ethan, that the high road for you would be to seek God’s will, which I believe you already know, and ask God for wisdom, and strength to be the man he created you to be. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I pray that something I shared can get you on the track you want to be and that you will continue to live out your Christian faith despite this obstacle.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
Hello. So, for my whole life, I have been raised Christian and recently was baptized. However, I have a couple of problems that I used to suppress, but recently are starting to inhibit my ability to enjoy life. I am a male high school student, and I am a gender dysphoric and a homosexual.
I have never really felt attracted to girls as far as I can remember, and recently have been plagued by an onslaught of my male peers’ attraction and thoughts. I have never acted on these feelings, nor do I plan to. Yet, even with prayer and contemplation, these feelings and lusts are not going away. So my question is a bit theological. In the Bible, it is stated multiple times that men are not to “lie with a man as they would a woman.” Is it sleeping with sinful men, or does it have homosexual attraction? So, should I accept who I appear to be (homosexual) and just live my life in purity, or should I try to fix myself? Conversion therapy is illegal in Oregon, where I live, so that is not an option. If I do need to improve myself, what should I do?
Secondly, I have always been more like my mom than my father for as long as I can remember.
While I am substantial standing in the fact that I was born male, am male, and will forever be male, I am much more feminine than masculine. I have NO desire to play sports, do hard work (in a physical sense), or be dominant in anything. But recently (shortly after these homoerotic tendencies surfaced), I have become very dissatisfied with being male.
I want to dress more effeminately. I want to wear makeup. I want to be able to be interested in fashion, and pop music, and wear heels. I have started to wish that I was born a girl. Don’t get me wrong; I am NOT going to become a transgender person. But are these thoughts mere daydreaming, or are they detrimental? And how do I get rid of them?
I know that was a lot. But I am out of ideas and had no idea where else to turn.
Thank you for your thoughts,
Hi Nicholas,
I am glad you decided to reach out. It is good to get other people’s points of view, especially since you have already been praying about your situation.
One thought that came to me is whether you have reached out to others in your church or your pastor.? I would suggest that you do that if you have not already.
My advice to you would be to keep your friend Riley in an open palm (that means with faith that God can give or take away anything or anyone He chooses).
Sure, if you love her, let her know (which you already have), then be a gentleman and respect her wishes.
If God wants her in your life, it will happen, but if He does not, it will not end up good even if you force the situation. I think telling her again would not hurt, but if she says no, respectfully ask her to explain why. I hope what I shared with you helps and keeps up the excellent work turning away from alcoholism and your cigarette addiction. I quit drugs and alcohol in 1986 and cigarettes in 1988. God has a plan for your life. Seek to find out what it is.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Relationships
Message Body:
I have a close friend today. She led me to Christ through her actions and helped me turn away from alcoholism and my cigarette addiction.
I think I fell in love with this young woman three years ago. Riley and I both met in high school and attended the same church. She doesn’t feel the same way. She is slowly drifting away because of college. I feel like we are naturally falling apart. She knows that I love her, so that isn’t the issue. I just don’t know what to do. I have prayed for many years for her.
Hi Tara,
I am glad that you have reached out for help. You mentioned meeting with someone periodically, and the first thing I thought of is that you do have someone like that already by the name of Jesus. I encourage you to keep praying for your marriage and get help from a counselor to so so-called “referee to hear both sides of the situation.”
Not to defend your husband, who I am sure is a good man, but I would guess that he is under a lot of stress and does not even realize that he is doing what he is doing. Think of it this way, Tara, if your house were on fire, it would not matter who tried to get it under control or who is the one who called the fire department, right? Like in your marriage, it does not matter who attempts to get things under control, so I say you are doing the right thing. Keep taking your hurts and feelings to the Lord, and ask the Lord for wisdom.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Your husband might or might not be willing to get counseling, so I would suggest that you talk to him and tell him just what you told me. I am sure if he is any kind of Christian man who loves and fears the Lord, he hopefully will pick up on your frustration and try to help solve this problem between the two of you.
If he is unwilling, then I strongly suggest that you go to counseling alone yourself. In the meantime, try to be the best wife you can be to him. It might be difficult in your efforts but ask God to give you wisdom, strength, and patience.
I am glad that you have spoken up. Now you need to take some action:
- Pray for your husband.
- Pray for yourself.
- Pray for your marriage.
- Pray that your husband would be willing to talk with a Christian counselor.
- Pray for the right counselor to help you guys.
- Get a counselor yourself.
- Call 800-633-3446 to talk to a Christian counselor on the phone.
- Do something enjoyable with your husband.
- Make a nice romantic dinner for the two of you.
- Attempt to strike up the romance in your marriage.
- Do something nice or buy him a nice little gift for no reason except that you love him.
- Instead of defending yourself when he blames you, ask him what he would have hoped you would do instead for next time.?
Tara, I hope my suggestions help your marriage. Feel free to email me back if you have any questions or just need to vent.
I have done that with someone trying to help me in the past, and it sure does help. Listening to your concerns might help you, BUT first, take your worries to God. Keep praying and keep trusting God!
You and your husband are in my prayers!
Bill Greguska ><>
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Relationships
Message Body:
I am a pastor’s wife who has been hurt over relationships. I hold onto anger and my husband, who is also my pastor, is not the best listener as I often blame him for things. Our relationship has grown distant because of the walls that I have built and his lack of hearing me out. I would love someone to meet with periodically to open up instead of bottling it all up and festering resentment. I should have someone to talk to as well.
Hi Matt,
I am glad you decided to reach out by emailing us. My first thought is to ask you if you have prayed about the situation you have been in. That would be the first thing I would suggest that you do.
You mentioned having a drinking problem since you were six years old. What kind of help did you get in the past that was beneficial to you?
You also mentioned that you are a Christian too. Are you going to church regularly? Are you involved with any fellowship or Bible study? These are ways of helping yourself.
Bottom line Matt, God has the answers for you, but you need to realize that you need to reach out for help. Do you have a close friend you can confide in, or possibly your pastor or someone from your church?
Matt, keep striving to do better and become closer to God,
He will show you the way you need to follow. On your own, you will not have the power to straighten your life but put your trust in God, and you will understand the power of prayer that I am talking about.
Galatians 5:22-24 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Against such things, there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Bill Greguska
Subject: I just need help
Message Body:
I have had a drinking problem since I was 6. Usually, I’m quite agreeable when I drink. Still, as of October 25th, 2019, I physically attacked my brother. During the incident, I accidentally harmed my Mother normally. This is a hazard, but I am 5″11 and 222 pounds. I could have severely harmed them, FYI she forgave enough to drop the charges, not that that changes the fact of what I did.
I am too proud to seek counseling, but I hoped to get insight from a fellow Christian. Please note I am fully expecting that whoever gets back to me will not be a medical professional, and I will not quote it as such I’m just hoping for a little guidance from my community I have let down.
Hi Rizwan,
It sounds to me as if you are on the right track, and in your request about how I can help you, I would have to say that you need to find a church to attend.
It would be great to start to pray to Jesus each day.
And with that getting a partner who is a Christian to help you walk through your new faith. You can find someone at your new church that I am sure would be willing to help you.
You said, “Jesus loves me without any demand,” although He wants us to do His will, and to do this, you need to understand what His will is. The Bible will show you these things. You might want to start in the book of John and then Proverbs.
I pray that you will find the answers that you are looking for and that you keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Check out I am sure you can find more answers there. But make sure you connect with a Christian at your new church with the link I gave you above.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Hi there!
Message Body:
I’m Muslim, but I want to be Christian because I know Christianity is a true religion, and Jesus loves me without any demand, so how can you help me?
I’m 21 years old, and I’m intermediate, but I want to study, but no one helps me, that is why I searched on Google and found your website.
Hi Emmanuel,
I am glad that you have reached out for help. I am a recovered drug addict and alcoholic myself. I struggled probably similarly as you are struggling, and I, too, was open to helping. I got help, and the last time I used it, thank God, was when I was in treatment back on June 25th, 1986. I can remember clearly how much of a love-hate relationship I had with both drugs and alcohol.
I am saying all this to let you know that there is help, and it sounds like you are seriously seeking it. You will need to quit because you will continue to struggle if you are going in with a half-hearted effort. You have to hate the drugs and alcohol and what it has done to you. That attitude and God’s help will see you through! That is my prayer for you.
I would suggest getting an accountability partner to help keep you on the straight and narrow. Do you have a church pastor you could go to for help? If not, it would be good to find a church for support and fellowship. Also, keep in mind that AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or NA (Narcotics Anonymous) is helpful; I went to them for ten years when I first cleaned up. I remember that making it for 30 days was a significant accomplishment.
Whatever it takes to motivate you, Emmanuel, here are a few suggestions to consider strongly:
- Start praying to God for His help.
- Start to get away from places and people you are used to.
- Start to exercise, maybe start by taking some walks,s and using that time to pray.
- Start to take better care of your health, eat healthy, and sleep 7-8 hours a night.
- Start to think about what your triggers are that make you want to drink or use drugs.
- Start to get honest with yourself and with God, for He loves you and has a plan for your life that you can not see yet until you stop abusing your body and mind.
If you have any questions, you can email me, and I will be happy to help you if I can.
In the meantime, I pray that you consider my suggestions and, most importantly, start praying regularly to God for help. Emmanuel, I quit using, and I never thought I could, but God is good and wants the best for us all. Check out these two pages plus whatever other pages on my site that you think might be of help.
You can also call 800-633-3446 if you want to talk with a person.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need help with addiction
Message Body:
Hello, I’m seeking help and struggling with addiction. Substance abuse and addiction to the flesh. I have been smoking Marijuana on and off for the past 5-6 years. Recently I’ve tried cocaine. I know I’ve crossed a line, and I see myself headed now on a terrible path. I’m seeking help, guidance, anything.
I do believe in God, and I do have a relationship with him. I’m struggling to keep my faith. I’m not able to form a connection with him like I once had. I need to get ahold of my addiction. Email me any details you may have. Or contact me via phone.
Hi Rachel,
It was very nice that you reached out to your friend. If you and your friend are Christian, my first suggestion would be to pray and ask for God’s wisdom in knowing what to do. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Rachel, I did a little research and found these four websites that might help you help your friend.
I pray that these resources will be of help to your friend. You also mentioned that your friend is struggling with depression; this is a helpful link.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Can you assist someone struggling with depression and is in a difficult family situation?
Message Body:
Hi! I’m writing on behalf of a friend who lives in another state from me. She has no one to help her, and she’s depressed, self-harming, and in a difficult family situation. She has CP, and she’s living at home with her parents. Her parents are not getting her the help she needs for her depression, and she has no friends or church people to turn to. Would you be able to assist her in helping her get the help she needs? Thank you ever so much!
Hi Adrian,
I am not familiar with the political and governmental information you are seeking. Still, I can suggest to you, since you are now Christian, that you will benefit significantly by taking this to the Lord in prayer.
Besides that, I am sorry, but I do not know what advice I can give you. Have you talked to other people with whom you became a Christian? Maybe they have some information that could be of help to you.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Adrian, I will pray that God’s word somehow reveals to you what you need. Keep praying.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need Help
Message Body:
My name is Adrian, and I am from Afghanistan. A few months ago, I converted to Christianity, but unfortunately, my people have been subjecting me to sectarianism, and they are repeatedly threatening to kill me. According to Afghanistan’s basic constitution, I can not even go to the government because, which leaves Islam, its punishment is death. I would be very grateful if you could help us or give me some advice.
Hi Dennis,
It is excellent to hear back from you and to hear somewhat of a favorable report! While I was reading your email, what came to my mind was that you need to balance what your parents say, with what the Bible says, with what you know is right. Often young people make choices against what their parents say out of rebellion or against what the Bible says. Just keep calm and keep on doing the next right thing. You seem to want to do what is right, and in doing so, right now, your parents are not on the same page.
But, as me being a parent myself, my daughter did some things that I was very opposed to, and yes, I did set my boundaries, there was a standoff for a while until the Lord spoke to my heart and the Lord’s love and wisdom melted away my cold and judgmental heart. I think that given some time, Dennis, your parents will see things the way the Lord wants them to do. It might take a while, but it seems to me you are on the right track and the correct train, even though the travel is not smooth right now.
Bottom line, keep doing what God tells you to do but be open to wisdom from your parents. It is your life; do not do anything out of anger or rebellion, and love your parents for where they are in their walk with the Lord right now, and pray they see the light as I did.
Thanks for keeping me up to date, and I pray that all things will work out for your good and the good of your girlfriend, baby, yourself, and parents. Have confidence in the Lord, for He is the one who is going to show you the way!
God Bless You!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Dating”
Hi Bill,
Thank you for your admiration. I give God all the glory.
I’m getting back to you after a few days of deliberately trying to solve these issues. With a heart of gratitude, there has been some success which I’d like to share.
Concerning your questions, my dad is a branch pastor serving under a senior pastor’s umbrella with branches worldwide – (God’s Church).
My parents are unconcerned about the baby as they disapprove of the mother, so it encompasses the child – which breaks my heart so much! I love this child; nevertheless, I believe in God – Acts 27:25. There was a dream my Dad had lately, and it concerns me. He has been latched onto the dream revealing its correlation with the girl and fear of being taken away from them forever.
In summary, the dream was about my dad guiding me on a path. On the way, we saw a woman in the stream, then she disappeared, but our plan to return was to no avail. Instead, there was also an obstacle in front.
Dad tried to negotiate a way out for us with the obstacle, but I was captured upon turnaround. – That’s a big scary dream! I’ve been begging for God’s mercy and wisdom to show me what I need to do on this matter as this is serious. Likewise, I want the job to support my family, as well. But my parents dread that I will probably go back to her with marriage and or forget about them. I’ve made a mistake once, and it will be foolishness to eat the same vomit – Proverbs 26:11.
Furthermore, my girlfriend and I came to terms to settle ourselves with the child in mind as she’s growing. Nevertheless, she doesn’t know my parents’ decision yet, and it would be rather foolish to let her know at this moment. I intend to tell her later, face to face-rather than over the phone. At this moment, I want to do the right thing in God’s sight and not disappoint Him again. But with this matter, he opted to seek counsel from others and set conditions that determine my return.
I know the Lord’s hand is in this, and I know within me, I’m scared. This state of confusion turns to desperation. All I seek is God’s help.
Thank you for taking the time to read and encourage me.
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Dating”
Hi Dennis,
I have faith, and I believe that you will do the right thing even though your options are not that great. I admire your morals and ethics. My hat is off to you, young man!
I must ask you when you say your dad’s church, do you mean his denominational church (small letter) or God’s Church Jesus Christ (Big Letters)?
What is your dad’s solution concerning the baby? I do not promote divorce. Even though you are not married, it is like a marriage. It would be best if you talked calmly with your girlfriend and brings stability to the conversation. There is a chance that she will not cooperate, but do not give up trying.
It would be best if you prepare yourself right now.
To realize that you are in a storm and do not know how long this storm will last. I say that to prepare you, not to scare you. Keep calm, and keep praying. In the meantime, take care of your health, eat properly, sleep properly, avoid drinking or drugs, get some exercise, and keep praying for God’s mercy and His wisdom. Remember, you have a life to live, do not let this overwhelm you.
I do firmly believe that God knows your heart and the condition of your situation. Do not do anything foolish or react in a knee-jerk response to your girlfriend or your parents. This might be one of the most significant tests that you will go through in your life. Make sure that you include Jesus every step of the way. He does not promise us a comfortable journey, but He does guarantee a safe landing!
Fly straight and do what the Lord wants you to do, and you will have no regrets! God has given you wisdom, although you need to ask for more concerning this situation you are in presently. I trust that this will all work out for good somehow.
Bill Greguska
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Dating”
Hi Bill,
Once again, thank you for your swift reply; this, indeed, has lifted me.
Nevertheless, I understand her concern by expressing letting our daughter grow up without a father. I love this child so much, but now, my parents are not in support as it’s somewhat against our tradition. Since the child isn’t registered under me but her mother. I tried to get her to open up with me, but I discovered she rather not defend herself. I’m trying to show her to be honest with me as I want the child’s best.
My parents are bent on me, not going into marriage with her based on her spiritual life, and our goal is to raise a child in fear of God to bring glory to His name. I tried talking to them about an opportunity for her to change but to no avail.
My father’s pain is I disappointed God and himself by having a girlfriend all these years with a child now and considering all the money spent on me.
Also, about backsliding from God. He called me a prodigal son! It hurts. My parents want to do what’s right, and their pressure made me act and say harshly to her, and I feel bad about this. I understand the decision is on me, but my father wants me to assure him that I won’t have anything to do with her when I get back from my job in Asia.
Honestly, it’s hard. Ideally, staying with your girlfriend and child would be the number one choice, and trusting that God will see you through things. – This is precisely what I want to do, but I’m in a dilemma between my parents (dad saving his face from church) and my life since she’s not a firm believer.
I shall take your advice and keep praying for God to intervene and wisdom to act accordingly. I want to do the right thing that pleases God.
Thank you for your kind words.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Dating”
Hi Dennis,
I am very sorry to hear about your situation, and it is not the end of the world, though. I am not sure if I have an exact solution for you that you want to hear, but I know for sure that you need to keep praying about this!
You have gotten yourself into something severe, which affects not only you but also your girlfriend and baby. My gut response would be to suggest that you take the high road instead of the road of avoidance or convenience, which is not going away by wishing it away. You will have a son or daughter that needs a father, you can not make your girlfriend say or do anything, but you can control what you say and do to glorify God with your words and deeds.
After praying more about this and considering your dad’s pastoral counseling, I would suggest that you:
- Make a plan to sit down peacefully, rationally, and lovingly try to assure her that you want the best for her and the baby (if that is how you plan to handle this, which I hope is the case).
- Since you have known her for seven years, I hope your relationship is relatively healthy and can endure some waves because the waves will come.
- Keep in mind that there will be costs with having a baby that lasts at least 18+ years. (my daughter is 35, and I still help her out financially a bit)
- Find out what is in her heart and mind about what she is planning to do. Women tend to hold on to things longer than men, so be prepared not to hear the end of this for quite a while, possibly.
- Look at it like there is going to be damage done, but your job is damage control. I believe if you stay on the high road and do what is right in God’s eyes, the cost might not be as severe, but if you turn your back on God, you would be out of the umbrella of His protection, and life could get challenging and complicated.
On a personal note, I went through something like you are going through back in 1982 when my daughter’s mom got pregnant.
But in my case, she broke up with me, and I only saw my daughter once when she was less than a year old until she turned 12 and insisted on meeting me. That was music to my ears, and from age 12 to age 35, she has been in my life and calls me daddy, and we see each other and talk all the time. (but all those years, I knew that I had a daughter, and when people asked me if I had any kids, I always had to lie because of embarrassment and shame). I thank God that He has replenished the fields that the locust has eaten.
I share this with you to give you a perspective. Ideally, staying with your girlfriend and child would be the number one choice, and trusting that God will see you through things. You will have to decide yourself (let your girlfriend tell you what she wants to do. If you can agree upon it and it is godly, then go for it, but if it is not godly, then wisely fight for what you know what the right thing to do.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Dennis, I am praying that God will give you the wisdom to know exactly what to do and the strength to do it!
Bill Greguska
Subject: Dating
Message Body:
Thank you for taking the time to read my queries. I have a girl I’ve known since 2012, from my university days till today. We meet during my travel abroad study in Asia. Now we have been going on, but along it all, we had a child a year ago out of wedlock, and it was a struggle to tell my parents, especially my dad, as he’s a pastor. I felt ashamed, sad, and a disappointment to God and my family. But I told my dad eventually in April 2019.
The backstory about this lady, she is a smart young lady and is on the dean’s list every year. She has stubborn, unforgiving, and ungrateful behavior. During school days, I thought of leaving her by befriending another lady to help change my mind and maybe end the relationship, but it did work out. She found out about some of my lady friends and some I low Ed up, and she’s bitter till today. Her behavior has cost me friends, and warnings about continuing with her, but I refused because I know she can change. Lately, she got pregnant, and I had to focus on that.
Early this year, she found out about my past lady friends, and she has never been forgiven, although there was an affirmation that she did meet some guys during the relationship but denied it.
Because of this child, I had to come clean to God, herself, and my family. Confessed and opened me entirely, which is amicably a dumb move. Nevertheless, this child is innocent, and I fought to keep the relationship knowing inside that she has a problem, but she’s stubborn to admit. I lost my job in early February 2019, and it hasn’t been easy. But God remained merciful to me. We tried to get marriages legally, but all to no avail.
The frustration here and there until I decided to go home was hard for me to remain in her country.
She is bitter about my past despite opening up out of goodwill to move to marriage for the innocent child (knowing fully well within me her personality but believing she can change). Still, she refused to let go of the mistakes. She randomly gets angry, and bitter, says she doesn’t love me, and all she sees in me is a different person – liar, cheat, and user. This affects the peace in me. God blessed me with a job in the nick of time before my travel back home.
By God’s grace, I visited my hometown in Aug 2019 to be with family and discuss this issue. My dad is a lawyer and pastor, has his input, and wants to do things according to the Bible. He has his follies with this girl the same as my mum. Since this is a cross-cultural relationship, we both need to come to a mutual understanding, but she’s admitted to changing. Nevertheless, as I’m preparing to go for my job offer in the same country. My parents fear I’ll get back with her and jeopardize my life. Marriage is a serious business.
Yesterday I got fed up, and I told her to come clean, open up, and try and see to the point. I’m trying to help her change to be more convincing to my parents, but she’s rather stubborn.
It’s 1:23 am now as I write this and she’s been buzzing and begging to reconsider the child’s cons, and she promises to change, but I know her. This act is to secure the marriage, and it can worsen during a marriage – that’s my parents and my fear.
I’m 29, and she’s 27, but my father is scared of my going back to the job and meeting with her again. He said I’d instead not go, but this is my career in line as well. I don’t know what to do. I’m confused. What advice can you give me?
God bless you.
Hi Mercy,
I am glad you reached out for some help. It is hard to give you accurate advice because you have only shared a small snapshot of what is going on.
- Have you prayed about this together with your husband?
- What is the reason he gives for not wanting to move?
- How long of a ride is it?
These kinds of questions you will need to talk about. Since you asked for spiritual advice, and God’s Word says in Chapter 5 of Ephesians in verse 21, you need to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. And your husband is the head of the family. So just with that, you might want to come to him and share your thoughts and feelings about this school change possibility. Your husband’s charge is to love you like Christ loved the church by giving Himself up for her on the cross.
Please read this over a couple of times, and then decide what you and your household will do.
For me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. Whatever tactic you have been using is not working. Try a new approach by praying first and then going to your husband again with love and respect (not with the intent to win the debate) but to get an understanding of his resistance. It could be financial. It could be something else. That is why the two of you need to make a date alone uninterrupted to lovingly and prayerfully work this out. Read all the verses but focus a little more on Ephesians 5:21
Ephesians 5:21-29 Instructions for Christian Households
21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Focus on this scripture)22 Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as you do to the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
24 Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.25 Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church—
If your husband refuses to talk about it, then you need to consider getting your pastor or a mutual friend you both respect to get involved. But I am sure if you go to your husband in a respectful, loving way, the two of you can reason together. I will be praying for the two of you to agree. No matter what you guys decide, do not forget to include God in your decision! I hope what I have shared will be of help to you both!
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Decision
Message Body:
I need spiritual advice for school change. A long journey to school is affecting the child’s health. So I suggested shifting closer to his school, but my husband was not supportive of the decision, somewhat not supportive of any of the decisions.
Good Morning Sara,
I thank you for trying to resolve your issue of homosexuality. I hope and pray that what I share with you will make things more clear for you.
It is a good thing that you are questioning your concern about homosexuality. That is wonderful that you love Jesus and that it sounds like you want to live your life to please Him. God’s Word makes it clear that all sin is an offense to God. Sin can take many different forms, from lying, cheating, stealing, anger, etc.
Here is a YouTube video that can shed some light on your question.
Sara, below are a couple of scriptures that can shed some light on your situation and help to redirect your thinking based on the truth from God’s word. I do not judge you, but God’s word makes it very clear God’s will, as you read below.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, ten or are thieves, greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 11 Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Romans 1:26-27 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.
Here is a page from my website that might give you more insight and encouragement. Since you said that you love the Lord, we need to obey Him and begin to do His will in our lives. Before you did not understand, I hope now that you know that it impacts your life to do what is right and Godly.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Homosexuality
Message Body:
I’m a lesbian, and I struggled with my sexuality for quite some time. I think it is ok to be gay and love Jesus, but I’m just not sure. I have been in love with my straight friend for years and fantasize about her a lot. Should I ask the Lord for forgiveness, or is it ok to be gay?
Hi Christy,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. The first thing I would suggest for you to do is to pray to God about this temporary situation. I pray that you will experience God watching over you and that you will rejoice with happiness as you see Him working in your life. I pray for your physical protection that the Lord will provide for you like a shield, and I pray for your health and emotional well-being, and I pray that you keep your eyes on the Lord for your guidance and direction.
The next thing that I would suggest you do is to contact 211 Impact at 414-773-0211
If you live in Milwaukee, here are a few more phone numbers that can help you.
- City on a Hill 2224 West Kilbourn 414-931-6670
- Healing Center 611 West National 414-671-4325
- Marquette Women & Children Clinic 414-755-6970
- Recovery Health Services 210 W. Capital 414-727-6320
- Repair of the Breach Clinic 1335 West Vliet 414- 934-9035
- St. Ben’s Clinic 1027 North 9th 414- 765-0606
Milwaukee Emergency Shelters
- Guest House 1216 North 13th 414-345-3240
- Hope House (family) 414-645-2122
- Joy House 414-344-3774
- Milwaukee Rescue Mission 1820 West Wells 414-935-0200
- Repair of the Breach 1335 West Vliet 414-934-9305
- 211 Help Center 414-773-0211
- Sojourner Truth House (battered women) 414-933-2722
- UMCS Transitional Living 414-344-1818
- Vets Place Central (homeless vets) 3330 West Wells (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 7:00 am-10:00 am) 414-342-5000
Milwaukee Meal Program
- The Gathering 833 W. Wisconsin 414-272-4122
- Gesu Parish 1210 West Michigan 414-288-7101
- Milwaukee Rescue Mission (Adult men only) Breakfast 6:00 am Lunch 11:00 am Supper 4:00 pm 1820 West Wells 414-935-0200
- Central City Churches 3022 West Wisconsin (lunch 11:30) 414-342-1522
- St. John the Evangelist 812 North Jackson Street (11:15 am -1:00 pm) 414-276-9814
- St. Ben’s 924 West Wells 414-271-0135
To talk with a trained Christian counselor, call 800-633-3446
Christy, you also mentioned wanting a job. Check out this link.
For more information, if you are in a different city, check out:
May God bless you and keep you close to Him.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
Hi Katie,
I am glad you reached out. I will try to encourage you the best I can.
My first question since you said you are a Christian, have you been praying about this situation?
Second of all, God is not the author of confusion, but rather Satan is the one who has been having you struggle for the past six months about your sexuality.
Here is a page that I think might be of help to you.
Have you shared this with anyone, such as your best friend, parents, or pastor, before? Getting this in the open will be to your advantage, but make sure who you share with is trustworthy.
What types of things do you allow your eyes and ears to see and hear? Maybe that could be what is triggering your unhealthy sexual thoughts. Keep in mind that by praying about this and avoiding those types of situations, you will be able to clear your mind and get right with God again.
Until your prayers start to be answered, remember that temptation is not a sin. It is what we do with our temptations that are sinful or not.
I pray right now that the Lord will answer your cry for help and give you the strength to overcome this temptation.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Katie, you need to find your way out of this strange temptation. Ask God for help so you can be free once and for all.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I hope what I suggested and pointed you towards will be of help to you. I would love to hear when you conquered this problem you are having. Keep me informed, okay?
May God bless you and keep you close to Him!
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Sexual orientation
Message Body:
For about six months, I’ve struggled with my sexuality. I’m female and like men but have been looking at women the same way I should be looking and feeling about men. It’s been having an increasing impact on my already poor mental health. I was wondering why God gave me this thing to battle with. I can’t cope with it. It’s a constant feeling of guilt and shame. And always think my life would be so much easier if I weren’t a Christian, and I can’t help but think that I need to be cured.
Hi Nic,
Speaking as one who has gone through a divorce back in 2007, I strongly suggest that you focus your energy on keeping your marriage alive. My marriage was complicated like yours, I imagine, but I chose to pursue keeping my wife and me and my stepson and me all together. She moved out for two years, and during that time, I refused to divorce her because God hates divorce. I tried and tried to keep the marriage going, and because of my trying and trusting God, He has given me a clear conscience even though my wife still ended up divorcing me, but at least I tried. I urge you to do whatever you can to make things better between the two of you.
Have you prayed about this thought of yours to God? He is the one who has brought the two of you together, and it is Satan who is trying to pull you apart.
Are you and your wife going through marriage counseling? If not, that is what I suggest you do. Divorce is not a pretty thing, and it leaves scars that last a lifetime. It has been 12 years for me since my wife divorced me so she could find herself. I do not wish for anyone to get divorced. God has forgiven you for many of your sins, and you need to forgive your wife for what she has done or not done. Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
I will be praying with you that you get the thought of considering divorce out of your mind and fill your mind with ideas of how you as a man can step back and do what you need to do to keep your marriage alive!
- Pray
- Forgive
- Get Christian marriage counseling.
- And keep praying with me that you can take the high road and get the thought of divorce out of your mind.
If you would like to email me back, please feel free to do so.
May God bless you and strengthen you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: marriage
Message Body:
considering divorce
Hi Randal,
I am glad you have reached out. It sounds like you are going through a lot with CPS and the police. I would suggest considering what it says in 1 Peter 5:7, which says, Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.
You can do one of two things, contact me back and let me know what you are concerned about, and email me. Otherwise, if you would like to talk to someone on the phone, you can call 800-633-3446, and you will be able to speak to someone live. (if they are busy and do not answer the first time, you can try again later. They are a non-profit Christian group).
In the meantime, trust in the Lord that He has your situation under control, even though I am sure it is not a great place to be right now. Keep in mind that you are just in a season in life that this, too, shall pass. Be strong, and have faith! James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
May God bless you and guide your steps!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: needing support
Message Body:
Needing someone to talk to about what is going on with my family and the issues I’m going through with CPS and the police!
Hi Rhodesia,
You are very welcome! I hope that something I have pointed out to you will be of help to you.
Take all your problems to God in prayer, and let Him sort them out for you, all you need to do is follow His direction, and in time all things will work out for the good of those who love the Lord!
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding, in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Bill Greguska
P.S. I know God has a plan for each of our lives. Your job is to find out what that plan is.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Break up”
Hi Boon Min,
I am glad you felt like contacting me back. I am sorry to hear that life is kind of a storm right now for you. It will get better. Below are some comments and questions that I wrote inside your email to consider in red. I hope what I have written will be of some help to you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Healing from a chronic bladder infection..”
Thank you for replying and even doing research for me. You are very welcome!
I have been reading extensively and working with a specialist, but this condition, chronic cystitis, is a mystery to many urologists even now. I trust that your urologist has asked you about your diet, caffeine intake, exercise, and stress level.
Going online has just shown me how much hopelessness there is on this, and all my fellow sufferers have suffered in all aspects of their lives. They are still trying to find solutions.
I am grappling, and various aspects of my life are suffering too.
I am just too exhausted. The urologist did some procedures on me, and they made things worse. What type of exercises are you doing? Bare minimum walking can be of help to you.
As this has gone on for about eight months, I feel drained and have begun to feel my faith shaking. God is still the same. This is not the only trial I’ve had in life. I lost my mum at 3. My father beat me a lot when I was young. My family was impoverished and sold a lot of things.
I worked very hard all my life, and I got to know God at a young age. I sought direction from God each step of the way, but it was a complicated path. Wherever God sent me, life was hard. I was always given a lot of work, more than others. To honor God, I tried my best not to complain and instead just did all the work to the best of my ability. I ended up sleeping only five hours a day for a long time. After many years, I got promoted, and the job scope got better, and that was the very time I got chronic cystitis.
So even though life should be great now, it is not.
Then just now, while feeling unwell, I lay down to rest. Instantly I felt the need to go to the toilet again even though I just went. It was so frustrating and overwhelming that I said in my head, “You might as well just kill me/ruin my life” because that was what I felt as if God was doing. then I was so helpless, that I drifted in and out of sleep and woke up hearing the thought in my head, which was just a repetition of “you might as well ruin my life.” I got freaked out. I don’t want God to ruin my life. I wasn’t challenging God. I just had the thought because I was so frustrated. It ended up replaying in my mind, and I am afraid that God will really ruin my life, or that the devil will do so, and God will just watch.
I am not sure how it works. I feel so unprotected by God. I wish I could feel more comfort and love from Him, but I pray and feel nothing. I hear your pain and frustration, but do yourself a favor and get a piece of paper and a pen and write down all the things you can be thankful for. Doing this, your problems will not disappear magically, but you will gain a better perspective on your life…, it is all me trying to work myself into a state of faith and work myself to believe God loves me.
Please pray that God will draw me close to Him and help me to see Him as He is. I am so terrified of him now.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
I pray to God that you can get your health back a little by little each day. More importantly, I pray that you can realize what you are going through is not something God is doing to punish you. Have you confessed your sins to God and asked forgiveness? 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
If you think your urologist is not helping but rather hurting you, then you might want to consider getting a new urologist. But first things first, get back your faith and trust in God. Ultimately, He is the one who is going to heal you.
Keep your faith!
Bill Greguska
Hi Boon,
I am very sorry to hear of the difficulties you are going through. It must be pretty painful for you. Boon, I hope that you have taken this burden of yours to the Lord. 1 Peter 5:7 teaches us to cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Have you considered seeing a specialist who might be able to help you more accurately with your problem? I looked up some information that I have on my website and found this link. (I hope this information is helpful to you)
I suggest that you take this to God in prayer and find more information to help you, specifically with your bladder infection. One article I pulled up says to drink plenty of water, which makes a lot of sense to me.
I pray right now and trust that God will hear our prayer that your bladder infection can quickly heal even though it has been seven months. Because with God, all things are possible. In Jesus” name, amen!
May God bless you and help you keep your eyes focused on Him.
Subject: Healing from a chronic bladder infection
Message Body:
I have been waking up many times at night due to a chronic bladder infection. I have done multiple urine tests, but the culture could not pick up the bacteria. My bladder is almost perpetually inflamed, and for the past seven months, I have not slept well. This makes me tired and depressed, and the doctor has no exact solutions except to try things by trial and error. Please pray for God’s miraculous healing to be upon me.
Hi Dave,
You are wise when you say, “I don’t know where to turn except to Christ.” This life can be difficult at times, yet with god, he promises never to leave us or forsake us. Are you praying and reading your Bible as often as possible? Each morning I start my day with some reading, journaling, and praying, all of which only takes me about a half hour. Even a few minutes of praying to God each morning and reading a part or full chapter of the Bible will benefit from it.
- Get yourself into a church.
- Reach out to some friends you can trust.
- Avoid alcohol and drugs.
- Get some exercise, eat healthy, get 7-8 hours of sleep, and stay active.
God loves you and has a plan for your life. Your job is to find out what that plan is. Keep praying and keep your eyes on God!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need God’s Help
Message Body:
Needing God’s help. I feel all alone and lost. Lost my mother recently and she was always my help when times got rough. I ask for my Father’s help but the days seem overwhelming. I don’t know where to turn except to Christ.
Hi Natalia,
In this world, there are many luring temptations. If you believe in God or not, sin is sin, no matter how it is labeled.
I encourage you to stay strong and not be led astray by the ways of this world.
Galatians 5:19-21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
I encourage you to pray and read your Bible. There is much to learn from the questions that you have!
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Message Body:
Okay, I am not homosexuality exactly but I tend to enjoy LGBTQ-related content which I know is sinful I am hoping for help to turn away from this.
Hi Micelle,
I am very glad you have reached out for another point of view. I see it through the eyes of being a parent myself. I’m just going to ask you some questions that might help you think this through more easily.
- What is your rush to get out of the house?
- Is there something about your parent’s house you do not like?
- Is your parent’s house an unhealthy place for you to be? If so, why?
- Do you have a boyfriend and want more privacy to do something that would grieve God’s heart possibly?
- What is the problem with waiting until you get married to move out? You would save money for when you do get married.
I hope these questions will stir up some answers in your heart and mind. Remember to put God first! Remember that both God and your mother love and want the best for you. Your Mom probably has at least 20-25 years more of life experiences to encourage you to stay home, yet on the other hand, maybe she is insecure about you leaving. Your job is to pray about it and think things over. You were wise to seek counsel, and I hope what I have shared has been of help to you.
May God bless you and give you the wisdom you need for this situation and all your life situations you will face.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Moving out
Message Body:
I’m 28 years old and still living with my parents. I got approved for an apartment but my Mom isn’t happy about it and keeps telling me it’s not God’s will for me to move out he won’t bless me, and I should wait until I’m married to move out.
Hi Michelle,
If I were you, I would write out your concerns on paper and ask your mom to set aside time for the two of you (and your dad) and be mature about what is on your mind and your needs. If your parents try to listen and help you, that is a victory. No matter what, they are your parents, and you need to respect and honor the position of their being your parents. You may not like or agree with them, but at this point, you need to work with them. It can be a win-win situation. Please pray about this while you are writing before and during your meeting with them.
Please let me know how things turn out.
I am praying for you to be mature and pull your family together, not apart!
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Moving out”
1. I need to be to develop a sense of independence, and how to be responsible and self-reliant.
2. The only peace I have in the house is in my room where I feel the most comfortable.
3. It’s a stressful environment. Lots of yelling and demanding and when I do help clean it’s never done right according to her, and she does it over. I’m always running errands for her when she has her car.
4. I do have a boyfriend but we both have set boundaries and are waiting to have relations when married we want to honor God and what his Word says.
5. I wouldn’t mind waiting to move out of the house until I’m married, but if the living situation was better We argue a lot and she likes to manipulate and control me. If she was more understanding and just treated me with respect I would stay.
Hi Micelle,
I am very glad you have reached out for another point of view. I see it through the eyes of being a parent myself. I’m just going to ask you some questions that might help you think this through more easily.
- What is your rush to get out of the house?
- Is there something about your parent’s house you do not like?
- Is your parent’s house an unhealthy place for you to be? If so, why?
- Do you have a boyfriend and want more privacy to do something that would grieve God’s heart possibly?
- What is the problem with waiting until you get married to move out? You would save money for when you do get married.
I hope these questions will stir up some answers in your heart and mind. Remember to put God first! Remember that both God and your mother love and want the best for you. Your Mom probably has at least 20-25 years more of life experiences to encourage you to stay home, yet on the other hand, maybe she is insecure about you leaving. Your job is to pray about it and think things over. You were wise to seek counsel, and I hope what I have shared has been of help to you.
May God bless you and give you the wisdom you need for this situation and all your life situations you will face.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Bill Greguska
Hi Toni,
You love your son and daughter, although if they want help, they can email us back, and we can help them to a point.
The type of counseling they need is to talk to their pastor or make an appointment with a counselor so they both can speak to someone in person.
Here are a couple of links you can share with them if they are interested.
I pray that your son and daughter-in-law are willing, to be honest with themselves and seek the help they need. I would encourage you to pray also and be careful how much help you give them. God’s word reminds us that when they were married the two of them left you and are now one. I mention this because parents of grown adults can sometimes become too involved with their children. It is their marriage, and they will have to work things out. You did well by contacting us, but now the ball will be in their court sort of speak after you share this email with them.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Marriage counseling for my children
Message Body:
My son and daughter-in-law can greatly benefit their marriage with Christian counseling.
Hi Asher,
I understand the loss of a loved one, especially a parent. I, too, was very close to my mom, I took care of her for the last 8 years of her life, and I still miss her, yet time heals, but remember that grief is like a waltz. You are best off if you slowly dance towards the sadness and then step back from it. Be gentle with yourself; you are hurting and need to take care of yourself right now!
I encourage you to try to do the following things.
- Pray.
- Read your Bible to find all the promises God has given us, such as that He will never leave or forsake you.
- Be around supportive people such as family and friends.
- Get some exercise.
- Eat healthy.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Avoid sugar and alcohol.
- Sleep 7-8 hours a night.
- Do not forget to laugh. Watch a funny movie.
- Count your blessings on paper.
- Try to help or encourage someone else (This website started in 2007 after my wife divorced me, my pastor and his wife encouraged me to encourage others, and that is what I did and still do 15 years later, and I see how it has healed me.
Asher, please check out these two pages; I think they might help you.
Keep close to God and keep praying. I know you are hurting, but remember that your dad would want you to grieve a little and then be happy again.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Grief
Message Body:
Struggling so much after losing my dad.
Hi Christal,
I would be happy to hear about what you are going through specifically.
There is help for both grief and anger.
Here are two web pages to help you with grief and also anger
And this videos can help you with your grief.
Feel free to email me back, and I will help you as best as I can.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling for Grief/Anger
Message Body:
I need counseling to manage grief and anger ASAP.
Hi Donald,
I am sure that in some ways you are a good husband, otherwise, you would not even be concerned about whether you were or not.
You are right, life can be a struggle at times. If you could share with me one specific thing you would like to ask me, I will help point you to Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.
Here are four pages from my website that can help you. The first link has a video I think will significantly help you.
If you would like to email me back, feel free to do so with a specific question.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Seeking counseling to become a better Christian husband and parent.
Message Body:
Looking for some Christian counseling to be a good husband to my wife. I don’t know if I am the support that she needs from me. Life is a struggle right now.
Hi Quintin,
I can respect your desire to do what is right in God’s eyes. Below is some information from that will help you with your situation. I hope this has helped clear up your concern. But in the meantime, like any other habit we may have fallen into, keep doing your best to only use God’s name in ways that are appropriate and honor Him. Pray and ask God to deliver you from your habit and realize it may take some time to redirect your wording of things, hopefully not too long, maybe 21 days. I heard what it takes to change or make a new habit.
What is blasphemy?
To blaspheme is to speak with contempt about God or to be defiantly irreverent. Blasphemy is verbal or written reproach of God’s name, character, work, or attributes.
Blasphemy was a serious crime in the law God gave to Moses. The Israelites were to worship and obey God. In Leviticus 24:10–16, a man blasphemed the name of God. To the Hebrews, a name wasn’t just a convenient label. It was a symbolic representation of a person’s character. The man in Leviticus who blasphemed God’s name was stoned to death.
Isaiah 36 tells the story of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, and his attempt to demoralize Jerusalem before he attacked. After pointing out Assyria’s many victories, he says, “Who of all the gods of these countries have been able to save their lands from me? How then can the LORD deliver Jerusalem from my hand?” (Isaiah 36:20). Sennacherib committed blasphemy by assuming Israel’s God was equal to the false gods of the surrounding nations. The king of Judah, Hezekiah, points out this blasphemy in his prayer to God, in which he asks that God deliver them to defend His honor (Isaiah 37:4, 17). And that’s exactly what God did. Isaiah 37:36-37 explains, “Then the angel of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies! So Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew. He returned to Nineveh and stayed there.” Later, Sennacherib was murdered in the temple of his God Nisroch (Isaiah 37:38).
Followers of God are also responsible for making sure their behavior doesn’t incite others to blaspheme God. In Romans 2:17-24, Paul scolds those who claim to be saved through the law and yet still live in sin. Using Isaiah 52:5, Paul tells them, “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you” (verse 24). In 1 Timothy 1:20 Paul explains that he had abandoned two false teachers to Satan so they would “be taught not to blaspheme”; thus, promulgating false doctrine and leading God’s people astray is also a form of blasphemy.
Jesus spoke of a special type of blasphemy—blasphemy against the Holy Spirit—committed by the religious leaders of His day. The situation was that the Pharisees were eyewitnesses to Jesus’ miracles, but they attributed the work of the Holy Spirit to the presence of a demon (Mark 3:22-30). Their portrayal of the holy as demonic was a deliberate, insulting rejection of God and was unforgivable.
The most significant accusation of blasphemy was one that happened to be completely false. It was for the crime of blasphemy that the priests and Pharisees condemned Jesus (Matthew 26:65). They understood that Jesus was claiming to be God. That would, indeed, be a reproach on God’s character—if it wasn’t true. If Jesus were just a man claiming to be God, He would have been a blasphemer. However, as the Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus could truthfully claim deity (Philippians 2:6).
Fortunately, Jesus forgives even the sin of blasphemy. Paul was a blasphemer (1 Timothy 1:13) and tried to make others blaspheme (Acts 26:11). Jesus’ own brothers thought He was insane (Mark 3:21). All repented, and all were forgiven.
Blasphemy, by definition, is both deliberate and direct. That being the case, a believer in Jesus Christ will not/cannot commit blasphemy. Even so, we should be careful to reflect God’s holiness and never misrepresent the glory, authority, and character of God.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Help with conscience issue
Message Body:
Recently, for about a couple weeks or so, I’ve developed an extremely hyperactive conscience, which appears to repeat the word “gosh” constantly in fear of Blaspheming (to try to curb the simple possibility of blaspheming), and constantly keeps repeating the phrase “Thank you God for everything Amen” extremely frequently and fast during periods of the day. Sometimes, even if the word “God” randomly pops into my mind without anything following it, I get an anxious shiver, and I’m constantly left reassuring myself that God still loves me and he is helping me. This conscience is extremely irritating, and also scary as it feels completely uncontrollable, and there is an even greater fear of Blaspheming. The issue of blasphemy has rarely been an issue in my Christian life, and it was only after I developed Insomnia due to my fear of sin that this became a lot worse.
Are there any tips or Biblical passages on how I can overcome this? I love the Lord more than anything else in the world, and this is upsetting me worrying me, and exhausting me mentally.
Thank you so much,
Hi Teresa,
I am so sorry to hear about the losses you have experienced in a short amount of time. I understand your grieving to a point, for I went through a separation and divorce between 2005-2007. It was not only the divorce, but my mom went to the hospital ER about 5-6 times during that period. I was her main caregiver for the last 8 years of her life. I, too, had a dog who died during that period that I had for 14 years. I lost my job building wheelchair ramps for a ministry since I could not emotionally function enough to work. Yes, life was difficult for me, as it sounds like it has been for you. I encourage you to keep your eyes on the Lord and know in your heart that this, too, shall pass because it will. Back in 2005-2007, I was in a very dark place in my life. My pastor Ron and his wife Sue encouraged me to encourage others, so that is how I started this ministry in 2007. I encourage you to do similar, try to look beyond your pain and try to reach out to others who are experiencing the pain of their own and try to comfort them. This may sound backward, but believe me, through my experience, it does work.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we receive from God.
Our ministry is solely via email, otherwise, I would encourage you to call 800-633-3446 and talk to someone there. If you need to email me back, that would be fine, otherwise, I trust that your faith in the Lord will help carry you through your times of sadness, do not waste your tears. Please use them to heal your broken heart. I just went through a breakup on Jul 26 with a woman from church I cared a lot about but realized it was not a good fit. We talked about selling our homes and buying a new home after we got married in February. I, too, have been crying, and there is nothing wrong with that, feel your pain and push through it. Do not waste any tears God knows your pain! Allow Him to comfort you and heal you!
1 Peter 5:7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
May God continue to bless you as you lean on Him even more!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Multiple Deaths Grief Counseling
Message Body:
I have known my Precious Lord Jesus for over 50 years. I was living in Ohio when my beloved Husband passed away in 2010. In 2014, my Mother, who lived in Idaho, fell and went into a very deep state of mental dementia and I became her guardian and conservator. Between 2010 and 2014, my Husband, Uncle, Dad, and brother-in-law died. I was living in the country with no emotional support. I then moved back to the Northwest in 2017 to be closer to family and friends. I then bought a house in Idaho, a few minutes from my best friend. Since COVID hit, my best friend of 25 years died from COVID, my very close to me sister in law died 7 months later from a sudden heart attack, my Daughter’s beloved dog of 13 years died, then my Mother died that November, all in 2021. Then my beloved soul mate of a dog, Maddie, died this last March 2022. She was recovering from an emergency surgery and died a few months later from heart trouble. I had her for 12 years and 2 months. I was going to a church across the state line in Washington, but have found no support from them, so am looking for a church that is closer to where I live. The Holy Spirit has been a great comfort to me, but I still have bouts of crying and sadness. It would help if I had someone who would talk to me… Thank you.
Thank you so much Bill for the encouragement and advice. I appreciate
Hi Marvin,
Keep in mind that we are ALL sinners, not just you. I am a sinner, just like you or anyone else. But I have been saved by God’s grace and mercy. If you are saved, ask God to forgive you and give you the strength you need to move forward!
If you have any questions that you may have, please feel free to ask, and I will point you to Biblical answers for what you need help with!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Counseling”
Dear Bill
Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate having someone I can talk to.
I have tried to pray about it though after a given time I relapse and go back to sinning again. I haven’t talked about it with anyone because I feel it’s a shaming.
Hi Marvin,
I am glad you reached out for help. Sorry, it took a while to get back to you; I have been flooded with emails this past week.
- Have you tried to pray about this?
- Have you contacted your pastor?
- What are you doing to fight your addiction?
- What are you willing to do to get back on your feet?
I will pray that you take this to the Lord in prayer and, with God’s help, fight this until you can have victory over it!
If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
I have been lately feeling like my Christian life is weakening because of an addiction and I don’t have anyone to talk to so please I will be glad if you can get back in touch with me and help me. Thank you and God bless you
Hi Dennis,
We all have fallen short of God’s glory. You need to confess your sin to God and turn from it.
Remember that our walk with the Lord is not based on feelings. It is based on faith, obedience, and trust in the Lord. You may not feel all bubbly, but get your daily prayers and bible reading back on track each morning, and you will discover the peace you desire once again.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: My Salvation
Message Body:
Good afternoon.
Please I have been born again for 16 years now in which I have had quite some experiences. By that I mean there have been times when I served God faithful and times when I seemed to have slacked in walking with God. Recently I found myself in one of those times of slack where I lived in adultery. I have repented of this and have confessed to my wife but it seems I am finding it difficult to be aglow for God. I used to enjoy preaching the gospel and studying topics of God’s word but struggled somewhat with all of those. Please I send help. I don’t want to lose my salvation. I need the Lord to reassure me of His presence with me. Thank you kindly
Hi Marcus,
I am sorry it took so long to get back to you. I have been flooded with many emails this past week or so.
If your partner is cheating on you, why would you be so concerned about wanting to stay with her? I would advise that the two of you talk and iron out your differences, and most likely, you will need to set up some boundaries if you still want to be with her. You have not shared much information, so it is hard to give you a direct answer, except that if you can not trust someone, you do not have much of a relationship.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Relationship
Message Body:
My partner has an addiction problem he is in jail, and he has been cheating on me. I just don’t know what to do. I am at my wit’s end I need help and God is the only one who can help me, but I have wandered so far from him I don’t think he can hear me calling to him anymore. What do I do?
Hi Yvonne,
I am checking back with you to let you know that what you are trying to do sounds great. I am sorry to hear about your dad’s alcoholism and violence. I can understand your disconnect between God and the church.
There is an expression that says, “You do not throw out the baby with the bath water” Your dad might not have been the best dad for you, but your Heavenly Father is!
You are right on with wanting to live the remaining years of your life for God. I would like you to do just that.
You seem not to have a question for me, you seem to know what you need to do, which is wonderful.
Keep close to God each day, and you will begin to see Him working in your life more and more.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Counselling”
I pray every morning devotional and fast and read my Bible.
My dad was a violent alcoholic and I used to read the Bible and was raised in church.
I prayed he would stop the violence to God but it kept happening.
I lost trust in him.
I want to trust him now. and love him.
But I don’t love and trust myself.
Now that I will be 50 on Sunday I want to dedicate the remaining years of my life to him.
I want to heal my inner child and grow up.
And take God at his word.
Thank you so much for doing this.
Hi Yvi,
You can feel free to contact me and I will not charge you.
Let me know what is going on so I can be of help to you.
Are you keeping your concerns in prayer to God?
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Counselling
Message Body:
All the Christian therapists charge and I just can’t afford it.
Hi Cheryl.
We have all done things to grieve the Holy Spirit. It says in the Bible in
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
That scripture does not give you a license to keep on sinning but points to the fact that we need God’s grace and mercy. Have you confessed your sins to God? That is where I would suggest that you start right now!
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
I encourage you to confess your sins to God and then accept His forgiveness and forgive yourself too! Also, please tell anyone else that you have been affected by your behavior or what you have said.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: I have some things I need help with
Message Body:
I have made a lot of mistakes some of that I can’t
Do anything about it. I never took life seriously now I have done some things that have caused my family a lot of problems I have hurt the Lord so much that I don’t know how to face him or his word I need to be grateful for everything he has done for me and my family please for my family because I do things that have caused them pain as well that’s why I can’t forgive myself.
Hi Tomiwa,
I applaud your honesty and desire to want to overcome your problem of watching porn.
Here are a couple of pages to be of help. I pray that you will accomplish your goal and that you start to
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Overcome Addiction
Message Body:
I want to put a stop to pornography watching.
You are right when you mention the power of God’s word, but also keep in mind God’s will.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
The first thing that came to my mind is the possibility that you have unconfessed sin in your life or that you may have confessed but not repented from. I would encourage you to be honest with yourself, and get right with God if that is the case.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Emotional imbalance and maybe trauma
Message Body:
Good morning!
I gave my life to Christ 15 years ago, and I truly believe in the Power of GOD’S WORD, but I have traumas that haven’t been dealt with because maybe I am saying the wrong prayers or I haven’t seen a Christian counselor yet…
I need to talk to someone regularly about what I am going through, I also need to be held accountable whenever I feel like I am falling into depression again. There is much more than I have typed. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Hi Elizabeth,
Have you prayed about this situation you are in? Have you thought about talking to your dad about this?
This scripture I am sure you have heard before gives you proof that you have been accepted by Christ’s death on the cross and that you accept that payment for your sins.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
I encourage you to start up your relationship with God each morning by reading His word, praying, journaling, and fellowshiping with other believers!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: looking for encouragement
Message Body:
I was raised as a pastor’s child and worked in the ministry for all of my childhood. As a teen, I went to a different church when my parents moved out of state and attended there for years. Serving…but also making many mistakes. Being a hypocrite. I left the church various times and have returned very recently. I have begun to seek God more as a result of my awareness of my sin and…also out of some fear. I want to know I’m on the right path and that I am believing correctly. I want encouragement that He has accepted me despite all of the horrible sins I have committed. I know that tomorrow is not promised, but I wish to serve the Lord all the days of my life. Until I leave the land of the living and am resurrected through Jesus to live in His Kingdom for all of eternity.
Hi Lorraine,
You are right! When you say that you want to follow God’s will. That is the start of something good to come.
I encourage you to take your burdens to the Lord in prayer. He is the one who ultimately helps us all. I would also encourage you to set boundaries to keep your ex-boyfriend away from you. If need be, you can always get a restraining order against him, and if he violates that order, he will go to jail.
I will also encourage you to talk to a close girlfriend, pastor, or even counselor if you need more help.
If what I have shared with you has been helpful, feel free to email me if you have any more questions or anything you would like to share. I pray that you take this and everything to God in prayer because He loves you and has a plan for your life!
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Relationship personal issues fear and anxiety
Message Body:
What I know is to follow God’s will.
I struggle with my own will and my conflicts with my ex-boyfriend will trying to control me.
It’s been and still is an unsettling and chaotic roller coaster.
Hi Ruth,
You are being pretty vague. I do not know how to respond to what you said except that God hates divorce, and if you have been praying about your marriage, then you need to keep working on it and not do as the world does and run to get a divorce.
As far as your feelings of depression, I am sure that they are connected to your marriage. Have you seen anyone in person like a pastor or counselor? Maybe your lack of sleep can have something to do with your diet, lack of exercise, alcohol, or drug use. It also can be due to an unconfessed sin in your life. The Holy Spirit could prompt you to do something good that is in God’s will, but sin interferes with such things.
If what I have shared has been helpful to you, please feel free to email me back if you have any questions about what I have shared.
God bless you, and keep praying!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Marriage counseling
Message Body:
I need your help regarding my marital problems before making a final decision. I believe God uses people to fulfill his purpose and I can’t walk this journey alone. I am depressed and have sleepless nights I can’t cope anymore. Thank you
Hi Mary,
If you keep doing what you have been doing and expecting different results, you are simply fooling yourself.
Think about when you get tempted the most, and then set up options to do or think about other things, you have created a habit, and that habit needs to be broken.
You can do it, but you must set your mind and pray about it.
God bless you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Masturbation and pornography
Message Body:
I am tired of being addicted to it. I keep asking for forgiveness yet going back to it…I really need help.
Hi Paul,
You have done a good thing by reaching out for help. The first thing you need to do is keep your situation in prayer to God. Not just one prayer and done, but to pray continuously for the Lord to direct you and calm your wife’s spirit. What she is experiencing is likely something that has been festering for quite some time, weeks, months, or possibly years.
You asked your wife to marry you, and you said your vows. Now you need to practice your vows no matter how hard it gets. Maybe write her a loving note and give her some space if she insists on it. But if you feel you have an opportunity to talk, before you get to talking, Make sure you apologize to her for ANYTHING that you might have said or done in anger yourself. Dig deep in your heart and think of why she might be upset with you, and whatever it is, sincerely apologize to her. If you do not do this, any talking you might be able to do will be left to dead ears by her. So be wise, confess to her and God what you have done wrong, and turn from it.
Consider also doing something for her around the house. Keep in mind that she is struggling and needs your help and support. You are the leader and the man of the house; your weaker vessel has been attacked, and you need to fix it through prayer, guarding your mouth, and loving her the way Christ has loved the church.
I hope what I have shared has been a help to you. Check out this page and a short video about being a good listener.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Marriage and Family Counseling
Message Body:
I want to help to be a better husband and better communicator at home. I am dealing with a situation now where my wife got mad at me yesterday, and she has barely spoken to me since then. When I say she got mad, I mean she was screaming and yelling and slamming doors and even trashing the bedroom in her fit of anger.
When things like this happen, how can I mitigate the situation? What can I do to improve myself and hope these things stop happening?
Hi Angie,
Sure, I will put you on my mailing list, I send out emails usually once a week or two.
As far as advice, if you have a specific question, feel free to email me and I will get back to you ASAP.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: subscribe
Message Body:
Hi, my name is Anglie I came across your website by going on Pinterest I was wondering if is there any way I can receive emails on some of your topics and activities
thank you in advance
Hi Dollan,
Please feel free to email me back and describe what seems to be your biggest problem. I will get back to you as quickly as I can.
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: need Christian counseling
Message Body:
I need to talk to someone about my faith, I suffer from mental health issues, as well, and need some guidance.
Hi Hanna,
It is your decision about what you will do concerning watching porn. God has given you free will, but with all that we do, some rewards and consequences go with them. As my older brother told me years ago, “You make your bed. You sleep in it.”
1 Corinthians 6:12
Sexual Immorality
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
If you are trying to follow the Lord and made Him your Lord and Savior, then you need to flee from watching porn. It may not be easy for you, but it is the right thing to do.
Here is a web page that can be of help to you.
God bless you,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Watching porn.
Message Body:
I need your help. So there was a time I started watching porn. I know it’s not good, and I have been trying to stop myself which was successful; until today when I failed. Now I am angry at myself and scared that someday when I become great, someone will use this against me.
Hi Lori,
To answer your question, it is not as simple as you ask. There are questions involved such as Has this been going on for a few days, weeks, months? What is initiating his anger towards you?
- Have you been praying about your marriage?
- Have you looked to talk to a counselor in person?
- Are you guys having financial problems?
- Why do you think your husband is hurting you? Does he have an alcohol or drug problem that needs help?
- Is there anything that you do that makes things better?
- Is he hitting you or is he verbally abusing you? Or both?
You do not have to be abused by your husband, if anything, staying at your parent’s house or a friend’s house temporarily may be a good idea. God hates divorce, so the wise thing to do is make sure you are safe, and when he is willing to talk things out rationally with you or with you and a counselor, that is the best suggestion to give you. Not to just go out and get a divorce, that would be the very last thing to do. You do have the option to call the police if he continues to hurt you.
If I have been of help to you, and you wish to email me back with any questions, please feel free to do so. In the meantime, I will pray that God protects you and that your husband will not harm you any longer.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need help badly
Message Body:
Am I supposed to stay with a husband who hurts me repeatedly or does god say I have to stay?
Hi Destiny,
The Bible nowhere directly mentions bisexuality. However, it is clear from the Bible’s denunciations of homosexuality that bisexuality would also be considered sinful. Leviticus 18:22 declares having sexual relations with the same sex to be an abomination. Romans 1:26-27 condemns sexual relations between the same sex as abandoning what is natural. First Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of God. These truths apply equally to bisexuals and homosexuals.
Bill Greguska
Call or text 800-633-3446 or Chat Here
—–Original Message—-
Is being bisexual a sin for Christianity? If so, I’m about to break up with my girlfriend, but it’s gonna hurt.
Hi Chantelle,
I am very sorry. I have been backed up with many emails.
To address your comment that you are a sinner and adulteress. Then I would suggest that you confess your sins to God and repent from them (turn away and do what is right)
Keep in mind that we are all sinners and have fallen short of the Glory of God!
Here is a scripture that I would suggest you remind God that in His word you can have forgiveness.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Whoever you are an adulteress with, you need to flee from him.
It is not that complicated. You need to do what is right and get right with God.
I pray that you go to God humbly and ask forgiveness. God loves you and wants the best for you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Brokenhearted
Message Body:
But more complicated. I am a sinner I would say I’m an adulteress.
Hi Claudia,
Sometimes life can become very stressful. Sometimes, a spiritual answer is needed, but other times, a physical remedy is required. Have you gone to your doctor recently? If so, what did your doctor tell you to do?
I encourage you to take care of your health.
- Eat healthy.
- Get some exercise.
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Could you contact some of your friends and family members?
- Pray to God.
- Read your bible.
- I would like you to go to church.
- Talk with other Christian friends.
- Do something for fun and try to laugh.
- You can try to get out of your problem by helping someone you know who is struggling.
I hope what I have shared will be of help to you! And continue to reach out.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: I need a little encouragement right now
Message Body:
I am feeling very lonely, like a burden, and like a failure. My husband decided to separate because I couldn’t control my emotional state and I needed help. I don’t want to lose everything in life. I feel like I lost so much already.
Hi Shimeka,
I am glad you have reached out for some advice. I am sorry to hear what you are dealing with; I am sure it is very frustrating. My first advice is to start praying about your children, husband, and yourself. God to God and humbly ask Him for his help.
You would benefit from making a realistic plan on paper List one thing you need to see changed with the behavior of your children and one thing you need to ask your husband to do differently. I only say one because I want you to succeed in this goal. If I said five things, they would become too hard to regulate and add more frustration to your lot in life.
Start this goal, and then you can add one more goal at a time.
Sit your husband and family down and become transparent by telling them you are struggling and need their cooperation and help.
I hope this has been of help to you. May God give you the power, patience, wisdom, and strength you need.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Parenting
Message Body:
I have a lot of anger, hurt, and resentment feelings towards my children and husband. I would like guidance on how to get over these feelings.
Thanks for listening.
Hi Lina,
Marriage counseling works best if both people are in the room at the same time with a counselor. That is not possible due to two facts, first I only counsel via email and that is not a way that is best to work on marriage problems, the second reason is that I live in the USA.
Here are a couple of links that can help you.
May the Lord bless and rekindle your marriage, keep in mind that you can not change your husband, the only person you can change is yourself and how you react to him. You can pray to God about your husband, but the Holy Spirit is the one who is going to do the actual changes in your husband. So get busy and ask the Holy Spirit to start to change you. I encourage you to pray and work on your own life and how you react to him.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Marriage counseling
Message Body:
We are in desperate need of counseling, we have been married for 7 months now based in South Africa. There’s domestic violence, we need counseling with prayers.
Hi Karl,
Marriage can be a tough ship to sail. I strongly encourage you to talk to your pastor and ask him for some help for the two of you.
I pray that you do what I suggested, and also, each morning, pray for your wife and yourself. We live in difficult times, and Satan is trying to destroy marriages.
God bless you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Prayer for our marriage.
Message Body:
I am messaging on behalf of my wife, I am her husband, Karl, just for a prayer for peace and clarity in our marriage. To save our marriage by putting Christ in the middle and guiding us.
Hi Stacey,
I am assuming you are under medical care, right? What does your doctor suggest that you do?
- What phobia are you referring to exactly?
- Have you been praying and reading your Bible each morning when you wake up?
- Are you attending church?
- Do you have other Christian friends you can talk with?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Are you avoiding alcohol and street drugs?
- Are you eating healthy?
- Do you get regular exercise?
- Do you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Do you drink enough water each day and avoid sugar?
I hope these suggestions will help you, and I am sure you have someone to talk to to help you. Confide in them but remember to take all your concerns to God in prayer!
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Anxiety”
Hi, well I have certain phobias and unfortunately, they are no longer avoidable, and it is causing me extreme anxiety and irrational thoughts, I feel like I’m having mental breakdowns, and I call out to God, but he’s silent, no matter how much I pray,, it just gets worse every day, I try to give it all to God and not worry about it, but I can’t seem to shake it, I don’t know what to do
Hi Stacey,
Please feel free to email me back, but I’m sorry, we do not counsel via the phone.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
If you let me know the most significant thing you are dealing with specifically, I will try to point you to the Lord and help you relieve some of your anxiety. Etc.
Check out these two links.
God bless you, and I hope to hear back from you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Anxiety
Message Body:
I need to speak to a Christian Counselor, I have been struggling with Anxiety, excessive worry, and some phobias…
Hi Alicia,
Thank you answered your question pretty clearly. Yes, it’s best to be honest with those who you love and love you.
Encourage you strongly to pray about this situation and all situations you get in life. God’s wisdom can’t help you from getting into situations that are not good for you.
Maybe this guy you met might turn into someone worthwhile dating, you will never know but keep your eyes on the Lord and He will direct your paths.
Go slow and try to ask him questions. But as far as your parents just sit down and talk to them like you normally would, you don’t need to make a big thing of it just let them know the facts. Conscious will be clear and things will work out better.
God Bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Dating advice
Message Body:
Hello, I’m 39 and single. I still live at home with my parents. About a month ago and started texting a guy who is Christian and involved his church. Just like I am. He is divorced and 2 kids. I never dated before
You see I have 2 younger sisters they were the ones who will go out more. I wouldn’t go out much. They are more outgoing. They are both married and I stayed home. But recently I met someone who I like and care about. We got out twice and I like him. I want to continue seeing him.
I know that I’m an adult, and I also love my parents and honor them. And they are wondering how I’m texting because I’m on the phone a lot lately. I have great communication with them and I know that is going to be a surprise.
Should I tell them ( I know I should. How do I approach them? I don’t want to hide them anything
Hi Warren,
I hear your concern, but I encourage you to know that God is in control. Have you been praying about this upcoming job that you want?
Here is a web page that can be of help to you.
I join you in prayer for your new job, I pray that God equips you both physically and emotionally and that He will provide the right job for you and your abilities.
God bless you and trust that He has a plan for your life!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Fear and anxiety
Message Body:
Please help me pray for strength and courage and help from the LORD JESUS to help me get back up on my feet and find the job He wants me to have. Thank you. I had an accident at work and have been unable to work but now I’m fine I have so much anxiety and fear about finding a job and it is making me very unsure of myself and I just really need prayer for God to help me through JESUS CHRIST my SAVIOR. God bless you all.
Hi John,
I will give you the same advice that my pastor Ron and Sue gave me. My situation seems similar to what you guys are going through. I was a stepdad to a 14-year-old boy, my wife and I would disagree, and I ended up on the couch a lot for a while. This story does not have a happy ending, but I am thankful I took my pastor’s advice by not divorcing her. She refused to cooperate in marriage counseling and decided to move out. She said for four months, but it turned into two grueling long years.
The bottom line, God hates divorce, yet He allows it because of man’s hardened heart. I encourage you to take the high road and do whatever it takes to keep your marriage together. Divorce does not make life simple. It makes it even worse, believe it or not!
As one man to another, I encourage you to go to your wife and apologize for whatever you said or did and not expect her to apologize for anything. You most likely have wounded her spirit, and you need to humble yourself and beg her for forgiveness. Otherwise, your marriage will most likely dissolve painfully and slowly right before your eyes. Be a real man and be honest. You know you did or said something wrong, so be wise and go to her today and at least attempt to make things right with her.
May God give you the strength to humble yourself for the sake of your marriage, wife, daughter, and yourself.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Marriage advice
Message Body:
We are a married couple that has been together for 17 years. We have a 13-year-old daughter who is the world’s most amazing teen and the greatest gift God has given either of us. Our current situation is causing undue stress on her and has the potential to jeopardize her future possibilities.
We have had disagreements throughout the years but nothing violent, nothing ever warranting the police to be called, and nothing significant to cause us to sleep in separate beds, save perhaps 5 times throughout the years where a night of cooling down was needed. A recent dispute was by far the worst we’ve ever had. One of us may feel that there is verbal abuse, and the other is willing to do anything necessary to change that. The person willing to change has turned their life over to God and would like to start going to church with the rest of the family.
The question is, in this situation would God prefer that we try to reconcile the marriage and keep our family together, or does the criteria meet the standard for God’s approval of divorce? We truly don’t know what to do and, above all else, want to do what’s right in the eyes of the Lord.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated; a one-sentence answer will suffice if time is tight.
Thank you – John and Jane Doe
Hi Barbara,
I encourage you to keep praying and trust that the Lord will never leave or forsake you.
Besides praying, I would encourage you to try to count your blessings. I know that might sound strange to you right now, but believe me, God is the one who will open the right doors for you.
Make sure you take care of your physical health, such as eating healthy, exercising, sleeping, drinking plenty of water, avoiding alcohol, praying, and reading your Bible each morning. Even start with 5 or 10 minutes and increase. The more you pray and read your Bible, the more you will want to
May God bless you, and remember that this, too shall pass!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Passing very hard times
Message Body:
Could you please help me I am going through very hard times, going through a court case where the enemy tried to work against me through betrayal I struggle with doubt in my heart because all looks so overwhelming.
Hi Daniel,
God has created you and loves you just the way you are. I can understand that you feel embarrassed and frustrated, but think about it for a moment, who are you trying to impress, is it man or is it God?
I encourage you to keep doing your very best and if you do something accidental, do not worry about it. We all make mistakes, and you have multiple sclerosis so cut yourself some slack and be good to yourself. Who cares what others think or say, God loves you and has a plan for your life. Seek God in prayer by asking Him this question, “What do you want me to do Lord?”
All you need to be concerned about is doing God’s will, if you fail from time to time physically, so be it. It is not a sin to struggle.
If what I have shared with you has been helpful. Please feel free to email me back if you have anything else to share with me. I do care. I pray that your disability will draw you nearer to God!
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you
God bless you, Daniel,
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Help
Message Body:
I need help with accepting myself. I’m not very sharp and embarrass myself at least twice a day by doing something stupid, not deliberately it just happens automatically.
I feel bitter and angry at God, and yet I know God is innocent
I love God but how do I heal myself?
I have multiple sclerosis not sure if this is the reason for me being so stupid.
I feel inferior to other people
I want peace with God
This e-mail was sent from a contact form (
Hi Morwen,
God knows our hearts, and in His word, he teaches us not to forgive 7 times, but 7 x 70. Don’t you think He forgives in the same way, yet when we sin, we are grieving His Spirit? Let me ask you, do you want to continue with your sin? I sure hope not, so I encourage you to get some help with whatever sin you are referring to from your church, pastor, counselor, or best friend you can trust. Our spirit may be willing, but our flesh is weak.
You need to put on the armor of God found in Ephesians 6:10-17 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Also, when God forgives us that our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus, as far as the East is from the West.
1 John 3:9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.
Just out of curiosity, are you sure you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? In other words, have you been Born Again?
Keep in mind, Morwen, that God forgives us of our sins when we confess them to him, yet remember that we may be forgiven, but there still may remain consequences of our sins.
—–Original Message—–
Subject: One Last Thought
I had just one more thought and then I believe that’s all my questions for now.
What if, after I knew God had forgiven me, I broke my promise again? Knowing that it was wrong but still giving in to temptation. But then felt bad and repented. Would Jesus forgive me still? I know the Bible says that we are not to use our freedom in Christ to sin. If God gave me another chance after the first time, and I knew that, but did it again anyway, but then repented, could I still have another chance to try keeping my promise for good? Does God forgive willful sin like that if we feel guilty and repent?
Thank you so much for taking the time to hear me out.
Hi Breanna,
It sounds like you have a lot of unnecessary weight on your shoulders, I’m glad you reached out for some help and encouragement.
My first bit of encouragement to you would be to take this to God in prayer!
1 Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
I noticed that you’re comparing yourself to others and that’s something that you’ll never win.
I’ve learned in my life that not All things are spiritual warfare, but it sounds like some of yours can be considered that. I would not overlook the fact that you need to take care of your physical health too.
1. Exercise, even going for a walk.
2. Eat healthy, and avoid sugars, caffeine, and alcohol.
3. Get 7 to 8 hours sleep each night.
4. Read your Bible and pray each morning.
5. Make sure you stay connected with your family and friends.
6. If there’s any unconfessed sin in your life make sure you confess it to the Lord. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
7. Sometimes when we focus on our troubles, we get overwhelmed. I would encourage you to try to encourage other people even though you’re struggling yourself.
I would encourage you to keep up your efforts with your children and homeschooling, you may not see a lot of benefit and success from it right now but you are watering the seeds that you have already planted and you will reap a harvest in due time.
I hope what I have shared with you has been helpful to you, if it has feel free to email me back if you have any questions about what I have shared with you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Subject: Stay-at-home mom – struggling with depression
Message Body:
Hi – this is the first time I’ve ever reached out for counseling. I noticed that it is a man who started this webpage – I hope that my contact will be with a woman. Seeing that you are so Biblically grounded, I am assuming that will be the case.
I am not sure where to begin. I am on a very limited budget which is why I am seeking free counselling. Secondly, my kids are homeschooled and my husband’s work schedule is pretty full-on. I don’t feel like I could find the space in the week to actually talk to someone. My kids are always listening, if I did it on the phone. Writing seems so much better for my situation. I am feeling desperate, so I hope that I might be able to find some help here.
I spent 14 years as an evangelist in Europe, mostly in Germany; my husband is German, and all three of my kids were born in Germany. I have twin boys who just turned 5 and a 2.5-year-old little girl. We moved back to the United States at the beginning of 2021 when it became clear that the vaccine mandates in Germany would be swift and strict. We already had been vaguely planning to move back but the world events expedited our move. After a year in North Carolina, my husband found a job as a worship pastor in Southern Oregon and we have been here for about three months. I am originally from the North West – so this is a little bit like coming home. But we are about 5 hours from my home and it is much more rural here than where I am from in the Portland/Vancouver Area.
I am not anti-American and I love the USA – but I have never felt at home here, even in my youth – a feeling of “not belonging” was with me all of my life; I believed this was one part of my call to the mission field. I left for Germany at 16 and spent my whole adult life there. Now I am back and the same old feeling, that this isn’t where I belong is overwhelming me. There is much to be thankful for! God has found us a lovely house in a nice neighborhood – our church is incredibly friendly and the kids love it – I am so happy my husband found a job in ministry that pays enough to live on. And yet, I am deeply unhappy. Is it culture shock? Perhaps. But instead of getting easier as time goes by, it gets harder and harder.
I feel as though I have been a spoiled brat and not cannot cope with normal day-to-day life. When we lived in Europe we traveled a lot; I love to travel. There were adventures every year. Now, it is too expensive to travel – I have no friends and life is one long dull day with the children after another. My brain says, “This is life! Get over yourself! At least you GOT to travel! How many people would love to do what you did? Be thankful!” and even though fundamentally I know all of that, I don’t seem to be able to lift the dreariness off of myself.
When I pray and worship, I just cry.
We are homeschooling our children – I am sure I don’t need to go into the reasons. But feeling deeply unhappy and depressed I am struggling to get organized about it. Struggling with motivation and then, of course, the guilty feelings compound it all. It’s summer break now so no big deal – and our kids are only in kindergarten. But when I consider the future and the fact that my loud, wild boys will never be leaving the house and I will never get a moment’s peace, it makes me cry! But I don’t see an alternative. I will not send them to public school, especially not in Oregon.
I am part of a homeschool community – but I feel like a square peg in a round hole. I don’t share the passion of the other moms. My heart isn’t completely sold out to the program. I have so many doubts. I cannot seem to get on board in the way the rest of them do.
There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do ministry-wise at church. Because my husband is necessarily busy with all church events, I have our three kids, of course. Having been in ministry, it is extremely difficult for me to take a back seat. I am pep-talking myself constantly. There is no need to perform. My ministry is to the children. My service is to my husband. By serving him, I am serving the church. But none of that fills the hole inside of me.
I am crying more and more.
I have no appetite and am finding it, therefore, extremely difficult to cook meals… I do manage to get my housework done. At least seeing the house tidy helps me to feel like I am serving some purpose. I love working in my garden and that does give me some joy but I think that is the only thing I enjoy anymore. I find myself just watching TV shows in the evening and when I take a lunch break. And then I feel upset with myself for doing that! The Germans call it a Devils-Circle!
I don’t think I am suicidal, though I would be lying if I said that the thought has never crossed my mind. I would never kill myself. I wouldn’t do that to my kids.
Wow – I have waffled on here. I guess I needed to unburden myself. I don’t have anyone to talk to. I have mentioned being depressed three or four times to my two closest friends. but neither of them reacted at all or questioned me, so I let it go. Sigh. Some friends!
A little bit of background – I grew up in a Christian family, but my dad was a womanizer and had multiple affairs and many many women! My parents divorced when I was a freshman in high school. My dad died when I was 21 at a time when we weren’t speaking because he had been having an affair with a married woman and I told him I just needed some space from him. Long story there. I feel like God healed me and walked with me through my grief over that.
My little brother (only whole brother) became a heroin addict and died of an overdose when I was 30 – almost ten years ago now, but that still hurts. My brother and I were very close. He was living in Berlin at the time and had a son who is 9 years old now. The mother of his son and I had a difficult relationship but for most of his life, I watched him at least 4 days a month until we moved away from Berlin. I miss my nephew a lot, but I don’t miss the strained and difficult relationship with his manipulative mother.
My husband has a sad life story. abusive childhood and we have had our issues, of course! Mostly because of pornography addiction (his). He has been doing better for about two years, but not perfect. I have no expectations that it will ever be better and yes, that is also a sad spot in my life. Addiction is awful. Every man in my life has been an addict. That’s the first time I have ever realized that. All in all, I think we have an okay marriage, though. My husband is very sweet and he’s a good communicator. He is kind to me and supportive. He loves the Lord and does his best. It is not perfect – but I know that no marriage is. What is good is that we share a lot of common interests, like bird watching and our garden.
Last year I took St. John’s Wort for a year and I think it did help me, but it made my eyes too sensitive to the sun, so I stopped.
I feel like I really need help or I will collapse!
I hope this message wasn’t too long… I am not sure exactly what information is needed!
Thank you,
God bless you,
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Hi Rebekah,
You are wise to know that you need help. You are aware that you are lost. I, too, needed help with my alcohol and drug problem, and the Lord put people in my life to help me overcome those things! You also say that you need God. What keeps you from accepting God’s love for you right now?
Romans 3:23-24 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 10:9-10 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
I think you know about God and his word enough to let go of the sins that keep you, prisoner. Ask God to come into your heart and make Him your Lord and Savior right now. Please don’t wait until later, do it now while your heart is still soft enough to accept Him into your life, and then you can start to follow Him. Each morning you will begin to look forward to reading a few minutes of His word and pray to Him, thanking Him for turning your life around.
Please let me know if you have done what I have suggested.
And if you need any more help, feel free to email me back with any questions or concerns you may have.
Rebekah, here is a little sample of my testimony of what God has done in my life…
God bless you, and I know you will enjoy your new walk with the Lord Jesus!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Need help, I am lost and need God.
Message Body:
I lie, I cheat, I manipulate and I use people. I need God to help me.
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Hi Chayce,
You are not alone, many people go through just what you are going through.
Make sure that you pray about this and ask God what He wants you to do.
I would encourage you to make sure you give your present employer at least a 2-week notice.
I keep my eyes open for something available to you and use networking with your family and friends to help you get a new job.
Here is a link that can be of help to you.
May God bless you open the right doors for you, and close the doors that are not good for you.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Job”
Subject: Job
Message Body:
So many things idk where to even start. I feel I’m in a balance between leaving my job
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Hi Angel,
Social media is a wonderful way to put the website on, and I’m not opposed to giving cards to homeless people, but typically homeless people don’t always have a phone or computer access. But if you say that you will be able to make good use of the encouragement cards, please let me know your address so I can mail some to you.
Bill Greguska
Subject: 200 encouraging cards
Message Body:
Can be handed out to the homeless and use on social media.
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Hi Robert,
It is obvious that you are in a season right now, and that is not really comfortable for you, and I get it. I would encourage you to use this time to get closer to God and then to reach out to others that you know. Even a simple phone call to a friend to chat is something that can be of great help to you. I would like to remind you that it is better to be alone than hooked up with a woman who would drag you down. I am all for God’s word that says it’s not good for man to be alone and also seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and then these things will be added unto you.
It sounds like you are in a rut that you need to get out of. I am sure you have tried some things to help yourself. Here are a few things you should consider.
- Have you been reading your Bible each morning?
- Have you been praying each morning?
- Are you attending church?
- Are you in a bible study and fellowship with other Christians?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life? 1 John 1:9
- Are you taking good care of your physical health?
- Are you exercising at all?
- Are you eating healthy?
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Have you called anyone on the phone, texted, or emailed them to get together or simply talk?
Remember that this too shall pass, so keep praying and get closer to God.
Proverbs 3:5- 6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
My name is Robert from Auburn New York a Christian writer Christian songwriter and singer. Having a really hard time at the moment with loneliness. Yes, and I know that God is always with me and nobody loves me more than God and God has a plan for my life. And God says it’s not good for man to be alone seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then these things will be added unto you I know all this. But at the moment and not because I have a lack of faith or trust it just doesn’t seem to help.
Hi Steven,
To be honest with you Steven, I am not familiar with religious OCD.
If you have a question that you would like to discuss with me, let me know and I will be willing to try to help you the best I can.
I would not pump Bible verses at you, but I would share with you what the Bible says appropriately.
I have been a Christian since June 25, 1986, and I have made enough mistakes to give you good advice on what works, and what does not work.
I hope to hear from you!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Religious OCD”
Subject: Religious OCD
Message Body:
Hello, my name is Steven and I am 36 years old I have symptoms of Religious OCD due to trauma. I’m looking for a spirit-led Christian ( even a prophetic person)who is very experienced in OCD and trauma and doesn’t have an agenda ( no offense)to pump Bible verses at me but can help me work through things guided by the Holy Spirit. If someone has at least 5 years experience in this field I would be grateful to hear from you kind regards Steven UK
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Hi Connie,
It is good that you have reached out for help, but have you reached out to speak to a pastor or counselor in person?
My humble advice to you is to take an inventory of what you want and do not want in your life. Write these two lists on a piece of paper as you brainstorm your thoughts and feelings and what you think the Lord would want you to do.
Make sure you put your situation in prayer each morning and even during the day at times whenever you can. God wants the best for you, His perfect will whatever that may be is what I encourage you to seek after!
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Help understanding how to proceed
Message Body:
I have some trauma I’m trying to work through. My mother and father were going through a divorce and she shot herself in 2009. What was left of our already struggling family scattered? My father married his girlfriend and then he died in 2018. This woman appears to be dilutional and she morphs into whoever you want her to be. She has never done anything but lie to me but she keeps calling. I’m a little bit afraid to sleep in the same house with her. She wants a relationship with me and I do not understand why. She was dating my dad when my mom died but he said he was in love with his aunt by marriage. It’s a big old mess. I just want to process it and become productive again.
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Hi Rachelle,
It sounds like you are stuck in the middle of loving someone you know is not good for you while your loyalty to him is great, or your insecurity is keeping you from the life that God wants you to live.
Is your partner open to getting some help for his addiction?
Why can’t you understand that we all make mistakes, and yes, some of them are big ones? I am sure you paid the price for your mistakes, but now you are paying interest on those same mistakes you already paid for. My brother who is older than me once told me that when you have done all you can do about a situation, and you can not do anything more, then you need to turn the page.
Do you have anyone that you can go to for support in your situation such as a parent, friend, adult child, counselor, pastor, or government agency?
Better yet, how about going to God in prayer?
I hope what I have shared with you has been of help. If you have any questions about what I said, please feel free to email me back. I will pray that God clearly shows you what you need to do and that you can be confident enough to do it.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: Re: “Christian counseling”
Hello, my biggest roadblock is not being able to move past things I have done wrong or sinned, feeling very bad about myself, and a partner who has addiction problems and leaves me alone a lot. I do not have any addictions to substances or alcohol. I want to live the life God wants me to and I feel like I am not good enough for that.
Hi Rashelle,
I am glad that you reached out for help. We all go through hard times no matter who we are. Life can kick us in the teeth sometimes.
John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Please feel free to contact me back and I will do my best to point you to the one who has the answers who is Jesus Christ!
Please share with me the biggest roadblock in your life right now, and what you have done to overcome it, and I will give you my advice.
Bill Greguska
—–Original Message—–
Subject: “Christian counseling”
Subject: Christian counseling
Message Body:
Hello, I would like to have Christian counseling, please. I am at a very low point in my life and I need someone who also knows God to talk with. Thank you
Hi Harpreet,
I am glad to hear that you confess your faults to God and Heather. It doesn’t sound like divorce is appropriate, it sounds like Heather was hurt and overreacted by what you said or did.
I would give her a little space (but not too much) and go to her sincerely asking her to reconsider and tell her whatever the problem was that it’s not a problem anymore if that’s the case.
Keep praying to God and put this in his hand to work it out in his way. I will do the same. I pray that this all gets resolved very quickly and you can get back to your marriage!
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Bill Greguska
Hi Bill,
Thank you for your email
I have admitted all my faults, flaws to God and to my wife Heather, we have misunderstandings created by others, there is no cheating, hitting or any abuse in our marriage, apart from misunderstandings created by others or circumstances.
There has been words said by both of us in anger, heat of the moment which I already let go of anything Heather said because I love her so much, I asked God for forgiveness too for all my faults, flaws and mistakes.
I am trying my best with Prayers and asking for help with pray so God intervene and guide Heather in positive direction and not end marriage in anger
Please Help and Pray for us both so we stay united , Heather has filed for divorce already in anger and haste
Please Pray and Help
Thank you
On Monday, GMT,
Hi Harpreet,
Agree with your prayer request and pray that the Lord softens your wife’s heart. We know that in God’s word it says that God hates divorce!
I encourage you to stand firm and do not leave your wife, she may say and do things that would be hurtful but try to be strong and work through the problem.
You might want to consider what has gotten her upset and see what you can do about that?
I encourage you to also find a pastor or a counselor the two of you can talk in the same room together and work on whatever is the problem.
Have you admitted your fault to both God and her and if so what did she say?
1st Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
From: Harpreet
Subject: Marriage Restoration Pray
Message Body:
Please pray for my marriage restoration with my wife Heather
I love my wife Heather a lot and strongly believe in Godly Marriage Covenant
Please pray so my wife Heather’s mind and heart softens so she agrees to reconcile marriage
Please Pray and Help
Thank you
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Hi Terri,
I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your colleague.
You may want to consider trying to encourage your colleagues family and close friends. I say this because I have learned that when I was depressed while going through a divorce I did not want back in 2007, my pastor and his wife saw how sad and depressed I was. Then encouraged me to encourage others, which is how this website started back in 2007.
I encourage you to go to the funeral and pay your respects to the family. Besides that, I encourage you to try to move forward and not dwell too much on your colleague’s death. You have a life to live. Ask God to give you the strength to carry on. I hope what I have shared with you will be of help to you.
1 Peter 5:7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Tuesday, wrote:
Subject: Grief
Message Body:
I am sad because a colleague died unexpectedly and I don’t know how to deal.
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Hi Rachael,
I am sorry to hear you are experiencing depression and anxiety. Depending on how server your symptoms are, I agree that medication is not always the best answer, but keep in mind that God created all things and has given man wisdom to use it appropriately.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Here is a short list of things to consider to help you out from your depression and anxiety.
- Are you eating healthy foods?
- Are you avoiding alcohol and drugs?
- Are you drinking plenty of water each day?
- Are you getting daily exercise?
- Are you sleeping 7-8 hours a night?
- Are you guarding what you hear and see, such as the news, etc?
- Are you reaching out to help anyone else who is in need instead of just focusing on yourself? (it is a great way to get out of your depression)
- Are you keeping in contact with family and friends?
- Are you praying and reading your Bible each day?
- Is there any unconfessed sin in your life?
I hope these 10 suggestions will be of help to you. Have you talked to your pastor or close friend about your concerns?
Here is a good ministry to chat with if you are interested.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Wednesday, <> wrote:
From: Rachael
Subject: depression and anxiety
Message Body:
My depression and anxiety is impacting my work and my other relationships.
I am a Christian and I do believe in the biblical worldview.
The problem I found ,sometimes ,with secular counselors is they want to give me medication, which I do not want to take.
And to be very honest ,the problem I found ,with some, Christian counselors is lack of compassion and a judgmental attitude.
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Hi Jerin,
Have you been praying about your family situation? That would be the first place to go!
It sounds like you and your husband need to talk to your pastor or a marriage counselor.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me and I will get back to you.
If you would like to chat with a Christian you can visit
I am sorry to hear that your life is difficult right now, but remember that God is in control and He will not leave you or forsake you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Friday, <> wrote:
From: Jerin
Subject: Marriage
Message Body:
Family issues, cheating, trying to gain trust and forgive but I’m really hurt.
Please help.
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Hi Bill,
Thank you for your email
I have admitted all my faults, flaws to God and to my wife Heather, we have misunderstandings created by others, there is no cheating, hitting or any abuse in our marriage, apart from misunderstandings created by others or circumstances.
There has been words said by both of us in anger, heat of the moment which I already let go of anything Heather said because I love her so much, I asked God for forgiveness too for all my faults, flaws and mistakes.
I am trying my best with Prayers and asking for help with pray so God intervene and guide Heather in positive direction and not end marriage in anger
Please Help and Pray for us both so we stay united , Heather has filed for divorce already in anger and haste
Please Pray and Help
Thank you
On Monday, / Bill wrote:
Hi Harpreet,
Agree with your prayer request and pray that the Lord softens your wife’s heart. We know that in God’s word it says that God hates divorce!
I encourage you to stand firm and do not leave your wife, she may say and do things that would be hurtful but try to be strong and work through the problem.
You might want to consider what has gotten her upset and see what you can do about that?
I encourage you to also find a pastor or a counselor the two of you can talk in the same room together and work on whatever is the problem.
Have you admitted your fault to both God and her and if so what did she say?
1st Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Bill Greguska
On Sat,
<> wrote:
From: Harpreet
Subject: Marriage Restoration Pray
Message Body:
Please pray for my marriage restoration with my wife Heather
I love my wife Heather a lot and strongly believe in Godly Marriage Covenant
Please pray so my wife Heather’s mind and heart softens so she agrees to reconcile marriage
Please Pray and Help
Thank you
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Hi Kevin,
I admire your desire to do God’s will. God created sex and it is a good thing once you are married if that is what God wants you to do.
I believe the root you are referring to is either the root of love or lust. My first thought about your situation is, are you really in love with her or in lust with her? If you are in love with her, you will want the BEST FOR HER, and what you are doing is NOT the best. How well do you know her? Are you to the point of asking her to marry you and combine your lives forever?
Kevin, if you love your girlfriend you will refrain from your sexual desires until you are married and can commit your life to her. It appears that you know what is right and what is wrong. But your flesh is too weak to remain faithful and treat her the way she needs to be treated.
- I would begin to pray about this situation.
- I encourage you to keep seeing your accountability partner as long as they are helping point you to Jesus.
- I would encourage you to agree not to go to each other’s house, but only date in public places.
- I also encourage you to take an honest inventory of reasons why you “love” your girlfriend. Hopefully, it is more than physical lustful reasons. If you are a real man, you will take this situation very seriously, and do what is right in God’s eyes.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’
Kevin, may God bless you and your girlfriend, I pray that God works in your hearts and you do His will!
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book
On Friday, Kevin, wrote:
Hey Bill,
Thanks for your email.
I’m currently struggling with a sexual addiction involving my girlfriend too and we’ve both been working on it for a few months to avoid visiting each others houses and we also see an accountability couple but we do sometimes visit each other’s houses with the right intention but end up regretting it as it’s difficult to hold back.
I need help with counseling as I need to dig deep to find the roots of this attraction in my life and address it by the roots.
Please let me know if you could help me with this.
Thank you
On Fri, / Bill wrote:
Hi Kevin,
I’m glad you decided to reach out for some free Christian counseling. All I ask is that you explain the major issue that you are struggling with and what you have done up till now that has not worked for you.
I encourage you to pray and trust that the Lord has the answers you need.
1 Peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Feel free to email me back and I’ll get back to you usually within less than 24 hours depending on how busy things are.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
From: Kevin
Subject: Personal issues
Message Body:
Could I please get some online counseling to help with an issue I’ve been battling with?
Kindly let me know if this is possible.
Thank you
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Hi Nim,
What you are explaining to me sounds like you feel that you are physically alive, yet possible not alive spiritually, emotionally, or mentally.
To do something about this, I would encourage you to get a piece of 8 x 11 inch paper and pen out, or use your computer to write down the things you enjoy in life. This can be things or people you are thankful for, and just brainstorm ideas of what makes you feel alive! If you struggle doing this, ask a close friend or family member to help give you some ideas.
I hope this will be a help to you. Also if you have any unconfessed sin in your life, I encourage you to ask God in prayer to forgive you and free yourself from that bondage. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
What ever you are going through I pray that you go to God in prayer and ask Him to give you a new purpose and direction in your life!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Wednesday wrote:
From: NM
Subject: Advice?
Message Body:
This might sound odd and if it is please just ignore but I will explain the best I can. I feel like I am not really alive. I feel like I have a name and I sleep and wake and eat etc., but I am not truly alive. Is this a real phenomenon? What can be done ?
Hi Jamaeyah,
To get free Christian counseling, all you need to do is to share whatever the most important issue in your life that you need some help with, I will do my best to point you to biblical answers to your situation.
I also ask that you would let me know what you have been doing up until now to solve your situation.
I also encourage you to go to God in prayer.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Sunday wrote:
From: Jamaeyah
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
HI, I’m Jamaeyah I just came across this website and it’s something I really need. How do I sign up for free counseling.
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Hi Delbert,
It is hard to pinpoint what is making you not feel good and feeling weak and depressed.
Here are a few thoughts that you might want to consider.
- Have you been eating healthy?
- Do you drink enough water each day?
- Do you avoid alcohol and street drugs?
- Sleeping 7-8 hours per night?
- Exercising at least a little each day?
- Are you connecting with your family and friends?
- Have you been praying each morning when you wake up?
- Have you been reading your bible a little each morning too?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
- Have you seen your doctor recently?
Here are two links that can be of help to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Thursday wrote:
From: Delbert
Subject: Need prayer
Message Body:
Feeling not good…weak faith and so depressed
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Hi Sarah,
It sounds like you are going through a lot of things right now. Have you been praying about your situation?
One prayer that has been a big help to me is a very simple prayer. “Lord, what do you want me to do?”
I encourage you to start there and keep things simple. It sounds to me like you are not factoring in the element of “time” with your situation. Be patient, trust God, and take one step at a time.
I would also encourage you to get a piece of paper and write your plans and thoughts so you can get a better picture of your goals.
What has your pastor suggested to you to do?
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Thursday wrote:
From: Sarah
Subject: Struggling with life choices
Message Body:
Good afternoon!!
I am just sitting overwhelmed with the amount of choices I’ve made believing they were right decisions just to come to find out they were rashly made. Trying to uphold every one of my responsibilities the way I have been doing has caused almost all of them to be on shaky ground and I am facing discouragement and the tempting thought to just runaway from everything and get right with God first in a retreat center of sorts before I do any more damage. I’ve changed colleges 6 times and the current one, I tried to do their online courses without having a firm grip of balancing first my work/.family/church responsibilities so now my GPA went from 3.7 to 1.2 due to being late to withdraw. My church family activities conflict with my job so often and I get information overload and now I’m going to quit my job and look for one that has better hours for me. In the pursuit of this I started an application to get a Child Development certificate but I keep facing intense anxiety, dread, distractions when completing any task. I used to be known by those around me as an artist but I haven’t been able to finish what I start. Now I’m taking on an endeavor to draw for a children’s book.
I know I’m focusing on all of my limitations and that’s not good, or my past, but I’m not sure how I can keep moving forward. It’s caused me to question my walk with God. I miss how unreserved I was for the Lord, but my passion for Him was a 1 party thing, not with other people…there’s some part of me that regrets going to church because I believe I started relying on the family there too much and settled. I don’t want my heart to continue to harden. I get intense breakthroughs followed with intense backlash emotionally/mentally/spiritually. I’m tired of coming back to the place of this dread. I don’t know how to honor God with my life choices, I’ve forgotten something vital and it’s bothering me… I need to remember, I need to go back to my first love of Christ, but how? Being alone is a trigger and yet being alone with God is what’s needed to draw near to Him. I get random bursts of fatigue as well. Previously I was diagnosed with C-PTSD but I thought I healed enough to stop going to therapy and yet here I am re-considering that option.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!!!
I pray the Lord blesses you!!!
Shalom shalom
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Hi Jessica,
How do you feel you are failing God?
Are you involved in habitual sin?
Have you confessed your sins to God?
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
What does your pastor suggest you do?
Have you been praying about this every morning when you wake up?
If you wish to share more with me, I believe I can be of help to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Saturday wrote:
From: Jessica
Subject: Encouragement to keep going
Message Body:
I really need help. I feel like I’m failing God day by day but today it’s gone in extreme. I don’t know what to do to make me stop feeling this way. I don’t know if I’m still depressed or it’s an attack from the enemy. honestly I need strength to keep going and fight this through
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Hi Tara,
What have you been doing to help her until now?
I would help you. Have you been praying about the situation that your daughter is going through?
What does your pastor suggest for you to do?
Has anything been of help in the past?
If you would like to share more, I can point you to what the scriptures say, and also my point of view as well.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 09:43:48 AM CDT, Tara Simon <> wrote:
From: Tara
Subject: Seeking counseling for our daughter.
Message Body:
My name is Tara. I came across your information on Google. My husband and I are trying to find help (counseling) for our 16 year old daughter. She has been having a rough few months with her mental health. We are at the point that we need counseling for her. We recently lost health insurance and we are going through a financial situation at the moment. If you are able to help with resources or offer the counseling, I would greatly appreciate it. Thankfully, I found your information.
God bless,
Tara Simon
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Hi Natalie, I’m glad what I have shared has been of help to you.
I tell people such as yourself that God has walked with you through ups and downs in your life for 21 years and he’s not about to quit on you.
Your idea of baby steps is wonderful and I encourage you to keep that in your mind. God has many plans for all of us, your job is to find out what his plan is for you. You don’t need to find out today or this week, but keep your eyes open and he’ll show you!
I pray that you recent discouragement will motivate you to hold on to the Lord even tighter!
God bless you, you are going to be okay!
Bill Greguska
Hey Bill,
Thank you for your ministry and for graciously taking time to respond.
I got quite discouraged yesterday and I apologize for the rant. It is intimidating to look upon my life but I know we are told to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. I pray the God of hope fills me will all joy and peace in believing.
I appreciate the list and some of those things have indeed been on my mind recently. I’ll continue to take “baby steps” by the grace of God: whatever it takes to move forward, however slowly.
God bless you and keep you,
On Sun Bill wrote:
Hi Natalie,
It sounds to me like you are frustrated and feel strongly motivated in finding a better life for yourself.
I encourage you to take an inventory of your life. Here are some things to consider in taking an inventory. It might just be that you have overlooked a thing or two from the list that might be of great help to you.
- Have you been praying each day?
- Are you reading your Bible each day at least for a few minutes?
- Are you getting enough exercise?
- Do you get 7-8 hour sleep each night?
- Are you eating healthy?
- Are you avoiding junk food, sugar, alcohol?
- Do you have any family or friends you could lean on/
- Are there any unconfessed sins in your life?
Keep in mind that solutions to your concerns are not going to all go away overnight. But even as you said, taking baby steps is a wonderful plan!
I encourage you to pray and even consider getting back into the church. Apostle Paul was in chains in prison and he found contentment in his situation.
Philippians 4:11-13I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
God bless you. I hope what I have shared will be an encouragement to you. Natalie, Here are a couple of links that I think will be of help to you.
Bill Greguska
On Sunday wrote:
From: Natalie
Subject: Help me carry my burdens (by listening and caring)
Message Body:
I’m a 21 year old woman with no job, no college degree, no driver’s license, living with her family. I received little structure and guidance from my parents – they never disciplined me and are quite “uninvolved.” I’ve dealt with mental health issues and have been medicated since I was a child.
Emetophobia and agoraphobia have left me feeling trapped in my own body. I fear the Lord will “push me”, like make me sick or make me leave the house, like when I was young and had to evacuate brush fires a few different times in the span of a couple weeks.
I just don’t feel very “safe” in my life or my decisions – I have friends from church I’m in contact with but I quit actually attending like a year ago. I’m not sure anyone in my immediate family is a born-again Christian; my mother claims to be but my parents have been separated and she continues to commit adultery and otherwise stays on her phone all day, isolated from us. (I have two siblings that still live in the home with me).
I’ve been obsessed with “fixing” myself since I was about 14 and only recently have I started trying to take that pressure off in hopes of seeing genuine change. (I forgot to mention that I was saved by God’s grace when I was 17. Hallelujah!) But I feel like I can’t let go and enjoy life when I feel broken and my family is broken. My parents took me to therapy for years when I was younger but I don’t want to right now because I don’t want to be stuck in that obsession anymore — I just want to be safe, right here, right now.
I need God’s wisdom for my steps! Right now my days are dedicated to cooking more and more for my family as well as cleaning and of course seeking the Lord through this. But my guilty conscience continues to remind me that I am living in avoidance by staying home. The sins of my family also wear me down and I’m fearful He’ll strike us somehow so we’ll finally repent.
I want encouragement and hope, not for someone to say, “you need a therapist, now!” or, “you need a doctor!” (I do have a psychiatrist.) I want peace and assurance — He says to let His peace rule in our hearts — not a frantic “I must fix this immediately,” because I’ve lived under that mindset for soo long and I am weary.
…Despite all this, over the last year I have grown in my confidence that I can slow down and take baby steps; I have been strengthened a bit more in the inner man. I have been anxious many times and brought back to stillness by His Spirit. But I still wrestle doubt that I am doing “enough,” and perhaps someone’s input could be helpful, Lord willing. The wise heed Godly counsel, and I want to be wise.
Glory to God!
P.S., Notice how my message followed a Psalm template — pouring out my heart (Psalm 62:8), despairing, then turning back to hope and worship.
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Hi Elizabeth,
It is good that you have questions about your faith. That is a great way to grow closer to God and deepen your faith.
Just to let you know that there are many different denominations which can sometimes be confusing. Man has made the different denominations, but if you want the total truth you will find it in the Bible.
I was taught to major on the majors, and minor on the minors. A few things that would fall into the category of “Majors” would be for example:
1) Who is Jesus?
2) Validity of the Bible?
3) How to be saved?
4) How to get to heaven?
5) What God expects of us?
6) What is sin?
These are just a few of the “MAJORS”
Most other issues general might fall in the “MINORS.”
I would encourage you to talk to your pastor, get involved in a Bible study, use tools such as,, or my website to dig deeper.
I would encourage you not to argue or debate with anyone including your roommate. But rather allow the Holy Spirit to help guide you to a clearer understanding. Questions are a wonderful tool.
Pray and ask God to open your eyes and ears to His truth. I’m excited for you since I have been a Christian since 1986 and I know how it feels to grow closer to God! I’m still growing after all these years…
If you have any questions, feel free to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
From: Elizabeth
Subject: Questioning Faith
Message Body:
I am questioning my faith in God and would like to talk it out with someone, since I can’t talk to my roommates about it.
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Hi Nikki,
I pray for your parents and their marriage, and also for healing from whatever they are going through. God knows what they are going through. If they are Christians, I would encourage you to encourage them to pray too.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Thursday wrote:
From: Nikki
Subject: Please pray!!!!
Message Body:
Please pray fervently for my parents and their marriage. For quick healing, deliverance, peace, joy, unity, and protection!!!
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Hi Lynnetta,
In this world, the Lord said we will have many troubles. I encourage you to look back on your life until now and list all the things that the Lord has brought you through. He is not done working in your life, although things are seemingly getting a little more difficult. I encourage you to pray and have your husband pray too. Beyond that, I encourage you to search for help from your church, your family and friends, and the government. I would encourage you to do some Google searches to find help for you and your husband.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. I pray that you and your husband draw near to God during this time and that better days will come. If you have anything else you would like to talk about, email me back, please.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
Bill Greguska
On Tuesday Lynnetta wrote:
From: Lynnetta
Subject: Christian Counseling
Message Body:
I need Christian Counseling help please. I looked up free Christian Counseling, & that is how I found you. My husband had a bilateral cognitive stroke almost a year ago, that has transitioned into, vascular dementia. Our finances are not what they once was, it knocked both of us out of work. He has to have 24/7 care. It has been 1 thing after another, & I could really use some help please.
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Hi Tara,
I am glad you reached out for advice. Have you been praying about the situation between you and your boyfriend? That would be my first suggestion for you to pray about it!
It sounds as though you are making a judgment against your boyfriend?
Is your boyfriend behaving or talking in ways that are ungodly?
Without knowing the entire story about you and your boyfriend, I think you would benefit, (if you really do love him) to be patient with him. Otherwise, if you are thinking that you are not evenly yoked, then maybe you might be wasting your time with him, but that’s not for me to say.
How often does he see you reading your Bible?
It’s good that you want to surround yourself with other Christians. Are you enjoying the church that you’re in? What does your pastor say about this?
Again, I would advise you to pray about these issues and see what God has to say about them!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
From: Tara
Subject: Help
Message Body:
Hello I am in not the greatest situation. I am thankful to God that I have a roof over my head. I want to meet more Christians that believe in The Father The Son and The Holy Ghost. My boyfriend says he believes in God but I have never once seen him read the Bible. He says he’s read the entire thing but cannot quote one verse. I need more out of life. I want to find Christians to guide me. Thank you.
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Hi Lucy,
It sounds like you are on the right track in some areas of your life, yet I would encourage you to find yourself a new church since you mentioned that you had some trauma from your last church. (Ideally, it would be good to resolve your problem with your last church) but whatever reason you left, you will have to decide how grievous it was.
Our free Christian counseling is via email only, not by telephone. If you would like to email me, feel free to do so.
I would encourage you to also find an accountability partner to help point you in the right direction. If you had a church you would not be so lonely.
Ecclesiastes 4:12Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Sunday wrote:
From: Lucy
Subject: In Need of counseling
Message Body:
I am a Christian and would like to talk with a Christian who can give me insight and wisdom on how to manage my life better. I have never done drugs, I don’t smoke and do try to exercise often and try to sleep well and eat what I can but I’m not making much money so I can’t buy much food. Therefore I have been fasting and praying and I still feel stuck and alone. My work has been unsuccessful and need to find something that I can actually do. My self-esteem is completely low. I have withdrawn from most people. I don’t have a church to go to because of some traumatic experiences.
Hi April,
I commented on all the questions that I asked you. Here are my suggestions that I believe will be of help to you.
1) Check out
2) I would encourage you to start off by reading a short devotional each morning that would take less than 10 minutes, you can always add reading your bible too.
3) What did you think of it?
4) I encourage you to start chipping away at some of your negativity and toxicity.
5) Find yourself a new church
6) Healthy food is the fuel for your body and mind.
7) Sounds like you do enough exercises.
8) Try to pick the same time to go to bed each night.
9) Try to cut back on sugar, cutting back 1/2 would be great.
10) I strongly believe that unconfessed sin might be the biggest issue of all 10 I listed.
1 John 1:9-10 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
I encourage you to go over this list again and ask God to help you in each of these areas. I can point things out to you that I believe make sense, but you April, need to get focused and busy getting your life together. I think you are going to be okay. I hope what I have shared with you has been of help to you!
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Saturday wrote:
1. Are you a born-again Christian?
I am not a born again Christian.
2. Do you pray and read your bible each morning?
I do this very rarely, maybe like 2 times every month throughout the year.
3. Did you check out the link I sent you?
Yes I have, gonna be reading it today.
4. What are you willing to let go of in order to have a more fruitful life?
I need to let go of all negativity and toxicity in my life in order to achieve all that God has for me and wants to bless me with.
5. Are you attending a church lately?
I stopped going to church because of my own hypocrisy and being hurt/misjudged by them. Don’t feel belonged or welcomed because I am always being condemned for my sinful lifestyle so I refuse to disrespect God’s temple by attending church.
6. Do you eat healthily?
It’s a balance between healthy and unhealthy food, but starting to be more healthy now with eating just fruits and vegetables.
7. Do you get any exercise?
I dance for 1 hr. daily, go for a walk for 1 hr. daily, go running for 20 mins 2 times in a week, go swimming 3 times in a week, and also do Pilates.
8. Do you sleep 7-8 hours each night?
I sleep more than that because of depression and stress. So, the most sleep I get each night is 10-11 hrs.
9. Do you avoid alcohol and sugar?
I don’t drink, but I crave sugar a lot and eat it all the time. Need to control my intake on that too.
10. Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
Everything that I did wrong haven’t been confessed.
On Thu wrote:
Hi April,
I would encourage you to keep it simple and start at square one.
- Are you a born-again Christian?
- Do you pray and read your bible each morning?
- Did you check out the link I sent you?
- What are you willing to let go of in order to have a more fruitful life?
- Are you attending a church lately?
- Do you eat healthily?
- Do you get any exercise?
- Do you sleep 7-8 hours each night?
- Do you avoid alcohol and sugar?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
Please answer these 10 questions, and I am sure you will be taking a step in the right direction.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Wednesday wrote:
Hello there,
I have been going through severe spiritual warfare with narcissistic abuse from my mother and just chronic/extreme mental illnesses or spiritual strongholds such as addiction, anxiety, anger issues, depression, fear of man, lust, performance, perfectionism, suicide, worry, and unforgiveness.
To help myself, I went to a Christian healing recovery program to get help but it didn’t work out simply bc of my behavior. Also sought out therapy and didn’t work out for me either simply bc it wasn’t Christian-based.
But yeah, I just really need some help. So anything you suggest is what I will do.
I appreciate you and thank you for getting back to me. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
On Wed wrote:
Hi April,
I would be glad to help you. Please let me know briefly what you have gone through and what you have tried to do to help yourself.
I will get back to you as soon as possible and help point you to the Lord.
Here is a link that will give you some clarity and understanding.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on to the Lord, because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Tuesday wrote:
From: April
Subject: Counseling
Message Body:
I am reaching out to receive counseling for my problems, I really need help from healing past traumas in my life.
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Hi Hedi,
Our free Christian counseling is free and we use email as our way of communication. We do not accept any donations except we accept your prayers for our ministry.
We ask anyone who would like counseling to explain the major roadblock they are dealing with, and also what they have tried up until now that has NOT worked.
Feel free to email me and we will point you to Jesus Christ the best we can.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Monday wrote:
Can you give me more information on your kind of counseling. Is it free, can it be via Zoom, donations?
Thank you,
Sent from Outlook for Android
Hi Jenifer,
You are still grieving the loss of your daughter and all the details behind your loss.
There is no magic wand that will take your pain away, but if you give it over to God, He can help you bear it.
I would encourage you to keep trying to pray, get involved with your church for support, and trust that God still has a plan for your life.
I pray you read my previous email over again, but a little slower. I have shared with you what I consider good Christian advice. I acknowledge your pain. I know it is so real to you, but there is a point that we need to start over again. I am not minimizing your pain at all, but I am trying to help you get some healing. It will take some time, but if you stay in the mindset that you are in, you will not find the peace that you want. I am so very sorry for your loss, and I pray God can touch your heart and help you heal and soften your broken heart. Give it over to God.
Do you have any connection with a niece or other children at church or in the community that you could share your love with? I know it is not the same, but it might just be what you need to start healing. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss. I pray you reach out to God with faith that He will hear your prayers.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Bill Greguska
On Saturday wrote:
I used to pray every night asking God to watch over my children and keep them safe. But he didn’t. Many people watched her die that night and did nothing. God watched her die that night and did nothing. Then God watched me suffer and did nothing. I wanted to die without that child. But it was my husband who got mercy. A quick sudden heart attack ended his grieving shortly after our daughter died. Then both my parent died a year later. Then the dog that rescued me died in my arms. But no mercy for me. For 11 years it’s felt like God was punishing me. There’s been no joy at all in my life since the moment that child died. How could there be? How could God not know my existence would be joyless and full of nothing but fear, mistrust, rage, and sorrow after losing a child that way? So no, I don’t think God is responsible; I think he was indifferent. Just absent that night and every night since for these 11 years.
How? How do I get right with God now? How do I even pray when all my prayers have always fallen on deaf ears?
I don’t want to lost, but I am so lost.
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Jenifer,
I can understand the deep feelings of the loss of your daughter, but forgive me for not understanding your anger with God for over 11 years.
I hope you do not feel God caused the death. Do you feel that God should have prevented the death of your daughter somehow?
Well, let’s start fresh today…
You know you can go to God in prayer, and you can talk with Him. Tell Him how you feel and what you feel you need.
Then after doing that, I would encourage you to ask God, “What do you want me to do?” and then sit back and listen to God for a while, sometimes us people like to do all the talking and we sometimes rarely listen to what God is trying to let us know through our prayer and reading of His word.
I can understand that this is a very sensitive issue, but I strongly encourage you to get right with God.
God bless you and I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. Email me back if you wish.
Bill Greguska
On Thursday Jenifer wrote:
From: Jenifer
Subject: Just diagnosed with terminal illness.
Message Body:
I’ve been angry at God for over 11 years; since my daughter was killed by her friends. Lost because he gave me no comfort at all in my profound grief. Now I’ve been diagnosed with late stage heart failure and I’m afraid. Afraid he will reject me as I rejected him. I’m dying and I’m completely lost
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Hi Shawna,
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son. Your feelings must be heart wrenching, but the consolation is that you will come to grips with things in time. I am not saying it will never hurt, but I am saying it will get better. How long has he been gone? Keep in mind that a grieving process is important and that you talk about it and get your feelings and thoughts out with someone.
I encourage you to get back into a routine again as soon as you feel ready. Things like exercising, eating healthy, getting 7-8 hours of sleep, praying and reading your Bible, socializing with family and friends, are some things you can do right away.
Here are a few pages to my site that I think can be of help to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Thursday Shawna wrote:
From: Shawna
Subject: Grieving
Message Body:
Hi I still grieve the loss of my son and at times feel hopeless, rejected and forsaken by God.
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Hi Lesley,
I am sure you realize that a breakup can be very traumatic and drain a lot of energy out of you.
I encourage you to stay close to your friends and family. Take care of your physical health and keep close to God in prayer.
Make sure you get some exercise, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, keep yourself busy with other things, and just ride out the storm.
Here are two links that can be of help to you during a breakup.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Thursday Lesley wrote:
From: Lesley
Subject: Encouragement
Message Body:
Going through a break up. I’m a Christian that needs a lot of help please
Thank you Bill Greguska
Thank you for your email and getting back to me so soon. God bless you. I just feel myself wavering in my faith. I do believe in God but there’s a few doubts and a bit of resistance which I’m not proud of.
I have intrusive thoughts. I don’t believe I am a good Christian I could be better.
I do need to rededicate my life to God. I want to do that. I will.
I don’t belong to a church the church I want to go to my family go to start early. They have an early service I cannot get up because I’m on strong medication for mental health illness I suffer with. I think I need to sleep early even if I have to take a cab and just go. Even if its difficult. Its only close to where I live its a lovely church and it’s the church I want to go to. I Want a strong relationship with God. I want this. I’m very isolated I wish I had some Christian friends although I do have some friends but they are not Christians my boyfriend is. Either I want to believe 100 percent not 95. Its the most important thing to me in my life.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Hi Natalie,
There are some things that I think might help you understand. If you have become a born-again believer, by what it states in:
Romans 10:9-10If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Why do you think your faith is weak? What, or who, are you comparing yourself with to make you think that way?
Either you believe or you do not believe. Yes, you will experience more that time goes by that will draw you closer to God, but please do not think that if you, for example, do not pray with a lot of grace and fancy words, that does not mean your faith is weak. But if you are having doubts about God being your Lord and Savior, then you might rededicate your life to God.
I encourage you to talk to the people at your church and ask them to help you, too. I am assuming you are attending a church.
I hope what I have said has been of help to you. If you have questions, please feel free to email me back.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Thursday Natalie wrote:
From: Natalie
Subject: Being a stronger believer
Message Body:
I want to be a stronger believer in God I need prayer. I feel my belief in God is weak and it needs be stronger I feel embarrassed and silly and irritated that I keep waving in my faith. I feel that by now since everything God has done for me I should know better. Please pray for me I want to follow God that is more important to me than anything in this world I don’t want to doubt or be wavering. I’m sorry If this seems silly but it’s important to me. I don’t want to go to hell please help
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Hi Cameron,
You do not sound thrilled with your situation, which makes me both sad and concerned.
Have you been praying about your marriage coming up?
Have you and your fiance gone through any premarital classes?
Do you have an older couple that you can go to with problems or situations that you need help with? (since you contacted me, I think the answer is no?).
I would suggest that you get busy. If you think these problems are big enough to postpone your wedding, that would be better than rushing into a marriage that would have a big chance of ending up in a divorce court.
You are going to have to do something about your situation. I feel bad for you. I felt a similar way when I got married in 1097; we had a big argument right before the wedding, but we pulled ourselves together enough to go through with it. The marriage was difficult, and she ended up divorcing me to marry someone else in 2007. I am not saying this will happen to you, but it does not sound as though you are building on solid ground, but shifting sand.
I pray you take this to God in prayer and that you do the right thing. If what I have shared has been of help, if so feel free to email me back.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Monday Cameron wrote:
From: Cameron
Subject: Newly wed
Message Body:
Good day
I am getting married in a month and I am terrified. I feel a lot of pressure and I am so stressed because I feel like I still have so much to learn about being a wife, and I do have things that I struggle with that really effects my relationship. My desire is to be the wife that my husband needs and loves and cherishes. But somehow I find myself making a lot of mistakes and I feel like a failure. I also need help with my emotions because I am extremely sensitive and I do get emotional very quickly. I struggle with taking offense to things people say to me (especially my fiance) and I struggle with short temperedness as well. I don’t want these struggles to effect my relationship, but I feel like my fiance is also not mature enough to understand my emotions. He tends to be insensitive to my emotions at times. And when I get emotional he shuts down.
I can’t control what he does. I can just pray for him, but I want to keep my side clean and be the better person. I also don’t want him to effect me as much when he does act immaturely or unreasonably.
I don’t know what to do.
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Thank you, that means a lot.
I am glad what I have shared has been helpful to you. Please try to memorize these scriptures, for they will help protect you and give you the confidence you need.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Psalm 56:11 in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?
Proverbs 4:23Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
God bless you, Bill Greguska
On Friday Shawna wrote:
Thank you, that means a lot. It happened in 2017 but I still go through the emotions to the point where I sometimes feel bad around people with their children, blaming and sometimes question God. Makes me feel very sad
Hi Kevin,
Besides praying to be the first place to start, I would ask you to see if you could delegate some of your responsibilities to others, such as your wife and kids if at all possible. You also need to be assertive and say to when asked to do additional things.
- Are you taking care of your health?
- Eating healthy?
- Exercising?
- Sleeping 7-8 hours a night?
- Do you socialize with friends and family?
- Praying?
- Reading your Bible?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
You might also consider delegating some of your work at work to other employees. Or even cutting out some hours like one day a week or every other week if your boss would be understanding. Or even one hour a day?
I hope what I have shared has been of some help to you. Email me back. Our ministry does not do phone counseling, unfortunately.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Sunday Kevin wrote:
From: Kevin
Subject: Struggling with Anxiety/work/trusting in God
Message Body:
Hello – I would like to talk to someone about my anxiety. It is getting to the point where it is becoming difficult to stay employed or to be present and helpful for my wife and kids. I feel a deep sense of shame, as well, for feeling this way because I am a Christ follower and do trust Him, but for some reason I cannot get past this and it is becoming debilitating. Thanks so much for your help and your ministry.
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Hi Zachary,
You are wise to know that your marriage is in jeopardy and wise enough to try to get some help.
Marriage counseling is best when both the husband and wife can be in the same room with the counselor or pastor. I would encourage you to contact your pastor or counselor, and see if he could talk with the two of you.
Since you know you are personally struggling yourself, you need to pray about your situation and ask the Lord to help you.
Figure out where you went astray, and also figure out how you’re going to get back on track.
I hope you take my advice and get some marriage counseling in person.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Mon Zachary wrote:
From: Zachary
Subject: Marriage Counseling/ Individual Counseling
Message Body:
Hello, my marriage is in jeopardy if I don’t get help soon. I’m a Christian but I’ve backslid quite a ways from where I once was in my faith. Also, I struggle with mental health issues like anger and insecurity and what I believe to be bipolar disorder. I would really like to just talk to someone that can help.
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Hi Renaye,
I am sorry to hear that your husband has turned away from the Lord for now. Let’s pray he comes back as the prodigal son did. God’s mercy and love through the Holy Spirit can do a good work in your husband.
You said he turned away, so I assume he went to church with you, and at church, there are men who can walk beside him and help to bring him back. Does he have a buddy or two that you could contact to encourage them to spend some time with your husband to see if they can help him?
Keep praying and do not give up on your faith. Try to be loving and respectful, but do not allow him to talk disrespectfully to the Lord or to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Sunday Renaye wrote:
From: Renaye
Subject: Marriage
Message Body:
My husband has turned away from God. I’m not sure if he ever was a true Christian now that I think about it. I know the bible says a wife will win over her husband with gentle words but we just don’t see eye to eye on anything. I need your prayers and advice.
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Hi Shane,
I was wondering if you have been praying about this every day when you wake up in the morning. I can hear the pain that you are going through.
You seem to realize that homosexuality and living a life of drugs do not please God. Yet your flesh is somewhat weak at this point. I would encourage you to find someone that you trust who is a Christian to help you walk through this. It is called having an accountability partner. Someone who can ask you how you are doing and you can tell them. Or you can just contact them to let them know that you are doing well or even struggling. But on your own, you are not in good company.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Thursday Shane wrote:
From: Shane
Subject: Broken
Message Body:
I was saved in my teen years and lived for God up into my early 20s. I strayed away from God into homosexuality and a life of drugs. Over the last 16 years I’ve been trying to overcome my homosexual desires, and porn. It just seems the more I try and turn from these sins the more they pull me in. I’m not living the gay lifestyle anymore but those desires just won’t leave. I’ve asked forgiveness over and over and keep repenting but I can’t seem to break free. I love Jesus and I try to serve God as best as I can but I’m just so broken and feel as if I’m hopeless. I’ve asked Jesus into my heart thousands of times. How crazy is that because I know he saved me. When I’m in church all I feel is condemnation and I can’t break this cycle. I know the devil is a liar and he’s telling me these lies but no matter how much scripture I quote nor how much I pray, I still feel so utterly broken. Thank you for listening and praying for me.
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Hi Esther,
I am glad you want some help with your anger. What have you tried up until now to get your anger under control that works and also does not work?
Let me know, and I will get back to you with some more ideas that can be of help to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Saturday Esther wrote:
From: Esther
Subject: Anger management
Message Body:
I need help to overcome anger
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Hi Mike,
Your request is very honorable. What have you been trying to do so far to get on the path to God’s love?
Here is a link that can be of help to you to get back on track.
Are you attending a church right now?
Do you have an accountability partner?
I hope what I have shared is a help to you. If you would like to email me back, please feel free to do so.
Bill Greguska
On Wednesday Mike wrote:
From: Mike
Subject: Gods love
Message Body:
I need help getting on the path to God’s love
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Hi Shaunie,
My wife left me too back in 2005 and I was given counsel to not divorce her. I listened to the counsel and I see the good it was not to seek a divorce. Eventually, in 2007, she wanted to get married, so she initiated a divorce.
God hates divorce and since you are safe from any physical harm from your husband, for what it is worth, you might consider doing what I did and ride out the storm. Keep praying that God touches his heart and makes him new. Then and only then would I encourage you to take him back. If he has been having sex with many women, you do have grounds for divorce, but it is up to you and God to decide that. Stay close to God and close to those who encourage and help you.
Take this time to heal and ask God to give you wisdom and peace from what you have gone through.
God bless you, I hope what I have shared has been of help to you.
Bill Greguska
On Saturday Shaunie wrote:
From: Shaunie
Subject: Husband left
Message Body:
My husband left a few months ago. He only left a note for my daughter and I. I have been in a place of not trusting my husband for years. There has been lots of infidelities. This created lots of tension and arguing in our marriage. The last two years of our 20 year marriage were just filled with arguing and I have come to find out that my husband was telling people he was going to leave. He left in June. Only leaving a note. I am up and down through all of this. Very emotional one day and the other up. I want my marriage one minute and the other I don’t. I just want freedom from this, and the hurt to seize.
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Hi Jeremy,
It is good that you want to “work on yourself” although you would be better off allowing the “Lord to work on you” and your heart and mind to accept His will to be your will.
Addictions can be difficult, I was addicted to alcohol and drugs and have now by the grace of God have been clean and sober since June 25th 1986.
The reason I say this it to make you aware that you too have a testimony of how God has worked in your life!
I encourage you to keep your eyes on God, get involved in your church, find someone who will help keep you accountable, and someday soon I trust that you too will share your testimony with others to be an encouragement to them!
God bless you! If you have any questions, please let me know.
Bill Greguska
On Tuesday Jeremy wrote:
From: Jeremy
Subject: Myself and family issues
Message Body:
I want to work on myself and to have a right mindset
To stop my bad addiction and to resist temptation
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I do try to pray about this more and more frequently, and I told my youth pastor’s wife about my struggle
On Sat, May 11, 2:53 a.m. Mahlet A. wrote:
Thank you, I have a church, 2 I visit.
On Fri, May 10, 8:28 p.m. / Bill wrote:
Hi Mahlet,
I can neither discipline you nor hold you accountable. You must submit to God and allow Him to work in your life.
Have you been praying about your situation?
What does your pastor say about what you are referring to?
Do you go to church? If not, here is a link for you to find a church.
I pray that you reach out to God, confess your sins, and get right with God.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or live chat
Your Message
Hi, I’m in search for counseling and have had some confusing spiritual backgrounds, and trauma, and am seeking help.
Hi Lorie,
Our counseling is free. We just ask you to explain your biggest issue and what you have done so far to make things better.
Please explain briefly what you are referring to, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or live chat
On Saturday, May 11, at 03:24:17 PM CDT, <> wrote:
Thanks a lot, you don’t know how much this means to me!
On Sat, May 11, at 10:11 PM / Bill wrote:
Hi Kayla,
My first question to you would be, “Are you praying about your situation/”
As far as your losing friends, that happens in life. Keep in mind that you can only control certain things. You can not control how others react to you. But you can do your part in figuring out how to be a good friend to others. Do not expect too much from people as a general rule. People let people down all the time. Look at the percentages of divorces in the USA.
Another thought to consider is, “Have you been taking good care of your general health?”
- Are you eating healthy?
- Are you getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night?
- Are you exercising daily?
- Are you avoiding alcohol and drugs?
- Are you spending time with family and friends?
- Are you making sure you laugh a little each day?
- Are you trying to help others in any way?
- Are you praying each morning when you wake up?
- Are you reading your bible each morning, too?
- Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life?
I hope the ideas I shared with you can help. Keep your eyes on the Lord, and other things that are less important will simply fade into the background.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
If you would like to email me back, please feel free to do so.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or live chat
On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 09:13:18 PM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
Hello! I first want to appreciate you guys for creating a wonderful website, it’s truly nice to see that there are still amazing people like you guys out here. Lately, I’ve been feeling really bad mentally, I’m losing all my friends, and I’m slowly drifting away from God and becoming envious of everyone I see. I know this is wrong and I need to stop, but I’ve been trying to stop for over 4 months and I just can’t do it, just to hear another person motivate me would genuinely lighten up my world and mean so much knowing someone can support me. I promise I can change after this. Thanks a lot.
Hi Hannah,
I thank you for reaching out to me. I think I may know how you are feeling. I’m now 63 years old and I remember back in high school when I was very depressed, so I cried out for attention by cutting my left arm. I really didn’t want to die, but I didn’t really want to live the way I was living. I was really struggling with drugs and alcohol.
You need to surround yourself with people who love and care about you. I would encourage you to find a Bible believing Church.–church
Use your words and share how you feel instead of doing self-harm to yourself. Also I’m sure you think about your own self quite a bit which I’m sure depresses you, I would encourage you to find someone you can encourage and in doing so that will encourage you. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Is there something in your life right now that’s been heavy on your heart and making you feel depressed? You need to think and identify what’s the root of your problem, then you can ask God for help and wisdom to know what to do.
It says in the book of James 1:5 if any of you lack wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it’ll be given to you.
Have you taken this problem to God in prayer?
The fact that you have reached out for help means you want things better in your life which is a good sign!
Here are a couple other thoughts to consider beside your spiritual life.
Are you eating healthy?
Are you drinking enough water each day?
Are you getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night?
Do you get exercise each day?
Do you have a social life with family and friends?
Do you have an accountability partner?
Are you dwelling on negative thoughts?
You try to find things that are humorous to watch?
You have any unconfessing in your life?
I hope these questions plant some good seeds in your mind to help you further! I hope what I have shared has been an encouragement to you.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
On Sun, May 19, at 3:34 PM,
<> wrote:
Self harm
Your Message
I’m just really struggling with self harm and can’t seem to overcome it. I don’t know what to do anymore
Hi Alfa,
I am verry sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. I can imagine doing school work could be much more difficult at this time.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
Do you believe that with God all things are possible?
I am not aware if you are a believer in Jesus Christ or not, but I am sure you might have prayed about this already?
Do you realize you have options.
Obviously you would like to graduate on time right, but if the loss of your mum has affected you so greatly, you have the option to graduate next year?
Or if you think you can get your emotions together, then I would suggest trying to push through and graduate. It is totally up to you..
At the same time it seems like you need some time to grieve the loss of your mum.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you!
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 orLive Chat
Want to start a new life? Click Here!
On Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 11:09:04 PM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
I am currently in my final year of medical school. Few months ago I lost my mum and since then I’ve not been able to focus on my exams. I’ve been feeling really discouraged lately and I feel like I’m falling behind.
Hi Cheryl,
It sounds like you need to do some praying, reevaluating and planning in order to make your situation better. My first suggestion I would encourage you to pray about your situation. Simply ask God, “Lord. what do you want me to do?”
Then try to listen to the voice of God speak to you in your thoughts to direct you what to do next.
There are other churches that I am sure would welcome you with open arms. It is a shame that you church has not been helpful to you.
What your pastor said was totally wrong and way out of line! Please forgive him and dust off your shoes from those who are not for you.
I was a care giver for 7 1/2 years for a guy who had cerebral palsy. His name was Ben, and he was the greatest guy! Ben had a Dynovox talking machine that I helped program for him, we went places and he was a fantastic guy! Yes, he too had seizures from time to time, but his medication helped!
Cheryl, I hope what I have shared has been a help to you. Please check out the links and if you wish to email me back, please feel free to do so.
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~ View My Book!
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
Want to start a new life? Click Here!
On Sunday, June 16, at 11:39:28 AM CDT, <> wrote:
Confused and lost
Your Message
I have Cerebral Palsy and seizures. I have been asked not to go to my home church since I disrupt service. I cannot drive and live by myself. No one comes to see me or check up on me. I haven’t heard from my son since 2021. I feel completely abandoned by everyone including my heavenly father. Why is this happening? What have I done wrong? My abilities to do things for myself and other people are gradually disappearing. When I asked my neurologist about it, he said be grateful I am still alive at 52 since most patients with my conditions are dead before 30. I am completely house bound so I have no spiritual support in this matter. Why won’t someone pick me up for church? Am I demon possessed as 1 pastor told me?
Hi Sean,
Kids go through more stress that we can imagine.
Are you and your wife spend time with her the three of you, and also you and your daughter. And you and your wife. Spending time is a great way to ask probing questions to help figure out what she is going through.
With what you shared, she sound like she is insecure, fearful, lacking some confidence.
You and your wife have a great advantage over a counselor. What I mean is that your love for your daughter is powerful and with patience and reassurance, you can help peal off the onion skin layers to get to the heart of what is bothering your daughter.
You can ask her questions that will open doors of communication and to be able to gain insights about your daughter. Such question can be very simple such as:
- If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
- Who is your best friend and why?
- What is your biggest worries in life lately?
- What do others like best about you.
- What can mom and I do to help you?
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
I hope what I have shared has been of help to you. If you wish to email me back if you have any question, please feel free to do so.
God Bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Tuesday, June 18, at 09:34:19 AM CDT, <> wrote:
Help for our daughter
Your Message
Good morning,
My wife and I need help but can’t afford the costs that people charge. Honestly, how could we afford $150 an hour?
Our thirteen year old daughter has had troubles for some time with her emotions. We have had to move her to different schools due to behavioral problems such as refusing to take tests.
She has a lot of social anxiety and has occasionally written things that read like suicidal ideation but she claims isn’t, that’s just how she and her friends talk.
We don’t know how to help her. We are praying for God’s help.
Hi Todd,
The biggest piece of advice I can give you about forgiveness, is that God commands us to forgive one another, and beside that, when we hold on to unforgiveness it is like drinking poison and thinking the other person is going to die.
Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Here is a couple links that can be of help to you.
I hope what I have shared with you will be of help to you,
God bless you,
Bill Greguska
Only God Can Move Mountains ~View My Book!
Want To Know God Better?
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!
Encouragement 24/7 Call ~ 800-633-3446 or Live Chat
On Saturday, June 15, at 09:41:57 AM CDT, <> wrote:
Your Message
I am a senior who lives alone. I don’t have any family or relatives. I have struggled with honest forgiveness for a very long time. I can say I forgive the people who hurt me. The problem is in my heart and mind I know I don’t. The ridiculous and sad thing is. The people who hurt me so deeply. Have not been in my life for many years. I keep feeling that I want them to pay for what they did to me. I know that is not up to me. It’s God’s decision on what to do about the people who hurt me. I would love to rid myself of these feelings. It seems that no matter what I do nothing helps. I would sincerely appreciate any advice you can give me.
Thank You
I’ve recently started a web site, the information you offer on this web site has helped me greatly. Thanks for all of your time & work.