We Need More Faith ~ More Than Trusting Feelings!

Feelings are fleeting, but more importantly we need more faith!

Need More Faith? NeedEncouragement.com

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We all need more faith to navigate through life. It’s not just about the big things, like believing in God, but also the small things we do daily without even realizing it. When we sit down on a chair, we trust it will hold us up and not collapse under our weight. We demonstrate our faith in the chair. We have faith that the people around us will keep their promises and be there for us when we need them. Faith gives us hope and helps us push through difficult times.

Face It ~ We Need More Faith. Marriages Would Last Longer, And We Could Surrender Our Problems To God! Even If Some People May Find Faith Illogical ~ Faith And Trust Have An Incredible Power To Help Us Overcome Obstacles That Seem Insurmountable. When I Pray For Guidance For My Problems. God Listens Intently And Works Behind The Scenes To Help Me Find A Way Forward. I Know This Because Of Faith!

So, if you ever feel lost or unsure where your path is leading you, remember that you need faith to keep going. Trusting God can give you hope when everything else seems bleak, providing comfort during those moments of doubt and despair. Keep praying and seeking guidance from God when He prompts you – because anything is possible with His guiding hand! My faith finds its foundation in Jesus Christ and what His word says in the Bible; my reliance on Him strengthens as God answers my prayers time after time, allowing me to experience His mighty power and unwavering strength firsthand.” ~ Bill Greguska

James 2:5  Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?



Need More Faith ~ But First Facts!

Need Faith! NeedEncouragement.com

Ten Ways To Discover Encouragement For Yourself:

  1. Encouragement for Relationships
  2. Encouragement to End an Addiction
  3. Encouragement for Your Faith 
  4. Encouragement from Many Topics
  5. Encouragement to Pray Daily
  6. Encouragement from our Ideas List
  7. Encouragement via Chatting
  8. Encouragement from our Sitemap 
  9. Encouragement from a Free Bible
  10. Encouragement from My Book

Find out what God’s Word says about your situation and what to do about it ~ Click here.



Do You Need Faith ~ What Is Your Faith In?




Get Encouragement From Having A Strong Faith!

Define your faith!

Encouragement to look beyond your difficulties, knowing that God is not done with you yet!

Grow in the root of all grace, which is faith. Believe in God’s promises more firmly than ever. Allow your faith to increase in its fullness, firmness, and simplicity. ~ Charles Spurgeon

1 Corinthians 13:13  And now these three remain faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.



God Is Awesome!

Do You Have Faith In God?

Faith in God is the ability to trust His Word over our preferences.

God has worked in my life over the past many years. I just figured out what God taught me to hold on too tightly. I hope it inspires you to think about what God is doing in your life.


  • God has always loved me both when I do good and I don’t do good. I was born a sinner, but God loves me anyway.



  • Resurrected from the dead, the Holy Spirit to guide me and give, not fear.


  • Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to guide me and give me wisdom and strength.



Do You Need More Faith?


More About What God Has Done In My Life!Do you have faith in God?

  • God forgives me and cleanses me from all my sins, past, present, and future, which gives me freedom. In turn, I forgive others, too.


  • He prepared a place in heaven, not because I am a nice guy, but because grace saves me since I have accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. I encourage you to stay on track or get back on track!


  • He lives inside of me through the Holy Spirit, and I live for Him and share Him with others as often as I can in any way I can.



More About What God Has Done In My Life!

  • God taught me to encourage others more, even when others are not acting lovable.
  • He comforts, encourages, and wakes me daily to do his will.
  • My Lord and Savior’s plan for my life that I can discover one day at a time.



What Does Your Faith Cost You? Do You Need More Faith?

The Smallest Amount Of Faith Can Change Things!

Find encouragement to change the things you need to change!

It is probably time to ask God to help you with things that need changing. 

I believe that church and fellowship, Bible study, daily Bible reading, journaling, praying, and even Christian music help us become the people God wants us to become. It feels so good, and I am so thankful to see that I am growing in the way of the Lord, and I Praise God for that!

Take a moment to Praise God for the growth that you are experiencing, too!

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Most of us have, at some point, questioned our faith in God. What have you determined in your heart and mind about your faith? You can now take time in front of your computer and think about this question.

You may want to pray about it, or you may need to talk with a Christian friend or pastor to give you some help. No matter what you choose to do, please do something. ~ Bill Greguska



Here Are Some Helpful Links:Faith in God!




Did You Know There Are 967 Names And Titles Of God?

Alphabetical List Of Names

A   B     D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   V     Y   Z

The above names of God are from ~ ChristianAnswers.net.



How To Restore My Broken Faith?


Here Are 179 Names Of The Messiah

  1. ABRAHAM’S SEED – Gal. 3:16; Heb. 2:16
  2. ALIVE FOR EVERMORE – Rev. 1:18
  3. ALL IN ALL – Col. 3:11
  4. ALMIGHTY (EL SHADDAI) – Gen. 35:11, Ex. 6:3
  5. ALPHA AND OMEGA – Rev.1:8, Rev. 1:11, Rev. 21:6, Rev. 22:13
  6. AMEN, THE – Rev. 3:14
  7. ANCIENT OF DAYS – Dan. 7:9, Dan. 7:13, Dan. 7:22
  8. ANGEL OF GOD – Gen. 21:17, Ex. 14:19, Dan. 3:28
  9. ANGEL OF HIS PRESENCE – Isa. 63:9
  10. ANGEL OF THE LORD – Gen.16:7, Ex. 3:2, Isa. 37:36
  11. ANOINTED – Psa. 2:2, Acts 4:27
  12. BEFORE ALL THINGS – Col. 1:17
  13. BEGINNING – Col. 1:18, Rev.1:8, Rev. 21:6, Rev. 22:13, Rev. 3:14
  14. BELOVED – Isa. 5:1, Matt. 3:17, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22
  15. BLESSED POTENTATE – 1 Tim. 6:15
  16. BRANCH – Isa. 4: 2, Isa. 11:1, Jer. 23:5, Jer. 33:15, Zech. 3:8
  17. BREAD – John 6:33, 6:32, 6:41, 6:35, 48
  18. BRIDEGROOM – Matt. 9:15, Mark 2:19, Luke 5:34
  19. BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR – Rev. 22:16
  21. BUCKLER – 2 Sam. 22:31, Psa. 18:2, Prov. 2:7
  23. CARPENTER – Mark 6:3
  24. CARPENTER’S SON – Matt. 13:55
  25. CHRIST – Matt. 16:16, Luke 20:41, John 6:69
  26. CHRIST JESUS – Acts 19:4, Rom. 3:24, Gal. 2:4
  27. CHRIST JESUS LORD – 2 Cor. 4:5, Col. 2:6
  28. CHRIST THE LORD – Luke 2:11
  29. CHOSEN – Matt. 12:18, Luke 23:35, 1 Pet. 2:4
  30. CLOTHED WITH MAJESTY – Psa. 93:1; 104:1
  31. COMMANDER – Isa. 55:4
  32. CORNERSTONE – Psa. 118:22, Isa. 28:16, Eph. 2:20
  33. COUNSELOR – Isa. 9:6
  34. CREATOR – Isa.40:28, 43:15, Rom. 1:25, 1 Pet. 4:19
  35. CROWN OF GLORY – Isa. 28:5
  36. DAVID – Jer. 30:9, Ezek. 34:23
  37. DAYSTAR – 2 Pet. 1:19
  38. DAYSPRING – Luke 1:78
  39. DEFENSE – Job 22:25, Psa. 59:16, Psa. 62:2, Psa. 89:18, Psa. 94:22
  40. DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS – Hag. 2:7
  41. DELIVERER- Psa. 18:2, Psa. 40:17, Psa. 70:5, Psa. 144:2, Rom. 11:26
  42. DIADEM OF BEAUTY – Isa. 28:5
  43. DOOR, THE – John 10:7
  44. DWELLING PLACE – Psa. 90:1
  45. ELECT – Isa. 42:1, 1 Pet. 2:6


Some More!

  1. EMMANUEL – Isa. 7:14, 8:8, Matt. 1:23
  2. END, THE – Rev. 21:6, 22:13
  3. ENSIGN – Isa. 11:10, 11:12
  4. EQUAL WITH GOD – John 5:18, Phil. 2:6
  5. ETERNAL GOD – Deut. 33:27
  6. ETERNAL LIFE – 1 John 1:2, 5:20
  8. FAITHFUL- Deut. 7:9, Isa. 49:7, 1 John 1:9, Rev. 19:11
  9. FATHER OF GLORY, THE – Eph. 1:17
  10. FINISHER OF OUR FAITH – Heb. 12:2
  11. FIRST, THE – Rev. 1:11, Rev. 1:17, Rev. 2:8, Rev. 22:13
  12. FIRST AND THE LAST – Isa. 48:12
  13. FIRST BEGOTTEN – Rev. 1:5
  14. FORERUNNER – Heb. 6:20
  15. FORTRESS- 2 Sam. 22:2, Psa. 18:2, 31:3, 71:3, Jer. 16:19
  16. FOUNDATION- Isa. 28:16, 1 Cor. 3:11
  17. FOUNTAIN- Zech. 13:1
  18. FRIEND- Prov. 18:24, Matt. 11:19, Luke 7:34
  19. GIFT OF GOD – 2 Cor. 9:15
  20. GOD- Gen. 22:8, Deut. 6:4, Jn. 1:1, Rom. 5:8, Phil. 2:6
  21. GOOD SHEPHERD – John 10:11, John 10:14
  22. GREAT GOD – Neh. 8:6, Psa. 95:3, Tit. 2:13, Rev. 19:17
  23. HEAD OF THE CORNER – Matt. 21:42
  24. HIGH PRIEST – Heb. 2:17, 4:14-15, 6:20, 7:26, 8:1, 9:119
  25. HEIR – Mic. 1:15, Matt. 21:38, Mark 12:7, Luke 20:14
  26. HOLY ONE – Isa. 40:25, Hab. 1:12, Acts 3:14
  27. HOLY ONE OF GOD – Mark 1:24, Luke 4:34
  28. HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL – Isa. 5:24, 12:6, 54:5
  29. HOLY ONE OF JACOB – Isa. 29:23
  30. HOPE OF ISRAEL – Jer. 14:8, 17:13
  31. HORN OF DAVID – Psa. 18:2, 132:17, 18:2, 1 Sam. 2:10,
  32. I AM – Ex. 3:14, John 8:58
  33. IMAGE OF GOD – 2 Cor. 4:4
  35. IMMANUEL – Isa. 7:14, 8:8
  36. ISRAEL Isa. 49:3, Hos. 11:1, Matt. 2:15
  37. JEHOVAH – Ex. 6:3, Psa. 83:18
  38. JESUS – Matt. 4:23, Mark 6:4, Luke 1:31
  39. JESUS CHRIST – John 17:3, Acts 2:38, Rom. 6:23
  40. JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH – Acts 3:6, 4:10
  43. JESUS THE SON OF GOD – Heb. 4:14
  44. JESUS OF NAZARETH – Matt. 26:71, Acts 2:22
  45. JUDGE OF ISRAEL – Mic. 5:1

Additional Names!

  1. JUST MAN – Matt. 27:19
  2. JUST PERSON – Matt. 27:24
  3. JUST ONE – Acts 3:14, Acts 7:52, Acts 22:14
  4. KING – Isa. 43:15, Zech. 9:9, Matt. 21:5, 25:34, Acts17:7
  5. KING OF GLORY – Psa. 24:7, 24:8, 24:9, 24:10
  6. KING OF ISRAEL – Matt. 27:42, Mark 15:32, John 1:49,
  7. KING OF JACOB – Isa. 41:21
  8. KING OF KINGS – I Tim. 6:15, Rev. 17:14, Rev. 19:16
  9. KING OF THE JEWS – Matt. 27:37; Luke 23:3
  10. LAMB OF GOD – John 1:29, 1:36
  11. LAST ADAM (SECOND ADAM) – 1 Cor. 15:45
  12. LAWGIVER – Isa. 33:22
  13. LEADER – Isa. 55:4
  14. LIFE, THE – John 11:25, 14:6
  15. LIGHT – John 1:4, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9
  16. LIGHT OF THE WORLD – John 8:12, 9:5
  17. LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDA – Rev. 5:5
  18. LORD AND SAVIOR – II Pet. 1:11, II Pet.2:20, II Pet. 3:2, II Pet. 3:18
  19. LORD JEHOVAH – Isa. 12:2, Isa 26:4
  20. LORD JESUS – Luke 24:3, Acts 1:21, Rom. 10:9
  21. LORD GOD OF GODS – Josh. 22:22
  22. LORD JESUS CHRIST – Acts 16:31, Phil. 3:20, Jude 21
  23. LORD OF THE HARVEST – Matt. 9:38, Luke 10:2
  24. LORD OF PEACE – II Thess. 3:16
  25. MAN CHRIST JESUS, THE – I Tim. 2:5
  26. MASTER – Matt. 8:19, 12:38, 22:36, Mark 9:38, Eph. 6:9
  27. MEDIATOR – I Tim. 2:5, Heb. 12:24
  29. MESSIAH – Dan. 9:25-26
  30. MESSIAH – John 1:41, John 4:25-26
  31. MIGHTY GOD – Isa. 9:6
  32. MIGHTY ONE OF JACOB – Isa. 49:26
  33. MORNING STAR – Rev. 22:16
  34. MY LORD AND MY GOD – John 20:28
  35. NAZARENE – Matt. 2:23
  36. OFFSPRING OF DAVID – Rev. 22:16
  37. OMEGA – Rev. 22:13
  39. ONLY BEGOTTEN SON – John 1:18, John 3:16, 1 John 4:9
  40. OUR HOPE – 1 Tim. 1:1
  41. OUR LIFE – Col. 3:4
  42. OUR PEACE – Eph. 2:14
  43. PEACE (JEHOVAH SHALOM) – Judg. 6:24
  44. PHYSICIAN – Luke 4:23
  45. PORTION OF JACOB – Jer. 10:16, 51:19


Names Of The Messiah

  1. PRINCE AND SAVIOR – Acts 5:31
  2. PRINCE OF PEACE – Isa. 9:6
  3. PRINCE OF PRINCES – Dan. 8:25
  5. PROPHET – Deut.18:18, Matt. 21:11, Luke 24:19
  6. RABBI – Matt. 23:7, 23:8, John 1:38, 1:49
  7. RABBONI – John 20:16
  8. RANSOM – Matt. 20:28, Mark 10:45, I Tim. 2:6
  9. REDEEMER – Isa. 48:17, 49:7, 49:26, 54:5, 59:20, 63:9
  10. RESURRECTION – John 11:25
  11. RIGHTEOUS BRANCH – Jer. 23:5
  12. RIGHTEOUS JUDGE – II Tim. 4:8
  13. ROCK OF SALVATION – Deut. 32:15, Psa. 89:26, 95:1
  14. ROCK OF ISRAEL – II Sam. 23:3
  15. ROD OUT OF THE STEM – Isa. 11:10
  16. ROOT-Isa 53:2
  18. ROOT OF DAVID – Rev. 5:5
  19. ROOT OF JESSE – Isa. 11:10, Rom. 15:12
  20. RULER – Matt. 2:6
  21. SERVANT – Isa. 42:1, Isa. 49:3, Isa. 52:13
  22. SHEPHERD – Ps. 23:1, 80:1, I Pet. 2:25
  23. SHILOH – Gen. 49:10
  24. SON OF ABRAHAM – Matt. 1:1, Luke 19:9
  25. SON OF DAVID – Matt. 1:1, 9:27, 15:22, 20:30, 21:9,
  26. SON OF GOD-Dan. 3:25, Matt. 4:3, Mark 3:11
  27. SON OF JOSEPH – John 1:45, 6:42
  28. SON OF MARY – Mark 6:3
  29. SON OF THE BLESSED – Mark 14:61
  30. SON OF THE HIGHEST – Luke 1:32
  31. SON OF THE LIVING GOD – Matt. 16:16, John 6:69
  33. SPIRIT OF GOD – Rom. 8:9, 8:14, 15:19
  34. STAR – Num. 24:17
  35. TENDER PLANT-Isa 53:2
  36. TRUE VINE – John 15:1
  37. TRUTH – John 14:6
  38. VINE – John 15:5
  39. WAY – John 14:6
  40. WITNESS – Isa. 55:4
  41. WONDERFUL – Isa. 9:6
  42. WORD, THE -John 1:1
  43. WORD OF GOD, THE – Rev. 19:13
  44. WORD OF LIFE, THE – 1 John 1:1



Some Specific Scriptures to To Encourage You:

Romans 10:17 ESV 

So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.

Hebrews 11:1 ESV

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

James 2:17 ESV 

So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Hebrews 11:6 ESV 

And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Ephesians 2:8 ESV 

For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

Romans 3:28 ESV 

For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.



Find Hope And Encouragement From Our Links!

  1. If you just started believing in God, we have a page specifically for you.
  2. If you are dealing with anger, stress, or depression, we have information to help you.
  3. We have phone helplines, website links, and YouTube videos.
  4. You can learn more about us, our goals, and our purpose.
  5. If you have a drug/alcohol problem or want to get right with God, you are at the right place!
  6. If you need to talk to someone right away, you can call 800-633-3446 or click here.
  7. Finally, if you have any questions or want to get on our email list, just let us know.


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