Why Psalm 23 Is So Wonderful?

Psalm 23 our Shepard giving us words of encouragement!

Why Psalm 23 Is So Wonderful? NeedEncouragement.com

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Why Psalm 23 is so wonderful to me because we are reminded of the incredible love and care that our Lord offers us. Just as a shepherd tends to his flock, God takes on the role of our guiding and protecting shepherd. When we surrender to Him, we enter into a beautiful relationship where He becomes our everything. We lack nothing because He supplies us with all that we need. In times when life becomes overwhelming and exhausting, He gently leads us to lie down in green pastures, granting us much-needed rest for our weary souls. 

And Just Like A Peaceful Stream Soothes The Parched Land, God Refreshes Us When Stress Overwhelms, Or Anger Consumes Us. God’s Presence Rejuvenates And Heals Every Aspect Of Who We Are – Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul – Providing Comfort Beyond Measure. Sometimes, In Life’s Intricate Maze, Losing Sight Of Which Path To Take Is Easy. But Fear Not! For His Guidance Is Ever-present, Even When Confusion Or Feelings Of Being Lost Can Be Overwhelming To Us.

And when darkness looms around every corner—whether it be temptation from the world or internal struggles within ourselves—the Lord is by our side as the shadow dissipates before His light. Evil may try to invade our hearts with fear and doubt, yet courage rises up within through His protection granted by the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Remember this encouraging truth in Psalm 23: The LORD is my shepherd; you have offered me a relationship with you as my protecting shepherd. ~ Bill Greguska

Psalm 23:1-3  The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.


Psalm 23 Is A Very Popular Psalm!

Psalm 23 He had compassion on them. because they were like sheep without a shepherd. NeedEncouragment.com

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You’ll Never Read Psalm 23 The Same!



Psalm 23 Magnified:


The LORD is my shepherd = 

(Offers Me A Relationship With Him As My Protecting Shepherd, Lord And Savior)

I lack nothing =

(Meets All My Needs)

He makes me lie down in green pastures =

(Gives me rest when I am weary)

He leads me beside quiet waters =

(Refreshes me when stressed, angry, or anxious)

He refreshes my soul =

(Heals my heart, mind, body, and soul)

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake =

(Guides me when I’m confused or lost)

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death =

(Present when the world, my flesh, or the devil tempt me)

I will fear no evil = 

(Protects me through the Holy Spirit)

For you are with me =

(Faithfully watches over me)

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me =

(Disciplines me for my own good because He loves me.)

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies =

(Gives me hope and protection when I am afraid)

You anoint my head with oil =

(Blesses me In many special ways)


You Anoint Our Heads With Oil ~  Shepherd Protects Their Sheep!



My cup overflows =

(Gives me more than I need)

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life =

(Blessings are beyond generous)

And I will dwell in the house of the LORD =

(Provide me with permanent lodging and Salvation)

Forever =

(Blessed me with eternity with Him In heaven)

A Message Of Comfort, Protection, Grace!  Psalm 23

Psalm 23 Is A Beautiful And Comforting Passage! 

Psalm 23 reminds us of our Lord’s unwavering presence and faithful protection. “For you are with me” assures that amidst life’s trials and uncertainties, we are never alone. Our Heavenly Father lovingly watches over us every step of the way. Just as a shepherd uses their rod and staff to discipline their flock when they stray off course, God gently corrects us when we veer from His path because God deeply cares for our well-being.

The Lord Is My Shepherd ~ Psalm 23:1

Psalm 23 ~ Is A Beautiful Reminder Of God’s Love For Us!

When fear creeps in and enemies surround us, we find peace in knowing that God prepares a table before us in their presence. This signifies sustenance, hope, and divine protection during times of adversity – an assurance that no matter what challenges lie ahead, He is keeping watch over us.
Through anointing our heads with oil, God blesses us abundantly with His favor and grace – pouring blessings upon our lives so generously that it surpasses even our own needs. Surely, His incredible goodness will follow us throughout our lives; His generosity has no end! In this eternal journey guided by faith, we find comfort in dwelling forever in the house of the LORD, where permanent lodging awaits alongside salvation – a promise filled with everlasting joy and fulfillment beyond measure. ~ Bill Greguska


Psalm 23 ~ The Lord Is My Shepherd!

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